Second Coming, soooooooo many questions

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1. My wife is 8th generation LDS. Kids are 9th. Grand kids - in 10 or 20 or 30 years - will be 10th generation.

     Dispensations of old and new Testaments are generally 14 generations in duration.

     Any quotes or references regarding 14 generations from Restoration to Second Coming?

2.  Re: food storage - those of us who have a 12-moth supply of food; I'm not sure how we're supposed to use that for a year since our siblings, friends, loved ones won't have that same food storage? So is it actually nto meant to last a year but just for rainy days, so to speak, like the next Recession, unemploymnet, etc.?

3.  Since current, existing General Authorities minster or are assigned to every country in the world, including Israel, how will we and the rest of the world not know when two prophets are slain in Israel?  Or when they are prophesying in Israel?  Last, am I the only one - I doubt it - that sees John the Revelation's prophecy in Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days is awfully close to the length of time a mission president serves, which is 1,277 days = 3.5 years.  Are geographical assignments of General Authorities 3.5 years in length or...?

4. Also heard a theory that the Lord likes to do certain things on certain dates, like the early Restoration Temple miracle son the Day of Passover, etc.  Perhaps some 200th anniversary of the Church's organization - might be a celebration to remember, if you know what I mean...

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1 hour ago, nuclearfuels said:

1. My wife is 8th generation LDS. Kids are 9th. Grand kids - in 10 or 20 or 30 years - will be 10th generation.

     Dispensations of old and new Testaments are generally 14 generations in duration.

     Any quotes or references regarding 14 generations from Restoration to Second Coming?

2.  Re: food storage - those of us who have a 12-moth supply of food; I'm not sure how we're supposed to use that for a year since our siblings, friends, loved ones won't have that same food storage? So is it actually nto meant to last a year but just for rainy days, so to speak, like the next Recession, unemploymnet, etc.?

3.  Since current, existing General Authorities minster or are assigned to every country in the world, including Israel, how will we and the rest of the world not know when two prophets are slain in Israel?  Or when they are prophesying in Israel?  Last, am I the only one - I doubt it - that sees John the Revelation's prophecy in Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days is awfully close to the length of time a mission president serves, which is 1,277 days = 3.5 years.  Are geographical assignments of General Authorities 3.5 years in length or...?



It is popular to understand and interpret symbolism in sacred prophesy according to worldly methods of literal interpretation.    I have always found the propensity of literal interpretation somewhat of a paradox in religious communities that is so quick to criticize empirical evidences as a validation or disproof of literal interpretations. 

Some thoughts:

Anciently a dispensation was often referred to as a generation.  Calculating generations within a dispensation has no possibility of producing anything significant.  

Food storage may have more to do with preserving Zion than any individuals.  Keep in mind the basic unit of Zion is what many now think of as the core family concept of a man and a woman bound by the divine covenant of marriage.

The day and the hour idea – I find rather silly.  I believe that many saints will know in advance when Jesus will return and will be so prepared.  Currently with the deployment of time zones and the International Date Line it is impossible to give a day and time for the world to apply to local date time with any realistic possibility.  Right now is a different day and hour everywhere in this world.

The Traveler

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2 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

1. My wife is 8th generation LDS. Kids are 9th. Grand kids - in 10 or 20 or 30 years - will be 10th generation.

     Dispensations of old and new Testaments are generally 14 generations in duration.

     Any quotes or references regarding 14 generations from Restoration to Second Coming?

Not that I'm a aware of, and if they are they are not to interpreted literally.

2 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

2.  Re: food storage - those of us who have a 12-moth supply of food; I'm not sure how we're supposed to use that for a year since our siblings, friends, loved ones won't have that same food storage? So is it actually nto meant to last a year but just for rainy days, so to speak, like the next Recession, unemploymnet, etc.?

Being prepare is being prepared.  Doesn't matter if it's for a rainy days or anything else.


2 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

3.  Since current, existing General Authorities minster or are assigned to every country in the world, including Israel, how will we and the rest of the world not know when two prophets are slain in Israel?  Or when they are prophesying in Israel?  Last, am I the only one - I doubt it - that sees John the Revelation's prophecy in Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days is awfully close to the length of time a mission president serves, which is 1,277 days = 3.5 years.  Are geographical assignments of General Authorities 3.5 years in length or...?

Revelation is symbolic.  Your literal approach will not be productive-- remember no one knows the day of His coming, and you won't be able to calculate it out.


2 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

4. Also heard a theory that the Lord likes to do certain things on certain dates, like the early Restoration Temple miracle son the Day of Passover, etc.  Perhaps some 200th anniversary of the Church's organization - might be a celebration to remember, if you know what I mean...

Maybe.  We'll see when we get there and can't know before then.


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1. Interpretation is an individual affair. Asking for references only on this one.

2. The reason for being prepared does matter, as I find it hard to believe that prepared LDS-ers will share their food storage and then die by running out of food....seems like for short term set backs - not specifically a 12-month time when no other food is available.

3. Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days. Not symbolic at all, actually. Number of days.  Unlike the "40 days" text in scriptures that some people interpret as not literal, this is a different arrangement of numbers in a different context. Either way, unless all satellites are not working, the news will likely broadcast 2 Senior LDS Members of the Twelve prophesying from Jerusalem.

4. Asking for opinion here, not doctrine.  Surely each one of us has an opinion based on our own interpretation, no? 

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IMO, trying to nail down or narrow when the second coming will happen is entirely pointless.  If God hasn't revealed the date to his own angels (who, by scriptural report, are raring to go), I think it's safe to say we're not going to be able to figure it out either.  Especially since, for most of us, the second coming will happen when we die rather than when the Lord appears in glory to mortals dwelling on Earth.  Better to simply be as prepared as you personally are able.

As for your specific questions:

1) I'm not aware of such a reference (which isn't saying much).  And "generation" is not exactly a controlled unit of measure.  I've seen it used to mean 100 years, but if you mean generation as you're using it for your family, it could be 20 years or 72 years, or almost anything else (12 to 112?).  At 100 years, 14 generations is 1400 years.  Add that to 1830, and we get 3230.  At 20 years, 14 generations is only 280 years.  Add that to 1830 and we get 2110.  Shall we say, "relax, nothing to worry about yet"?  On the other hand, my mortality could end any next second.

2) I suspect food storage, like all forms of preparation, is for multiple purposes, not the least of which is to teach us to be constantly preparing, self-sufficient, and generous with the gifts God has given us.  I suspect that your agency will determine how your food storage is used - even should the world crumble tomorrow, and the prophet call for all of us to pool what we have, you'll still have your agency and determine what to do for yourself.  As for how long it lasts - well, numbers aren't the only thing that will determine that.  The Lord can expand and shrink quantities at will, as the scriptures amply evidence.

3) When prophecy is fulfilled, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will see and hear.  In other words, live worthy of the Spirit's companionship and you won't need to worry about who's assigned where for how long, and yes, I believe those with the Spirit for their companion will know when this particular prophecy is fulfilled.

I would also caution you to beware of those who put too much stock in these numbers and to avoid those who claim to have derived specific dates or even years or decades - such people are more likely than not to lead you astray, IMO.

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4 minutes ago, nuclearfuels said:

I find it hard to believe that prepared LDS-ers will share their food storage and then die by running out of food

Brother Brigham didn't die, but he was, indeed, hungry, because he shared. He paid a temporal price for his brethren's failure to follow his, Brigham's, counsel to follow the commandment.

Brother Brigham didn't die, but others did. And this was the vanguard, the best prepared of the exodus. Later, the poorer Saints had even less than those who left the February and crossed the river on the ice.


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Guest LiterateParakeet

@nuclearfuels I can't say for certain, but I think LeSellers was making an I side joke. You see, he has a tendency 5use terms of his own creation, and there was oe that other board members found offensive and really took him to task for.  I'm thinking it was light humor no offense intended to you or any or else.

As to your questions..About food storage, Considering how scriptures can have many different symbolic meanings and sometimes literal, perhaps food storage is for job loss, encouraging healthy eat habits AND for the last days. How will it stretch if you share it, simple the same way Jesus fed the multitude with the loaves and fishes. No problem. Or perhaps as a reward when your food storage rus out, He will bless you for your obedience with manna. Th we only thing I'm sure about is not to limit God's possiblities to my own limited understanding.

Finally wouldn't you have thought that the moon turning to blood would be a sign that no one could miss? I sid. And yet it happened and pretty much no one noticed. Its only through the prophet that we know this occurred. With that in mind, I don't try to hard to interpret prophesiea. These days I'm focused on being the best person I can be so I can be.a tool in his hands. After all, in the scriptures, prophets lives are always preserved until they'very completedo their mission. So if I can just stay useful . . . :)

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16 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

1. My wife is 8th generation LDS. Kids are 9th. Grand kids - in 10 or 20 or 30 years - will be 10th generation.

     Dispensations of old and new Testaments are generally 14 generations in duration.

     Any quotes or references regarding 14 generations from Restoration to Second Coming?

2.  Re: food storage - those of us who have a 12-moth supply of food; I'm not sure how we're supposed to use that for a year since our siblings, friends, loved ones won't have that same food storage? So is it actually nto meant to last a year but just for rainy days, so to speak, like the next Recession, unemploymnet, etc.?

3.  Since current, existing General Authorities minster or are assigned to every country in the world, including Israel, how will we and the rest of the world not know when two prophets are slain in Israel?  Or when they are prophesying in Israel?  Last, am I the only one - I doubt it - that sees John the Revelation's prophecy in Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days is awfully close to the length of time a mission president serves, which is 1,277 days = 3.5 years.  Are geographical assignments of General Authorities 3.5 years in length or...?

4. Also heard a theory that the Lord likes to do certain things on certain dates, like the early Restoration Temple miracle son the Day of Passover, etc.  Perhaps some 200th anniversary of the Church's organization - might be a celebration to remember, if you know what I mean...

1. No idea, but term generation has/can have more meaning than tiers of descendants.

2 i think the idea is more for the singular family, and so that it can be enough to hold you over till you can be able to obtain more reliably so that the family can live. I think (if i remember right)the avg time between jobs was something like 3 to six months for people who are fired/released, and bigger disasters tend to take a while in recovering from so 12 mo worth gives extra on top of that it seems like so maybe its being doubly prepared?

3.Well generally nowadays theres usually an announcement somewhere about where an apostle is going to be visiting.... Keep your ears out for two of em to be in isreal, doubly so if fighting is going on or starts up while they are there. Interesting point with the mission pres bit.

4. Well most things god does/gives tends to be symbolic on some level... I dont think thats his goal with numbers, but he does communicate with people in a manner that they understand so i wouldn't be surprised if the day he comes will have some meaning to someone somewhere..... However it will be a day that catches the majority if not all by surprise.

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22 hours ago, zil said:

IMO, trying to nail down or narrow when the second coming will happen is entirely pointless.  If God hasn't revealed the date to his own angels (who, by scriptural report, are raring to go), I think it's safe to say we're not going to be able to figure it out either.  Especially since, for most of us, the second coming will happen when we die rather than when the Lord appears in glory to mortals dwelling on Earth.  Better to simply be as prepared as you personally are able.



I am not sure that when the second coming occurs is pointless.  There are, according to my understanding two problems in applying literal interpretations to the prophesies specific to the second coming.  First is that on either side of the international date line it is a different day and everywhere else in the world is a different hour.  I have watched the Saturday priesthood session of General Conference live on T.V. Sunday morning while working in Asia.  It would be incorrect and inconsistent to have given an ancient prophesy that would have modern exactness world wide.  Second is that the particular phrase that is translated into modern language as “No man knows the hour or the day; not even the angles in heaven” appears in several ancient documents.  In all cases of it use outside of the one instance it is referenced in scripture – it means something entirely different than how it is traditionally understood in modern Christian circles. 

There are many events given in prophesy in which the Latter-day Saints will actively participate.  Among such events are solemn assemblies where words of prophesy will be given and spoken specifically with the intent to “prepare” the saints for the second coming.   Another example of how prophesy will prepare the saints is the proclamation to the world and now the certain saints were prepared in advance for current gender issues (understanding that some tares of necessity must be separated from the wheat).  As we pass through these necessary events, things that were not so clear when specific prophesies were given are made much clearer and we will know that the time is close and draws nearer.

I am confident that I will know the year of his return before that year is upon us – likewise I will know the day before that day arrives.  What I see as pointless is trying to convince someone of something they do not want to believe and do not want to understand, regardless what is obviously going on all around them to fulfill prophesy specifically pertaining to what they do not what to know.

Though I do not know for sure as I type this response – it appears to me that the second coming will be sooner than many seem now ready to believe and I am thinking like a gathering storm we will know the time of rain is coming – then we see in the distance the rain falling in the moments just before it comes upon us.  And now in looking back what is the most surprising is how quickly things have changed and how when the sun was shining brightly it did not seem then - that a storm of such strength could come upon us so quickly.


The Traveler

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On 11/07/2016 at 11:09 AM, nuclearfuels said:

1. My wife is 8th generation LDS. Kids are 9th. Grand kids - in 10 or 20 or 30 years - will be 10th generation.

     Dispensations of old and new Testaments are generally 14 generations in duration.

     Any quotes or references regarding 14 generations from Restoration to Second Coming?

2.  Re: food storage - those of us who have a 12-moth supply of food; I'm not sure how we're supposed to use that for a year since our siblings, friends, loved ones won't have that same food storage? So is it actually nto meant to last a year but just for rainy days, so to speak, like the next Recession, unemploymnet, etc.?

3.  Since current, existing General Authorities minster or are assigned to every country in the world, including Israel, how will we and the rest of the world not know when two prophets are slain in Israel?  Or when they are prophesying in Israel?  Last, am I the only one - I doubt it - that sees John the Revelation's prophecy in Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days is awfully close to the length of time a mission president serves, which is 1,277 days = 3.5 years.  Are geographical assignments of General Authorities 3.5 years in length or...?

4. Also heard a theory that the Lord likes to do certain things on certain dates, like the early Restoration Temple miracle son the Day of Passover, etc.  Perhaps some 200th anniversary of the Church's organization - might be a celebration to remember, if you know what I mean...

1 - Please read and ponder Mathew 24:36

2 - Please read and ponder 1 Kings 17:8-24

3 - Seventies from the first quorum serve until they are seventy years of age; seventies from the the second quorum serve for five years. Seventies from the first and second quorums are general authorities. Area seventies from the third quorum to the eighth serve for five years. Now, we know  the prophecy in the boook of Revelations about the two latter-day witnesses or prophets (D&C 77:15). These guys will appear after the Jews have been gathered and have built their city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers. The length of time they will serve among the Jews (approx. 3,5 years) is part of the revelation and shouldn't be compared to other types of service time lengths in the Church currently. I don't even know if they will be from the US or raised from among the Jews themselves or even if they will be Apostles or ordained Prophets.  

4 - I have never heard of something lilke that, but it sounds pretty possible to occur. 

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2 hours ago, Traveler said:

I am not sure that when the second coming occurs is pointless.

I didn't say when it occurs is pointless.  I said that it was pointless for a mortal to try to nail down when it was going to happen, and I said that in response to an OP which seemed to me to be trying to use a bunch of possible numbers to guestimate the year.  I may have interpreted the intent of the OP incorrectly, but that's what I was responding to.  Beyond that, I pretty much agree with you.  If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you will see and hear.  IMO, the most righteous among us are busy preparing for that day without worrying about finding it on a calendar.  That this may well lead many (or even all) of them to know ahead of time when it will happen is a side-effect rather than the primary goal of their efforts.  (It's a question of where your intent is - do you just want to puzzle out the day, or do you want to prepare for the day, regardless of when it may happen.)

PS: I think one of the reasons we aren't told when it will be is because 99.99% of us would wait until the hour before to prepare (and the Mormons would mostly show up late, and complain if it started at any time other than 7pm, but at least they'd bring cookies).  At least this way, more of us will try to prepare now rather than waiting for the last second.

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Wow! Thanks everybody for your input. I do appreciate it. 

Might I just ask one last but very important and related question:

- With all of the signs and destruction prophesied to happen in the last days, does it not seem prudent to live in places protected from large populations, atomic fallout, etc. like the Rocky Mountains or Appalachian Mountains?  Tsunamis, etc. could wreak havoc on cities near the ocean as

Perhaps I'm missing the main point here, which migh tbe: be spiritually and temporally prepared. So even if you die / are changed in the twinkling of an eye, you' ready


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2 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

Wow! Thanks everybody for your input. I do appreciate it. 

Might I just ask one last but very important and related question:

- With all of the signs and destruction prophesied to happen in the last days, does it not seem prudent to live in places protected from large populations, atomic fallout, etc. like the Rocky Mountains or Appalachian Mountains?  Tsunamis, etc. could wreak havoc on cities near the ocean as

Perhaps I'm missing the main point here, which migh tbe: be spiritually and temporally prepared. So even if you die / are changed in the twinkling of an eye, you' ready


I assure you: both God and calamities will find you wherever you are.

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4 hours ago, nuclearfuels said:

Wow! Thanks everybody for your input. I do appreciate it. 

Might I just ask one last but very important and related question:

- With all of the signs and destruction prophesied to happen in the last days, does it not seem prudent to live in places protected from large populations, atomic fallout, etc. like the Rocky Mountains or Appalachian Mountains?  Tsunamis, etc. could wreak havoc on cities near the ocean as

Perhaps I'm missing the main point here, which migh tbe: be spiritually and temporally prepared. So even if you die / are changed in the twinkling of an eye, you' ready


Yeah, the main point is be righteous and reasonably prepared physically. If you are righteous it won't matter what happens to you. But the church is big on physical preparedness too. Food storage, etc.

I don't see anything wrong with studying the scriptures and trying to avoid the calamities described there, as much as is reasonably possible. It won't completely protect you, but some places are more risky than others, according to what you might glean from the scriptures and from science. Some places are know to be higher risk, so why not avoid them whenever you have the choice?

Places that come to mind, that seem higher risk to me: big cities, places near the ocean, especially known hurricane alleys, known earthquake faults (e.g. San Andreas). 

However, not all threats are known. They are discovering new fault lines every day, as far as earthquakes. (The Utah Wasatch Front is apparently due for a "big one.") And some things will be hard to avoid, such as a pandemic. Other things we don't know will happen.

The righteous as a whole will be spared the worst, but that doesn't mean individuals will completely be.

But in general - be prepared, be righteous, don't fear.

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23 hours ago, zil said:

I didn't say when it occurs is pointless.  I said that it was pointless for a mortal to try to nail down when it was going to happen, and I said that in response to an OP which seemed to me to be trying to use a bunch of possible numbers to guestimate the year.  I may have interpreted the intent of the OP incorrectly, but that's what I was responding to.  Beyond that, I pretty much agree with you.  If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, you will see and hear.  IMO, the most righteous among us are busy preparing for that day without worrying about finding it on a calendar.  That this may well lead many (or even all) of them to know ahead of time when it will happen is a side-effect rather than the primary goal of their efforts.  (It's a question of where your intent is - do you just want to puzzle out the day, or do you want to prepare for the day, regardless of when it may happen.)

PS: I think one of the reasons we aren't told when it will be is because 99.99% of us would wait until the hour before to prepare (and the Mormons would mostly show up late, and complain if it started at any time other than 7pm, but at least they'd bring cookies).  At least this way, more of us will try to prepare now rather than waiting for the last second.

I think we mostly agree – but I think and believe that G-d wants us to know what he knows.   If my best friend was flying into town for a visit – I would be at the airport early, even before the flight was scheduled to be in because I would want to be on time even if there were some unforeseen problems (like a flat tire on my car).   I would be ready to greet a friend and I would consider the scheduled arrival and plan to be their early, just in case.  But I would not want to be at the airport a week early any more than I would consider being late.


The Traveler

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Trying to go to the safest geographical place might end up being like Jonah taking a ship to Tarshish to hide from the Lord.  Calamities can find us anywhere.

I think a good way to prepare is to study what prophets are focusing on today while asking God to let us know through his Spirit what we should concentrate on in our lives.

Personally, I hear a lot more spiritual preparation focus than physical preparation from prophets.  I think that tells me where the balance of my focus should be.

As far as how to do physical preparation, I think following the counsel of prophets is wise there too.  The most recent thing I could find that mentioned food storage from President Monson was from a first presidency message in September 2014.  The focus is more toward provident living and financial preparation than just food storage. (


We urge all Latter-day Saints to be prudent in their planning, to be conservative in their living, and to avoid excessive or unnecessary debt. Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had a supply of food and clothing and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have a supply of debt and are food-free.

I repeat what the First Presidency declared a few years ago:

“Latter-day Saints have been counseled for many years to prepare for adversity by having a little money set aside. Doing so adds immeasurably to security and well-being. Every family has a responsibility to provide for its own needs to the extent possible.

“We encourage you wherever you may live in the world to prepare for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from this bondage. Save a little money regularly to gradually build a financial reserve.”1

Are we prepared for the emergencies in our lives? Are our skills perfected? Do we live providently? Do we have our reserve supply on hand? Are we obedient to the commandments of God? Are we responsive to the teachings of prophets? Are we prepared to give of our substance to the poor, the needy? Are we square with the Lord?

We live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.


As a disclaimer, that was a result from a real quick search. Maybe there's something in this month's Ensign that I already forgot about. :) 

Also, the Church doesn't call for a "12 month supply" or a "year supply" anymore.  In 2009 the counsel became to gradually build up a 3 months supply of some foods that are in your regular diet, water, and a financial reserve.  Then after that's in place you build a long-term supply of food staples like wheat, rice, beans, etc. These long-term items are the types of things that last at least 30 years. No set time period is specified for your long-term supply.  I think the Church's current counsel is easier to implement and more practical and useful.  Also, if you tell someone to "get a year supply of food" they would probably do it differently and have different items than what the church recommends.  A year supply of freeze dried strawberries sounds nice and go for it if you want, but it's outside of what the current counsel suggests.
The current guideline is found here:  I find it interesting that money is one of the 3 main components of "food storage".  An article introducing it is here: 

Although this came out in the previous decade some areas of the Church have local leaders that aren't really aware of this.  I think that's because food storage in general has not been a focus from the prophets.


Another thought is that we have to be careful to not look beyond the mark.  If we put aside the plain and simple counsel in favor of wanting something more complex we may become blind and stumble as did the Jews.  This is from Jacob 4:14:


... Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble.


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Dear Rhoades,

Moving to geographically safe areas is not like Jonah taking a ship to escape his calling. Moving away from highly populated areas, where starving people will break down your door, take yoru food, and kill you and your family (spiritually prepared or not), is not an attempt to evade a calling.  Claiming that anywhere you live will have the same amount of catastrophe and calamity ignores physics, gravity, geology, etc. by which God operates.  Example, people living in Pikes Peak, CO - at 10,000+ ft above elevation will be protected from Tsunamis, nukes hitting big cities, hurricanes, etc.  That's not prophesy but common sense.

We really shouldn't expect the GA's to tell us that currency debasement will lead to massive inflation, and have the apes in COngress pass a law saying the CHurch is not a non-profit organization.  Nor will they tell every LDS person aroudn the world to come to UT, as this woudl most assuredly mean no officila recognition and no misisonaries in many countries.  They have to say these things spiritually, to those who are prepared to see and hear and apply what's being said.   

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On 7/11/2016 at 9:09 AM, nuclearfuels said:

1. My wife is 8th generation LDS. Kids are 9th. Grand kids - in 10 or 20 or 30 years - will be 10th generation.

     Dispensations of old and new Testaments are generally 14 generations in duration.

     Any quotes or references regarding 14 generations from Restoration to Second Coming?

2.  Re: food storage - those of us who have a 12-moth supply of food; I'm not sure how we're supposed to use that for a year since our siblings, friends, loved ones won't have that same food storage? So is it actually nto meant to last a year but just for rainy days, so to speak, like the next Recession, unemploymnet, etc.?

3.  Since current, existing General Authorities minster or are assigned to every country in the world, including Israel, how will we and the rest of the world not know when two prophets are slain in Israel?  Or when they are prophesying in Israel?  Last, am I the only one - I doubt it - that sees John the Revelation's prophecy in Revelations chapter 11:3 - 1,260 days is awfully close to the length of time a mission president serves, which is 1,277 days = 3.5 years.  Are geographical assignments of General Authorities 3.5 years in length or...?

4. Also heard a theory that the Lord likes to do certain things on certain dates, like the early Restoration Temple miracle son the Day of Passover, etc.  Perhaps some 200th anniversary of the Church's organization - might be a celebration to remember, if you know what I mean...

Interesting questions!  Here are my opinions (not necessarily doctrine, but informed by years of study of Church history and doctrine).

1.  I've never heard any authoritative source in the Church try to mark the year or even decade of the Second Coming using generations or any other event, save for the scriptural signs in Matthew 24 and the various sections of the D&C that describe the signs of the times.  The Old Testament does follow a pattern showing how many generations from Abraham to Moses, and from Moses to David, and David to Jesus.  Perhaps the Great Apostasy disrupted that pattern or perhaps it's just that we have lost the "place markers" that would identify which generation.  Anyhow, nothing I've ever read since the Restoration began identifies a generation in that manner.

2.  Food storage: I wrote a book called "Building the Ark: Preparing Today to Live in the United Order."  I made the case, using many general authority quotes as well as scripture, that a time will come when we will enter into what Lorenzo Snow called "principles of union" whereby we will share what we can consecrate and survive a desperate time.  He said the United Order would be like Noah's Ark for us.  Food storage is a part of that prophetic plan.  We will have the privilege of sharing what we have in order to preserve our loved ones and neighbors.  It will be like our "loaves and fishes" whereby the Lord fed thousands.  

In my own household, we maintain a pantry with our long-term storage and we shop to re-fill the pantry as we use what we have.  It's the way our grandparents used to live.  It's a prudent way to have plenty and keep it freshly stocked.  You have a buffer against need and can shop when things go on sale.  It's not a bad way to live.

3.  Regarding the two witnesses or prophets that will be martyred in Jerusalem.  It's interesting to note that the area presidency over the Middle East has two co-presidents who are general authorities.  It's the only one in the Church structured that way.  Perhaps the two witnesses will be whoever is in that presidency when the prophecy is to be fulfilled.

4.  The Lord has used significant days on the Hebrew calendar to bring about important events of the Restoration.  We know the Lord's crucifixion coincided with the Passover anciently.  The day that Joseph was given the plates in 1827 was the Feast of Trumpets that year.  It's significant that Moroni is depicted with a trumpet on our temples.  The coming forth of the Book of Mormon was the call to the whole world to repent and believe the gospel.  Likewise, the appearance of Moses, Elias, and Elijah in the Kirtland Temple was on April 3rd, 1836--Passover in that year.

I think it's possible to make a case that the Lord appeared to the Nephites in the Book of Mormon on the Feast of Tabernacles.  That appearance is a type and shadow of things to come.  The Lord appeared after war, the collapse of government caused by secret combinations, and great natural disasters.  In the scriptures, it says the Lord will descend with a "shout."  The Feast of Tabernacles includes a shout, the Hallel, an invocation for God to come and save the people.  We sing a hymn at temple dedications where we "sing and shout" with the armies of heaven and we do the Hosanna shout, inviting the Lord to come suddenly to his temple.  Perhaps that ordinance is a rehearsal for how the Lord will return.  

The Book of Mormon came forth on the Feast of Trumpets.  Perhaps there are key events that will coincide with Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, where Israel humbles itself and repents.  Then the Feast of Tabernacles celebrates the return  of Jehovah to his temple (the cleansed earth and Zion), followed by Rosh Hashanna, the head of the new year (Millennium).  Like most symbolism in the gospel, it points to Christ and his glory.

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