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Everything posted by mikbone

  1. Family and Consumer Science Looks like an obvious fit to me. I got my BS @ BYU Provo in Nutrition Science. It was awesome. Wonderful teachers, interesting classes. I took this one course wherein organic chemistry was an elective, and the first day I showed up, we baked oatmeal cookies at our own personal kitchen set up. We had the best college parties. The facilty could really cook. I continued with my education, went to medical school and an now fixing bones for a living. Many of my classmates became registered dietetics. No doubt some now are chefs and work in the restaurant field.
  2. There are a few instances that one can look at within the scriptures that let us understand what happens when one passes thru the veil. In my opinion the best reference is found within Ether chapter 3, see verses 10-20. From these verses it suggests that one passes thru the veil only after sufficient testing and faith. And upon passage thru the veil one then receives his pre-mortal memories. Everyone will become resurrected. It is obvious that most of those that are resurrected will never pass thru the veil. I'm not even sure if one must pass thru the veil to enter into the celestial kingdom. Do some research on the ordinance of receiving one's calling and election. I would suggest that passage thru the veil is an ordinance that all must partake of who wish to follow the plan of exaltation. It may be a long time after we are resurrected before we are ready to pass through the veil. Although some men have done so during mortality... 3 Nephi 11: 14-15 also gives some insight to the temple ceremony.
  3. Dunno, I appreciated the sisters when I was out on a mission. I got married 6 months after my mission. And any mormon boy not married by the age of 27 is a menace to society - Brigham Young. Lots of LDS young ladies get married before they turn 21 years old. I never visualized my daughter with a missionary tag until today... Yeah thats why I wrote 30ish. No cut off was given.
  4. I never considered sending my daughters into the mission field... Not until today.
  5. LOL! Pres Holland just said that BYU Pres Samuelson got no forewarning. He must be in panic mode. Good question in the press conference. Will the BYU incoming freshman class be all female? And yeah, this is probably a great year to apply to BYU.
  6. same here. My boys will now be able to go into the field together.
  7. Big announcement about missionaries leaving early. I bet sister missionaries double or triple.
  8. Further light and knowledge is out there. You gotta seek it if you want it. Truth is Truth. Knowing calculus will improve your algebra and simple addition. no doubt. That being said... "The reason we do not have the secrets of the Lord revealed unto us is because we do not keep them but reveal them, we do not keep our own secrets but reveal our difficulties to the world even to our enemies then how would we keep the secrets of the Lord? Joseph says I can keep a secret till doomsday." - Joseph Smith, Jr. Sermon delivered at Smith Homestead on Sunday December 19, 1841
  9. Corruption biblically infers sin. Genesis 6 and Moses 8 further ties corruption to violence. It makes sense that the flood occurred to prevent pre-moral spirits to be sent into families of unbelievers and sinners. I'm not sure that animals can sin. But perhaps the biological profile of species on the Earth at that time was out of control and unhealthy. I guess the real question is to define the term corruption. Genetically human DNA is far from perfect.
  10. We don't know why God from time to time decides to destroy all life. I agree with you that the book you are reading is poorly put together. Does he mention all the mass extinction events that modern scientists believe occurred from studying the geologic record.
  11. It is unlikely that the Amalekites were practicing genetic engineering.
  12. By all means, join in the fun. Grace vs. Works seems to be an endless debate especially when discussing the topics between groups of LDS members vs. Christians of other denominations. Salvation from Spiritual and Physical Death comes entirely from Grace. Grace is an effect of Christ's Atonement. There is no work that one can achieve that will save him or her from spiritual and physical death. Without Jesus and the Atonement, we are all dead. Exaltation on the other hand (a concept that is singular to the Mormon faith) is offered to those who work for it. Exaltation cannot exist without Salvation so Exaltation is also dependent upon grace. But Grace without Works falls far short of Exaltation. Most of these arguments a due to a miscommunication of definitions though. (Semantics) Salvation: By Grace or by Works? - Ensign Apr. 1981 - ensign Is a great article printed in 1981 by Gearald N. Lund
  13. Copied from LDS.org - Relief Society Chapter Detail - The Latter-day Saint Woman I believe that the above statements were concerning children that are born live that die before the age of accountability, not miscarriages. Children who pass away By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog The above link is a good collection of statements concerning children that die before accountability.
  14. Please do try. It is not by any means clear. I would like you to back up this statement with references from scripture... Children who pass away By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog Those who receive their calling and election will inherit the capacity to continue progressing eternally. All others in this life are in question... Even if you have been through the temple this does not guarantee your exaltation. The ordinance must be sealed by the holy spirit of promise. I have not witnessed this personally and have not seen anyone in my stake wearing any patches that display 'sealed by the holy spirit of promise'. It is my personal belief that all that receive exaltation must obtain their calling and election, either in this life or the next. It would be wise to seek this blessing during this mortal life. Joseph Smith has recommended as much. Those who do not inherit exaltation are in effect damned. If you make it into the 1st or 2nd level of the celestial kingdom, you do not inherit exaltation or eternal increase. I know that It will be long after my resurrection that I become perfect, if at all. I will strive for my calling and election and I know that it will be a difficult process. I do not feel that the Lord owes me anything. But He has set the mark and I am determined to keep working toward that goal. There are many examples of people whom have received their calling and election during this life, they do not boast of their success, but if you read the scriptures carefully you can determine which prophets have been successful. If you are asking me where I think that the switch is that will allow me to have me calling and election made sure, I would have to say, I don't know. But I will continue to study the scriptures, and do what I know it right. With hope, and determination through obedience perhaps it will come during this life. But I don't expect it. D&C 82 10 I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise. 24 For even yet the kingdom is yours, and shall be forever, if you fall not from your steadfastness. Even so. Amen. Entrance into the Celestial Kingdom does not guarantee anyone exaltation. The only way that one can be guaranteed exaltation is to receive one's calling and election and then not murder or deny the holy spirit. This may be contrary to your previous understanding and it may be disappointing to realize that you will only be given what you are worthy to have - but it is so. Try reading the scriptures like an attorney. There are many contracts that are offered by the Lord. But you must fulfill your part before He can fulfill his part. If not so, it would not be fair to all the other souls who will not receive exaltation. Mercy cannot rob justice. The temple ceremony is unequivocal concerning these things. Check out Mark 10: 36-40 Joseph Smith, Jr. Funeral sermon for James Adams delivered at the General Conference of the Church held a Nauvoo, Ill. on Monday (afternoon) October 9, 1843, as recorded in the Times and Seasons.
  15. D&C 131: 1-4 clearly states that if you do not enter into the 3rd level of the Celestial Kingdom via the new and everlasting covenant that you cannot have an increase. There will be many that enter into the celestial kingdom that do not enter into the 3rd level. Those people that come to earth that do not live past the age of accountability or are mentally retarded do not enter into the new and everlasting covenant. True they have passed thru the 2nd estate, but they have NOT gained entrance into the highest level of the celestial kingdom. And even If one is married in the temple and enters into the new and everlasting covenant, if the ordinance is not sealed by the holy spirit of promise it is not binding. Receiving ones calling and election is the only sure fire way to know if you are going to make it into the highest level of the celestial kingdom. And thus have the type of existence that God has - Exaltation.
  16. Depends on how you define success and exaltation. Trisomy 18 is Edwards syndrome, I assume you ment someone with (21), or just mental retardation. Anyway, those who have mental retardation or die before age 8 qualify for the Celestial kingdom but not the highest level of that kingdom... Entrance into the highest lvl requires temple marriage...
  17. D&C 78: 17-22 D&C 58: 2-4 Council Meeting of Presidency and Twelve Apostles on June 27, 1839 Joseph Smith, Jr. as recorded in the Willard Richards Pocket companion Sermon delivered at Yelrome, Hancock County, Ill. on Sunday May 14, 1843 Joseph Smith, Jr. as recorded in Wilford Woodruff Journal The above 2 quotes by the prophet describe the ordinance of receiving one's calling and election. It is the ultimate blessing that one can receive here on earth, or even in heaven. You may notice that one can receive this blessing only after having the Lord thoroughly prove him, wherein the Lord finds that the man is determined to serve him at all hazard. Please notice that Joseph Smith also states that one can hear the voice of God and know that Jesus is the Son of God, and still not have this blessing. Thus if we have not had this ordinance during this earth life, we will have to continue to work in the hereafter until we are worthy of the blessing.
  18. Why are we here at all then. Why not just arrange a earthly simulation wherein all the members of humanity either die before the age of accountability or are mentally retarded? Sure would have been nice if everyone could have just skipped earth life and learned by osmosis just by being in God's presence. Why couldn't we have learned all the diligence, integrity and faithfulness without mistake or error during the pre-mortal existence. Or..., why didn't God just cast Satan into Outer darkness instead of down here to Earth. He could have done so easily. Then your idea of how we are to learn would have been so much easier. Why fight? Why struggle so much?
  19. 1) God could have made a computer simulation of our entire lives from our progression prior to earth life, thru this test and beyond, and in a split second had the results of everyones score. What then? Would He then say OK Bobby did poorly. Then make his spirit, give him a resurrected body and then condemn him to outer darkness? And Holly does swell she gets created and is sent to the Celestial Kingdom. Do we hook her up with another good simulation (Dan) and send them off to create other worlds. Do we fill Holly and Dan's brain with false memories and expect them to continue to make good decisions? Sounds absurd no? 2) Experience is essential. Without the hardcore understanding of the consequences of our decisions we don't really have an education. Would you prefer to have Brother Uchtdorf or my 12 year old son pilot your next transcontinental flight (my son is really good on flight simulators). 3) Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty, cause and effect. 4) Abraham 3:25 And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;
  20. Trial and error is integral to the plan of salvation. Otherwise Father would have chosen Lucifers plan (Moses 4:1-3) wherein none would have been lost. Agency would have been forefit. And we could have learned without mistake or error. It is my hope that as my trials continue my errors will decrease until that perfect day. D&C 122: 7-8 Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time There is one other thing that I wish that your would consider. The concept that we have been discussing in this post is not really important to our salvation. We are trying to peer through the veil and predict what the hereafter is going to be like. The majority of all scripture does not really discuss the issues that we have been poorly debating. The reason that I keep quoting Joseph Smith, particularly the King Follett Discourse is that during that general conference talk. Brother Joseph felt the need to delve into deep doctrine and try to explain some of the issues of eternity and our future in heaven. Most LDS members probably don't even recognize what he was attempting to do on that day in April 7, 1844. If you want to understand what our relationship with Heavenly Father is going to be like in the future, you have to see it like Joseph Smith did. Or you have to read the words of the Men whom have had their calling and election made sure, saw thru the veil and then attempted to share some of their knowledge with us. These occurrences are few. Ether 3 - The brother of Jared and his vision Joseph Smith Jr. Abraham Enoch