To celebrate or not to celebrate

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Okay,   so my anniversary is coming up, my spouse and I have been married for over 2 decades now.  There have been some unemployment issues, but now they seem to be resolving, as employment has been found.  We have been able to keep afloat with help from savings and family, and now can probably do all right on our own.  We have tons of student loans to pay.  We never go out to eat, we never really go spend money as a family to have a good time, which is ok, we do fun things that are free too, but is it wrong to go out to lunch for our anniversary?  My spouse is of a mind that it may not be a good idea.  I think though, that this is a special occassion, and since we never do anything like this, that it should be ok.  Its not a high end restaurant, and I think it helps a marriage to get out of the house occassionally and away from the wonderful children, who can be well taken care of for a brief hour and a half.  Is it wrong to go out when you will probably have student loan debt for the rest of your life?

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I go out to eat all the time even (occasionally) at high end restaurants and I have student loan debt with a 30 year payment schedule. I don't mind having student loans until I am 60 - it lets me have a good career (much more than I would earn without the loans even after the loan payment is taken out), and I have IBR if I do happen to go through unemployment.  I am not going to obsess about student loans or live like a monk to pay my loans off a few years early - I like doing this thing called living life and I want to experience life now while I am young and healthy.  Besides, I would rather put windfalls towards retirement savings than low interest student loans anyways.

Life is pretty cool, and if you don't live a little you are going to miss it.  Go out and eat and celebrate your anniversary.


Edited by DoctorLemon
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2 hours ago, jewels8 said:

Okay,   so my anniversary is coming up, my spouse and I have been married for over 2 decades now.  There have been some unemployment issues, but now they seem to be resolving, as employment has been found.

Any time I start a new job, I buy myself a nice dinner and something (movie, new suit, whatever) with the first paycheck.  No matter what else needs to be paid.  It might be a while before I have enough in the budget again, but I'll enjoy one evening to celebrate.

If you don't set aside a bit for yourselves, what's the point?

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First of all, congratulations on your anniversary and the new job!

Wendy's has a four for $4 deal that's pretty satisfying in terms of fast food. Maybe go to Subway and split a footlong? I tend to eat out a lot in winter (pesky Seasonal Affective Disorder sucking away my meal prep/clean up motivation) and have found if you keep your eyes open for coupons you can get a meal out for little more than a meal at home, if you're only needing one or two meals. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, mdfxdb said:

If your tipping point on finances is one meal out for your anniversary, then you need to reassess where you are financially. 

I say go out to lunch.  Make it someplace nice.  

That's probably true. There's a difference between being all mad-wild frugal while still having the ability to have an anniversary meal and truly not having the budget for it.

OP, good luck on everything!

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Also (I can't believe I didn't mention this before) there's an app to help with the student loans. It's called Givling and it basically crowd funds student loans with ad money from within the app. You sign up, get two free plays a day, each followed by an ad to interact with. They work on paying off ten loans at a time, and until it's your turn in the queue, you don't have to give them any more personal information than your email. (Unless you win one of the daily prizes for being on the high scoring team of the day. I just won $28 on Monday!) They'll pay up to $50k on student loans or $25k on a mortgage. You can use Givling code SA438280 to sign up.

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Think about the consequences - if going out to celebrate such an important milestone will make both of you feel good, even just for a night, then go out. If going out will make one of you feel guilty or remorse, then find another way to celebrate that won't cost as much. Whether you go out or not, the important thing is to find a way to celebrate that you will both enjoy and feel good about and remember fondly. I've always thought that its not where you go or what you do that makes for a good occasion, but who you're with and how you feel about each other.

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