Do You Have any Movie Traditions?


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My family (the one I grew up in) would always go out to the theater on Thanksgiving night after all the feasting.

When I go to the movies I like to have a pack of red vines and use one as a straw for the soda.

Friday nights are movie night at home for the kids while wife and I go out on a date.

What traditions do you have?

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54 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

Christmas, we watch "Home Alone" (1 & 2) every year.

Yep, Home Alone as well. DVD in the mini van for a month straight almost.

1. Once a year we watch all the Star Wars Movies & all Harry Potter movies.
2. Each Sunday after church we watch a "family" movie. Yesterday was "The Race to Witch Mountain".

Our local movie theater invested in automatic lazy boy style leather recliner seats along with in movie dining... we enjoy that now and it makes the "regular old" theaters seem boring;) Only problem is sitting next to drunk people trying to talk or make out during the show. It lasts about 10 minutes and then they end up asleep instead.

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We do Hocus Pocus on Halloween.

I love the scene where the father says, "It's not Dad.  It's Dadcula".  That sounds like something I would say.

Also, the actor who played as Ernie "Ice" is an active member who served a mission the next year.  Also reminds me of my own teenage years and my "rap phase" (don't ask).

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Guest LiterateParakeet

For me, it's not Christmas until I've watched "It's a Wonderful Life".  I love being reminded that our lives can be meaningful to those around us in ways we are not even aware of. 

When I go to the theater, I must have popcorn with butter.  I don't care how expensive, or unhealthy it might be...I must have popcorn!

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Guest LiterateParakeet
6 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

Our local movie theater invested in automatic lazy boy style leather recliner seats along with in movie dining.

I just experienced the recliner thing for the first time last Saturday.  Heavenly!   

In movie dining?  Ha, I might never leave! 

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has anyone tried that sensory what'sit?  It's supposed to be for sensory heightened individuals.  They don't turn off the lights completely and they lower the sound.

I tried that with B v. S the other day.  Because the scenes were filmed so dark, I couldn't see a lot of the movie.  The sound still seemed too loud for my taste.  I think I'll just go to the regular showing and take some ear protection.

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"Elf" with the family at Christmas, "White Christmas" by myself. 

We watch Miyazaki movies almost weekly. My kids have seen more of those than Disney movies.

'Princess Bride' at least every year or two. Obviously, LOTR movies (preferably in a marathon) at least once a year. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every Christmas we have to watch "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" (with Mickey Rooney as the voice of Santa Claus). And "Its a Wonderful Life" of course - you can't do without that!

I don't know what it is about the LOTR movies - they are VERY well made and acted, but I can't watch them without screaming that they've got it all wrong. Examples:

  1. Gandalf rides straight into Isengard under the arch. What happened to the tunnel with the gates at either end?
  2. Merry and Pippin's meeting with Treebeard is wrong on every level imaginable
  3. The scene with Galadrial and Frodo in Lothlorien - what's with the way they turn her into a horrible witch-like thing? And where is Sam? He's supposed to be there to say he wished that she would take the ring and "make some folk pay for their dirty work" - so she can reply "It would start that way but it would not end with that" (I forget the exact words she uses). (Annette Crosby's Galadriel in Bakshi's movie was way better - and I don't care that she looks like a Disney princess!)
  4. At the end, Frodo and Sam slip away at night and meet Bilbo and the elves in the forest. The sheer magic of that final chapter is ruined in Peter Jackson's version.
  5. No scouring of the Shire. No Sharkey. No Battle of Bywater. Shame!
  6. Aragorn doesn't want to eat Eowyn's stew. Do you really think a "Ranger of the Wild" would be a picky eater?
  7. In the siege of Helms Deep, a kid throws a rock over the wall. Cut to Bernard Hill's Théoden talking to someone. Am I the only person who expected that rock to come down on his head?
  8. Elves at Helm's deep? Nice idea I suppose but....IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!
  9. Elrond: "He (Aragorn) left that path long ago." What nonsense is this? "That Path" was what the chieftains of the Dunedain had been doing for centuries - protecting the remnants of their lost kingdom.
  10. No Tom Bombadil. No Goldberry. No Old Man Willow (except transposed to Treebeard's den). No barrow wights. No gildor. Glorfindel replaced by....well, Arwen as Xena Warrior Princess.
  11. Gimli: "That's because your axe is stuck in his nervous system". Is that really Tolkien language?
  12. Farmer Maggot a bad guy?

I could go on bit...I won't

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3 minutes ago, Jamie123 said:

Every Christmas we have to watch "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town"

The most overtly threatening Christmas song ever. Totally sounds like it's being sung by Mafiosi. Replace "Santa Claus" with "the Don" and see if you don't agree. Best sung with a New-York-cum-Sicilian accent.

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
The Don is coming to town.

He's making a list
He's checking it twice,
Gonna find out who's "naughty" and "nice"
The Don is coming to town

He sees you when you're sleeping!
He knows when you're awake!
He knows if you've been "bad" or "good"
So be "good" -- for goodness' sake!

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On 25 April 2016 at 1:02 AM, Eowyn said:

We watch Miyazaki movies almost weekly. My kids have seen more of those than Disney movies.

I absolutely love Miyazaki's movies. I loathe cheapo-anime with a passion, but everything I've seen from Studio Gibli is fantastic!

One of my favourites is "Castle in the Sky" (though I hate that in the new American dubbing they've taken out any reference to Jonathan Swift. I'm pretty sure that in the first version I ever saw Sheeta says something like "Swift wrote about Laputa in Gulliver's Travels, but that was only a story.")

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Well... we used to "camp out" for Star Wars and Marvel movies.  We would get our portable chairs and picnic basket to sit in line for the movie on opening night... first show.  Which is usually at 12:05am.  We would start lining up at 6pm and have dinner on the line.

But then this new-fangled AMC Reserved Seating started and so we don't camp anymore.  It kinda felt weird walking leisurely into Force Awakens right when the previews started rolling.

Our new tradition is now to get the blanket for the movie if they sell one... like I got the Kylo Ren blanket for Force Awakens and we would go to the theater, recline the chairs to almost lying down position and snuggle with the blanket...

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13 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

But then this new-fangled AMC Reserved Seating started and so we don't camp anymore.  It kinda felt weird walking leisurely into Force Awakens right when the previews started rolling.

Man, I can imagine how crazy the lines would have been for that latest Star Wars movie, if they didn't have reserved seats now.

I would have wasted hours trying to get in. When it came out in my town there were no good seats online for a week.

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Not exactly a tradition, but my wife and I factored in the release date of Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring when timing her first pregnancy and birth of our first child.  Gotta go see the movie, can't bring a newborn, so we planned accordingly. 

Watching Ralphie shoot his eye out in A Christmas Story used to be a tradition, until we accidentally turned on the closed-captions one year and saw the heavy profanity the dad was actually using in the basement.  Wife banned it from the house after that.

We almost never go see movies at the spendy theater, because it's spendy.  But when we do, we go full-out with popcorn, drinks, and candy.

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2 minutes ago, tesuji said:

Man, I can imagine how crazy the lines would have been for that latest Star Wars movie, if they didn't have reserved seats now.

I would have wasted hours trying to get in. When it came out in my town there were no good seats online for a week.

Yeah, we bought our tickets the day Force Awakens showed up on Fandango.

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My most recent movie was Predestination. I don't remember ever noticing this come out in the theaters.

But I saw it pop up on Vidangel. I really liked it, with caveats (see my spoiler below). It was a treat for a sci fi fan like me. (I think not many supposed "sci fi" movies are really very sci fi - rather, mostly just an excuse to have a monster trash a city, or a thin veneer wrapped around a regular thriller.)

Note: I would not have enjoyed it at all it it hadn't been heavily content-filtered.



I didn't enjoy the gender bending. But it allowed for an amazing mind-blowing sci fi plot.

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One of my other favorite movies I've seen recently is Silver Linings Playbook. I really wanted to see this when it came out but it was rated R so I passed on it.

Luckly, I was able to find it content-filtered. With heavy filters turned on, I really enjoyed it. It's a great story, with more depth and complexity than your typical romance.

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OK, one more, if you all don't mind:


One of the best movies I've seen. Totally gripping, and oddly it made me want to visit Iran. (Maybe someday when they get a reasonable govenment.) Also an important chapter of US history.

I once again watched it content-filtered. You could get away without filters if you don't mind some violence, swearing, etc. But I try to avoid R movies as a matter of principle.

No sex, but R for but violence and language. (I don't recommend it without filters, but it's not a porno or one of those kind of irresponsible movies.):

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