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Everything posted by annewandering

  1. If the church hides this it didnt do a very good job of it. I learned about how it came about and became commandment in seminary.
  2. Our backdoor neighbors used to keep the dealers happy around here. They are set back about 1800 feet yet the stench was overwhelming in our house. The husband has since passed away and while I am not happy about that it has been nice to not smell the smoke. It really does smell awful.
  3. Three good reasons right there that I have enough trouble with already. Dont need drugs to mess me up more!! So, OP, when you use drugs and read scriptures, do the scriptures tell you that you are getting great understanding? After the drug wears off do you remember the understanding you received? After, do you feel like jumping up and doing what needs to be done in your life or do you feel more like needing/wanting another joint?
  4. I absolutely love the ability to search across every source in the app and there are a lot of them. It is amazing!
  5. It is easier to 'engage' nearsighted. Not joking. How large is your device? How large is the type? Those make a difference to me.
  6. I have a family member who is still living in the house of their divorced spouse. The spouse wants them around for safety and chores and the family member wants to save money. They really do not like each other but have lived like this for years even married. No sex, etc. I think its nuts and the bishops says they need to change the living arrangements. Honestly, I dont even understand why they got divorced. Nothing has changed except tax?
  7. She may not but your husband will without any doubt. If you can not do this one small thing your marriage is going to be a nightmare. My dad's mother drove my mom crazy for many years before my dad finally realized that she was a controlling, manipulative horror. It was not pleasant. You do not want this for yourself.
  8. He may have put a lot of thought into the quotes he found on google. There really is a lot of useless quotes out there to sift through. The really nice thing is he did do the letter. I have heard that is not an easy thing for guys to do. It would be really hard for me and I am not even a guy.
  9. Does the brother doing homework know his brother is not a mathematician? I am guessing he does. So why does he go to him for math help? Its illogical.
  10. It is best to not ever buy cheap pot metal earrings and get that allergic reaction going. Silver, Gold, Platinum, Stainless steel are usually all good if they are not just filled metal. For earrings you are just asking for trouble to buy any cheap metals.
  11. or go ahead and get a temp tattoo and a faux belly ring along with the earrings. Ask which she prefers. :)
  12. Gosh I forgot I had mine done! With glasses I am not that fond of earrings but now I dont wear them anymore! Getting me some earrings! Get some cute ones and enjoy then buy your mom some to match. lol. kidding but might be a thought.
  13. I felt that way too. I was only 16 but it was sobering and an amazing testimony to me when we did have problems with our first two sons. They are two that are waiting to greet me when I die. No matter what happens to those I love I know they will be there. There is a real place. One thing that amazes me is how the blessing changes over time. When I was 20 things meant one thing. When I was 40 they meant somethings entirely different to me. Now there are parts that have changed again. I think the blessings change meanings for what you need at various points in your life. Now your family is one very important thing to be working on. Well family is always important but now is a time you need to focus more there. In forty years it might be family history. Who knows now. If you read your blessing often you will have inspiration that is important for you at that time.
  14. Everything is different than math. With math its gloating. :) lol my brother, one year older, used to come home and tell me secrets. They were secrets of math. When he was in the 1st grade. They were interesting. Old stamps are interesting. Soap making is fascinating. The thing about math is they just dont seem to catch on that not everyone loves math like they do. Do you know anyone who loves math who understands why others dont love it? If they do I bet its that they have decided its because that person just isnt smart enough to love it. Oh sheesh. Ok no more ranting. As you can see this is a pet peeve kinda thing with me.
  15. Well my blessing was certainly different. It said the things you wanted to hear and it also 'told' me there would be something terrible concerning my sons and it talked about me dying and being back with those I loved. There were some things that I wondered about that I see why now. So do you really want to know there would be problems with sons when you are 16? Or that the ones you love will be dead before you are? And that you will be happy to die? I love my blessing but honestly I would not 'wish' much of it on someone else. It sounds like God thinks you are a pretty cool person and He knows you are going to do the right things. The one trial He is giving you now is to find a testimony of how much He knows you and loves you. Oh when you get another blessing for your linage he might just give you that blessing. Never know!
  16. Your brother is gloating. I come from a family that has people who love to play with math. I think they are nuts but oh well. I can think of a lot of things I would rather play with than numbers. Its there. Its useful. Its boring. Tell your brother to get an interesting hobby and you will play that with him if he will leave his math at home.
  17. Isnt it wonderful having a husband that is not critical of you restarting your activity in the church? Many are. You have overcome a huge hurdle already and he made it a smooth road! Does he know much about the church? From his response when you told him you were going back to church, it sounds like he may not know and might have some misconceptions. You might find time to find out what he knows, or thinks, if you havent already. :) I think you have things sorted out pretty good.
  18. Of course he wants to continue. It gives him easy rewards. He wont get anywhere if he doesnt accept this and he, apparently, does! He is honest both with himself and with you which is a great step. There are a lot of things in life that give us pleasure. A lot of them are things we deny to ourselves because we want a conflicting thing more. He has to decide now that he wants a happy family now. It is hard because first he has to understand he can not have both. Even if he manages to hide his porn from you. I suspect most of his thoughts are on finding a way he can have both. There will be no change unless it comes from him. Probably there will be no lasting change if he does not ask for the support of God through prayer and repentance.
  19. Hey my bedroom door has the same design cross. No windows but the old oak door with the four panels. I agree with you, Pam. Its just a nice door.
  20. I remember that. It was for sure a time that faith had to be strong. :)
  21. I remember when Pres. McKay would be too frail to attend General Conference. We usually did not know until he was not there. He tried really hard to make it to at least one session. It is interesting that the church carries on. The mantle is still here even if the person holding it is not able to serve in total capacity.
  22. Some bishops are annoyed when you ask. Some are not. We have run into both.
  23. Pres. Benson was uncommunicative for about five years before he died. His councilors carried on during that time of which Pres. Monson was one. Pres. Hunter was in poor health but only physically.