Requesting a Blessing to Cast Out Unclean Spirits


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Someone sent me a personal message a couple weeks back after reading about how I've had a pornography addiction the past 20 years.  They suggested I consider requesting a blessing to have unclean spirits cast out of me.  At first glance, I thought thanks, but no thanks, I don't think I'm possessed.  But then I started reviewing a personal account and study of unclean spirits he shared with me written by a man named Scott Gillespie.

Scott was addicted to pornography for 48 years until his wife told him she thought he was possessed by an unclean spirit.  After hearing that from his wife, he asked his bishop if he would cast out any unclean spirits from him.  The following is his account:

"I went to my wife and told her every single thing I had ever done wrong in my life, things that I had never told another human being. I hurt her horribly, but my honesty kept her with me. I then went to my bishop and confessed to him every sin I had ever committed, including ones that I had previously confessed. I wanted a totally clean slate. Then I surprised him by telling him that my wife suspected I was possessed by an unclean spirit. I told him I wanted a blessing and for him to cast it out of me. The bishop was a bit skeptical at first, but he anointed me and gave me a blessing. He rebuked any unclean spirits and commanded them to depart. When my bishop said, “In the name of Jesus Christ,” I felt what I can only describe as an angry beehive inside me. It boiled up inside me for a moment then felt like it reluctantly stepped from my body. When he closed the blessing, I jumped up and told my bishop that I felt them leave me. He told me he heard them leave me. He heard a “whooshing sound” as they left. From that point forward, I was a different person. In addition to the compulsions, I also had other objectionable character traits. One in particular was a homosexual tendency and interest in homosexuality. This trait, along with several other traits and the horrible compulsions were completely gone. When the unclean spirits were expelled, they took their compulsions and imposed character traits with them. What remained was some horrible conditioning (bad habits), but without the compulsions, I was able to change the conditioning. That process took about four months of difficult, concentrated effort, but I was successful. It felt like the Holy Spirit took me by the hand, guiding me and teaching me how to change my life. I am now completely healed from my addiction and I have been spiritually reborn. I have no fear of the internet and the very thought of pornography fills me with dread and revulsion. I am even uncomfortable around an immodestly dressed woman. The old saying, “Once an addict, always an addict,” is not always true. With enough faith, anyone can be healed of anything."

After reading more of Scott Gillespie's account, I started reflecting on my own life.  Why have I not been able to kick this habit for the last 20 years?  Is it simply lack of self control?  I've always thought so.  But for a man like Scott to live on for 48 years with his pornography addiction and oblivious to having an unclean spirit, I think why couldn't that be me too?  Maybe possessions don't have to be obvious, maybe they can be subtle, just enough to keep you down.  I even recall times Priesthood holders have given me blessings in the past and once they start the blessing it's like I'm immediately being attacked with impure thoughts.  This, along with my 20 year addition problem, got me thinking I might need this blessing after all.

So anyway, I asked the bishop this last Sunday for a priesthood blessing.  I asked him to cast out any unclean spirit I might have.  He was skeptical just like Scott's bishop was, and he told me he had never cast out an unclean spirit before.  He said he could give me a blessing of comfort, and if I still wanted the other blessing, he would look in to how it's done and we could do it at a later time.

He gave me a blessing of comfort, for which I thanked him, and just last night I felt the urge to contact him to request he cast out any unclean spirits from me.  He texted me back saying, "actually I came very close to doing what we needed to do this last Sunday.  I just did not command the evil spirits to leave."

He then said now knowing how to do it, he would gladly do so this upcoming Sunday.  I look forward to this blessing, but I'm also realistic if I want to accomplish this goal, I still need to do my part.

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12 minutes ago, clbent04 said:

Someone sent me a personal message a couple weeks back after reading about how I've had a pornography addiction the past 20 years.  They suggested I consider requesting a blessing to have unclean spirits cast out of me.  At first glance, I thought thanks, but no thanks, I don't think I'm possessed.  But then I started reviewing a personal account and study unclean spirits he shared with me written by a man named Scott Gillespie.

Scott was addicted to pornography for 48 years until his wife told him she thought he was possessed by an unclean spirit.  After hearing that from his wife, he asked his bishop if he would cast out any unclean spirits from him.  The following is his account:

"I went to my wife and told her every single thing I had ever done wrong in my life, things that I had never told another human being. I hurt her horribly, but my honesty kept her with me. I then went to my bishop and confessed to him every sin I had ever committed, including ones that I had previously confessed. I wanted a totally clean slate. Then I surprised him by telling him that my wife suspected I was possessed by an unclean spirit. I told him I wanted a blessing and for him to cast it out of me. The bishop was a bit skeptical at first, but he anointed me and gave me a blessing. He rebuked any unclean spirits and commanded them to depart. When my bishop said, “In the name of Jesus Christ,” I felt what I can only describe as an angry beehive inside me. It boiled up inside me for a moment then felt like it reluctantly stepped from my body. When he closed the blessing, I jumped up and told my bishop that I felt them leave me. He told me he heard them leave me. He heard a “whooshing sound” as they left. From that point forward, I was a different person. In addition to the compulsions, I also had other objectionable character traits. One in particular was a homosexual tendency and interest in homosexuality. This trait, along with several other traits and the horrible compulsions were completely gone. When the unclean spirits were expelled, they took their compulsions and imposed character traits with them. What remained was some horrible conditioning (bad habits), but without the compulsions, I was able to change the conditioning. That process took about four months of difficult, concentrated effort, but I was successful. It felt like the Holy Spirit took me by the hand, guiding me and teaching me how to change my life. I am now completely healed from my addiction and I have been spiritually reborn. I have no fear of the internet and the very thought of pornography fills me with dread and revulsion. I am even uncomfortable around an immodestly dressed woman. The old saying, “Once an addict, always an addict,” is not always true. With enough faith, anyone can be healed of anything."

After reading more of Scott Gillespie's account, I started reflecting on my own life.  Why have I not been able to kick this habit for the last 20 years?  Is it simply lack of self control?  I've always thought so.  But for a man like Scott to live on for 48 years with his pornography addiction and oblivious to having an unclean spirit I think why couldn't that be me too?  Maybe possessions don't have to be obvious, maybe they can be subtle, just enough to keep you down.  I even recall times Priesthood holders have given me blessings in the past and once they start the blessing it's like I'm immediately being attacked with impure thoughts.  This, along with my 20 year addition problem, got me thinking I might need this blessing after all.

So anyway, I asked the bishop this last Sunday for a priesthood blessing.  I asked him to cast out any unclean spirit I might have.  He was skeptical just like Scott's bishop was, and he told me he had never cast out an unclean spirit before.  He said he could give me a blessing of comfort, and if I still wanted the other blessing, he would look in to how it's done and we could do it at a later time.

He gave me a blessing of comfort, for which I thanked him, and just last night I felt the urge to contact him to request he cast out any unclean spirits from me.  He texted me back saying, "actually I came very close to doing what we need to do this last Sunday.  I just did not command the evil spirits to leave."

He then said now knowing how to do it, he would gladly do so this upcoming Sunday.  I look forward to this blessing, but I'm also realistic if I want to accomplish this goal, I still need to do my part.

It's nice to know that paper is getting around.  There is a sequel to that paper that was just released, Possession by Devils and Unclean Spirits.  I've attached it for you or anyone else to read.  There is an email address included in both papers.  If you want help with your problem, drop me an email.

As for bishops, well, quite simply they lack correct knowledge on the subject of evil spirits and possession.  The vast majority believe what the world teaches about possession and don't have a clue as to what the Church actually has taught on the subject.  I have been told by many other men fighting this addiction that the standard response to a request to cast out unclean spirits is, "Huh?"  About three weeks ago, I got a call from a brother in Oregon with this problem who went to his bishop for a blessing.  He told his bishop that he was possessed and asked him to cast out the evil spirits.  The bishop said, "Brother ----, I assure you, you aren't possessed."  Sadly, I've heard this many times from many people.  If you decide to try and talk to other people about this, be prepared for a lot of opposition. 

Possession By Devils and Unclean Spirits.pdf

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31 minutes ago, clbent04 said:

After reading more of Scott Gillespie's account, I started reflecting on my own life.  Why have I not been able to kick this habit for the last 20 years?  Is it simply lack of self control?  I've always thought so.  But for a man like Scott to live on for 48 years with his pornography addiction and oblivious to having an unclean spirit I think why couldn't that be me too?  Maybe possessions don't have to be obvious, maybe they can be subtle, just enough to keep you down.  I even recall times Priesthood holders have given me blessings in the past and once they start the blessing it's like I'm immediately being attacked with impure thoughts.  This, along with my 20 year addition problem, got me thinking I might need this blessing after all.

This is the problem with most possessions: you simply do not know you're possessed.  Another big problem is that unclean spirits are very subtle in transferring their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires into you.  Since those desires, etc., come from within, you think they are your own.  If you dwell on them, they do become your own.  In the paper, it gives a description as to how possession works.  The body is a car and the spirit the driver with a steering wheel.  When not possessed, the driver controls the direction of the car, but when you have extra passengers, each of them also has a steering wheel that is connected to the driver's steering wheel.  You are constantly fighting which direction you want to go and eventually, you give in to the whims of the passengers.  Another problem is that with very few exceptions, most LDS believe in the wisdom of the world which teaches that possession simply does not occur and is a myth.  NOT!  Those impure thoughts come from the evil spirits.  They are not your thoughts unless you dwell on them and make them your own.

I recommend that you give your bishop both papers to read.  Tell him to drop me a line if he has questions.

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So glad you're taking this step!!  I believe Mike Stroud (former BYU or CES teacher...) has a podcast about this. Google it and share it with the bishop. Also make sure the spirits are sent where they can't come back.  You may also want your residence dedicated as well. Let us know how it goes.

Oh - you can also contact Bro. Stroud if you have questions.

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9 minutes ago, my two cents said:

So glad you're taking this step!!  I believe Mike Stroud (former BYU or CES teacher...) has a podcast about this. Google it and share it with the bishop. Also make sure the spirits are sent where they can't come back.  You may also want your residence dedicated as well. Let us know how it goes.

Oh - you can also contact Bro. Stroud if you have questions.

Here is the link:  The relevant podcasts are: 17, 18, 40, 57, 58.  Mike is retired after 30 years in CES and has gone on three missions.  He began doing podcasts a few years ago and has a pretty massive following throughout the world.  Last year there were over 800,000 downloads of his podcasts.  Mike is a very good man, very knowledgeable and very close to the Spirit.

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1 hour ago, my two cents said:

Also make sure the spirits are sent where they can't come back.  

I know someone in the church who I respect and admire very much. She's an older woman who is VERY spiritually in tune with the Lord and what lies beyond the veil.

She told me that when you cast out an unclean spirit, you want to make sure you do so saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave this body and place you under lock and key." 

I don't think she meant you have to say those specific words, but it's important to do so in the name of Jesus Christ and to say something to prevent the spirit from coming back

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9 minutes ago, clbent04 said:

I know someone in the church who I respect and admire very much. She's an older woman who is VERY spiritually in tune with the Lord and what lies beyond the veil.

She told me that when you cast out an unclean spirit, you want to make sure you do so saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave this body and place you under lock and key." 

I don't think she meant you have to say those specific words, but it's important to do so in the name of Jesus Christ and to say something to prevent the spirit from coming back

The Savior taught us what to do in these circumstances.  This is in the paper, but here is the relevant scripture.

"When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him." (Mark 9:25)

When evil spirits are cast out, command them to never return.  Otherwise they will continue to hound you.


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2 minutes ago, Jojo Bags said:

The Savior taught us what to do in these circumstances.  This is in the paper, but here is the relevant scripture.

"When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him." (Mark 9:25)

When evil spirits are cast out, command them to never return.  Otherwise they will continue to hound you.


Thanks @Jojo Bags

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6 hours ago, clbent04 said:

She told me that when you cast out an unclean spirit, you want to make sure you do so saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave this body and place you under lock and key." 

I don't think she meant you have to say those specific words, but it's important to do so in the name of Jesus Christ and to say something to prevent the spirit from coming back

You're right about doing this in the name of Jesus Christ. I was thinking of the scripture where the unclean spirits enter the swine then run into the sea and drown.

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11 hours ago, clbent04 said:

He then said now knowing how to do it, he would gladly do so this upcoming Sunday.  I look forward to this blessing, but I'm also realistic if I want to accomplish this goal, I still need to do my part.

If he hadn't offered, I would have suggested you ask someone else you trust with such a request. He may want to fast with you beforehand but that is not necessary, just a reference to Matthew 17:21

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I believe:

  • That we are beings of spirit clothed in mortal flesh.
  • That the spirits of our dead forebears live still.
  • That we originate spiritually from a premortal life.
  • That others lived premortally, wicked and rebellious beings who were not, are not, and never will be clothed in flesh.
  • That these evil spirits exist among us in some sense and can in some way hold influence over us, if we allow.
  • That an evil spirit may "possess" a living individual -- though I'm not sure exactly what that means.
  • That at least some of the ills among us, individually and societally, may be exacerbated (or perhaps even caused) by an infestation of these filthy spirits, both by influence and by possession.
  • That the Priesthood is the power of God and has sway even over filthy spirits of the evil and rebellious who seek our destruction.

In short, I believe the fundamental premise on which the phenomena you're talking about are based.

Here is what I do not believe:

  • That "possession" is a well-understood state that you need to recite the magical incantation for and the spirits have to go away.
  • That our leaders are unable or unwilling to talk frankly to us about such things and tell us the important things we need to do to protect ourselves.
  • That it is a good idea to spend any time worrying about or talking about evil spirits.

In my judgment, the bottom line is as follows:

Question: Is the pornography plague we are witnessing actually caused by evil, filthy spirits possessing those around us?
Answer: No. It's caused by men and women choosing filth and sleaze, the empty promises of the world that joy lies in pursuing the pleasures of the flesh and prostituting one's most sacred gifts for money.

Question: Are the ills we see complicated, worsened, and perhaps greatly magnified by the possession of evil spirits?
Answer: I don't know. Possibly. I would not be surprised.

Question: If spiritual possession is a factor in the evils we experience, what is the best way to counter that? Is it by studying exorcism rituals and working to spread the word and make people aware of how evil spirits possess us?
Answer: I do not believe so. I think such efforts end up being counterproductive. I think the best path is to repent and preach the gospel. The Spirit is the best, and in fact the only, way to drive off evil.

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i know very little about possessions and how they work and effect us so I'm not going to make a statement on that part.

I do want to leave this advice. It is a dangerous road to put the blame of our personal sins on "evil spirits". If I look at pornography, whether possessed of a devil or not then I have done something wrong and need to repent.

good luck :)

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25 minutes ago, Vort said:

I believe:

  • That we are beings of spirit clothed in mortal flesh.
  • That the spirits of our dead forebears live still.
  • That we originate spiritually from a premortal life.
  • That others lived premortally, wicked and rebellious beings who were not, are not, and never will be clothed in flesh.
  • That these evil spirits exist among us in some sense and can in some way hold influence over us, if we allow.
  • That an evil spirit may "possess" a living individual -- though I'm not sure exactly what that means.
  • That at least some of the ills among us, individually and societally, may be exacerbated (or perhaps even caused) by an infestation of these filthy spirits, both by influence and by possession.
  • That the Priesthood is the power of God and has sway even over filthy spirits of the evil and rebellious who seek our destruction.

In short, I believe the fundamental premise on which the phenomena you're talking about are based.

Here is what I do not believe:

  • That "possession" is a well-understood state that you need to recite the magical incantation for and the spirits have to go away.
  • That our leaders are unable or unwilling to talk frankly to us about such things and tell us the important things we need to do to protect ourselves.
  • That it is a good idea to spend any time worrying about or talking about evil spirits.

In my judgment, the bottom line is as follows:

Question: Is the pornography plague we are witnessing actually caused by evil, filthy spirits possessing those around us?
Answer: No. It's caused by men and women choosing filth and sleaze, the empty promises of the world that joy lies in pursuing the pleasures of the flesh and prostituting one's most sacred gifts for money.

Question: Are the ills we see complicated, worsened, and perhaps greatly magnified by the possession of evil spirits?
Answer: I don't know. Possibly. I would not be surprised.

Question: If spiritual possession is a factor in the evils we experience, what is the best way to counter that? Is it by studying exorcism rituals and working to spread the word and make people aware of how evil spirits possess us?
Answer: I do not believe so. I think such efforts end up being counterproductive. I think the best path is to repent and preach the gospel. The Spirit is the best, and in fact the only, way to drive off evil.

Wisdom of the world.

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27 minutes ago, Fether said:


i know very little about possessions and how they work and effect us so I'm not going to make a statement on that part.

I do want to leave this advice. It is a dangerous road to put the blame of our personal sins on "evil spirits". If I look at pornography, whether possessed of a devil or not then I have done something wrong and need to repent.

good luck :)

Exactly!  This was taught by Joseph Smith.  Satan and his minions cannot compel anyone to commit sin; all is voluntary.  A person has to sin for an invited possession in the first place.  I say invited because there are two types of possession: invited and uninvited.  Invited happens through committing sin egregious enough to allow evil spirits to enter.  Uninvited is as Elder Bruce R. McConkie said, through reasons of depression and physical weakness.  In an invited possession, the person is still responsible for any sins he commits because he is still capable of resisting the thoughts, feelings, desires, and influence of the possessing spirit(s).  If he gives in to the thoughts etc., he makes them his own.

Read both papers and you'll find out all sorts of things about possession.

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1 hour ago, Fether said:

It is a dangerous road to put the blame of our personal sins on "evil spirits". If I look at pornography, whether possessed of a devil or not then I have done something wrong and need to repent.

@Fether @Vort

Thanks for the cautionary advice. I think I am pretty honest with myself to not place blame elsewhere when it comes to owning my mistakes. Regardless what happens with the blessing, I am trying to prepare myself the best I can for the repentance process, to have all the cards stacked in my favor to accomplish my goal of breaking my pornography addiction.  

Upon learning more about others' experiences with unclean spirits, I think it's prudent for someone like me to take advantage of the tools we have at our disposal. I'm trying to proceed with my addiction recovery step by step, not putting too much emphasis on any one thing.  Prayer alone is not going to get me there. Going back to church won't either. 

And yet, somehow, just recently, after a long time of being in the dark, my hope has been reignited. Maybe it's not a lot of hope, an honest reflection of my own history limits that hope to a small spark, but it's something!  I had nothing for 3 years. And for the first time in a while I attended church last Sunday and have full intentions to return again.  For the first time in a while I found myself praying to God.

The repentance process will work for me if I allow it to. I know I have to do my part.

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15 hours ago, Jojo Bags said:

It's nice to know that paper is getting around.  There is a sequel to that paper that was just released, Possession by Devils and Unclean Spirits.  I've attached it for you or anyone else to read.  There is an email address included in both papers.  If you want help with your problem, drop me an email.

As for bishops, well, quite simply they lack correct knowledge on the subject of evil spirits and possession.  The vast majority believe what the world teaches about possession and don't have a clue as to what the Church actually has taught on the subject.  I have been told by many other men fighting this addiction that the standard response to a request to cast out unclean spirits is, "Huh?"  About three weeks ago, I got a call from a brother in Oregon with this problem who went to his bishop for a blessing.  He told his bishop that he was possessed and asked him to cast out the evil spirits.  The bishop said, "Brother ----, I assure you, you aren't possessed."  Sadly, I've heard this many times from many people.  If you decide to try and talk to other people about this, be prepared for a lot of opposition. 

Possession By Devils and Unclean Spirits.pdf

I'm not gonna say much about how I know, except a hearty AMEN and TRUTH.

I think the way of the world has deceived many into not seeing and/or believing what is right in front of our faces and/or a lack of faith in casting them out.

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16 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

@clbent04. Way to go! Why not? Wishing you all the best. You are in my prayers. 

Thanks @Sunday21. That actually means a lot to me. Have you ever felt like you can tell when someone prays for you? I have. I was actually feeling like the last couple weeks someone has been praying for me, so if that was you, thank you, and thanks to anyone else it may have been

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17 minutes ago, clbent04 said:

Thanks @Sunday21. That actually means a lot to me. Have you ever felt like you can tell when someone prays for you? I have. I was actually feeling like the last couple weeks someone has been praying for me, so if that was you, thank you, and thanks to anyone else it may have been

I expect multiple of us on this forum have said prayers in your behalf, hoping to aid you in overcoming your trials. :)

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Good Luck and tell us if it helps any or how it works out. 

I would vary from JoJo Bags in how often and prevalent this occurance is in regards to addiction.  I've seen some try that approach, but typically it boils down to that person and their willingness to work with the Lord.  In those instances, IN MY OPINION, if they had prayed and fasted themselves, they most likely would have had the same situation as they had with the blessing.  If they sanctify themselves to the Lord, evil cannot dwell in holy places.

However, we have different experiences, and there are those it seems that have had different experiences and have different opinions.

Keep us updated and tell us if you feel it actually helps or not...especially in the long run.

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Met with the bishop today to have the blessing performed to cast out any unclean spirits within me.  I fasted and prayed for this blessing.  We talked for a little bit beforehand.  He asked if I had any concerns before he did the blessing.  I wanted to make sure that if I did have an unclean spirit, that it be commanded to not return.  I asked if it would be okay if I read Mark 9:25, and we did. I also told him I wasn't placing too much emphasis on the blessing regardless what happened.  He said he knew and understood why I was doing it.  He thought it was a good idea.  He said he didn't sense that I had an unclean spirit within me, but that he would rely on the Holy Spirit to direct the blessing so that it could be a blessing from God and not from him personally.

He said he spoke to the stake president earlier in the week asking if he should do the blessing. The stake president responded, "Absolutely."  The stake president advised him to make sure the spirits don't come back like we were discussing earlier.  The bishop said requesting the blessing was a righteous desire.  He cautioned that casting out an unclean spirit or evil influence has the potential to invite another spirit more powerful than the first. I told him I understood and he proceeded to do the blessing.  It was just the bishop and me present in his office.

The bishop began by blessing me that all evil influences in my life be removed.  He blessed me with the power to resist temptation. He blessed me with the capacity to command evil influences be cast out on my accord. The blessing acknowledged my struggle with pornography, and also blessed me to be a good husband and steward of my home. He blessed me that I may have financial security. 

And that was pretty much it. He did not specifically say "In the name of Jesus Christ I command any unclean spirits to leave this body and to not return." He did not feel inspired to say those words or something similar, and as he said earlier, he did not feel impressed that I had an unclean spirit residing within me.

So no, nothing cinematic happened during the blessing, but I am happy with the outcome nonetheless and grateful for the bishop and his service. It is nice to know I am in complete control of my own destiny, and that there is just one set of hands on the wheel!  I came home to my wife telling her, "The demons have been exorcised!", to which she laughed and asked for more details on how it went.  

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