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  1. Haha
    Backroads reacted to Vort in Today is my younger brother's birthday. Thought you might enjoy the image   
    that one of our younger sisters sent him.

  2. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from Still_Small_Voice in Chased by an elephant...   
  3. Like
    Backroads reacted to pam in Chased by an elephant...   
    You beat me to it.
  4. Like
    Backroads reacted to Vort in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    I don't believe anything I read on Reddit. Partially, this is because I don't read Reddit (which is because I prefer not to bathe in raw sewage). But any time I see a Reddit story, it immediately goes into my "very likely false and ridiculously sensationalized" bin. Redditers just make stuff up out of whole cloth, and people swallow it and come back asking for more.
  5. Like
    Backroads reacted to NeuroTypical in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    Reddit threads have two uses:
    1- A look into the thought processes and beliefs of Reddit users.
    2- An occasional link to a relevant video or source document that you just can't get anywhere else.
    I would estimate perhaps .002% of stuff that happens in Reddit qualify as use #2.    However, search tools are pretty good, so if you're good at searching, you can occasionally find something there.  
    In practice, I do duckduckgo searches to learn about things, because it seems to cast a wide net across the internet.  Sometimes reddit threads will be in the search results.  And I might give 10-30 seconds of my time to one, just to see if anything has anything to say that isn't raw sewage.
  6. Like
    Backroads reacted to LDSGator in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    Exactly. And if we scare people over every mouse, they won’t listen to us when the actual wolves show up. 
  7. Like
    Backroads reacted to LDSGator in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    A lot of LDS use the LDS reddit page to bond with other believers. Especially if they don’t really gel with their ward. 
  8. Haha
    Backroads reacted to zil2 in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    r/fountainpens - it's the place to show off your new pen, new ink, new notebook, and how one or more matches your keyboard / hair / nail polish / wallet / car / dice / etc.  Alternately, you can get good newbie help, or help figuring out why your pen isn't writing well.  Everyone will be happy to encourage you to spend more money on fountain pen stuff.  And you'll get to vote on the color and name for the annual Diamine (that's an ink-making company) r/fountainpens ink.
    r/Fountain_Pen_Cats shouldn't need any explanation.
  9. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    My biggest issue with Target sex traffiking is that the stories were so sensational, make for such a great social media post with such drama and how-lucky-you-escaped, that they blind people to the real dangers. I forget the term, but the average person can only fear and worry over so many things.
    When suburban warrior mommies start panicking over relatively minor things, it leaves me wondering if they have the bandwidth to worry about more important things: suck as the example daughter here. 
  10. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    I think I saw it on the cesspool that is Reddit in one of the LDS subs, where this woman was talking about her YW leader, pillar-of-the-ward mother was trafficking her (woman sharing story is still happily active in the church). I'm quite sure it happens more than we dare think.
    I've seen mixed responses to Target Traffiking. I've seen a sample of people that are very much believing it, but I don't know how big that sample is. Most of them honestly seem to be of the boomer age, so I doubt many are active parents. 
  11. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    My biggest issue with Target sex traffiking is that the stories were so sensational, make for such a great social media post with such drama and how-lucky-you-escaped, that they blind people to the real dangers. I forget the term, but the average person can only fear and worry over so many things.
    When suburban warrior mommies start panicking over relatively minor things, it leaves me wondering if they have the bandwidth to worry about more important things: suck as the example daughter here. 
  12. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from Jamie123 in Chased by an elephant...   
  13. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from Carborendum in Chased by an elephant...   
  14. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from Vort in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    My biggest issue with Target sex traffiking is that the stories were so sensational, make for such a great social media post with such drama and how-lucky-you-escaped, that they blind people to the real dangers. I forget the term, but the average person can only fear and worry over so many things.
    When suburban warrior mommies start panicking over relatively minor things, it leaves me wondering if they have the bandwidth to worry about more important things: suck as the example daughter here. 
  15. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from askandanswer in Chased by an elephant...   
  16. Haha
    Backroads got a reaction from zil2 in Chased by an elephant...   
  17. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from LDSGator in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    I think I saw it on the cesspool that is Reddit in one of the LDS subs, where this woman was talking about her YW leader, pillar-of-the-ward mother was trafficking her (woman sharing story is still happily active in the church). I'm quite sure it happens more than we dare think.
    I've seen mixed responses to Target Traffiking. I've seen a sample of people that are very much believing it, but I don't know how big that sample is. Most of them honestly seem to be of the boomer age, so I doubt many are active parents. 
  18. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from LDSGator in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    My biggest issue with Target sex traffiking is that the stories were so sensational, make for such a great social media post with such drama and how-lucky-you-escaped, that they blind people to the real dangers. I forget the term, but the average person can only fear and worry over so many things.
    When suburban warrior mommies start panicking over relatively minor things, it leaves me wondering if they have the bandwidth to worry about more important things: suck as the example daughter here. 
  19. Like
    Backroads reacted to mirkwood in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    Very few people actually believe this and Tim Ballard had nothing to do with that thought process.
    Oh and trafficking is FAR more prevalent than people want to believe.  FAR more.  
  20. Like
    Backroads reacted to NeuroTypical in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    Part of the good fight, is the fight against ignorance.   Y'all ok in my book, LDSG.
    You don't need to worry about getting human trafficked at Target.   You do need to worry if your daughter goes from a straight-A student to barely hitting Ds, seems withdrawn, and you find a cell phone in her room you didn't know she had.
  21. Like
    Backroads reacted to LDSGator in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    I’m aware of it, I just refuse to believe the urban legends surrounding it. Thanks to Ballard and his gang of merry men (and their media co conspirators) we now have suburban moms scared to go to Target because they think they’ll get human trafficked. If you think logically, the odds of a car accident are astronomically higher. But they aren’t afraid of that. 
    It’s disgusting. 
  22. Like
    Backroads reacted to LDSGator in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    This is part of four stages of grief. Bargaining. Where we’ll admit that Tim Ballard did something wrong as long as we can point to things that others did wrong. It’s like getting a DUI and trying to downplay it by telling the cop your neighbor got one too, so arrest him. 
    Acceptance will be coming soon. 
  23. Like
    Backroads reacted to NeuroTypical in Goodness, Gracious, Great Ball(ard)s of Fire!!!!   
    I had heard things were brewing, but the Trib does the service of posting the actual complaint.  So, sorting through this thing, I'm learning more ways dudes will go to weird extremes to rub themselves on women. 
    The Couple's Ruse - "Hey random woman who supports the cause - I'm going undercover and need someone to pretend to be my wife.  No kissing on the lips, no touching or exposing private parts.  Bad guys will be suspicious, so we'll need to practice our tantric massages on each other to make sure we have chemistry and can fool them!  And when we're alone in our hotels, we still need to pretend because the bad guys may be spying on us.  And you're doing it to save children - whaddaya say?"
    And this little gem:

    Aaaand, I stopped reading at item 90, because there's more and more and more.  The women allege that all of this constitutes grooming, coercion, and therefore assault.  
    Grooming primer every human who wants to think of themselves as a good informed human should read:
    Up until now, when I thought of grooming, I thought of predators and minors under the age of consent.  This is the first time I've seen it applied to consenting adults.  I mean, I get it, it's just new.  They used to call it 'gaslighting' or 'manipulation' or 'sleezy tactics from sleezy men', but ok.
    Tell you what @Phoenix_person, I'm happy to think of what TB did as grooming, even potentially qualifying as assault or rape, if you're willing to read this article and think some long, hard thoughts about the endless instances of LGBTQ activists pushing drag shows and explicit books and transitioning-behind-parents'-backs to minors, in and out of school settings.   
    If it's wrong when Ballard does it to adult women, is it also wrong when LGBTQ folks do it to minors?

    Bolding, underlining, and editing mine:
  24. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from Hellamaid in Cleaning and organizing   
    With summer break for me underway, I enter my annual befuddlment of "how the devil do those stay-at-home moms do it?" Despite the husband and I keeping the house reasonably tidy during the rest of the year, summer is my time to shoot for unreasonable standards like unto precisely two people I know. Minimum, do some dejunking. 
    This week, whilst my overly social progeny of two hermit parents is doing a few hours of camp at the Montessori school around the corner, I am attempting better order of my storage spaces in hopes having an actual place for everything will help keep things tidy.
    How do the rest of you keep your home's in order?
  25. Like
    Backroads got a reaction from JohnsonJones in Two Parent Privilege   
    It's definitely all relative. But it does seem a stable two-parent home is good, even if the parents don't necessarily like each other.