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Everything posted by Praetorian_Brow

  1. Obviously this person would have realized that by now. Its as if this "advice" from you is spoken from someone who has limited experience in this department.
  2. Too glib. Obviously this is a concern for this person, enough to actually face public embarrassment and potential condemnation from religious zealots. Try working out more, going for a run and think about the triggers, as previously mentioned. Is it out of boredom? Emotional coping? Lust? Frustration? I can understand the eternal boredom and the terror if you are in a combat role.
  3. You do need to be married to reach the top social tier and then its your duty to offer marriage advice to all single people, while keeping your pity in check. I appreciate that you have no desire to be married for the sake of being married, unlike a large portion of our culture. God knows your circumstances.
  4. CAPTCHA. The Official CAPTCHA Site To stop the spam bots, as I felt the overwhelming desire to purchase a passport from Yemen when I saw the advertisement that was quickly taken down, much to my disapointment as it promised genuine and fake passports in the same sentence. The internet can't lie after all.
  5. Reading the article only reminded me of a cultural inferiority complex.
  6. Parents are often wrong and narrow minded in that they expect their children to believe as they do. While the above advice is sound in its intent, it ignores your obvious need to act on your independence and testimony. Your mother is concerned that your life experience is a liability, but you seem passionate abut this direction, as indicated in your willingness to post in this forum and this passion for advice will do you much good. I would not recommend confronting your mother if you feel that strong about the church, however, I would suggest that you find ways to attend meetings without hampering your parents or expecting them to assist you. Its hard to maintain ones faith when it feels like their is constant opposition, but by being constant and dedicated even to the idea, you will gain others respect, even if its grudging. Over time, I bet your mother will accept the idea, once she knows that it means that much to you.
  7. Anxiety is not necessarily God communicating with you about what you should do. I chased a woman for four years, long distance and she ran away on a regular basis because of anxiety that she interpreted as a divine answer for me being unsuitable, despite 4 years of daily communication and her cheating on me. The reality is that I am slightly broken, which is understood, but the real issue is that she couldn't handle stress at all and figured it was brought on by external sources, aka me. She is a runner, are you one too? My point is, that you should examine the source of the anxiety. Is it because of the unknown with the onset of college? Is it anxiety at being separated from him? Did you two mess up in some fashion? Family issues?
  8. Try asking for a relationship after the third date and a month or so later, not after the first date as that usually scares them off. Utah culture is weird man, you know that. If you want girls, maybe you should list your qualifications during testimony meeting. "Hi, I am a track star, a return missionary that was an assistant to the president, going to school for a PHD and I believe that Cola is the devils work." Believe me, they will all swoon. Seriously though, the best relationships are the ones that happen by accident, so stop trying to force it to happen and go with it.
  9. Only reason that I could think of you watching it, is that you got a cuddle or more out of it. While you say you loathe the show, you seem to express a rather informed and enthusiastic view point. I admit to watching Downton Abbey with female company, but it least it was classy and it grew on me, whereas this show deserves my scorn.
  10. Fight Club Blood Diamond Arn Count of Monte Cristo Howl's Moving Castle
  11. Gambling is against church policy. Good luck paying tithing on that one. Of course, we are all dreamers, so I would invest it after taxes, then pay of the family by settling some mortgages and loan, then tell them never to ask for money.
  12. - I shudder to cite this example, but the columnist is correct.Disrespectful: Anna Coulter Insults A Muslim Canadian University Student! "Take A Camel" - YouTube She is a fool, regardless of where I stand on the political spectrum and only in America can you wander around speaking of politics, making money, being a belligerent than actually being a politician.
  13. If you consider Faux News an excellent news source or Ann Coulter as credible, then there is no point in continuing to offer any of my perspective. I pray for your soul.
  14. Ann Coulter should never be consulted for news, just as Faux News should not be considered a source, or even Bill O'Reilly. Mr. Zimmerman was "patrolling", the neighbourhood packing a weapon, was directed not to follow Mr. Martin by 911, but still did so. Even if "Stand your Ground" law was in effect, it seems pretty strange that someone would stalk another person, without authority, as a vigilante and then shoot Mr. Martin. Regardless of what Mr. Martin's intentions were, Mr. Zimmerman was obviously looking for trouble. What other result could there be, given that Mr. Zimmerman was walking around with a gun, following someone with questionable intentions? He had intent. Guess I don't know what I am speaking of, after all. By not holding a trial, the state was saying that Mr. Zimmerman was justified in his actions and that immediately spawned theories as to why and of course its going to spark racial tensions. Now that a trial is underway, of course people will be suspicious of the outcomes. The gun lobbyists will be screaming some junk about gun rights, but nobody seems to want to focus on the killing of a man, regardless of gun "rights" or race.
  15. Citing Anne Coulter is disappointing, as she only adds fuel to burning fires which keeps her in the limelight. and her facts are wild distortions. A trial is necessary, given the strange circumstances surrounding the unnecessary death of anyone. What is more alarming is that a trial was originally not considered.
  16. I no longer use facebook and its a relief to know that people are not stalking me, as well as taking the liberty of using what I posted out of context. facestalker is for shameless self promotion with a selfish desire to stalk in anonymity. It can be helpful, but as in the case of all things, it can be abused.
  17. Is it public knowledge that you are on the receiving end of unacceptable behaviour? It seems to me, that both of you as mentioned by Bini, are perpetuating childhood dysfunction through marriage. Believe me, I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of someone who actually believes they are justified in their treatment, with no consideration for the outcome of the other person. Both of you need serious therapy, as individuals and as couples. Prescriptions are designed to stabilize, not necessarily designed to fix the root cause. Both of you need to take responsibility for your actions and make serious effort to forgive and reconcile your childhoods, speak to each other about them, even when it gets frustrating. That being said, this won't be an easy task as trust in the marriage has been damaged with abuse, but it can be worked out. This book may help. Forgiving Our Parents, Forgiving Ourselves: Healing Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families: David Stoop: 9780830757237: Books
  18. There is a possibility they were not confirmed at all, even if it sounds distastful.
  19. Its a social faux pas to say, no, I don't agree with your engagement, as both of you are only wanting the sex. At least, disagreeing with an engagement publicly is considered a huge social misstep and brings immediate condemnation. I find it amusing that the majority of us recognize the validity of their choices and happiness, but at the same time, I would have to theorize that most of us are against same sex marriage. The Proclamation of the Family and all that jazz. There seems to be a disconnect between what we expect the ideal to be and how we treat people. There shouldn't be, considering all that wonderful talk of loving thy neigbour and what not. It was noted by a study that when guests come to stay, if we expect them to be different, the hospitality will be generous. However, if we make assumption or conclusions on who they are, we are more offended because we are disapointed that they didn't act as we expected them to. This is why extended family can be an irritating experience.
  20. Regardless of our own opinions on homosexual activity, they should be praised for finding happiness and satisfaction in their lives. Most heterosexuals can't even achieve that, even with the splendid propaganda of various religions. There is more harm done, more unrighteousness, done through judgement of someone, even if we disagree with their choices in life.
  21. Defensive anger. It covers shame, guilt and is expressing frustration at himself and that you probably don't understand or don't listen. Plus, he probably fears that what he needs to come clean about, will be used to judge him. If he has an addiction, the stress and the guilt will add to the addiction, even if he desperately wants out. I have noticed that within the church, most women seem to punish their partners by guilt tripping them, which resolves nothing. This does not absolve him of responsibility or the poor treatment of you or the family, but it may help you to understand perhaps, where he is coming from. Which, as a man who is supposed to be the rock, bread winner, disciplinarian, its hard to speak ones mind. Dad used to come and yell at us kids, but a lot of it was just pure frustration that he couldn't communicate with his wife, had a guilty history that is still vague and had an extremely stressful time, managing money with a wife that was beautiful, but withdrawn and battling depression. Lots going on, besides the obvious here and as its been mentioned, abuse of any form should not be tolerated, however, its a beautiful thing when a couple can work through a serious issue together and come out of it, better people and a better relationship. Unfortunately, most people prefer to dispose the spouse, once its inconvenient.
  22. I live in the camp where what we coin blessings, miss the proper intention of why we do what we do. My motivation for doing something, should not be for the sake of a reward, but because I have empathy for that person. Then again, I debate these topics in my mind, because my upbringing lacked certain fundamentals that other people took for granted. Semantics, but for me, it helps me think about whether or not my intentions are just.
  23. Covenant (ברית / διαθηκη) The Greek word διαθηκη (diatheke), usually translated “covenant” in English versions of the Bible, is a legal term denoting a formal and legally binding declaration of benefits to be given by one party to another, with or without conditions attached. In secular contexts it was most often used of a “last will and testament.” In the Greek version of the Old Testament διαθηκη was used as the ordinary rendering for the Hebrew word ברית. ברית (berith) is also translated “covenant” in English versions, but, like διαθηκη, it also refers to legal dispositions or pledges which may or may not have the character of an “agreement.” Sometimes a ברית is more in the nature of a one-sided promise or grant. When English readers see the word “covenant” in the Bible, it is important to bear this in mind, because the true sense is often missed if readers suppose that the word must refer to a reciprocal “agreement” or “contract.” The issue is important because misunderstandings along this line can have some serious consequences for theology. This problem of interpretation has received considerable attention from biblical scholars and theologians. We recommended to students the full discussion of the matter by Geerhardus Vos in his article Hebrews, the Epistle of the Diatheke, reproduced on a separate page of this site. Below we also provide some brief comments from the works of Herman Ridderbos and Louis Berkhof. Source I didn't really understand how to forgive someone until I read this book by Dr. David Stoop. Forgiving our Parents Forgiving Ourselves I also now understand what the intended definition of covenants are, so it constantly surprises me when people see it differently, as in a contract. Ironically, a one way guarantee, requires more compassion and empathy than most are willing to give. Aka, the atonement. It may seem obvious, but I grew up in the church, never learning how to actually forgive, despite it being beaten into our minds with a licorice stick. I highly recommend this book to everyone.