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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. Indeed. Also note it is Government Control. Like this Location: We want to accept Medicade/Medicare. Government: Great in addition to all this Red Tape on getting the funds... we also are going to require you to find and pay for a qualified surveyor to call and do a mandated interview with your clients. And if you do not met a certain set of numbers we charge fees, reduce funding, or otherwise penalize you.
  2. Indeed as a someone employed by a company that takes some of those measurement... I have no problem with idea of government providing solid information... Even with that my CEO often laments we could offer a much better set of measurement if the government would stop mandating mediocrity
  3. You can do even better then that. Call it wise stewardship
  4. Why not?... For just about all of human history people feared major illness or ailment... because it would kill them. Now it oh no my bank account is empty... Don't get me wrong its not a good thing... but people need some serious perspective to understand just how good we have it. Not only on how good we have it but how we got here so that we can make wise choices to kept things trending in that same direction.
  5. Bingo... If we are serious about reforming and fixing Health Care... there are two areas we need to tackle. Both of which are areas we traded Freedom for Safety and ended up shafted. First the Government regulation of Heath-care and medicine needs to be dialed way back. We thought we would be safer if the government regulated it... what we got was restricted supply that can not meet the demand and increased cost. Second the Insurance myth. Insurance should be for things you hope never happen but you want to be ready for when and if they do. It should not be for basic and expected expense. Yet we have bought the Myth that everyone "must have medical insurance" Because we believe this myth we have created a 'Union' that only represents itself. It strong arms Doctor's and Hospital causing increased cost for them that they have to pass on. And it strong arms its 'clients' with high premiums and restricted services. Those are what needs to be reduced and restricted to fix the system. Sadly most people think we need more of both.
  6. Also interesting to note... that those people who are more likely to be supporters of the free market system.. also tend to be more charitable... It almost like the people who understand the system the best are also covering its short comings... Take for example our church... Totally supportive of people working and figuring out things for themselves. But if some thing bad happens they are willing to help out and help people get back up. Free Market is all about two individuals or groups coming to a arrangement that benefits both. Most of the time we think in terms of money, but that is not always the case. How many people have felt better or more blessed while and after they have served someone? That is not a experience that is limited to church people. Its still a beneficial arrangement to both even when all the goods and services are flowing in one direction.
  7. You do realize this is going to be full of speculation right? I think you are a few hundred years too late to see it transition from the Gentiles back to the Jews. Pretty much everyone agrees that the initial transition from the Jews to the Gentiles happened in the New Testament. It has a vision (Peter's) and a Dispensation (Paul). Seeing this we should look for a Vision and Dispensation recorded in scriptures when it transitions again. May I point you to Doctrine and Covenants section 110 verses 12-16 which is a Vision, and a Dispensation recorded in scripture? If this opinion of my holds true this means the Gentiles rejected the fullness of the Gospel in the Kirkland era and reaped the destruction of that rejection. While the Jews started responding and being gathered in. To me this explains a lot of things in church history that are otherwise hard to understand. You have one group being condemned and rejected because of their hardness and rejection of the Lord and a new group beginning to accept and turn to God and being blessed... and they are intermingled at times
  8. Indeed.. Yet the problem is being label a Capitalism problem... or more directly a Greedy Capitalist problem ignoring that Capitalism has some pretty good long term checks on greed... if they are allowed to operate.
  9. Greed is always a safe answer as a reason but it is not a Solution. With greed being the reason then the Solution is to use the Financial system designed and built around harnessing Human greed to productive ends. The system whose fundamental check and balances are not being allow to come in and correct this problem. If it could then this problem would have corrected itself already. The system is Capitalism and check it uses is informed Consumer choice. Don't believe me... Then ask yourself (generic usage) when was the last time you made an informed choice for a medical process which included cost? Not just "does my insurance cover it?" Sadly medical care is usually a case were we need it now!!! No matter the cost. In any other situation we would realize we are setting ourselves up to get gouged on the price, and we would need to slow down and check out other options. But we ignore that wisdom in Healthcare and then we complain about the cost.
  10. He should have done... exactly what Sinema did. The optics look great for her. For the Church she help bring our Son's and Daughter's home. For everyone else.. she helped bring stranded Americans home.. The only people that plays poorly to are people who are anti American
  11. You make it sound like Arizona has nothing to do with the Church. I was born and raised there and the Area that Krysten Sinema represents has a large number of Church Members (We call it little Utah). While she might not consider herself a member anymore, she clearly understands us. And her actions are going to play very well for her.
  12. Or in otherwords... the Church practices what it preaches and does not need someone to Bail it out in times of trial and hardship.
  13. Indeed... It was not that they were unwilling... All the non members were unwilling and they were just fine. It was that they were willing to lie about it. Lying so they could gain the benefits and not pay the price. That is what got them struck dead.
  14. On Sunday my family and I stayed home... we followed the council give to hold sacrament in our home and socially distanced ourselves. Also on Sunday I ministered to those in need. We had a single sister who desired the sacrament. I also had a young father ask for help blessing his sick little girl. In both cases I was in someone else's home and performed the requested (and authorized) ordinances. I also did my best to follow all the recommended medical safety precautions. I think that is how Jesus would have handled it.
  15. For the Sacrament I have heard some talk about making sure everyone gets it at least once a month. This can be accomplished by authorizing homes with the required Priesthood holders to perform it. For those homes without that would require a ramp up of whatever the local program is to take sacrament to the shut-ins. Because everyone is a shut-in now. Properly spread out (maybe through ministering assignments) it should not be to big of a burden/risk
  16. So now it is Family Centered, Church Suspended worship.
  17. When one spouse looses their partner it has always been social acceptable to move on after a reasonable period of time. When a child looses a parent it is a grief that never ends although time and lessen it and the gospel can help with coping. Sadly these to events often happen hand in hand. This is not a situation that is unique to the church. In fact had none of your family been member you would still have alienated your kids by moving on . As others have posted you need to be helping your children cope with their grief and lost. Can you do this while moving on yourself? I has been done, but it is clear you are failing. When you see that your actions are failing that is a good time to stop what you are doing and focus on those that need you to find a different way
  18. Your wife disagrees with your assessment... And apparently you have failed to convince her otherwise. So it is no longer really even about tithing, faith... but how hard are you willing to push the issue over $5. You've come to us looking for some magic answer... but surprise surprise there is not one. The only answer is the one the Lord give in section 121(patience, long-suffering, kindness etc)
  19. Possible... But they have to get Sanders first... And right now Sanders is painting Biden and company as "The Man" the "Establishment" which makes it sound like he is going to fight to the bitter end... which does not bode well for the Dems unifying
  20. The problem is moving the Bernie supporters over to Biden... The parties are close to being equally balanced. So if one side is being fractured compared to the other they can't really expect to win.
  21. It is the OP that is having the problem with $5 a month... Not the other posters... The other poster are pointing out quiet correctly that odds are $5 a month is not worth the fight to be "proven right" As for being obedience the OP's wife is being obedient as best she knows how. The OP is also being obedient as best he knows how. But instead of seeing his wife as also being obedient he is complaining that she is being overly generous to the Lord. The million dollar question is how is being overly generous to the Lord a bad thing?
  22. I had a missionary who tried to work with some Chinese individuals and he described and interesting indoctrination method (I make no claims for truthfulness of the report) Basically as young school kids they would be instructed to pray for a cookie... Naturally no cookie would come. The teachers would point that out and then instruct the kids to pray to the Chinese government for a cookie. When they did the teacher would pass out cookies and point out that the government did what God did not so either God did not exist or did not care, but the government did exist and did care. If that situation is even remotely true then the behavior makes sense
  23. Like any large group we have a variety of personality types... Which includes some pushy people and some standoffish people. There is not much we can do if you encounter one of those, except enboolden you to say No to the overly pushy. No is a very powerful word, and it should be respected. If someone does not then that is a personal failing. As for the standoffish and others you might encounter... Well we are a hospital for sinners run by sinners. So you will find people in vary states as they are trying to progress and become what God would have them be. So hopefully you can forgive and empathize when you see someone struggling even when you do not like how it impacts you personally
  24. They produced my mother... (well I consider it a good thing )
  25. Trump is doing something about that. When I read the Lord's command about seeking after people of good character... Part of the good character equation for me is "What do they do with the powers of the office they have held" in addition to all the other things about character. That was a Zero as far as I could tell for the first election. But he is now elected and he is now using the powers of the office and that number is positive and climbing in my judgment. So when the election comes again I will look over the candidates and I will seek for the one of the best characters that I can find. Unless something changes radically I expect Trump to be in a better position with me the next election then he was the last election. So when I try my best to fulfill the command God concerning election I might find Trump to be the answer. I don't necessarily care for that idea... but God understands that our best effort might not really be all that good. So he'll accept it anyways.