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Everything posted by Vort

  1. He was highly intelligent. His temple even said so.
  2. Is a doubling of your current salary sufficient? I can make up the difference myself.
  3. However, note that merely bumping a thread is much different from offering a genuine reply, even to an older thread. As long as the topic is still relevant (e.g. "How do you prepare for a new baby?" vs. "I'm having a baby in a month! What should I do?"), thread "resurrection" per se should not be viewed negatively.
  4. I plan to wait for a year or two, then post on this thread again.
  5. Now at least you can dislike the right sex! For the record, my wife is a brilliant and self-respecting woman, and she never rips on men. I realize you were teasing, but my observation is that LDS men rarely criticize women or womanhood. When they do, it's in private, and as often as not is met with a negative reaction, like "I don't think women are like that. My wife isn't." LDS women, on the other hand, are far more likely to criticize men and manhood, privately or in public, and are typically met with laughter and agreement all around. I think it's a nauseating state of affairs, and I fear for my sons (and also for my daughter, for different reasons). But perhaps my experiences are not representative of the larger Church. I hope not. Wow. Uh, thanks. Reminds me of the canonical high school nerd compliment attempt to a girl: "For a fat chick, you don't sweat much."
  6. This sounds so wonderful. I am sure many Americans, tired of the anti-American rhetoric that has been increasingly popular in Europe and around the globe over the last two decades, would love nothing better than to cut loose all the ungrateful rabble-rousers and let them defend their own darned selves. But many of these people fail to remember why we have bases in the Philippines, Japan, Germany, Korea, and so forth in the first place. If we stop the spread of evil elements (e.g. Communism) in some other part of the world, we don't have to stop it at home. If you think it's time to bring all our boys home and mothball those doggoned foreign bases, just remember the ramifications. US influence exists not merely to extend US hegemony, but to further US interests. And it is in the best interests of the US that we live in a free and democratic world. Maybe that is not best done by having military bases around the globe. Seems like the British tried that, and after their day in the sun their empire fell apart. So you may be right, and maybe I even agree with you, but let's keep our eyes open to the reality of the situation.
  7. "Were you born in a barn?" "What, you mean like Jesus?"
  8. Remember to follow the rules of a haiku: Haikus are easy. You just have to stop after Seventeen syllab-
  9. (Alternate thread title: Vort is bored) Lots of explosions! Giant metallic robots! Plot? Irrelevant! Italian: Tanti 'splosioni! Roboti metallici! Trama n' importa! (←poetic license) French: Beaucoup d'explosions! Grands robots trés métalliques! Intrigue ne fait rien! Spanish: ¡Qué explosiones! ¡Qué robots metálicos! ¿Trama? ¡Quién sabe! Help in my noble cause, so we can get the word out to all nations about this awe-inspiring work of filmic art.
  10. I said she. I mean her. You just misread me. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  11. Perhaps we are. I understood seminarysnoozer to be saying that the honesty of megacouponers' practice was questionable in certain circumstances, and you provisionally agreeing with him. Maybe I misunderstood.
  12. One of the keys of being a good editor is to bring the material into conformity with the standard without destroying the author's voice. This is a tricky balancing act, and few people have developed the gift to do it well. I would imagine the same applies to moderating a forum.
  13. Did not see the second. Did not remember the first as being nearly as vulgar. Extremely violent, too, and not just robot-on-robot CGIing. Btw, no Megan Fox. That was something of an improvement.
  14. I responded to your other thread. Looks like you already figured out the answer. Prophet leaders like Lehi held the higher Priesthood, which was not confined to just one tribe as was the Levitical Priesthood.
  15. I disagree. Loss-leading is used because it's ultimately profitable. Suppose someone decided to give away $1 bills to attract people to his new store. Then lots of people show up at his store, collect their $1 bill, and then leave without buying anything. Would you say those people were dishonest for accepting what the store owner gave them? Same deal with coupons. There may be some coupon maximizers, but clearly the retailers make money on the whole. If not, they wouldn't offer the coupons. So all the talk of "dishonesty" is bunk. If someone uses coupons to purchase an unusably huge quantity of thumbtacks, that's stupid, and it might be destructively selfish, but it is not dishonest.
  16. All of our problems would be at an end if only we empowered the government to take more of our wages than they currently do.
  17. I see what you did there. (Or their. Or they're.)
  18. Bishops mean well, but are often so overworked that they forget things. You would do better to ask your ward's high priest group leader directly. He is responsible for making those assignments and directing home teaching activity among your home teachers.
  19. It will probably be done under the direction of the funeral home director. It doesn't really take that long. It's a dignified service that you provide to your loved one, and if done with the right attitude is actually a beautiful thing. But it all depends on your own mindset and your relationship to the deceased. I helped to dress my dad before his funeral, while my mother and sister watched. It is a sacred memory.
  20. Then how does Jim Phelps protect us? Sorry. The low-hanging fruit was too tempting.
  21. I think that's true now, but it wasn't necessarily true 10 or 15 years ago. Thankfully, it's certainly going out of fashion. We left grad school in 1995.
  22. Declare Independence with BYU on July 1, 2011
  23. 1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.