Personal Injury Settlement and tithing


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I was injured in a accident involving a mack truck four years ago. I finally settled my case after 4 surgeries, short selling my home and the loss of my job. I currently receive social security disability. My case finally settled and now I will receive some money. To let everyone know, I have been inactive in church for years but do strongly believe in the church. My question is : Do I pay tithing on my personal injury settlement ?

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That is a question to ask the Lord, yourself... And maybe if you are still struggling your Bishop.

Based on statements made by the church Tithing is paid on income.

Ask yourself is this income?  Some people might make that argument.  If that is you and you feel that is what God wants then pay.

Other people might say that this is an attempt for the person that wronged you to make it right.  A restoration of that which they took from you.  In that case attempts make you whole again would not be income but rather an effort to return you to your original state.  If that is your thoughts and you feel it is what God wants then do not.

Of course these are only two thought you could have on the subject.  You can and likely do have others.  The choice is yours... Make it prayerfully.

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Be careful in which Bishop to ask.  I say that because Bishops are human, like me & you.  Some Bishops may not know anything about what structure settlements are.  I found those with experience & training in the financial field generally consider anything that is not taxable as not tithe-able.  Yet I have met one or two Bishops that look at structured settlements as handouts, and if you did not "earn it" you should give it all to the church. 

I wish the church had a set policy for this.


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On ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 4:46 PM, Rhonda66 said:

My question is : Do I pay tithing on my personal injury settlement ? 

I would say, no. We pay tithing only on our earned income, from working.

I would consider making a donation though, if you want to, like to missionary work or humanitarian aid.  But that's my opinion.

Edited by Chilean
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3 hours ago, pwrfrk said:

I wish the church had a set policy for this.


The First Presidency has answered this question in this way: “The simplest statement we know of is the statement of the Lord himself, namely, that the members of the Church should pay ‘one-tenth of all their interest annually,’ which is understood to mean income. No one is justified in making any other statement than this” (First Presidency letter, Mar. 19, 1970).

In other words, the way you define your income, and consequently your tithing, is a matter between you and the Lord. Prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance on issues like taxes, gifts, scholarships, and other matters to determine what qualifies as a full tithe.

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On 7/29/2018 at 1:46 PM, Rhonda66 said:

I was injured in a accident involving a mack truck four years ago. I finally settled my case after 4 surgeries, short selling my home and the loss of my job. I currently receive social security disability. My case finally settled and now I will receive some money. To let everyone know, I have been inactive in church for years but do strongly believe in the church. My question is : Do I pay tithing on my personal injury settlement ?


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