So What Do You Prefer To Be Called?


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I've never seen a Pentecostal say that there are a restorationist, although in some ways it makes sense.

Generally restorationist fall into several families of churches...All believe that the church fell somewhat and needed restoring to a more primitive state or doctrine.

Cambell-Stone: DoC,CoC, Independent Christian Chruch, Christadelphian ~Creeds were wrong, need to create unity by returning to NT practices and bible only.

Miller/SDA: ~Moving meeting to Sunday wrong, need to go back to Sabbath day

Mormon: LDS, Comm of Christ, FLDS ~Church lost doctrines/practices and they have other books to restore lost doctrines/practices

Although I've never heard any member of the groups actually call themselves restorationist, given the geological and chronological closeness of the movements, it makes sense to think that they shared a common socialogical dynamic that drove their development.

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Ephesians 4:11-14 shows the organization established by Jesus Christ and what we are to be called. Saints. Also Ephesians 2:19-20. The topical guide gives many more references to using the word saint refering to the members of Christ's church.

We belong to The Chruch of Jesus Christ restored in the latter days and therefore Called "Latter Day Saints" as just as those who belonged to The Church of Jesus Christ he established in the miridian if tune were called Saints.

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The old testiment historical accounts of what you call immoral acts by the accountees need to be considered in perspective. The accounts of God's command of the Hebrews who entered the promised land to slay ALL the inhabitants was given for purposes known to God. Those purposes when not followed, later proved to lead to their downfall and bondage.

I also think that when we say people are killed, we need to remember that he distruction of all flesh at the time of the Flood and the distruction of Soddom and Gomorah were a result of Gods wrath on the inhabitants for their immorality and evil lifestyle. There are paralells with the world today if we continue with the trends we see around us.

I'm still an atheist.


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  • 1 month later...

Which of these do you prefer to be called personally if an atheist/agnostic/apatheist approached you?

1. Christian

2. LDS

3. Mormon

4. Restorationist

5. Other ______________

5. Other: Child of God, Mrs Iggy, Sister Iggy, Iggy.

Appreciate your answer. I would go into other forum sections but not too many people there

There really is no sense in posting to several different sections, the same people will read it. It is not like you are asking an entirely different group of peoples. FYI, If the same topic gets posted to two or more different sections, then I will refuse to answer any of them.
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I like being called Princess or Sweetypie... :)

People can call me whatever they want... they could even call me Poophead if they want to... as long as they say it in a nice way, I wouldn't get offended... :lol:

(As a side note; if someone referred to me as something else than Mormon or LDS with regards to religion, I would probably just elaborate a bit explaining that I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also commonly known as the Mormons, to rid any confusion)

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Mormon is fine with me, because it's a title that has earned a generally good reputation, even though it's not an officially acceptable term. I am also fine with being called a Christian, because I am.

Really, the spirit and tone in which something is said matters much more to me than the actual words used.

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Which of these do you prefer to be called personally if an atheist/agnostic/apatheist approached you?

1. Christian

2. LDS

3. Mormon

3. Restorationist

4. Other ______________

Appreciate your answer. I would go into other forum sections but not too many people there.

When referring to me by my religious affiliation (which I do not mind at all, since it is a large part of my identity), I have my preference. Is my preference ever acknowledged? Very rarely.

I will tell people I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and call my religion LDS for short. People general aren't sure what I'm talking about, so I'll add "Mormon" to my chagrin. I don't agree with the "Mormon" label, because there are other churches, such as the Community of Christ, which believe in the Book of Mormon. I'm sure they're great people, but I'm not them, and I don't identify with them. So, I try to steer away from "Mormon."

But, I still have not clearly come to what I would prefer to be called. If you look closely at our scriptures and even the name of our Church, you will find it. It is the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I am a saint. I'd prefer to be referred to as a Latter-day Saint, or a Saint. I'm not "an LDS", or "a Mormon", or a "member", as my identity.

However, I am a Latter-day Saint.

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Originally Posted by Stealth3si

Which of these do you prefer to be called personally if an atheist/agnostic/apatheist approached you?

1. Christian

2. LDS

3. Mormon

4. Restorationist

5. Other ______________

I had never heard of the term 'restorationist' until I came across it on another forum.

If I'm asked to identify my religion for official purposes it depends on how big the space is on the form provided. If it's a tiny little gap like ........... then I am more likely to put LDS than Mormon. My reasoning for that is that Mormon was a prophet and I am not he. I am however a Latter-day Saint (abbreviateable to LDS) or if the space is big enough I will write out in full 'member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'. In casual conversation I will tell people that I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but if they then look blank I will elaborate by saying 'people often call us Mormons' and then explain why I don't.

I remember in the last year or so President Hinckley saying we might as well get used to the idea that people are going to keep calling us Mormons, they've been doing it for so long they aren't going to stop now.

If the person I am speaking to then says "Oh, I'm a Christian." I will add that so am I. :)

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I don't care what you CALL me, but in my heart I TRY to be a Latter Day Saint. Mormon has a culture to it that totally frustrates me sometimes. Christian is something I don't get defensive about.. to me it's a no-brainer but I understand there are Faiths out there that argue it.. let em' argue!

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Which of these do you prefer to be called personally if an atheist/agnostic/apatheist approached you?

1. Christian

2. LDS

3. Mormon

3. Restorationist

4. Other ______________

Appreciate your answer. I would go into other forum sections but not too many people there.

Neither actually. I prefer to live my life as an enigma. Meaning simply that I want people to call me by what they see and not by a title or tag. The first thing I do when i have to look into a phone book for something is to NOT call any of the listings that have "christian, all faith or a Jesus Fish" in their ad. Anyone that proclaims their title of faith that boldly is not to be trusted. I have NEVER had dealings with a person like that didn't turn out with them not being what they proclaim. I am not a "Mormon". I am a follower of the LDS faith but that does not make me a Latter Day Saint.

Don't get me wrong. I am a member of the LDS church. I give my life to God in as much as I am capable. I claim to be a Christian. I do not however advertise it. I have worked with people for years and had them come to me one day and say " Are you a Christian?" I respond by telling them that "yes I am. I am a member of the Mormon church". They usually say " You are not like any other Mormon I know". (That was a compliment by the way:-) I have to tell them that its because the Mormons they know are stuck on the title and not the works.

Its part of keeping an open mind:rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am fairly new to the church(just baptized 18 December) an I wondered if there were things that people prefer to be called also and I have found that everyone has different views on it for one reason or another. I really don't care what any person calls me as long as they know what I stand for and as long as mine and my children's names are recorded correctly in church records.

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Mormon or LDS for me. Though as skalenfehl said...more associate with the term Mormon more. I sometimes get strange looks when I say LDS...I guess they are turning it around in their heads as LSD?

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I prefer to be identified as a disciple – one disciplined in the ways of the Master, Jesus Christ. What someone prefers to call me is something that identifies them more than it does me.

The Traveler

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