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Everything posted by RescueMom

  1. Shoot_the_Moon Maybe the question you need to be asking is why your wife is using Facebook, socializing and other forms of entertainment to escape? Seems to me there are some deeper issues going on with your wife that really need to be addressed besides her not doing her part, she is choosing not to do her part...the question is why. If my husband approached me telling me what I was doing wrong, I would shut down, stop listening and become very angry and eventually pull completely away finding other friends. As for a clean house.. 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her' - Jesus Christ As for parents taking responsiblity for their grown children...'teach them correct principals and let them govern themselves' - Joseph Smith Jr.
  2. so, if the wife had been in an automobile accident and was unable to ever have sex again, then what? I am just wondering.
  3. :taz:The second coming already happened....this is as good as it gets. Who's always wise to have food storage, as much as possible, even if it's not a years worth. You never know when an earthquake is going to hit and you'll need that food. As for the gathering, when the Prophet says so, if it already hasn't happened. As for the returning of Christ, no man will know (which leaves open the Eowyn 'I am no man' Clause) But if we just guess dates, does that push back or change the actual date?
  4. A friends PB states she is from the tribe of Dan, so there are some that are from the the tribe of Dan. Yes I read it, she was freaked out when she got it.
  5. We can judge if the actions of what someone is doing is wrong, avoid those actions ourselves. But we must not condem them because of those actions. We can not see into their hearts. If a person is drinking coffee we can't go up to them and say you're evil and going to hell. I wouldn't even approach them to say the WoW says its wrong. However if they were a friend I would sit with them and not be ashamed to sit with them. Sure most of the time you can avoid people who aren't living a good life, but what if that person is a child, or a parent, or a spouse? If your child is doing drugs, do you condemn them and avoid them because they are struggling with drugs? they know what they are doing is wrong, so how is your condemnation towards them going to help the situation? Only God can see into our hearts and knows why we do what we do. It all boils down to hate the sin, love the sinner. And if we need an example of how to love the sinner and hate the sin, look at Christ's example. He hung on a cross for the sinners that put him there, he didn't tolerate sin in his life at all, yet he loved sinners. He alone can make proper judgement of the sinner, while the rest of us can make judgement of the sin and not to tolerate it.
  6. I think the best thing we can do to help those who are struggling is: 1: Not offer advice, they aren't seeking it most of the time (I know this from experience) 2: Don't be judgemental, they are already feeling guilty and confused. 3: Shake their hand, talk to them as you always have. 4: Actually try to live the commandment "as I have loved you love one another" <==its a lot harder than it looks. Why we don't try to just tell those that are struggling they are loved, and welcome is beyond me. Why we can't discuss troubling issues without becoming defense is beyond me. But we do, and maybe we need to take a look at why we do, we can't change the other person, but we can change our actions towards them.
  7. Thank you for sharing your lovely story with us. I am always amazed at Gods love for all of his children, not just those who have the fullness of the gospel. I fully believe he reaches out to all of his children, even if they don't believe in him. He is, and always has been, a kind and loving parent. He reaches out to all of his children, regardless of religion.
  8. Children choose to be born into abusive families? wow. just wow. glad to know it's the victims fault.
  9. Being Prophets and being Christians, I think both of them would be out tending the lost sheep.
  10. We came home to a guy sitting at our table eating food. When we walked in on him he ran out the back door, he had simply pulled food out of the fridge and was eating, had a plate and everything. Nothing else was missing. I was robbed once, but wasnt home....they beat up my dogs with the broom and mop and only left the house with a few things, a cheesy worthless ring and some prescript meds. It was the kids next door, they left plenty of finger prints and were caught fairly soon. My mother had a friend of my brother hiding under her bed once. We have no idea why he was there, just there. However, if someone entered my home now, I'd pull out my Glock .40 and tell them I was armed. I've also been trained through a series of CCW classes, so I would hope the training would kick in.
  11. Sometimes it's less painful outside the walls of Jerusalem. Sometimes it's not as black and white as some would seem to believe. Let us remember even Alma the Younger was apostate at one time. I do not believe that God wants any of his children lost, ever. And that members must be even more compassionate and less gossips, less hurtful to those struggling, and less ostracizing to those who have doubts and who are sinners. I believe God the Father does not want any of us to be tares, and instead of coming down on someone who is struggling with self-righteous prideful words, perhaps we should approach them with humility instead. Church should be a hospital for sinners, not a social gathering for saints. And yes I do believe there will be more apostasy, but I don't believe it will be the humble that will become apostate.
  12. I think that it is a good blog, very true in aspects. I would also like to add Mormons should also talk about the similarities in other religions, not the differences. I know people get hedgy when they are told their religion is wrong and not true, in fact all religions have pieces of truth in them, and just because the LDS church is the fully restored church doesn't mean there aren't some common teachings. Sometimes the focus should be not the what's wrong with other churchs but focusing on what we truths we have in common. Case in point, both President Monson and the Dalai Llama have said the exact same thing about compassionate service, almost word for word. I thought it was wonderful that God not only sent his message through his Prophet but through another religious leader who doesn't even believe in his son...just proved to me that God works in all manners to help all his children.
  13. I would think that there would be, in some form. Especially since one has to be married and sealed eternally...why the emphasis on marriage if all aspects of marriage didn't continue? The way I see it could be we have this mortal sex drive now, which after all is said and done will go from being imperfect to perfect just like the rest of us. But I also think the colors, tastes, ect., we have in this life time are at a telestial level, since that's the state this earth is in, and when we (if we are so judged) become a Celestial state, everything is going to get better, more fulfilled, prettier, more wonderful. I think our mortal bodies see and feel as a mortal body, not as a glorified beings, which means, to me, it's all going to be much better. That said there could be something far greater and more fulfilling for married couples to express their love once they have a resurected glorified body
  14. so if a person doesn't marry in the temple in this life time, I am going on woman here, then she is stuck at the second level because noone took the time to find her and marry her. And what about all the children who died before reaching the age of marriage? are they all stuck in the third level? Seems a bit unfair to me, so why not just opt for not going at all. I mean one does not have to be a angel serving anyone in outer darkness. I am just curious because to me it leaves a gaping hole in the idea that if a person doesn't get the chance to marry in this life time do to circumstances beyond their control, they get the short end of the stick. I know the above sounds a bit harsh but honestly I think there will be the opportunity to be sealed to one's spouse in the next life time if one is not. I think the options of not being sealed and setting ones fate forever is not set in stone. I don't believe God works that way. I don't think there will be 'oh here's your spouse that you could have married, but sorry you died when you were 7 so too bad you're a lower kingdom person now' or 'hey no worthy male member ever asked you out, ever, so you remained chasted and true to the church, but since you didn't marry you get second prize, even though it's technically not your fault'. Or what happens to those members who were sealed to a spouse but whose spouse choses not to remain faithful and they end up divorced... does the faithful spouse deserve second level or third level kingdoms? I am just saying there are too many variables, too many other options that could happen in this life that leaves too much open for each level for us to judge who and what will end up where. Besides its not up to any of us as to who goes where, and for that I am thankful, because if it was up to me..the highest level would be full of animals.
  15. Praying for Japan, it's people. And praying for the world that we maybe more compassionate to those suffering and those who will suffer.
  16. due to health issues I have to have either crushed or liquid pills. Doctors are more than helpful to get you either, if you tell them. I had liquid loratab one of the last times I came out of the hospital, was much easier than crushing pills, so they do have it in liquid form. I also crush all of my other pills, and either the doctor or pharmasist can tell you which ones work crushed. I have a little blue pill crusher I bought a Walgreens I carry with me in my purse, I also have a morter pestal combo at home. Since you are getting your wisdom teeth pulled, ask for the liquid forms from your dentist, explain you have issues swallowing pills, he or she should be willing to write out the script in liquid.
  17. I agree with not going out and finding sin just to learn from it, one would have to be really messed up to do that, and those people aren't going to learn from the sin, they are just committing sin to committ sin (and I've known people who do that) I think, however, if a person has truly repented there will not a tenth time, or hopefully even a second time. And I also think that if someone has sinned and really repented they can be trusted (to a point, I think if a person is a pedofile I wouldn't ever trust them around kids ever). But I think Christ trusted Paul fully, and Paul didn't start out the nicest guy in the universe, and if Christ trusted him so should I (even though I find some of his teaching abrasive)
  18. Oh ok. I would think if they had truly repented, went to Christ and the appro. authorities, then the promise of making 'weak things strong' would happen. The reformed sinner would probably have more compassion for those struggling with the issue and most likely have a better understanding on how to help that person. I am not saying that the not sinner would not understand, but merely the reformed sinner would probably be able to suggest ways to avoid the sin. That probably doesn' make sense and I am sure plenty here will disagree and say just because someone who hasn't committed a sin doesn't mean they don't understand it. I guess the way I look at it is this...King David probably understands the brutal consquences of adultry and murder a whole lot more than someone who has never committed those sins, even though both people know they are sins.
  19. I guess I don't understand the question. Everyone except Christ who is over 8 has sinned, Joseph Smith, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Thomas S. everyone. I think, IMHO, that having sinned gives us compassion for others. Had one had not sinned how would they know what it was like to show compassion to other sinners? And if one had not sinned how would one come to know how absolutely amazing the grace of the Atonement was? How would one know that God loved us so much that he sent his son to save us, to buy back our souls from sin? Is that a lesson we do not wish to learn? I sure don't. I forsake my sins but they have made me stronger, more compassionate and brought me a greater understanding of the Atonement of Christ. If all we are hear for is to gain a resurrected body and to live forever, then why did we do all of this. Did we not come here to learn, to grow....and sometimes the greatest wisdom comes from the greatest mistakes, we have to learn to rely on God and his justice and mercy through the Atonement, you can't learn that from being perfect. We all fall short, that's part of the process, we have to have faith, even after all the works we can do, without faith in the Atonement it's all for naught. As for sinners verse perfect people...if that was so we would not have any thing from Paul, Alma or a good deal of those sinners who changed and did repent. Paul was a murderer, Alma led people away from the church, Mary Magdelene was caught in adultry (yet she was the first person to see the resurected Christ). It's just my opinion that even if we do sin there is forgiveness, and if the Lord remembers it no more but we judge people after he has forgiven them then we are also sinners. If it's good enough for Christ, it's really good for me and for me to say other wise is IMHO insulting to Christ and the Atonement.
  20. This is the wrong religion but... Suffering brings us closer to God. I know, it's a Bhuddist saying but I like non-the-less.
  21. ;)I can only endure until 9:41 am. Ok seriously I see this as an amasing thing in some people. I see some members who have been through heck and back, and are still there, but their testimonies are still strong. Yet I am not that strong, I tend to fall for every snare set before me.
  22. This is true, I've know of at least one instance where a Bishop and Stake President were wrong and strongly rebuked by the area 70's as well as the 1st Presidency.
  23. There's plenty in the Bible we don't believe in anymore, i.e. stoning women who commit adultry, owning slaves, not sewing on's one of the reasons Christ was brought forth and crucified because he didn't do as the Bible said. He cured the sick on Sunday, that was a sin during his time. It was considered blasphamy and he was brought up on charges because of it. The law of the WoW is what we have now at hand, and it could stand forever, or it could change at some point. Christ himself lived by a different health law than we do now. The early members of the chruch in this era lived the law of consecration, and that law is no longer in effect. And I can't imagine it going into effect now, even though it is a higher law.
  24. The thing that gets me about members is that it's ok to drink the 64 oz diet coke everyday, and they can still get into the temple, but a member who drinks a 12 oz cup of coffee is banned from the temple. Yet the 64 oz diet coke has much more caffiene, and has tons of other things that are really bad for the body (mostly kidneys) than coffee ever could be. Yet most members have no qualms drinking the diet coke, because it doesn't specifically say diet coke in the WoW. Same with prescription drugs, a person who has a prescription of oxycodone can enter the temple tweeked out of their mind, but the dude who drank a glass of iced tea at lunch is evil. Not that I think the WoW is wrong, but I think sometimes members sit and say they are fine so long as they live letter of the law...and I don't think that's what it was meant for.