Voices in my head?


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Hello. I know i should talk to my church authorities about this and not post it on the internet, but I am far too embarassed about it that the authorities would never look at me the same again. By the way, I am new to the website. I have been LDS my whole life.

Anyways, I will get on to the topic.

For quite several weeks weird things have been happening to me. There are strange voices at the back of my head telling me to do all sorts of evil things. but I say (In my head), No, get away. Im not listening to you! But they are still there. They tell me to do all manners of evil such as stealing, lying, killing, and even telling me to deny the church and all of its doctrines. But I say No get out of my head! But they still remain. What confuses my the most is am I held accountable for these thoughts? I know they are not really mine, since I know that I never want to do any evil but they are in my head so does that mean they are mine? I know people will tell me, Oh thats called temptations that are trying to corrupt you. As long as you don't actually do any of them you'll be fine. This is so weird because they have never gotten into my head until several weeks ago. And the weird part of this is that I just woke up one day and these things start appearing in my head. And now the worst part is that everytime I start doing things such as practicing my instruments, the same voices scream in my head. but i got a chair test tomorrow and i need to practice. I have prayed about this many times but I feel like I am not given an answer because these are actually my thoughts, but not my true thoughts so therefore if my thoughts tell me to do evil then I will not get any blessings because of my evil thoughts. But I know they are not really mine but are they since they are in my head? Am I still held accountable? Is it too late for forgiveness? This is a very confusing situation.

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I have had the same experiences but not as harsh. Right after I got baptized i noticed that when I walked by someone a certain word would pop into my head. I would never call anyone this and I felt so bad about it just thinking about it. I prayed and after some time I have been able to quiet it down. Sometimes those thoughts still pop into my head, but not as frequent. I don't focus on the thoughts and that has helped. It is the advesary trying to bring you down and the more you pay attention to it the more he has a hold on your mind. Just replace those thoughts with positive ones. I hope you are able to practice and keep peaceful kind thoughts in your heart. Good luck!

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Hey, that's quite too bad. I know you don't want to talk with your church authorities, but they can give you the most help. You should talk to your bishop (or write him a letter, something which I once did, it really helps to open the door and make you both feel more comfortable before talking). You could also ask for a blessing from someone you trust, like your father or someone from your ward.

These are really your best options. Asking for help is hard and embarrassing but most worthwhile. You don't need to ask for forgiveness and if you pray and diligently withstand these thoughts then you will not be held accountable. If you still have a problem with voices after receiving a blessing and/or talking with your bishop you may want to consider visiting a psychiatrist or school counselor. I don't mean that to scare you, but it is a viable option.

Best of luck <3

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Guest Malcolm

Hello. I know i should talk to my church authorities about this and not post it on the internet, but I am far too embarassed about it that the authorities would never look at me the same again. By the way, I am new to the website. I have been LDS my whole life.

Anyways, I will get on to the topic.

For quite several weeks weird things have been happening to me. There are strange voices at the back of my head telling me to do all sorts of evil things. but I say (In my head), No, get away. Im not listening to you! But they are still there. They tell me to do all manners of evil such as stealing, lying, killing, and even telling me to deny the church and all of its doctrines. But I say No get out of my head! But they still remain. What confuses my the most is am I held accountable for these thoughts? I know they are not really mine, since I know that I never want to do any evil but they are in my head so does that mean they are mine? I know people will tell me, Oh thats called temptations that are trying to corrupt you. As long as you don't actually do any of them you'll be fine. This is so weird because they have never gotten into my head until several weeks ago. And the weird part of this is that I just woke up one day and these things start appearing in my head. And now the worst part is that everytime I start doing things such as practicing my instruments, the same voices scream in my head. but i got a chair test tomorrow and i need to practice. I have prayed about this many times but I feel like I am not given an answer because these are actually my thoughts, but not my true thoughts so therefore if my thoughts tell me to do evil then I will not get any blessings because of my evil thoughts. But I know they are not really mine but are they since they are in my head? Am I still held accountable? Is it too late for forgiveness? This is a very confusing situation.

I can only imagine how disturbing and disruptive that can be. I agree with the other pots about talking to your Bishop. It can happen to all of us from time to time. Increase your scripture reading time. Cut on the music you listen to and switch to hymns or Gospel music for a bit. Pray often. But fear not. If it is a transient issue it will pass.

I also have some questions about how old you are? Can you distinguish between a very "loud" thought that sort of breaks your concentration and interferes with what you are doing or thinking and an "actual" voice that sounds in your ears? Those are two different things. If it does not subside soon you should talk to you parents and you family doctor just in case.

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The following is from a website on schizophrenia.

"Schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties, than in women, who are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties. People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others."

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If you know they are in your head and that they are not external then that's different to hearing things. As in thoughts rather than real voices. Stress can do funny things. Don't be too hard on yourself. God loves you and he will bless you. He sees your struggles. Talk to your parents about it.

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please, talk to a dr, parents and possibly your bishop. imeadiately. maybe i'm over reacting but i have to go with better safe than sorry on this one.

yes it could just be satan trying to distract you but it could be much much more serious. not trying to scare you but there are more than one mental/physical disorders that can cause "voices". you need to be checked out medically and while those answers are being sought it never hurts to have a blessing. if you are to embarassed you don't have to tell the person giving you the blessing why you want it, the blessing isn't from them it's from god and he already knows what you are going through. that being said i think it's important to talk to the bishop about it he may have some good counsel for you or can make arrangements for you to see one of the lds family services counselors who will definatly know what some of the possible causes would be.

it's one thing to have tempting thoughts that try to deter you from your course. it's another to have constant voices interupting your daily life. if you tend to watch grafic programing (csi, and the sort) you might want to stop putting those images in your mind (reguardless of where the thoughts are comming from you don't want to help them out with ideas)

as for your questions on what you are accountable for.... we all have tempting thoughts on occassion. you are accountable for what you do with them, not necessairly the origin to begin with. if you dwell on them you become accountable for them. if you act on them you become accountable for them. if you engage in activities that encourage them (reading, watching things that inspire them) you become accountable for them. if you push them away and try to keep them away (or seek help if they are more than just temptation) you are not accountable. learning to control our thoughts (in my opinion) is one of the hardest things we have to learn in this life. when there is an issue it can become impossible to do.

please seek help from someone that knows you way better than all us folks.

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This situation sounds suspect to me and I agree with these other posts. Talking to a parent or Dr. just to rule out a physiological component is a courageous and smart idea. Are you on any medication that may have side effects? Have you been under some kind of physical or emotional stress? I think you need to look at all sides of this with someone to support you in the effort. If it truly is Satan messing with you, or putting on the pressure, then you can receive a blessing telling Satan to "get thee hence". You can ask for Angels to come and guard you and your house and your yard. Has your home been dedicated? I have had similar experience. When I added this powerful energy to my home, I definitely felt the influence of Satan decrease. It went back to normal temptation levels. You never know what wisdom your bishop may have. He will be able to help you discern what is happening here. Don't be afraid. When I feel that kind of fear, I have learned that it must be something I need to do or Satan wouldn't be trying so hard to make me afraid of it.

Remember Bishops offices are confidential and so are Dr.'s Offices.

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Are you married? If not, you need to approach your Bishop with this issue. When you finally get the opportunity to have that personal visit, ask the Bishop for a 'kneeling' opening prayer. Let your prayer be one of sincerity, asking for guidance from Heavenly Father, and a confirmation from the Holy Spirit to that answer. I know you will receive an answer. ..:)

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Hi Jenny0,

I believe you. There are many different reasons this might be happening - you need to figure out why. Do you have an LDS Social Services building in your town? I would start there - make an appointment with one of their counselors and tell them what you told us.

If you don't - most certainly go to your bishop and tell him. He will know people you can talk to.

There are many people who will not understand you, or have wrong ideas about what's going on. Seek out the people that understand - they are there.

You are one of God's beloved children - even with a brain that generates such disturbing stuff. I'm thinking knowledge - finding out what is going on with you - will help you more than anything else.


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I just have a few scriptures that might shed some light for you.

Moroni 7:12-17

12 Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually.

13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

14 Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.

15 For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.

16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

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I would urge you to seek medical advice as soon as possible. Sometimes, voices can be heard if you have been experiencing extreme stress, and it can be solved. But sometimes it could be an indicator of certain mental health issues. Something like one one in 3 of us will experience mental health issues at some point in their life. Go to your GP as soon as you can. In the mean time, try not to worry :)

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Hello. I know i should talk to my church authorities about this and not post it on the internet, but I am far too embarassed about it that the authorities would never look at me the same again. By the way, I am new to the website. I have been LDS my whole life.

Anyways, I will get on to the topic.

For quite several weeks weird things have been happening to me. There are strange voices at the back of my head telling me to do all sorts of evil things. but I say (In my head), No, get away. Im not listening to you! But they are still there. They tell me to do all manners of evil such as stealing, lying, killing, and even telling me to deny the church and all of its doctrines. But I say No get out of my head! But they still remain. What confuses my the most is am I held accountable for these thoughts? I know they are not really mine, since I know that I never want to do any evil but they are in my head so does that mean they are mine? I know people will tell me, Oh thats called temptations that are trying to corrupt you. As long as you don't actually do any of them you'll be fine. This is so weird because they have never gotten into my head until several weeks ago. And the weird part of this is that I just woke up one day and these things start appearing in my head. And now the worst part is that everytime I start doing things such as practicing my instruments, the same voices scream in my head. but i got a chair test tomorrow and i need to practice. I have prayed about this many times but I feel like I am not given an answer because these are actually my thoughts, but not my true thoughts so therefore if my thoughts tell me to do evil then I will not get any blessings because of my evil thoughts. But I know they are not really mine but are they since they are in my head? Am I still held accountable? Is it too late for forgiveness? This is a very confusing situation.

I have been a student of thoughts for some time. I am not sure that we should exclude the possibility that thoughts, such as those that have found voice inside your head, are of something other than your creation. In the movie "A Beautiful Mind" we see examples of a person being able to overcome deceptive voices - not from external contributions but internal reorganizations.

The voices are not yours nor are they your generated thoughts. The fact that you recognize them and fight against them indicates they are not yours nor or they true. Start to consider your entertainment, the music you hear and the influences of some of your associates. Make note of what environments makes such voices stronger and weaker. Often attempting to suppress something in your life will draw out your weakness and make you more vulnerable.

The Traveler

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I have a friend who told me once that she went through a period when every time she went to the temple she thought of swear words. She is one of the people least likely ever to use foul language that I know...quite a naive and innocent person...so this was really troubling her. She is also a very anxious person, so the more it troubled her, the more she thought of the foul words. Pretty soon she was obsessing over them all the time.

Finally, she got up her courage and talked to her Bishop about it. Wise man that he was, he told her to just say to herself, "There are those darn words again; I sure don't enjoy them, but if they insist on coming up, I guess I'll just think of something else." He even told her to have a sense of humor about them because they were so ridiculously out of place in her head. Somehow, this attitude (rather than being horrified with herself) took the power away from these words. Once she was able to relax about the whole thing and not think she was going nuts or becoming Satan's spawn or something, they stopped entirely.

So, it's possible that your own situation may have started with one random experience, and then your fears/reaction to that experience gave it a power of its own and voila...Voices.

On the other hand, you could indeed be experiencing some auditory delusions related to the beginnings of a mental illness. If so, it wouldn't necessarily have to be schizophrenia; bipolar disorder can also have schizoaffective aspects to it. Either way, don't panic. A good pyschiatrist can help you determine what's going on, if anything. Assuming you do go, and I hope you do, make sure to choose one who is conservative about treatment. (In the event medication is needed, it's always best to use as little as possible to address the symptoms, and some psychiatrists just like to throw in the kitchen sink, so to speak.)

Don't be afraid to tell people what's going on with you. You are obviously lucid, and you clearly recognize that the "voices" are false. That is definitely a good sign. I wouldn't be surprised to find that the whole situation is like that of my friend (an outgrowth of your own anxieties) but it's better to check things out with a good doctor just to be sure.

Take care!

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Wow, very intriguing topic!!

I have a friend who told me once that she went through a period when every time she went to the temple she thought of swear words.

That sort of thing happens to me too, but it isn't just swear words (and I don't swear or use foul language).

You know, I've had this same problem my entire life. Although I don't "hear" the voices as if someone was standing behind me, I do "feel" or "imagine" them. I've always felt twisted up inside fighting them. I think I learned to recognize them early on as simply dark thoughts that I needed to ignore or replace with good thoughts. I like one of the above comments quoting from scriptures as all good things coming from God and all evil things coming from the adversary.

While it has been a tremendous struggle to learn to ignore those voices/thoughts, which I just consider extremely annoying thoughts (because I know they aren't who I am/they don't define me) it has taught me to become finely attuned to the sweet promptings of the Spirit and also when the Lord answers me/my prayers. While those answers seldom come when I want them to, I know without a doubt that I had an answer and it is an amazing thing.

I've shared this "problem" with my wife before, but I very seldom/never share any of those thoughts, because I know they aren't mine and if I ever told anyone I might be considered demented or twisted. I shudder to think about those evil promptings and why they ever enter my mind.

I remember once on my mission in Germany, my companion and I climbed a very high tower of an old cathedral as part of a guest tour. When I reached the very top and looked down over the rail, which was many stories high, I could very distinctly hear a thought to "jump". Ever since I was little and if I was ever on vacation with family and overlooked a precipice to a canyon, etc. that nagging voice would come and tell me to jump, but very forcefully, almost as if giving me the will to do it. I hated those thoughts. I still do.

Anyway, I don't know if others actually "hear" the voices as if someone was standing behind them, but I don't. They're more like thoughts. I still deal with it and I probably always will. I should also note that I am told in my patriarchal blessing that the adversary desires my life, that I should pray daily for the preservation of my life. There have been times that I have literally cheated death too, thanks to listening to the promptings of the Spirit, but that is another discussion.

My best advice is to pray and keep praying. Learn to recognize the difference between those voices and the promptings of the Spirit and also when the Lord speaks to you when you pray. Learning to listen to the Lord is such an important part of this. Of course, speaking with your bishop is definitely something that I'm sure would benefit you.

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It is most interesting that we live in a time when people will act out in violance towards those close to them - especially children. I find it very interesting that many deny that such influence could have a dark and evil source outside of the individual dispite what Jesus taught concerning "unclean" spirits.

The Traveler

The Traveler

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Oh for crying out loud! Get yourself to a psychiatrist. If you can't afford one go to your bishop as he has the ability to help you with this.

If what you have written is true you have all of the symptoms of a serious mental illness called schizophrenia. I am NOT saying you have this illness. But you need to have this checked out just to be sure.

Going to your bishop is a great first step as he can help you with both your spiritual and physical needs with this.

If this is schizophrenia, it is extremely important you get help from a doctor right away. Your bishop's help and support will be invaluable, but he cannot diagnose a mental illness. What he can do is help you get to a doctor who can.


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Interesting. I don't think I'm schizophrenic and neither am I, but I am. :lol: Kidding aside, when I am calm and at peace; when I pray daily as I should and am living in harmony with the gospel those thoughts and temptations aren't there. It's only when I'm in a precarious position that I hear or feel that urge to do something stupid.

I remember a story, and maybe some of you have heard it and can recount it for me but basically a man was observed with only one or two "demons" about him. Another had many more about him. The one who had one or two demons needed very little persuasion from the adversary or evil spirits about him to persuade him to sin. The man who had many demons about him was strong in faith and therefore had been pitted with more tempters by the adversary to work on him until a weakness was found whereby he could be subtly dragged down to hell.

I may chat with my bishop and see what he has to say about it. Like I said, they were never literal voices, only thoughts/feelings. It may not be as extreme as Jenny0's.

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Interesting. I don't think I'm schizophrenic and neither am I, but I am. :lol: Kidding aside, when I am calm and at peace; when I pray daily as I should and am living in harmony with the gospel those thoughts and temptations aren't there. It's only when I'm in a precarious position that I hear or feel that urge to do something stupid.

I remember a story, and maybe some of you have heard it and can recount it for me but basically a man was observed with only one or two "demons" about him. Another had many more about him. The one who had one or two demons needed very little persuasion from the adversary or evil spirits about him to persuade him to sin. The man who had many demons about him was strong in faith and therefore had been pitted with more tempters by the adversary to work on him until a weakness was found whereby he could be subtly dragged down to hell.

I may chat with my bishop and see what he has to say about it. Like I said, they were never literal voices, only thoughts/feelings. It may not be as extreme as Jenny0's.

In the March edition of National Geographic Mag. There are several rather interesting articles concerning the human brain. In essence neural surgery is beginning to replace the use of drugs in treating what in times past has been considered severe psychological disorders.

A common, sometimes considered minor disorder is known as a headache and one of the most common treatments is aspirin or similar drug. The problem here is that we have convinced ourselves that medication is a treatment for headaches. In essence it is a treatment of symptoms and not a treatment of cause. Headaches are not caused by a lack of aspirin in our systems.

We seem to live in an era bent on quick fixes. America and Utah are over medicated. Masking a problem or a rush to treat symptoms by medication can create a cure that is worse than the problem. Currently drugs are the single most profitable enterprise in the USA and with the incentive of exorbitant profit (even more than oil companies) the propensity for corruption is itself a form of insanity.

The Traveler

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We seem to live in an era bent on quick fixes. America and Utah are over medicated. Masking a problem or a rush to treat symptoms by medication can create a cure that is worse than the problem. Currently drugs are the single most profitable enterprise in the USA and with the incentive of exorbitant profit (even more than oil companies) the propensity for corruption is itself a form of insanity.

The Traveler

Interesting point. I should note that I seldom if ever take any medication of any kind. I don't care to develop any dependence to anything. My body has done a rather decent job of repairing itself with a little time, a good nap and being physically fit. But now I'm going off topic. I digress.

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i think many ppl do turn to medications to quickly, it is a huge industry. however sometimes it is needed. before taking any major med (chemical altering of any kind, including birth control in my opinion) it should be a matter of prayer. there are usually other answers but when there aren't don't feel ashamed to take something. i also think those who haven't been in the situation need to be very careful about judging someone that is on something, you don't know where they have been, what they have been through or what answers they may have gotten in prayer.

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Oh sweetie,

NO, Ofcourse you are not accountable for them. Don't worry yourself about that. Don't be afraid to go talk to your bishop about this and ask him for a blessing and help. I am not a professional but this sounds like there is a possibility you may have scitzophrenia. My SIL has it and I know a few others who do. don't let it scare you. If you do have it it is merely a psychological disorder. It in no way means you are crazy and it can be treated. It is also possible that Satan is just working extra hard on you. He may know that you have an important roll to play in the Lord's work and is trying to thwart it. I have had experiences like that in my life on a number of occasions. Whatever it is it is nothing for you to be ashamed about or feel guilt over. Go talk to your bishop sweetie. He will help you.



AKA mustardseed

Hello. I know i should talk to my church authorities about this and not post it on the internet, but I am far too embarassed about it that the authorities would never look at me the same again. By the way, I am new to the website. I have been LDS my whole life.

Anyways, I will get on to the topic.

For quite several weeks weird things have been happening to me. There are strange voices at the back of my head telling me to do all sorts of evil things. but I say (In my head), No, get away. Im not listening to you! But they are still there. They tell me to do all manners of evil such as stealing, lying, killing, and even telling me to deny the church and all of its doctrines. But I say No get out of my head! But they still remain. What confuses my the most is am I held accountable for these thoughts? I know they are not really mine, since I know that I never want to do any evil but they are in my head so does that mean they are mine? I know people will tell me, Oh thats called temptations that are trying to corrupt you. As long as you don't actually do any of them you'll be fine. This is so weird because they have never gotten into my head until several weeks ago. And the weird part of this is that I just woke up one day and these things start appearing in my head. And now the worst part is that everytime I start doing things such as practicing my instruments, the same voices scream in my head. but i got a chair test tomorrow and i need to practice. I have prayed about this many times but I feel like I am not given an answer because these are actually my thoughts, but not my true thoughts so therefore if my thoughts tell me to do evil then I will not get any blessings because of my evil thoughts. But I know they are not really mine but are they since they are in my head? Am I still held accountable? Is it too late for forgiveness? This is a very confusing situation.

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