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There have been too many instances that I've read recently to ignore the prevalence of this tactic on various levels and in various venues.


The Blitzkrieg was used by Germany as a method of overwhelming the enemy so quickly that they didn't have time to react. 


But the secondary effect was more psychological warfare than a combat strategy/tactic.  Showing overwhelming force tends to demoralize the enemy into thinking that there is no way for them to win, so they should just give up.  It is a very similar psychological effect of terrorism.  This has been used throughout the Cold War era and beyond.

Russia's plan was to use this overwhelming force to put fear into the Ukrainian people, so they would just give up immediately.  This is why they didn't have food supplies.  They didn't have spare parts for tanks.  They didn't even have enough fuel to sustain their vehicles beyond a few days.  They honestly thought it was going to be over that quickly.

It worked in Syria & Chechnya.  Why not Ukraine?  He seemed to forget that it didn't work so well in Afghanistan under Gorbachev. 

So, what was the difference?  As far as I can tell, in Ukraine, it was Zelenskyy.  Judging by the schedule and the presence of the fog of war, when Russia announced that Zelenskyy had fled the country, it wasn't just misinformation.  Putin actually expected him to flee.  That was the plan.  With no leadership, the war would be over.  But what he never expected was...


I need ammunition, not a ride.

Just imagine what that did for troop morale!  Not only were they fighting for their homes.  But they knew their President was in the trenches with them.  This was not some political war that was motivated by the Ukrainian elites' financial goals.  It was an unprovoked invasion against their homes and their families.  Meanwhile, Russian men are fleeing the country to avoid the draft declaring "I'm not going to fight for someone else's political ambitions".  Traffic jams.  Flights are completely booked.  Trains, boats, everything is full on the way out of the country.  And many people at the borders of the other countries completely understand that they are very real refugees.

(ASIDE:There is an interesting comparison between the Ukrainian military and the Russian military that has given a clear advantage to the Ukrainian troops.  Yes, they still needed our ammunition and all our cool toys.  But the morale and adaptability of the Ukrainian military has allowed them to get very creative and very good with those toys.)

In a similar vein, all the SWATing that has been done lately (by both activists and by government agencies) are simply using this as a terror tactic to subdue the victims into submission.  It's the political version of the same tactic.

You know why Trump actually seems to appeal to so many conservatives?  He's absolutely repulsive by most conservative values.  Why on earth would we want to rally around this guy?  It's because he refuses to give up.

That's why this raid on his home.  If they can get Trump to try to cut a deal to have them back off, they've shown that "god can bleed" (No, I'm not saying he's a god.  I should think it was quite obvious.  But I know someone is going to take it the wrong way.  It's a figure of speech, duh).

I, myself am hoping that he chooses NOT to run for re-election.  I think he'd be bad for the country.  On the balance, he'd be better than Biden.  But he'd only be a lesser evil.  But I know I am hoping in vain because part of his allure for so many is that he will not back down from "The Beast".  That's what the people want.  If he backs down, then who on earth will be able to withstand the machine?

That is what TPTB want to happen.  They want that psychology to work into all that would resist the new world order.  They want us demoralized so we will not want to fight back.

Who can resist the US military?  Why try?  You'll never win.  Well, we left Afghanistan.  And we left behind billions of dollars worth of military equipment for use by the Taliban.  We ran like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Whatever we may see in the next three to four years will bring tears to nearly all.  But we need to maintain hope that we are in the Lord's hands, not the Beast's.

Edited by Carborendum
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While I think Trump was a good President, I hope he does not run again, or loses to a quality opponent in a primary.  I do not think a second term with him at the helm would be good for the country.  We are wayyyyy to polarized at this point for him to be President again.

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6 hours ago, Carborendum said:

So, what was the difference?  As far as I can tell, in Ukraine, it was Zelenskyy. 

Also, crystal meth.,_society,_and_culture

One of the dirty little secrets of WWII was that Germany had developed what we now know as crystal meth. It was regarded as a "wonder drug" for how it stimulated people, and was sold over-the-counter in tubes under the name "Pervitin". Pretty much every German soldier was issued a supply of this, and it was also given to the factory workers at certain critical factories. 

The French reservists and second-line soldiers who were tasked with trying to defend the central portion of France from the German blitz simply didn't have a chance. They were poorly trained, poorly equipped, and having to fight tank-driving meth heads. 

Yes, France was so convinced that the Germans were going to invade through the flat northern portion and so put the bulk of their forces there; this left second-line and reserve forces in the center despite warnings from junior officers, and sure enough the German forces feinted in the north to conceal their push through the center. 

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1 hour ago, mirkwood said:

Oh yea, the meth use by the German army is surprisingly an unknown to most people.

Name a drug.

If Hitler didn't smoke it, someone in his inner circle did. 

Substance abuse was *that* rampant in the German high command during WWII, and they often gave it to various soldiers, sailors, and pilots as well. 

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11 hours ago, Ironhold said:

Also, crystal meth.,_society,_and_culture

One of the dirty little secrets of WWII was that Germany had developed what we now know as crystal meth. It was regarded as a "wonder drug" for how it stimulated people, and was sold over-the-counter in tubes under the name "Pervitin". Pretty much every German soldier was issued a supply of this, and it was also given to the factory workers at certain critical factories. 

The French reservists and second-line soldiers who were tasked with trying to defend the central portion of France from the German blitz simply didn't have a chance. They were poorly trained, poorly equipped, and having to fight tank-driving meth heads. 

Yes, France was so convinced that the Germans were going to invade through the flat northern portion and so put the bulk of their forces there; this left second-line and reserve forces in the center despite warnings from junior officers, and sure enough the German forces feinted in the north to conceal their push through the center. 

I was asking about the difference between Ukraine vs Syria and Chechnya.  It worked in Syria & Chechnya.  It did not work in Ukraine.

I've considered that maybe it wasn't "just Zelenskyy".  But it was the will to resist.  That was really all that was required.  The other nations just "gave in".  Ukraine did not.  And that was all it took.

Edited by Carborendum
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On 9/25/2022 at 5:08 PM, mirkwood said:

Oh yea, the meth use by the German army is surprisingly an unknown to most people.

Erm . . . I believe we used it too, at least in the Pacific.  I seem to recall that the Rangers who liberated the Cabanatuan prison camp were given meth pills—or amphetamines, at any rate—to help them make the march there and back.

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On 9/26/2022 at 4:14 AM, mirkwood said:

While I think Trump was a good President, I hope he does not run again, or loses to a quality opponent in a primary.  I do not think a second term with him at the helm would be good for the country.  We are wayyyyy to polarized at this point for him to be President again.

The fact that America is so polarised,  I don't think it matters which republican runs, the candidate we still be seen as the next Hitler 

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Trump aside, my point was about the psychological effects of the Blitzkrieg.  

As things change over the next three-to-four years (and they will do so dramatically and quickly) it will be very easy to lose hope because the very notion of "how can we compete with such overwhelming odds?" will be ubiquitous.  The tools of the adversary will be all around us.  It will seem hopeless.

Lawsuit-after-lawsuit will be brought to courts.  And the great majority will be won by the side of the Beast.  It will seem like there's nothing we can do.  And truly, a lot of people will try and they will be killed, maimed, or incarcerated (or some combo of these).  Many people will fall on their swords.  But we need to remember the message of Ammonihah, and the lesson of Elisha.

I know people will keep talking about drugs and Trump and whatever.  But I hope I am able to get a message of hope out there.

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On 9/25/2022 at 12:14 PM, mirkwood said:

While I think Trump was a good President, I hope he does not run again, or loses to a quality opponent in a primary.  I do not think a second term with him at the helm would be good for the country.  We are wayyyyy to polarized at this point for him to be President again.

he might just run to irritate the left, so they do not notice de Santis.


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