The Most Odious Character in Star Trek: Voyager


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17 hours ago, unixknight said:

I give credit where credit's due to Firefly, in that the dialogue was memorable and quotable, the characters memorable and lovable, and the action was great.  What it lacked, IMHO, was depth.  Babylon 5 was incredibly deep, exploring themes of good, evil, religion (in a respectful way, utterly unlike Star Trek), philosophy... Firefly was great fun but ultimately for me it was bubblegum.

this ^^^^ plus babylon 5 was a more family friendly in general (at least the first 4 seasons) with having fewer skip points.

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10 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

DS9 picked up in the later seasons, as it turned into a geopolitical conflict show with the war and the Dominion and all.  

Quark using root beer to teach Garek about the federation is a classic.

DS9 was mixed for me.  It had a few pretty good episodes, and I liked Quark and Garak a lot.  Being post Roddenberry it's more friendly to the spiritual side of life which I like, and unusual for Star Trek it did several seasons of one continuous story arc, which it pulled off well.

That said, it felt repetitive a lot.  So many of the episodes ran together for me.  Adding the Defiant was a good move because it gave the series some mobility though, and that helped a lot.

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There were two episodes which were very memorable for me.

One episode showed the aliens who were immortal.  One of them was talking about how terrible their life was.  Basically they just sat around and did not communicate with each other.  "Everything has already been said and done.  There is nothing to talk about, nothing really to do."
Bored to death had a special meaning to them.  It made me appreciate the Celestial Kingdom.

The other episode had a group of people whose conscious mind was trapped in a fantasy world  controlled by a clown.  It showed how terrible life was because this clown (who was not funny) had total control over them, and it was a living hell for them.  It made me understand how it is to be eternally in the presence Satan.

It's hard to describe without actually experiencing the episodes,but they profoundly influenced my life. (don't remember the names)

Edited by cdowis
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They were Death Wish and The Thaw.  They were good episodes, and you're right that the way they explored these ideas do have relevance from a spiritual perspective, although that probably wasn't their intent.  Death Wish was about the ethical dilemma over suicide and one's right to end their life, and The Thaw was about defeating Fear itself.


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38 minutes ago, estradling75 said:


People who debate which is nerdier... are by far the nerdiest 


Did anyone catch the most recent episode of Studio C?  I had a nerd fangirl moment when Harry Potter met Gandalf, thinking he was Dumbledore, but Gandalf thought he was Frodo. Very funny! Tickled my geek/nerd bone.

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Oh boy, can I add a nerd comment too? Okay, just bought Star Wars the Force Awakens and watched it with the kids tonight.
My new favorite motivational nerd quote when dealing with Anti-Mormon lit/comments:

"Go straight at 'em, don't let these thugs scare you." - Poe Dameron (Resistance Pilot)

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On April 1, 2016 at 11:26 PM, Vort said:

Firefly was the name of a TV series. Serenity was a movie based on Firefly.

I knew this as I like both the movie and the TV series. I thought my wink would show I was being sarcastic, but alas it did not. :)

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2 hours ago, Anddenex said:

I knew this as I like both the movie and the TV series. I thought my wink would show I was being sarcastic, but alas it did not. :)

After I posted, it occurred to me that you were probably making a funny, but I was too lazy to go back and rewrite it. :)

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