Essential doctrines

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51 minutes ago, Latter Days Guy said:

What would you say are the doctrines and teachings that would be essential to believe so as to identify you as a Latter-day Saint?



Baptism for the remission of Sins

Gift of the holy Ghost.

Done, everything else is extra gravy on the potatoes/ icing on the cake

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I will quote Joseph Smith:

“The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it”.

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In addition to the doctrines that we have in common with other faiths, the principles that make us Mormons in fact, not just on paper, are:

1) We believe the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price to be the word of God.
2) We believe Joseph Smith was the prophet of the restoration.
3) We believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living church on the face of the earth.
4) We believe in continuing revelation from God through His living oracles today.
5) We do not participate in activities that are specifically itemized as causes to be considered "apostate".
6) We believe in that which these basic beliefs above would lead us to believe and do.

I realize #6 is where people get into trouble with the details.  But that is the point.  If we need to be instructed in everything, we're slothful and not wise servants.  We get into forums like this one to discuss our own ideas and interpretations.  And we will disagree.  But, in the end, we each depend on the Spirit.  If we do well, we'll find ourselves exalted.   If not, we won't.

Take for instance, tithing.  Net or gross?

Word of wisdom and caffeine.

How do we treat gays who are in the faith?  What is required of them?

And, of course, the deeper doctrines may be very important to know, and their truths will have far reaching ramifications.  But to believe or not believe them, will that impact our salvation?  Probably not.

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19 hours ago, Latter Days Guy said:

Thanks for the replies so far but was thinking of distinctly LDS doctrines/teachings found only in the LDS church, if that makes any sense?

The "appendages" -- all those blessings that flow from Jesus' victory; those which are distinctly LDS are those which are tied to the Restoration (keys and covenants). As we come upon them and believe and act upon them (typically line upon line), by grace we eventually obtain all that is essential.

Edited by CV75
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