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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. There is no magic bullet here... No magic words that is going to make his words unsaid. This calls for long, detailed, and heartfelt talks with your husband to work through the agreements and understandings you have together, and see where you really do stand. It seems most likely that your Husband sincerely meant his agreement when it was just a logical thought exercise. But now that it is more a reality his non logical or rational but very real 'issues' are coming out.
  2. When I blessed my kids the Bishop told me any one visiting the ward to join in needed to have a current recommend. No actual checking was done. Some Bishops might handle it differently. Vort can you give a source that allows women in the circle? While I believe it happens, I also believe it is incorrect to do so.
  3. Joseph Smith taught the principal of modern revelation with the First Vision, the various instructions that came with translating the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mormon itself, the various commandment and instructions that came to him in setting up the church, and the rest of the stuff found in the D&C (including the Word of Wisdom), the Translations that make up the Pearl of Great Price, and the translation he did of the bible. And those are just the ones off the top of my head at the moment.
  4. Understood... There is a lot of things that suck about what happened in your story, and one would hope for better from church leaders. Sometime you just have to focus on you and yours being right with God and let him deal with the rest.
  5. Sorry I was going by your own words Now if you have been able to rebuild your testimonies from this then great, but that was not the impression I got. And there is still the question of can you/have you and your wife truly forgiven. That is a God given mandate on you and her no matter what the priesthood leaders do. It seems to me that the wounds dealt to you are festering while seeking Justice. Perhaps I am wrong? Have you and your wife prayed to the Lord for the strength to forgive? Have you applied the power of Christ's atonement into healing the wrong done to you? Have you rebuilt your testimonies and faith? If you can say yes you and your wife have, or that you are diligently working it. Then seeking Justice is fine as long as it doesn't delay or hinder your progress in more important areas... But my impression is that you are seeking justice at the expense of more important things and thus my comments
  6. At what cost? You and your wife's eternal salvation? Your chance at exaltation? No. In all honesty I would say that is too high a price to pay for this. But that is exactly the route you are on now. In the early days of the Church many times they were done wrong. They did seek out justice and redress. When they didn't get it they turned it over to God. They knew that life would not always be fair, the scales would not always get balanced in this life. It is a sad fact that the leaders in the church don't always live up to the high expectations that we think they should. Right now you have been focused on Justice (and understandably so) but this focus is killing your spirit. You need to change focus to the other gospel principal that is much more important to you right now. That is the principal of Forgiveness. It is a much harder thing to seek then Justice. Turn justice over to God and focus on following God command to forgive all men their trespasses against you. This is how you can save yourself and your wife. Good luck
  7. No... Can't now... She is very interested in hearing what you have to say
  8. Your husband is inactive.. and in huge amounts of denial of the damage he is causing.. That ties the bishops hands quiet a bit. Do you really think he told the truth... Or do you think he glossed it over again and told the bishop the way he believes it is?
  9. Peanutterrier2009... Please understand that JudoMinja is talking about a potential possibility. In order for that to even come close to happening is that the EX must be worthy. If she is not worthy then will not happen (Your husband must be worthy too but I am assuming that). And if she is worthy she must not move on to someone else. And finally they both must still want to be sealed together. The Lord will not force two people to be together. Issues like this is one of the reason the First Presidency is involved in making sure it is done right and for the right reasons
  10. I was born and raised in the Phoenix/Mesa area. My ward in North Phoenix currently shares the building with a singles ward. While it as been a long time since my single days the population seems sizable. ASU is a big draw for those around your age
  11. The hard part in mixed faith marriages is the implied or unspoken expectations. In the case of you and your husband there should not be any. Everything is going to be new to both of you. Therefore as things come up you can discuss it together and work out a solution that works for you. As for the church in NYC I can't speak from personal experience for that area. But generally you get out of things what you put into them. Just remember they are on the same road you are thinking about taking and just a prone to stumble and needing a helping hand now and then as well.
  12. Guys... This is a thread on advising/helping someone deal with gay family members... If you want to discuss hormones or other things that you think might cause problems start your own thread for it in the discussion forums
  13. I'd say don't confuse opportunity with compulsion. The sealing power offers the opportunity but God does not compel.
  14. It is correct... just incomplete.. The fetus has the XY and starts developing as female, then the XY kicks in with the hormones to do their job... Thus there are quiet a few places it can get messed up
  15. It can be done and done successfully... But you have to be able to overcome any preconceived notions/disappointments when the 'past' is revealed in order to move forward. In the case of your brother while it is his choice... he should not do so unless he can leave her past in the past. Marriage requires to much work and sacrifice from both parties to add the additional weight of trying to live up to what is now clearly an impossible expectation.
  16. Sorry if I read more into your post then you intended
  17. What case are you trying to make Suzie?? Are you trying to hint at a cover up? Because if so the time between when the Church knew for a fact and the time the molester was arrested was about two weeks according to the facts presented in the article. If it was some kind of coverup they did poorly. And within that two week period the church was acting to take steps protect the boy. How did they do so... By informing the parents. Guess what the principals and concepts of the religion is to strengthen and support families. Give them the tools and information needed to make good choices for themselves, and to only step in if the family is failing in some way. The boy's parents were clearly capable of protecting their son. All they needed was the confirmation which the church gave them when it found out. And yet after the church is cleared by the police you still seem to be looking to throw dirt on the men involved
  18. Hey everyone, I am hoping to tap into the wide range of real life experience here. My middle son has always had problems with reading and writing/spelling. For the longest time we figured he just wasn't interested and he can be more then a little flighty. As he has moved up through the grades it has only gotten worse. Now my wife and I are not the kind of parents that jump to some kind of medical condition every little thing, but at the same time we don't want to miss a valid condition that when known can be adapted to. This doesn't seem to be correctable through more personal parental help with his studies. So when we started looking around we found this Symptoms of Dyslexia Reading through that list and comparing it to how he has does in scripture and other reading as well as in school work he does seem to hit a majority of the symptoms for Dyslexia. My questions are, what else could it be? (Assuming it is something) And if it is dyslexia how can you know for sure, and how to you adapt? Thanks
  19. We do not need to be dragging every kink out of is hidden place to parade it in front of young/impressionable minds... We do need to do a better job of teaching the basics. The basic physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of sex and there impact on the person and the person's partner. Once a person has a solid grasp of the basics, then when they encounter the various kinky possibilities, they will have foundation on which to correctly judge the value and impact of what they find
  20. Most Evangelicals will wake up with a sigh for their kooky brothers and sisters who didn't heed the warning that no one knows the day or hour... The small group making the claims will do what they did before... "Oh must have made a mistake in the math" and return to their calculations to come up with another date