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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. I am grateful for my home as well. From the house that we are in to the spirit and activity my wife and I have tried to encourage here. It is always nice to 'go home' at the end of the day.
  2. The scriptures tell us to be 'Anxiously engaged in a good cause and to bring to pass much righteousness' If such a page is what they feel they should be doing (aka what the Lord would have them do) then more power to them. However nothing requires me as a third party capable of getting my own guidance and direction from the Lord to agree with them or follow them.
  3. I am grateful for my job and for its ability to support my family. There are always stories of people losing there job due to one reason or another... Most recent being COVID. But my job has remained stable throughout it all
  4. I am grateful for the blessing of good health, for me and for my loved ones. We have had a few scares that help us appreciate it more but by and large my family and I have been very blessed in this matter.
  5. I am grateful for the Teachers and Leaders that I and my family have had. People who have taken the time to instruct, correct and guide me as I needed
  6. I'm grateful for the scriptures... From the Book of Mormon, to the Bible and all the Modern Revelations, that help me better know and understand God and Christ as well as what they would have me do.
  7. You can believe what you wish. Christ is of course involved. But when Christ brings forth his Kingdom (Which is what this is talking about)... it is not going to come from nothing... Its going to be organized out of the body of the Faithful (aka Church in the most generic use of the term) Thus the Church of God brings forth the Kingdom God through the effort and Power of Christ
  8. Since this is suppose to be a daily thing. I am grateful for my wife, my kids, my parents and my brother and sisters.
  9. In the scriptures we learn that God's Work and Glory is to bring to past the immortally and eternal life of man. Do you think that when one of us, one of his children, one of his works....Chooses to use their agency to humble themselves and bow to God's rules and plan... That the Heaven do not rejoice? Is not rejoicing a form of gratitude? Was not the Father of the Prodigal Son grateful when his wayward son returned to him? While the Father has given us everything... It is our agency that allows us to give something to him... Aka our hearts, and minds.
  10. I like this (even if it might be an broad over-generalization) The problem isn't the Love or what we (America) might become... Its the "if properly managed" bit.... The Democrats management style is largely compulsory.. more laws more regulations more restriction on freedom. That style simply can not, will not work. We see this on personal levels, we see this on the national level, we see this in our scriptures on how the Lord tells us things should be ran And don't get me wrong...Republicans also have their compulsory areas... and they largely fail as well.
  11. Israel is a perfectly reasonable interpretation as the earthly manifestation... As for the dream interpretation let not forget Revelation 12 starts off as a "Sign In Heaven" so the symbolism we are looking for should be "In the Heavens" a symbolism that reflects something about to happen on earth. Some think that Sign has be been given already.
  12. I'm grateful for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice. I am grateful for the Plan our Father in Heaven has for us
  13. Yes... because she is human... Humans tend to default to our assumptions being true and simply do not process things that do not fit those assumptions. She expected a bigger picture... your telling her there was not one did not get past her barrier to change that expectation. For example have you ever looked for something only to later find it right in front of you? It was right there every time you looked but your brain simply did not register it until later. The same idea with communication. We generally have to open ourselves up to changing our defaults and until we do we can miss what is right in front of us. Thus this exercise shows that you can't just say words and expect understanding.... You have to verify understanding is taking place as well.
  14. If we are talking media bias then I would like to show this Studio C video... Its recent... its about a President... and it is generally silly and funny. The only real politics about it is whatever you take into it. No real polices or agenda being put forth, just humor. Now look just below the video to where YouTube is trying to "Fact Check", and counter "Fake News" In this box it states "The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden." This is a true statement. The Associated Press has called the race. But there is a problem. Where in any of our Rule of Laws do we give the AP the power to select the president? The answer is no where. The Electoral Collage what makes that call. Now the AP is making a prediction of what the vote will be, and it has reasonable reasons to expect that to happen. But what happens if the challenges are successful? What happens is the Rule of Law runs its course and decides that Trump wins? People will feel betrayed, fooled, tricked... But they will not turn on the people who got it wrong aka the AP aka the media... They will turn on the people that got it right. aka the Judges and judicial system. When the media is setting up to turn the population away from the rule of law we have serious problems.
  15. Maybe if you asked for clarification before before you attack someone as being dishonest... You would find that you were completely misunderstanding the point they were making
  16. Third Hour is not the Government... No one has the right to force a private party to pay for them to be heard. Third Hour is a private party and while it allows discussions on various topics... some topics and types/tone of discussion are not accepted here. These limits are clearly outlined site rules and you agreed to them in order to create an account here.
  17. Because it is not about not about reflecting a belief that has no bearing on Salvation... that is just a waste of time, money and effort. It is about commissioning art work that reflects the more critical beliefs about the Savior and his gospel. And I will make you a deal... the day you get in a position to commission art work for the church... I will totally support what ever irrelevances you wish it to include as long as it also reflects the more critical beliefs about the Savior and his gospel.
  18. There is a big difference between the Church taking an Official position... And members (including artists and leaders) having and expressing an opinion on the subject. The church has declined to so the former but it does not restrict its members (even those in leadership) from doing the latter.
  19. They read as events that happen at the same time to me to me. Barring any reason to think otherwise that is what I am thinking. The face of the Lord is unveiled and the righteous both living and dead are brought forth. It is understandable that people read this and think Second Coming... It is that line of thought that drives the 2 Silence idea. Because the silence in Book of Revelations ends a bunch of stuff happens then the Second Coming Happens. The time frames simply do not work, and the 2nd Silence is one way to reconcile it. Another way would be to have the D&C verses of 96 and 97 not reference the Second Coming but rather an event to take place before the Second Coming. That would mean that the Face of the Lord is only unfolded/unveiled to the Righteous (aka those with eyes to see) as a preparation.. possibly the Church of God bringing forth the Kingdom of God... (The Book of Revelation's woman giving birth). If this idea holds then things get very interesting with the dead being raised and all.
  20. Exactly this.... I fully support the rule of law... Biden can claim a win, Trump can claim fraud... and if it comes down to it the Court will make a ruling and that will be the end of the story.. (And I am predicting the while court might find something but ultimately not enough to give Trump the win, so this is not me trying to take the high ground because I think my side is going to win)
  21. You misunderstood my point.. There are plenty of people who claim to be conservative... but when push comes to shove do not hold to the principles. When the Supreme Court as a majority one way or the others they commonly get accused of putting party over principle. If Trump presents to the Court and the conservative Court rules against him, put a fork in him because he is done for this election.
  22. In theory the Supreme Court is conservative again. If they truly are that means they will Rule according to Law and the Evidence provided. Which is the way the courts should be. The vote for President is a State vote not a individual one (aka the whole electoral collage thingy we have) and each state makes its own laws on how that vote is decided. Thus team Trump will have to show that the 'Powers that Be' in the States they are challenging... violated their own laws. That is much harder then just showing some irregularities. That is the only basis the Court can and should have to change things. People not liking how or what the State's Laws allow is not a matter of the Courts, its a matter for the local voters and legislators
  23. Its a very human flaw... What they want to be true becomes FACT even if they are no facts to back it up. But they are very quick call other liers (aka Trump) when other proclaim as FACT things they do not want. Just look at the press coverage of when Trump made the claim. They cut him off within seconds of the claim. He was declared as speaking unproven falsehoods... but they never even attempted to give him a enough time to offer any proof
  24. Miss Never Ever President... and the rest of the democratic party have no standing to be shocked and appalled at the mote of Trumps actions until they clear the beam of hypocrisy from there own actions. In this case Trump is safely following the Democratic example as given by Al Gore. Until the Supreme Court Rules against him. When that happen (which I expect it will) then he will be out of line to continue to fight and everyone would be right to be shocked and appalled.
  25. No he is not... He is being the exact same Trump that was elected four years ago... The exact same Trump that was calling and pointing out potential election fraud months ago. This is playing out exactly as anyone should have reasonably expected it to given the facts in evidence. I hope and expect the courts to shut him down hard. Because otherwise that means we have incompetent and stupid fraudsters and that is just sad and annoying.