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Everything posted by Blackmarch

  1. Generally my go to reference for when one is being faced with a significant challenge is usually christ's time in gethsemine. Thats probably even more apart in circumstance. I sometimes also use Joseph Smiths revelation he recieved while in jail Nephi's situation is also fairly unique; he is told exactly why he must go through his ordeal. How often do we wish to be able to have that insight?
  2. There are probably better examples that are closer in circumstance, but it was what was being related to. It was difficult enough for even nephi to hesitate and doubt for a moment. And i would guess that it would be more that aspect rather than what the actual circumstances were
  3. I wanna see "frogblast the ventcore" and "all your base are belong to us" get added as well...
  4. To keep a record of both the gospel, law, and lineage for his descendants. Probably a bit of what you said as well. God has to tell nephi to do it more than once, at how reluctant nephi is to take another life, and then proceeds to tell him why. Yes it is also test, one that prepares nephi for the journey ahead.
  5. To be honest we dont have any good insight at how the work will be like... Other than maybe the teach/preach aspect.
  6. In a one on one fight id vote trek... However for pitting empires against empires the only thing in trek that can stand up to the empire are the borg. (discounting the random omnidimensional superbeings)
  7. greetings! be happy to answer what we can here as well.
  8. The green lantern; better than expected, but not good enough to buy or watch second time.
  9. I've really only seen it in the first presidency. More of a policy thing to help smooth the transition, altho that doesn't mean there can be an exception if necessary. For everywhere else id definitely put anything likevthat under tradition, at best or happy coincidence. It does make some sense tho; the junior members have experience.
  10. I"m liking this guy's instrumental stuff. (not so much his other works tho)
  11. I use the terms God, God the Father, and Heavenly Father the most.
  12. Jesus Christ has already forgiven all those who will forsake their sins. Whether or not the thief on the cross was truly repentant (i point out there is no reason to think that the thief wasn't) at that moment, it seems that Christ knew that he would be in the near future.
  13. because all those who make it, will make the whole shindig worth it. Yes there will be pain, but it will not be painful forever.
  14. i don't see anything other than that. it would also include the progression of generations of your family as well.
  15. my guess is that it is a misunderstanding of some point. probably of what to pray for rather than praying at all... I don't ever recall any leader saying not to pray for any one person or persons ever.
  16. the general usage of soul is a very broad spectrum. My use of it tends to be along the lines that a soul is everything that makes an individual an individual (including spirit and consciousness parts). It seems however that it's become closer to being synonymous to the term spirit for the most part within christianity (and from thence to the rest of the western civilization, or perhaps this arises from the nonchristian understanding or misunderstanding of the term within christianiy- which eventually influenced christianity later on, sort of a vicious cycle sort of thing). but yeah it's not solely used in any one singular sort of context.
  17. it's hard to figure out sometimes where the border between genuine OoB experiences and self halicinutory experiences lie. still i think there is value in reading or knowing their experiences.
  18. don't worry. they want revenge on everyone.... but they tend to focus on those who are actively striving to come closer to God and christ, but don't worry about it. beware of fear, anger, and procrastination.