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Everything posted by pam

  1. Awesome I need a new toaster. Does it have 4 slots?
  2. I saw your comment about your wedding next weekend. Just wanted to say congratulations and I wish you the very best.
  3. What????????????? What the heck? I LOVE Susie....she can't go.
  4. 1. What time did you get up this morning? 8 am 2. What do you prefer diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 4. What is your favorite TV show? I don't have one. I rarely watch tv. 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? What is breakfast? 6. What is your middle name? Joan 7. What is your favorite food? prime rib and cheesecake 8. What foods do you dislike? shrimp 9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Spicy BBQ 10. What is your favorite CD at this moment? Too many to choose from 11. What kind of car do you drive? Nissan Altima 12. What is your favorite sandwich? Believe it or not...bologna 13. What characteristic do you despise? Bigots....I despise with a passion 14. What is your favorite item/outfit you like to wear? jeans, jeans and jeans. Did I mention jeans? 15. Where would you like to travel? San Diego always...England 16. What color is your bathroom? red/white and blue 17. What is your favorite brand of clothing? Whatever I can afford 18. What location would you like to retire? San Diego 19. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football...GO CHARGERS!!!! 20. What is your favorite sport to play? volleyball though I'm really too short to do any spiking 21. What is your goal in life at this moment? to make it though the day 22. When is your birthday? Two days before Christmas 23. Your favorite flower? Yellow rose 24. Are you a morning or a night person? morning 25. What was your childhood dream of becoming? A singer
  5. Happy Birthday Acez. Come on in. The door is open. Now that you are 19...get your papers in !!!!
  6. Sorry PC didn't mean to make you feel left out on the joke. It's just something that PaleRider, Ben Raines and I have had going for close to 9 years now. Loved your paypal comment.
  7. Where in So. Cal and what station if you don't mind me asking?
  8. I just love both of them. Wonderful sense of humor between them. I think one of my favorite things Sis. Hinckley said was during an interview when she was asked if she had ever thought about divorcing Pres. Hinckley. She said she had thought of killing him a few times but never divorcing him. They are both priceless.
  9. hhhmmmm....then how come you never get my brand of chew correct????? You buy so much of it we are always out. Just trying to substitute. And a fine job you do I must say. You are by far the loudest of the complainers. Though I wonder sometimes...your voice does have a bit of a "meow" to it.
  10. Are you saying that is the ONLY way men are desirable? j/k
  11. I absolutely love it. I've been there over 3 years. I know most of the people that come in. Know them so well I have their items on the counter before they even walk in the door.
  12. I am one of the managers at a gas station. I raise the price of gas so people can't afford to buy it. At least that's what people think.
  13. Oh brother. There is that humility again. just deal with it...............LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nope this is getting old once again...LOL!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm sounds very familiar.
  14. Oh brother. There is that humility again. just deal with it...............LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nope
  15. I have to add a person who I had already admired but admire even more now. That is Derek Fisher from the Utah Jazz. Asking to be let out of the rest of his contract that would have brought him an additional 21 million dollars. Reason? So that he can be with his family and especially with his 1 year old daughter who is suffering from a rare eye cancer and the treatment has to be done in New York. His second.
  16. just checking to see if you looked that up in the Dictionary??? Why yes I did
  17. Okay definition of addiction: An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity The definition of compulsion: a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, esp. one that is irrational or contrary to one's will To me someone that continues and can't stop doing an activing such as porn surfing matches these definitions. Just MHO.
  18. Oh brother. There is that humility again.
  19. pam


    Okay I really had no desire to see this movie but I guess now I'm going to have to.
  20. My parents are #1 Bob Hope President Hinckley Law Enforcement Officers
  21. pam


    In a job I had once with an insurance company we had to document the conversations of all phone calls that took place. The thing we used just wrapped words. Didn't cut them off and start them on the next line if the word didn't fit. I was typing the word therapist. So I had the on one line and rapist on the other. Instead of a therapist he was "the rapist." I had to quickly change that.
  22. That's why they are good for you!!!! Good one Orrin. Exercise while shopping.