embracing in the spirit world


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I’ve always had the idea that spirits have difficulty touching things. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I’m inclined to think that there may well be some truth in this idea. Doctrine and Covenants 127: 6-7 seems to give some support to the idea.

6  If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear—

7  Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message.

 If it is true that spirits have difficulty touching things, will we be able to embrace our loved ones in the next life?

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Dont know.

I always assumed that spirits could interact with (touch) other spirits.

But spirits cannot touch mortals.  They may be able to interact with immortals.

But then again, the pre-mortal Jehovah touched the stones of the ten commandments, the stones that the brother of Jared presented to Jehovah for light.  And Jehovah ministered to Adam prior to his death.   So...

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I do not think this is what this scripture is specifying that they can not touch. The spirits of the unjust do in fact touch, and I would disagree with mikbone. The spirits of the just may know of a law or rule that they abide by, much like when Christ said "touch me not." This way it we will always have a way to know the difference between the three types of angels we may encounter in this life. I find it interesting though, with this knowledge, the spirits of the unjust will still seek to deceive.

I would think there will be some form of embracing. These are spirits embracing spirits.

I understand this scripture specifying we will not feel "flesh and bone," thus we will not feel anything (or his hand) if it is the spirit of the unjust.

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In our physical world when we "touch" we do not actually feel.  What happens is that our neurons trigger and a message is sent to our brain that then translates for us and creates the though sensation of the touch.  I theorize and speculate that spirits, being more pure and with the presents of pure understand experiences a more "complete" sensation.  Thus I believe we will embrace both in the spirit world and in the resurrection in a manner that better communicates the purpose of the embrace.  Since a just man made perfect understand the difference between the physical and spiritual - will not allow a misconception and therefore would not confuse the mortal brain with conflicting information.


The Traveler

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This account by a man - i believe he is a member.  Or at least was.  He fell asleep at the wheel and his wife and child died as a result.  He had a dream where he describes the physical aspects of his encounters with his deceased wife and child.  Linked to around the right time.  


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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:07 PM, mikbone said:

Dont know.

I always assumed that spirits could interact with (touch) other spirits.

But spirits cannot touch mortals.  They may be able to interact with immortals.

But then again, the pre-mortal Jehovah touched the stones of the ten commandments, the stones that the brother of Jared presented to Jehovah for light.  And Jehovah ministered to Adam prior to his death.   So...

This is also what I understand. 

Just as one would imagine with a Ghost where they have substance, but cannot touch or interact (aka...we would pass right through them) with our physical selves as we interact with each other, Spirits cannot interact with us in that way.

They are matter, but of a much more fine matter than we understand at this time. 

I think that they probably can interact with each other.  They probably can also interact with the world to some degree, but not in how WE can interact and not as PHYSICALLY as we interact.  This is one of the reasons that we wanted to come and attain these physical bodies when we were but spirits, and one of the reasons we rejoiced when we learned we would be given the opportunity.

It may be that when we return to the spirit world, after our initial wonder, that we will realize just how much and how important these physical bodies are and how much they give us over what we have as spirits, and the benefits that we have by having a physical body vs. that of just a spiritual one.

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On 11/22/2018 at 8:07 PM, mikbone said:

Dont know.

I always assumed that spirits could interact with (touch) other spirits.

But spirits cannot touch mortals.  They may be able to interact with immortals.

But then again, the pre-mortal Jehovah touched the stones of the ten commandments, the stones that the brother of Jared presented to Jehovah for light.  And Jehovah ministered to Adam prior to his death.   So...

He also organized matter in the Creation, and evidently we fellow spirits helped. The Priesthood operates in all estates, between estates, and by all kinds of personages passing through them (spirits, mortals, translated, immortals).

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48 minutes ago, CV75 said:

He also organized matter in the Creation, and evidently we fellow spirits helped. The Priesthood operates in all estates, between estates, and by all kinds of personages passing through them (spirits, mortals, translated, immortals).

What about intelligences?

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17 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Just as one would imagine with a Ghost where they have substance, but cannot touch or interact (aka...we would pass right through them) with our physical selves as we interact with each other, Spirits cannot interact with us in that way.

I know of two experiences from my mission that tell me otherwise.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
On 11/22/2018 at 4:18 PM, askandanswer said:

 If it is true that spirits have difficulty touching things, will we be able to embrace our loved ones in the next life?

Perhaps as Spirits it would be difficult, but we will have resurrected bodies eventually.  :)  

Orginally I was thinking along the same lines as @JohnsonJones.  However, @Anddenex and @classylady's post got me to thinking....and I realized, I too, have had an experience that tells me Spirits can physically interact with us.  I'm certain. 

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11 hours ago, mikbone said:

What about intelligences?

I usually conceptualize "intelligences" the same as "spirits", maybe at a more fundamental stage of development than they were after the war in heaven. Inasmuch as the Priesthood is the power of God, and He delegated or gave any of them some authority to do things along the way, that in my mind constitutes a form of priesthood authority.

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14 hours ago, askandanswer said:

I think it was Joseph Smith who taught that we will regard our absence from our physical bodies as an undesirable condition and as a form of bondage. I wander if the inability to touch and embrace is part of that bondage?


D&C 45:17  For as ye have looked upon the long absence of your spirits from your bodies to be a bondage, I will show unto you how the day of redemption shall come, and also the restoration of the scattered Israel.


D&C 138:50   For the dead had looked upon the long absence of their spirits from their bodies as a bondage.

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