Temple dedication services and unworthy members


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I'm really struggling because the Church is going to be dedicating Provo City Center Temple in two months. And, now, it'll be the third time since moving to Provo that I'm going to be shut out from church services on a Sunday. Anyone know if the Church leadership has addressed issues like this for members who aren't worthy to go to the temple and find themselves not allowed to be in a Sunday service with their peers and fellow ward members who are temple-worthy. When Brigham City Temple was dedicated, I just felt like the Lord was telling me to go home, and I was not welcomed to His meetinghouses on that Sabbath Day. It really hurts feeling shut out by the Church like that.

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Yeah. You can look at this as an example of the gospel at large. God doesn't shut anyone out. All are free to come to Him. But there is a means to come to Him. We can choose to make use of those means or not. It's hardly fair to blame God if he's given us a key to the door, we refuse to use it, but then we complain at being locked out.

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I understand the feeling of being excluded, and how difficult that feeling is, but try to look at it from another perspective: I suspect the problem is more logistical / practical than it seems.  In my experience, even in cities far from the temple being dedicated, the building is full (all the way to the back of the gym, and some people in ancillary rooms).  Maybe there would be some way to free up one or two buildings in a city, but the logistics required to coordinate that, plus the following facts, make it nearly impossible:


1) There would need to be a bishop - but his authority is over a geographic area, not just a building full of people.


2) A regular Sunday Sacrament meeting would require the bishop, enough priesthood holders to administer the sacrament, and speakers (unless it were handled like a testimony meeting).  This means these people who would presumably be worthy to attend the temple dedication couldn't.


3) To do more than Sacrament would require a lot of people to prep for classes / lessons.  Again, these people wouldn't be able to attend the dedication.


The church's organizational structure is designed to operate in geographic areas with particular people assigned to particular roles.  To alter that would be exceedingly difficult - even though looking at a Sacrament meeting from the outside makes it appear like a simple event.


In other words, no one is trying to exclude you (or others who cannot hold temple recommends at present), and no one is too lazy to accommodate your desire to attend church (a worthy desire).  It's simply too large a challenge to coordinate for every area in Utah (as I understand it, every ward/branch in Utah will be joining in this dedication).


I recommend that you take this opportunity to explore additional ways to worship.  BYU's 11-2 channel has a lot of really good shows on Sundays: a shortened Sacrament service, BYU professors discussing the scriptures, devotionals, etc.  At least some of these are also available online.  You can read the scriptures and lessons, ponder and pray at your leisure.  http://speeches.byu.edu has text and/or audio and/or video of old devotionals and the like.  Etc.


I know it's not the same as going to Sacrament meeting, and I completely understand that attending church on Sunday can be spiritually strengthening and uplifting, but try to make the best of it, and let go of the negative feelings - they can only harm you.  Instead, this experience could help you deepen your appreciation of Sunday meetings, and express gratitude that you're able to participate in them with comparative ease in the other weeks of the year, and have some extra time to plan your spiritual progression.

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I'm confused... why would someone be barred form meetinghouses for Sunday services?


When there's a temple dedication, meetinghouses in the area become part of the temple and only those with temple recommends are allowed in.  There are no regular Sunday services - the dedication is broadcast to said buildings.

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… it'll be the third time since moving to Provo that I'm going to be shut out from church services on a Sunday. Anyone know if the Church leadership has addressed issues like this for members who aren't worthy to go to the temple and find themselves not allowed to be in a Sunday service with their peers and fellow ward members who are temple-worthy. … It really hurts feeling shut out by the Church like that.



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When there's a temple dedication, meetinghouses in the area become part of the temple and only those with temple recommends are allowed in.  There are no regular Sunday services - the dedication is broadcast to said buildings.


Ah ok thanks.  I live in the Baltimore/DC area so that doesn't happen much around here.  When a Temple is dedicated people go to the Stake Center to participate in the broadcast, but that's the only one that's included in the Dedication.

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It sounds like Eowyn is saying something cruel and offensive here. 

But, at some time you have to take responsibility for yourself in your course in mortality.



If you're trying to see it that way, I suppose. But you got to the crux of it: as FP said, all are welcome to enter, but we are responsible to be prepared. The Brigham City temple has been open for 4 years, which is why I asked if OP is working on becoming worthy. 

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And, now, it'll be the third time since moving to Provo that I'm going to be shut out from church services on a Sunday.


I'm confused... why would someone be barred form meetinghouses for Sunday services?


"Sunday services" does not mean "services that happen to take place on a Sunday". Temple dedications are not normal Sunday services, any more than temple worship itself is a Sunday service.


OP, I am sorry you're hurting with feelings of exclusion. But the temple is an exclusive place. It is indeed open to all who really want to attend -- because all who really want to attend do what is required to attend. You can, too. The Lord loves you. Make yourself worthy and then you can go to the temple (and temple dedications) along with the others. Bring a white handkerchief.

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I was disfellowshipped in October, so my participation in Church is limited. I don't blame God or the Church for me being in this situation. I'm not demanding a Sacrament meeting for non-temple worthy members on a temple dedication day. I just thought it would be spiritually uplifting to be in a support group at an unused meeting house, so we can have a Gospel lesson at a spiritual place. That's all I was saying.

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Maybe I just don't know how to cope and need to feel included with others. Therapy, ARP, being divorced, disfellowshipped, and middle-aged in the heart of Provo within the shadows of BYU is a very depressing living situation. I can't move because of my job, and housing in that area is expensive to people who aren't BYU students.

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I was disfellowshipped in October, so my participation in Church is limited. I don't blame God or the Church for me being in this situation. I'm not demanding a Sacrament meeting for non-temple worthy members on a temple dedication day. I just thought it would be spiritually uplifting to be in a support group at an unused meeting house, so we can have a Gospel lesson at a spiritual place. That's all I was saying.


What about inviting a few families over, or friends in the ward and have a 1pm family home evening? Or a gospel discussion of your own? Make it unofficial, but you can still make it spiritual. 

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. The second counselor in my bishopric (my age) is now having me over for the day. He said he was skipping the temple dedication services to help me not feel excluded. He knew how much I looked forward to going to that dedication. He wants to make sure I'm safe that day.

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I found out today that there is an ARP Fireside the night of the Provo City Center Temple dedication. I believe Heavenly Father knew how very sorrowful I've been about not being allowed to go to the dedication meetings and much I wanted to go to Church that day to feel the Spirit. I believe He wanted me to know that He hears me. He knows me. He has NOT forgotten me. And that He loves me. For this I am truly grateful to have a Heavenly Father, who is there for me.

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Guest MormonGator

I found out today that there is an ARP Fireside the night of the Provo City Center Temple dedication. I believe Heavenly Father knew how very sorrowful I've been about not being allowed to go to the dedication meetings and much I wanted to go to Church that day to feel the Spirit. I believe He wanted me to know that He hears me. He knows me. He has NOT forgotten me. And that He loves me. For this I am truly grateful to have a Heavenly Father, who is there for me.

That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!   

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I found out today that there is an ARP Fireside the night of the Provo City Center Temple dedication. I believe Heavenly Father knew how very sorrowful I've been about not being allowed to go to the dedication meetings and much I wanted to go to Church that day to feel the Spirit. I believe He wanted me to know that He hears me. He knows me. He has NOT forgotten me. And that He loves me. For this I am truly grateful to have a Heavenly Father, who is there for me.


I'm so happy to hear this.  I agree the Lord does love you.  He has not forgotten you.  Remember, He has engraved all of us on the palms of His hands.  (I mean we are all sinners . . . )  

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