Celebrating our questionable musical tastes


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Guest MormonGator
8 minutes ago, theSQUIDSTER said:

I was going to say that ACDC is one of my guilty pleasures upon occasion... But there's really only one ACDC for me and it's with Brian ... NOT Bon ... and probably not Axl...


Preach brother. Preach. You aren't a rock fan if you don't own Back in Black. I have that straight from the prophet himself. 

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My baby girl used to listen to this song! It was ten or so years ago. She had it in a little green toy Christmas pony. This was a previous incarnation of My Little Pony, one that frankly lacked the cleverness and charm of the episodes I watched with her a couple of years ago. I still remember the tinny little voice singing, "Rainbow-colored lights shining bright on minty nights, and a bow on every door -- that's what I love about Christmas! Have a very Minty Christmas this year!"

Good times.

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20 hours ago, Eowyn said:

I generally can't stand scream singing. I don't get it. It's horrible for the vocal chords, and jarring to me. But this guy has pipes, and uses it just right here, if you're going to use it. If this is what heavy metal is now, I'm on board. ;)




Edited by mirkwood
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11 hours ago, classylady said:

One of my guilty pleasures is Rammstein - Du Hast. I know it's past it's prime, but I can listen to this song over and over.

Try not to hate me for this, but if there's an implied question in there, then my answer to you would be:


"      "

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

MormonGator would really run very far away from me on this next guilty pleasure...


Do you know how hard it is to tell people I know you after this?!!

(again, just playing everyone. Anatess and I friends! And if we can't make fun of people on a thread like this, we are all doomed) 

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57 minutes ago, Vort said:

The VITAS guy looks like of like Loki.

I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!  Hah hah.  I get a lot of teasing from my friends because I like Vitas - they say I only like him because he looks like Loki!  hah hah.  But then, these friends like Kpop so....  lol.

Another Vitas awesomeness:


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True guilty pleasure (though in my defense, I didn't know who it was before I started liking it on the radio, and in further defense, I think it's the engineering/mixing I like more than anything):




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Guest MormonGator
17 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

I expect that any respect I may have had at these forums is out the window.

 Eowyn, how could you?! 

Couldn't you at least told me you were a closet atheist or something? 

I'd like to say I'm playing...but really? Justin Bieber?!

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I think I heard Justin Bieber once. My impression was that he has a very nice voice. Other than that, all I know about him is that tween girls a few years ago loved the guy and everyone else makes fun of him. Oh, and apparently he's Canadian.

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