Flowers on a first date?


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It depends on how well they know the guy. If they had been friends for a year and a romance was developing, that would be appropriate. But the most bizarre date I ever went on, I thought I was being invited on a group outing until the guy said, "Do you have a friend for my friend?" and then he picked me up from work with some flowers. We just met that morning. I wrote about it somewhere. It was horrible. I'll dig it up and make a worst date ever thread.

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I met my DH just two days before our first date, and he arrived (for the date) with a single red rose in hand. Creeped my right out. I made up my mind right then and there that there would be no second date. But then, less than a week later, we were talking marriage.

Our ending up married is the most obvious case of divine intervention in my life to date! :lol:

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That depends...if it's a formal event where a corsage or wristlet is usual then it's fine. Presenting flowers on a first date if your date happens to be hosting a group dinner, as a thankyou for the effort, is also appropriate.

Um, well, if neither of the above applies, I think you would go on the date AND then decide whether the flowers should be binned or not.

However, I did have a conversation on a first date with a guy about orchids (we walked past some I think) and I received a very nice bunch a couple of days later of some fairly exotic and well-appreciated flowers that he had taken the trouble to order and have flown in. That was rather thoughtful. We even went on a date to an orchid farm. Er, nothing suspicious, his mother liked to paint flowers apparently and he bought an orchid for her birthday. I had mentioned visiting the farm so I was the 'travel guide'...although I'm sure he could have found the farm himself ; ) .

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I think it is how they give them and how well you like the guy. If he looks like he is trying too hard or pushing too hard, then it can be a turn off. Just for my style, I would rather the guy down play things or move forward more casually. Flowers are nice, but I think they work better when foundations are laid.

A guy in college gave me flowers once. We were in the same fhe group on campus and had been buddy/friends for a long time. Then he asked me to the movie. Showed up with 2 dozen red roses. I was completely unprepared. He took me to the movie on a motercycle but failed to bring me a helmet. He tried to hold my hand during the movie. Yuck. Then got upset with me because I didn't melt into 1000 pieces over the flowers and then crashed the motercycle cause he was so upset. We had the paramedics and everything!! And what was their first question to me? Where is your helmet? I said, "Ask him!"

On the balance. I say hold off on the flowers for a few dates. Patience is a sign of class.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest User-Removed

nothing says stalker like a bouquet of red roses lol!!!

but seriously.. daises or something like that wouldn't be that bad. I think it just depends on the flower and the intent.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH....Please...Forget the flowers...I know the way to your heart..a nice tasty po boy...some etouffe...and a few hot beignets...

Lessiez Le Bon Temps Rollier

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH....Please...Forget the flowers...I know the way to your heart..a nice tasty po boy...some etouffe...and a few hot beignets...

Lessiez Le Bon Temps Rollier

I have to agree! take her for a nice meal and great conversation..tht's the way to a girls heart!

on a side note: I didn't get flowers from my husband for forever... his reasoning? Because they'll die. My reply? So will you and I still like you! I get flowers a few times a year now :D

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Guest GhostRider

What are flowers? Just kidding. I remember in my younger days that I would bring "redneck Roses" to the girl I was dating. Not on the first date mind you. They would be just some really pretty wild flowers that I would happen to find. OR would get some from the local floral department.....Moms Flower Garden. lol. would also depend on the girl. For some reason girls like flowers and things that had sparkly diamonds ( shhhhh they were zarconia!) and gold ( can u say plated?)

but seriously. I think one flower that is not a rose is ok....put a little note on the flower if you really know the young lady. Like hope you had a great day or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I once heard a young lady agonizing over what to do for a first date: She didn't want to eat since she felt like she was obliged to get just a sald, or look like a pig, and she didn't want to go to a movie since you just sit there in the dark and don't get to know the person.

She never came up with a satisfying idea, although I suggested a group date like bowling and/or supper at a dinner theater place. Like a mystery or comedy dinner theater.

Any other ideas.

Oh, I didn't get my wife flowers on the first date, but I do all the time since, and grow lots of flowers for her. I used to send flowers to her work all the time, and got her an orchid corsage for our dates.

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