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Guest MormonGator
Just now, Carborendum said:

They're actually trying to ban menthol cigarettes now.  We'll soon see a world where marijuana is legal and menthol is illegal.

I'd rather the government stopped banning things and treated people above the age of 18 as you know, adults. 

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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:

I'd rather the government stopped banning things and treated people above the age of 18 as you know, adults. 

If I don't have to suffer/pay/be impacted because of someone else's stupidity then sure.  But when this dope head can't keep a job and so need food stamps... 

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On 11/14/2018 at 6:10 AM, MormonGator said:

Good luck my friend. The hardest thing for me when I quit smoking was viewing myself as a non smoker. I had smoked cigarettes from age 16-24, and I quit right around that time. I didn't know how to act without smoking a cigarette, going out for a smoke break, smoking while driving, etc It's been over a decade since I've smoked regularly, and life as a non-smoker is so much better than life as a smoker. 

I chew gum almost 24/7. Basically when I'm not eating or drinking, I'm chewing gum. That might help you. 

Awesome advice, I was the same when I quit, I was always chewing gum or mints, especially in the car, 'driving mints', lol, that and chuppa chumps (lolly pops)

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Guest MormonGator
55 minutes ago, marge said:

Awesome advice, I was the same when I quit, I was always chewing gum or mints, especially in the car, 'driving mints', lol, that and chuppa chumps (lolly pops)

Thanks @marge

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15 hours ago, MormonGator said:

They worked incredibly well for many of us who used them to quit smoking-and don't use them either. Whatever gets you to quit smoking cigarettes is generally a good thing.

And e-cigarttes aren't perfect but they are actually less lethal than real cigarettes because they don't produce tar. 

Just out of curiosity, can anyone tell me if the big tobacco companies own any share of the e-cigarette and vaping companies? If they do, then they would continue to make profits even when people are giving up smoking.

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On 11/13/2018 at 7:47 AM, Carborendum said:

nicotine is really about the most addictive drug on the planet

Remember that a caffiene addiction is about the easiest to have.   But it is also about the easiest to get rid of.

I find that funny because I dropped smoking at the drop of hat, but caffeine... sheesh, you will pry my rockstar out of my cold, dead, shaking fingers. I've been trying for awhile now to reduce my caffeine intake and I just never seem to accomplish it.

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2 hours ago, askandanswer said:

Just out of curiosity, can anyone tell me if the big tobacco companies own any share of the e-cigarette and vaping companies? If they do, then they would continue to make profits even when people are giving up smoking.

I haven't looked into that.  But it would seem to me that the vaping companies would have to procure tobacco from which to extract the nicotine in the first place.  And tobacco companies would be the obvious source from which to get it.

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My Bishop said to do the 12 step program. I really need it. I’m hoping it works.

side note: The bishop lived in Michigan for 23 years. I move out to az and just so happen to get a bishop that lived in Michigan. It’s amazing how God puts people in your life.


edit: I have to wait two weeks to hear back from the first presidency on rather I can get baptized. Also going to have the missionary lessons.

Edited by Tyme
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1 hour ago, Tyme said:

My Bishop said to do the 12 step program. I really need it. I’m hoping it works.

side note: The bishop lived in Michigan for 23 years. I move out to az and just so happen to get a bishop that lived in Michigan. It’s amazing how God puts people in your life.


edit: I have to wait two weeks to hear back from the first presidency on rather I can get baptized. Also going to have the missionary lessons.

12 Step program, while it has many good aspects, doesn't actually help people.

If you really want to kick it, you have to understand what it actually is.

From someone who has had "addictions" for decades-tried many times to "quit", I actually did what this guy said-quit cold turkey and then afterwards found the guy's website and said . . .hey wait what . . .that's exactly what happened to me.

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23 minutes ago, boxer said:

12 Step program, while it has many good aspects, doesn't actually help people.

If you really want to kick it, you have to understand what it actually is.

From someone who has had "addictions" for decades-tried many times to "quit", I actually did what this guy said-quit cold turkey and then afterwards found the guy's website and said . . .hey wait what . . .that's exactly what happened to me.

I respect my bishop and his counsel so I’m going to give it a shot. It’s worth a try.

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8 hours ago, Tyme said:

I respect my bishop and his counsel so I’m going to give it a shot. It’s worth a try.

I'm positive he is a good guy and yes absolutely give it a shot.  You might be one of the few people who is actually works for. That would be totally awesome if it did work for you.  I'm only bringing up this other information that if you are like many for whom the 12 step program does not work-there are other alternatives out there to kick the habit.

I find the cleanslate approach much more in line with the Gospel of Christ than the 12 step program.  The ultimate goal is to rid yourself of these acts that you are doing; if the 12 step program works, awesome, if it doesn't there are other frameworks from which to work from.

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40 minutes ago, boxer said:

I'm positive he is a good guy and yes absolutely give it a shot.  You might be one of the few people who is actually works for. That would be totally awesome if it did work for you.  I'm only bringing up this other information that if you are like many for whom the 12 step program does not work-there are other alternatives out there to kick the habit.

I find the cleanslate approach much more in line with the Gospel of Christ than the 12 step program.  The ultimate goal is to rid yourself of these acts that you are doing; if the 12 step program works, awesome, if it doesn't there are other frameworks from which to work from.

I think it will work for me. It’s going to be good having a person I can call when I’m about to give in.

Ill give your idea a shot after a couple other ideas.

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On 11/14/2018 at 2:09 PM, MormonGator said:

I'd rather the government stopped banning things and treated people above the age of 18 as you know, adults. 

FWIW: in the state of Nebraska, you are not considered an adult until you are 19.  You can still vote and join the military, but you can't sign any legal documents unless you have been married/emancipated until you are 19.  I had to pretend to be my sister's guardian to get her treated for kidney stones at the ER because it was easier than explaining she was 18 and married.


@Tyme Anyway, I've had coworkers turn to vaping instead of cigarettes.  To my understanding, there are different levels of vapes that correlate to the amount of nicotine, so in theory, you should be able to use vaping to wean yourself off the substance if cold turkey doesn't work.  The 12 step program your bishop referred to isn't the standard AA program, but incorporates many principles.  If you're feeling discouraged about slipping up, just remember that the addiction didn't happen overnight, so the recovery won't, either.

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, seashmore said:

FWIW: in the state of Nebraska, 

Ug. I don't like Nebraska. When playing NCAA football in college one of my best friends beat me on a last second touchdown! Guess what  team he used?




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2 hours ago, MormonGator said:

Ug. I don't like Nebraska. When playing NCAA football in college one of my best friends beat me on a last second touchdown! Guess what  team he used?




At the risk of derailing discussion, the Husker fandom is one of the most fascinating out there.  I'm sure there's books out there.  If not, I may have to write one myself!

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Just quit.  It's really that simple.  Realize, however, that "simple" doesn't mean "easy".  There are many things to make quitting easier, but at the end of the day it ALWAYS comes down to your willpower and determination to quit.  I've quit all those things at some point in my life.  

1.  Cigs.  Nicotine gum worked for me.  I probably chewed nicotine gum for 2 years after I quit. Some people do ecigs but they weren't around when I quit.  I'd be hesitant to use those, though.  They aren't good for you either, and they're much like the cig.  Now you have another, very similar, habit to quit.

2.  Coffee.  I substituted a non-coffee/tea caffeine source.  I used Yerba Mate, Guayusa, and something else similar that I forget.  They taste similar to tea, which I like.  I used Pero and something else that I also forget to replace the coffee taste.  Sometimes I add a little Cacao to my Pero, which I enjoy.

3.  Porn.  This was probably the easiest.  I wasn't addicted to porn, I just didn't see an issue with it.  It's so socially acceptable that it was openly talked about at work and with friends.  Once I understood the Law of Chastity, I just stopped watching porn.  It wasn't a big deal to me.  

Really, all these take are simply self-mastery.  You control your body, it doesn't control you.  I believe it was Elder Ballard who answered this question in the Young Adult talk last year.  His answer "get over it" pretty much sums it up.  

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On 11/15/2018 at 5:34 AM, askandanswer said:

Just out of curiosity, can anyone tell me if the big tobacco companies own any share of the e-cigarette and vaping companies? If they do, then they would continue to make profits even when people are giving up smoking.

Philip Morris, Inc now owns Solaris, Nicocig, and Vivid, etc.  They're now moving out of their cigarettes to go for smoke-free nicotine/tobacco dispensing technology.

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I lasted about 20 hours again. There is some emotional tie to my smoking. When I talk to my dad I want to smoke. It's probably cause that's one of the things we bonded over in the past. As sad as that is. This goes down as the toughest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I know that God's blessings are so much more greater than smoking. I'm trying to keep an eternal perspective. The dependency is really difficult to shake.

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1 hour ago, Tyme said:

I lasted about 20 hours again.

Hooray!  You did it again! :)  Now do it again!  Keep doing it again for as long as it takes to become 21 hours.

1 hour ago, Tyme said:

There is some emotional tie to my smoking.

Of course there is.  Good job recognizing the fact.  Now you can figure out how to detach the two (or change the "smoking emotions" to ones you don't want). :twothumbsup:

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