I come quickly

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JS Matthew 1:48 Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.

We know that if we are wise and understand the scriptures we can know the season in which Christ will return but not the specific day or hour. This verse seems to imply that even if we know the season we may still be surprised when it actually happens. It makes me wonder what the conditions will be like so as to make His coming unexpected.

I was watching a YouTube video yesterday where the guy was performing some pretty serious prophetic gymnastics to make this General Conference as a possible time of His coming. While I gave him a really low overall score I did award him some difficulty points. 😃

But it did make me wonder about two different possibilities for an unexpected Second Coming. The first is that some signs are fulfilled without us fully realizing it (which this guy was relying heavily upon). The second is that certain events happen so quickly that it just catches us off guard how quickly things transpire. This second theory would seem to support the idea of a hastening and the times being cut short. While I don't think things will happen so quickly as to make this General Conference a viable candidate it does make me wonder just how quickly it could take place. 

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2 minutes ago, laronius said:

I was watching a YouTube video yesterday where the guy was performing some pretty serious prophetic gymnastics to make this General Conference as a possible time of His coming.

My guy can beat up your guy!  My buddy put this together, with 2nd week of December 2034 ad the clear and obvious time. 


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I am quite sure that our prophet ministers (including general authorities, area authorities, stake authorities, ward authorities, family authorities and personal authority) will receive all the needed revelation for the obedient covenant Saints in order to them to prepare and perform all the necessary and needed functions to insure all is prepared and ready when the Messiah returns.

It is my personal belief that independent thinking individuals are less important than families and communities working together.


The Traveler


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4 hours ago, Traveler said:

I am quite sure that our prophet ministers (including general authorities, area authorities, stake authorities, ward authorities, family authorities and personal authority) will receive all the needed revelation for the obedient covenant Saints in order to them to prepare and perform all the necessary and needed functions to insure all is prepared and ready when the Messiah returns.

I am quite sure that that is exactly what has  been happening since at least 6 April 1830

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8 hours ago, laronius said:

JS Matthew 1:48 Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.

When I think of this scripture a few things come to my mind. The first is when Christ said to Peter, paraphrased, "Before the cock crows thrice you will deny me thrice." The hour or time for this to come wasn't known but it did come quickly. In the moment, Peter could have easily seen what was happening, but it wasn't until the third crow that the prophesy did prick him.

This highlights that members of the Church who are not read (prepared for) the signs of Christ coming will come as a thief in the night. Also, Peter did not believe this would be the case, so when the cock was crowing his mental state dismissed the first and the second. For some, they will dismiss the signs because they do not believe these are the signs.

The second is that we are aware of a general assembly that will happen. We understand Adam will preside (if I'm remembering correctly) and Christ will come to his people at this assembly. These people will not be surprised as to the day and hour the Lord will come again. This brings back to my remembrance the words of Nephi when they were in a time of need and the Lord said, "Tomorrow I come into the world." (paraphrased)

If we believe in the signs, if we have studied the signs, we will be watching and we will be prepared. The Spirit, like with Nephi, will bare witness of the Lord's return to those who are listening. To those who are not, it will be similar to the Nephites at Christ's first coming to them. The Spirit spoke (or the Father here) and they comprehended it not. Or like Amulek, who said something to this nature the Lord did call but I did not listen.

Edited by Anddenex
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We are exactly 200 years from some very important events.

The bicentennial year of the printing of the Book of Mormon and organization of the Church is only 6 years away.

I’m still gonna encourage my children to get an education, temple marriage, and make grand-babies.

I also own a solar array, swimming pool supply of potable water, and a year supply of $.

I have lived during one of the most exciting times in the history of mankind.  The dawn of the space / information age and development of AI.  I luckily bought some stock in NVIDIA about a decade ago.

Lots of excitement to come.

Really hoping to see the eclipse on April 8th.  I traveled 400 miles on Aug 21, 2017 to watch the last great American total eclipse in Oregon.  It was spectacular!


I’m also monitoring the war in Israel.  I don’t perceive any peaceful resolution in the near future…

Edited by mikbone
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On 2/23/2024 at 5:09 PM, Anddenex said:

When I think of this scripture a few things come to my mind. The first is when Christ said to Peter, paraphrased, "Before the cock crows thrice you will deny me thrice." The hour or time for this to come wasn't known but it did come quickly. In the moment, Peter could have easily seen what was happening, but it wasn't until the third crow that the prophesy did prick him.

This highlights that members of the Church who are not read (prepared for) the signs of Christ coming will come as a thief in the night. Also, Peter did not believe this would be the case, so when the cock was crowing his mental state dismissed the first and the second. For some, they will dismiss the signs because they do not believe these are the signs.

The second is that we are aware of a general assembly that will happen. We understand Adam will preside (if I'm remembering correctly) and Christ will come to his people at this assembly. These people will not be surprised as to the day and hour the Lord will come again. This brings back to my remembrance the words of Nephi when they were in a time of need and the Lord said, "Tomorrow I come into the world." (paraphrased)

If we believe in the signs, if we have studied the signs, we will be watching and we will be prepared. The Spirit, like with Nephi, will bare witness of the Lord's return to those who are listening. To those who are not, it will be similar to the Nephites at Christ's first coming to them. The Spirit spoke (or the Father here) and they comprehended it not. Or like Amulek, who said something to this nature the Lord did call but I did not listen.

I think we could add to your list the fact that preparation takes time and sincerity. The practically overnight conversion of certain individuals in the scriptures are certainly not the norm. The five foolish virgins had a little advanced notice but it wasn't enough to fully get ready and likely would not have lead to permanent change anyway. When the bridegroom did finally appear they weren't necessarily surprised but they were still unprepared.

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23 hours ago, mikbone said:


We are exactly 200 years from some very important events.

The bicentennial year of the printing of the Book of Mormon and organization of the Church is only 6 years away.

I’m still gonna encourage my children to get an education, temple marriage, and make grand-babies.

I also own a solar array, swimming pool supply of potable water, and a year supply of $.

I have lived during one of the most exciting times in the history of mankind.  The dawn of the space / information age and development of AI.  I luckily bought some stock in NVIDIA about a decade ago.

Lots of excitement to come.

Really hoping to see the eclipse on April 8th.  I traveled 400 miles on Aug 21, 2017 to watch the last great American total eclipse in Oregon.  It was spectacular!


I’m also monitoring the war in Israel.  I don’t perceive any peaceful resolution in the near future…

I always thought it was interesting how the brethren seem to preparing to make a big deal out of the 200th anniversary of the first vision (which in it's right was perhaps the first of Second Coming appearances) but then covid happened and it seemed to overshadow that in the minds of a lot of people. 

I think you definitely have the proper perspective. A healthy respect for the state the world is in and perhaps the seeds of future events being planted before our eyes but not overly focusing on the negative. I especially like turning swimming pool ownership into an act of obedience to prophetic counsel. I think I need to act in faith on that too. 😃

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