For those who vaccinate their children: Gardisil?


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Please ignore this thread if you are anti-vax. I don't want this thread to be about that debate.


I have daughters old enough to get the HPV vaccination. I didn't choose to have it done for my older daughter, and now another is coming up on that age. My doctor recommends it but of course leaves it up to me. I'm really conflicted. 

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We hesitated with our oldest.  They recommend it at 11 now.  We finally realized that giving them the vaccine could only protect them from disease--whether by rape, or should they make bad choices in the young adult lives.  At 11-15 they do not perceive it as any kind of permission or protection--just as another shot--another protection against possible diseases.  Ultimately we chose to vaccinate all three of our daughters with it.  Earlier is better, because it's just a discussion about how the shot hurts, not why she's getting it--what she's being protected from.  On the other hand, my oldest did frame it as dad protecting her from aggressive boys.  Win! Win!

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I think my wife hemmed and hawed at this for years, then eventually got our daughter vaccinated.  The urgency and importance sort of ebbed away, but it still made sense to do it.  I think her early thoughts were that it was condoning sexual promiscuity somehow, and her later thoughts were no, it really wasn't. 


This sort of cancer kills 300,000 women worldwide every year.  Not very big odds, and those odds go down to almost zero based on a woman's choice.  That said, the shot is a) most effective with girls who haven't made those choices yet, and b) cheap and easy.  


If you decide to get your daughter vaccinated, I won't think less of either of you.   :D

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HPV vaccine is a no for me.


My boys go to a holistic md and she prefers to guard against cancer through nutrition and lifestyle rather than vaccination.  I agree with her completely.


4 years ago when I discussed it with the kids' pediatrician, the percentage of population getting adverse effects from Gardisil was higher than the percentage of population getting cancer and it only prevented 2 strains of the virus out of the 15 identified.


The same pediatrician recommends the flu shot yearly.  We don't do flu shots either.

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  • 3 months later...
4 minutes ago, tesuji said:

What is the downside to getting any vaccine that has shown to be safe? I prefer to err on the side of getting vaccinated.

Have you never seen those commercials?  (Take your pick on whether I mean the drug commercials, which feature a big long list of side-effects that will kill you - you just won't die from what the drug treats; or whether I mean the "1-800-bad-drug" commercials.)

There ain't no way you're getting me to take a drug I don't absolutely have to.

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On 5/6/2016 at 8:13 PM, tesuji said:

What is the downside to getting any vaccine that has shown to be safe? I prefer to err on the side of getting vaccinated.

Who has shown this hypothetical drug to "be safe"?

The US FDA is bought and paid for by the the drug companies, and is more highly political than most bureaucracies (because there is so much money at stake). The revolving door between the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA could be used to cool Satan's waiting room. The concept of "regulatory capture" is alive and well in the FDA.

Please note that (although they're not "vaccines", they were proclaimed to "be safe") Phen-Fen and many other drugs killed people, made them irreversibly ill, or harmed them in any number of other ways.

Were there such a place, I'd prefer the equivalent of UL® or Good Houskeeping in the medical world: they have something to lose when they put their seals on any product, and they don't take industry money in any form, quite unlike the FDA.

So, the answer to your question is there's an unlimited downside.


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There is a big dang shame out there in the world.  The shame, is that the best refutations of anti-drug and anti-vac ill-reasoned reasonings all have swear words in them and aren't fit for posting in polite company.  Penn & Teller's series on anti-vac nonsense is classic, but every other word is an F-bomb (and that's saying something for a duo with one partner who says nothing).

All I'm left with, is long-winded boring arguments on why science and knowledge are helpful, and cheap internet snark.   I've long lost my patience for the first one, so have some snark.  I will do nothing to forward any meaningful conversation, but maybe some folks will have a chuckle.



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Guest MormonGator
3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

There is a big dang shame out there in the world.  The shame, is that the best refutations of anti-drug and anti-vac ill-reasoned reasonings all have swear words in them and aren't fit for posting in polite company.  Penn & Teller's series on anti-vac nonsense is classic, but every other word is an F-bomb (and that's saying something for a duo with one partner who says nothing).

All I'm left with, is long-winded boring arguments on why science and knowledge is helpful, and cheap internet snark.   I've long lost my patience for the first one, so have some snark.  I will do nothing to forward any meaningful conversation, but maybe some folks will have a chuckle.



I love you Neuro.

I'm exhausted trying to argue with anti-vaxxers.I just can't take it anymore. It's one of the very, very few things I won't discuss with people because no one knows less-but thinks they know more!!!!-than anti-vaxxers. They make 9/11 truthers seem reasonable. 

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Guest Godless
3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

There is a big dang shame out there in the world.  The shame, is that the best refutations of anti-drug and anti-vac ill-reasoned reasonings all have swear words in them and aren't fit for posting in polite company.  Penn & Teller's series on anti-vac nonsense is classic, but every other word is an F-bomb (and that's saying something for a duo with one partner who says nothing).


Not gonna lie, I'm one of those who tends to drop a lot of F-bombs when it comes to this issue. I have a son who is about to turn 3, and if you think that organic kale smoothies are going to make your kid safe to be around mine, then I have some very *ahem* "choice" words for you.

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Guest MormonGator
6 minutes ago, Godless said:


Not gonna lie, I'm one of those who tends to drop a lot of F-bombs when it comes to this issue. I have a son who is about to turn 3, and if you think that organic kale smoothies are going to make your kid safe to be around mine, then I have some very *ahem* "choice" words for you.

LOL! Love it. I don't blame you at all. I don't have kids but I totally agree with you, 100%

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A lady in our ward with an autistic son just put out an emotional plea on facebook, for all the good sisters of our ward to stop giving her unsolicited nutrition, lifestyle, and medical advice on how to 'fix' her son and 'cure' his autism.  :(

I've decided to embrace my personality disorder:


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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

A lady in our ward with an autistic son just put out an emotional plea on facebook, for all the good sisters of our ward to stop giving her unsolicited nutrition, lifestyle, and medical advice on how to 'fix' her son and 'cure' his autism.  :(


The poor lady. I feel so sorry for her. 

And to be honest, I feel sorry for the sisters in the ward. They have good intentions, but we all know intentions are not enough 

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My children are all vaccinated, I'm a registered nurse so I'm well aware of potential side effects.
I don't do flu shots though, one I reacted badly to them and two we seem to have a pretty strong natural immunity to it, the only strain that has ever visited our family was swine flu.

Gardisil was one was on the fence with though, the potential benefits compared to the potential side effect had me wondering if it were worth it. I did end up signing the forms for my DD to have it though. 

Vaccines causing children to be on the Autism spectrum has been debunked multiple times and even if it was shown to increase the risk I'd still do it. As an avid family history researcher, I know how common it was just 2 generations ago to have to bury anywhere from one to several children. Having 7 children all growing to be adults used to be a lucky exception to the rule, now just loosing 1 would be an unexpected tragedy. Vaccines are one of the reasons I can now expect my children to reach adulthood. I would rather have an autistic child than a dead child and I have a child on the spectrum so I'm not ignorant to what it would be like. I also know the cause of his autism and it has nothing to do with vaccinations, more to do with the fact we can keep sick children with genetic traits, who would otherwise have died in infancy, alive.

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This is rather a tangent, but yesterday I was filing my students' stuff into the permanent files. I generally leave the crucial medical stuff to appear on my computer system, but if our students opted out of vaccines they have the paperwork stapled in their files. I happened to observe a couple of these, and oh, I was so not surprised. Not to slap a stereotype on anti-vax personalities but... yeah, kids, I've met your moms. One of these kiddos had even asked me for Thieves oil for his owie earlier that day. "Don't you keep it in your purse, Mrs. Backroads?!"

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/15/2016 at 7:33 PM, Backroads said:

I generally leave the crucial medical stuff to appear on my computer system, but if our students opted out of vaccines they have the paperwork stapled in their files. I happened to observe a couple of these, and oh, I was so not surprised.

Same ones who show up to class in "JFK shot first" t-shirts?

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