Who Won the Debate?

Larry Cotrell

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5 minutes ago, Larry Cotrell said:

I thought Clinton did a pretty good job of keeping Trump on defense, but Trump had some great lines as well. Who did better?

Trump had the better ideas and view points, but just isn't polished into a global leader.
Clinton is more polished, but is a smug older arrogant politician that got her behind handed to her a few times.

We as a family watched most of it, but had to miss the rest to go to bed for early morning seminary.

We are 100% undecided family and have been watching and will watch the next ones with the hope that we can solidify who we are voting for.
We gave last night to Trump.

We all laughed when Hillary tried to criticize Trump over not paying Federal Tax on his business one and he butted in with, "Because I'm smart".

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I'm a staunch Trump supporter but I will tell you Clinton won that debate.

But, that's to be expected.  You have a 30-year career politician going against a 14-month politician.

Notes off the top of my head:

Trump looked commandeering, Clinton looked like a porcelain doll on a shelf.  Trump is his usual self - the same Trump we've seen for how many debates now - with his facial expressions flitting through his face when he's not speaking to indicate his reactions to what is being said, then he zings right in the middle of Clinton's sentences to place corrections or quick commentaries.  Clinton has her resting ear-to-ear smile when she's not talking where she looks like she vacates the field and then when she's warm to the topic, she comes alive and delivers a good line or two. When she's uncomfortable with the topic, her words get very slow-paced like she's trying out words in her head before she picks one to say.

Trump wore an American flag pin, Clinton has no American symbols on her.

Trump was very powerful on the economic questions.  He was very comfortable with the topic.  Re-iterating the same things he says on his rallies.  He started off with his usual playing-nice self giving Clinton the opening jab.  He counterpunched and rattled Clinton some.  Clinton was well prepared though and managed to last through the punches with scripted lines.  For some reason, Trump decided to stay out of the Email and Benghazi scandals.  Something that will disappoint the Trumpsters for sure.  A very softball was handed to him - cybersecurity - a perfect opening for Trump to mention that Clinton ran State Department correspondence on a server in some guy's basement, but he didn't go there.  Another softball was Libya and he never mentioned Benghazi.  Trump also had a perfect opportunity to drag Obamacare into the debate with his touching on excessive regulations.  Clinton, on the other hand, with the help of CNN, pulled up Trump's bankruptcies, racial discrimination suits, birtherism, and his insults to women.  Trump was put on defense because he decided to honor these questions with it instead of using it as launching points for his own attacks.  Lots of time spent to defend birtherism - that wasn't a good move for him.

On the Issues:
Trump succeeded in putting himself out as the change candidate over an old and tired same-old, same-old policies of the past 8 years.  Clinton succeeded in showcasing her vast knowledge of the protocols of governance.

On the biased media:
Gotcha question - a Clinton advantage
Question on women's looks - a Clinton advantage and frankly a stupid question
Question on taxes - a Clinton advantage
No question on Obamacare
No question on Benghazi
No question on Clinton Foundation


The soundbite that needs to go on an endless loop on the airwaves:
Clinton:  (while criticizing Trump on women's pay) Trump believes that women's pay should be based on merit.
(Like that's a bad thing.)

Trump failed to pick that one and bury Clinton with it.


Edited by anatess2
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Guest MormonGator

The person I didn't like lost and the person I liked won! Oh boy, it seems it happen a lot!! 


In reality, most Trump fans think Trump won and most Hillary fans think Hillary won.

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I juat saw two children calling each other the spawn of satan.


I got so annoyed I couldn't finish, I shut it off.


Lie detector says they were both truthful about each other being spawns of satan.

Compared to Romney/Obama this looked liked a reality TV episode. It was embarrassing.

Edited by jerome1232
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So, how much am I allowed to comment on the forum regarding politics?  I am unsure what is crossing the line.

I am trying very very hard to keep faith in the republican party, and they have made it very very difficult of late...

Edited by DoctorLemon
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5 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

So, how much am I allowed to comment on the forum regarding politics?  I am unsure what is crossing the line.


In the past the forum would not let there political discussions, because of how they interpreted laws non-profits and endorsements of Candidates.   

Something about their interpretation/view/understanding has changed recently and the restriction has been lifted... Political discussion are now allowed under the same rules as pretty much every other subject.



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A Denver AM radio host I've listened to for years, a Trump guy, always has interesting observations.  He compared Hillary to one of the popular Latino lightweight professional boxers who are trained to smile at you after taking a hard punch.  It's unnerving - you lay someone out, and they just look at you and smile.  

I also saw children trying to out-tattle each other, and out-hype themselves too.  And I see a country full of people all talking with each other about who won the playground fight yesterday.  Feeling sort of despondent.

Hey folks on the left who hate Trump and Hillary - why not find someone on the right who hates Trump and Hillary, and the two of you agree to vote Gary Johnson?  That way, you're not just splitting your side's vote and helping the other side - you're helping enact meaningful change in the first legitimate way I've seen to do so on a presidental level in my life.

Besides - how can you say no to this epic level snark?  Balancedrebellion.com.  

Edited by NeuroTypical
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Guest MormonGator
21 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

So, how much am I allowed to comment on the forum regarding politics?  I am unsure what is crossing the line.


I'm not a moderator so I don't know the rules. What I do know though is that this a great forum that has people of all political stripes from liberal to conservative to libertarian to who cares. As long as you aren't a jerk about it, you should be fine. 

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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

The person I didn't like lost and the person I liked won! Oh boy, it seems it happen a lot!! 


In reality, most Trump fans think Trump won and most Hillary fans think Hillary won.

Well, I just gave you what I thought coming from a Trump supporter.

The Trump campaign and his supporters need to project that he won.  It's a required campaign strategy.  The Clinton campaign and her supporters also do the same.

The journalists are supposed to be the ones to put forth an unbiased broadcasting... but, just as the debate was slanted left, so will the broadcasting.  That's the problem with the disease of yellow journalism plaguing your country.

Edited by anatess2
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28 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

So, how much am I allowed to comment on the forum regarding politics?  I am unsure what is crossing the line.

I am trying very very hard to keep faith in the republican party, and they have made it very very difficult of late...

Of late?  You mean, you've been happy with them the past 12 years?

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Guest MormonGator
6 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Well, I just gave you what I thought coming from a Trump supporter.

Okay. That's one Trumper who thinks Trump lost. One. Are there others? Sure. But do the overwhelming majority of Trumperdoodles (and yes, the same applies to Hillary supporters) think their man won? Yup. That's how politics works @anatess2 and we both know that.

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4 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Okay. That's one Trumper who thinks Trump lost. One. Are there others? Sure. But do the overwhelming majority of Trumperdoodles (and yes, the same applies to Hillary supporters) think their man won? Yup. That's how politics works @anatess2 and we both know that.

Did you read my entire comment?

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

I thought you missed the edit... you responded to it alright.  By stating the exact same thing I said except with a different connotation.

Then what are you complaining about it? We agree.

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I don't think he lost; I don't think he won big either.  I think he held serve and did what he needed to do.

I've said this before, Trump is very, very good at persuasion.  In this debate he was cautious.  IMO it was a conscience decision to not go after the e-mails, Bengahzi, Clinton Foundation etc.  I think the reason for this is because of who he was talking to.

We already know that ~40% of the electorate is going to vote red or blue regardless of what happens, but there is approx. 20% that are persuadable.  The dynamics of this debate are much different than in times past. #1 For many people, last's nights debate was their first real introduction to Trump; meaning the 1st time they've really seen him speak and talk. #2 He is debating a woman. Those two things change the dynamics a bit.

He had to be bold, but not seem overly critical. For a 1st impression to many people, he could not be overbearing.  Clinton's whole argument is that Trump is nuts, racist,  sexist, etc. 1st impressions are everything, he had to make sure that he did not play into that. IMO Clinton's last jab at Trump about him and the Nuclear Codes, and women, etc. fell completely flat except for anyone that is already going to vote Clinton no matter what.

So his goals last night as the first true 90 min. introduction to many people were to a) demonstrate competence, b) demonstrate that he isn't nuts, crazy, etc. without saying so (i.e. by demonstrating it) and c) basically plant the seed in people's minds, he isn't as nuts as the media and Clinton make him out to be.

IMO, if last night debate was one's first real introduction to Trump, the take away is, he is competent and not nearly as crazy or such a horrible person as people make him out to be.  And if that is all he accomplished last night, then he won.

Trump used this debate as a set-up for the next debate (the election is still over a month away). My guess is build up trust among people that normally don't see you and then once Trust is established unload on Hillary.

Again 1st impressions mean everything.  If he unloaded on Hillary with both guns that is great for political junkies, but average joe would see him as too overbearing (especially b/c she is a woman).  The gloves will come off I think next time.


Edited by yjacket
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