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Everything posted by Lakumi

  1. I just like talking to them because of their unique insights on things, that and they can answer a good number of my questions and even ones I didn't think could have an answer. Nice folk, I like them.
  2. Then the church could simply say "we all told you! but you didn't listen...guess you'd better start coming to church" I could just imagine something like that done, with a tinge of good hearted humour. I'd be convinced with far less then all that.
  3. Oh gosh I remember that! My Missionary D&D game idea, I had even drawn a rough cover for what the book might look like, with two missionaries in their full suits (with like backpacks) preaching to an Orc, who seemed genuinely interested. I wonder if anyone would buy that game...No one owns the d20 well within my legal right to make it!
  4. My father said I was healed when I had some cists in my jaw, and I was an athiest. I assume he prayed and he, to this day says its a miracle. I wonder how smart a seagull is
  5. Sometimes my depression and anxiety get so bad I can't leave the house. It alone is the main reason I've not joined the church, (the other things are more petty issues with doctrine, but that is, by far, the biggest thing) and I don't look forward to the explenation of what sensory issues are when I say "no I am not wearing temple garments". The 'big thing' is largely is the cause of other issues I have, which I won't get into here, but it sounds like you're doing a good job as it is! Don't sell yourself short, whatever you do! I myself am 25, I never properly finished high school (getting a GED later) never went to collage, never had a proper relationship and probably never will, and live on assistance which I refer to as my "crazy money". If you'd like to talk about it, I'd be happy to, but I'd rather speak in private...
  6. Ooooh a recipie! I love stumbling on recipies, even if they're not intended for me!
  7. I think the phrase "any publicity is good publicity" can fit here. I saw an article in my city's free paper about when the Book of Mormon play came and they inverviewed some Mormons about their thoughts about it. And while it may be inaccurate people do get curious what Mormons are really about since, alot of people have no real clue what they are about. Prior to my reading all I knew was "they don't drink coffee and come to my door" that was literally it. Heck I investigated after seeing the South Park episode. I've seen ads the church made which go like "You've been the play now read the book" and "The Book is always better". I went into it expecting something weird and crazy and found something rather beautiful (for art, for personal spirituality), I can't be the only one can I? In this day and age I think taking a more unorthadox approach is a good thing, people talk about that, and word gets around often without that person sometimes even realizing it!
  8. Dune, loved the movie so had to read the book!
  9. I was always taught with one space, and that is what I do to this day. Never heard of the two space thing, I do remember being taught typing in school, how worthless that was.
  10. Okay I actually laughed there, that was pretty funny.
  11. People would be able to see an alien if it came and said hello. Things like aliens aren't a matter of faith, if they come and start wrecking a city, they're not going away if you don't believe in them. God is something so larger then ourselves a lot of people can't really understand it and since they can't see it, it seems distant and strange. Anyone can look and study a pyramid and ponder what really made it, but there's no pondering God, in that way. We're not so enlightened that we can reach so high and get all our questions answered.
  12. Yeah, I seldom wake up before noon so I'm good 'cept on Sundays (sometimes)... really wish they'd have services later in the day...
  13. No its generally beer that is offered in the same breath as pop or coffee. I'd say more of a daily beer maybe? like one drinks pop...not how I drink pop mind you...I drink far too much pop. I think someone who has a daily wiskey is an alcoholic, or just drinks a lot...people do, some even like the taste (yuck).
  14. No, though I toss it out there should they want it, (usually beer) it is generally expected at things like BBQs and Christmas (no it is expected at Christmas 100% in my family). It really depends on the people, some people see beer like any other drink and offer it freely for anything, I've been offered beer while at someone's house playing Warhammer or Dungeons and Dragons. I remember every Wednesday after a board game I played with friends called blood bowl (fantasy football) we'd go to a pub. I don't think most see it as a special occasion thing, just another thing to drink.
  15. I can be very unsocial, and sometimes quite social, but I never really know when those feelings come about, I wake up and...the day just works around what my head is feeling that day. So as you can imagine it is a complete toss up when I actually do go to church or how I act largely when I am there. Sometimes I am more talkative, sometimes I move about so quickly and quietly no one knows I'm even there.
  16. I used to ride my bike, where I used to live nobody walked to church, it was at the edge of the city/large town, very out of the way. The one I went to here, still kind of out of the way. I mean I live in a big city again so I have to take a bus. I don't drive or anything.
  17. I wonder if there's a calling where you get to sit, alone, in a little room and sort things. I like that sort of work.
  18. I'll use alcohol since I don't drink and neither does the person I live with, and it fits in with this topic. We keep it in a little cupboard for guests and it's there when we need it. There's no issue with it being there, I have zero desire to drink it. I am a casual tea drinker now that I have a steady supply of "Masala Chai" but I don't expect my friends to have that...even though they have an entire cupboard dedicated to tea...guess I ought to buy them some!
  19. "know it is true" is a phrase I will never use, unless a whole slew of things are presented to me and I understand how difficult I can be. My story is a tad different, since I am not LDS but read its scriptures, pray when I can, obey most of the WoW (masala chai is something I don't think I can pry myself away from lol) I seldom attend church due to my not being a morning person, often having a...fragile mood and sometimes I really dislike leaving the house. But when I do I find it very joyful and a lot of that anger I have goes away. I become rather outgoing in a normal sense, there is no need for common interests to get me to speak, I feel like a well rounded person. Anyways, last summer I had a job working in corn fields, detassiling they call it, and one day it was a 120acre field and I, unknown to me, was coming down with heat stroke. In the field, it gets worse and worse and I am drinking water like crazy due to my throat hurting and eventually I just lay down and I remember asking Jesus not to let me die, it would have been annoying not to find out how the book ends, I remember thinking (the Book of Mormon, I had started attending church round the time I started the corn so was always in pain and always looked miserable but I would often perk up). Somehow I got out of that field, delirious and I asked some kid for water I remember. I would often toss aside the feelings people akined to the spirit as foolish or some such thing. I remember being quite moved when one lady gave a talk about being bullied in high school-something I struggled with a lot. Did the spirit come to offer the same as it did to her? Quite possibly. And it doesn't follow my distrust of my own feelings (eg getting a positive feeling means its true), that is a clear cut thing. Person sad and hurt by bullies, made happy by gospel. My mind responds well to that sort of stuff. I always thought I was too proud for worship and God and books like that. Growing up I was basically an athiest, scornful of religion and felt they were all archaic and broken things. And when I went to the meetinghouse for the first time, there was no malice towards me, people were kind to me-a kindess I seldom see in people. I remember saying "I hope none of them talk to me" but when they did I was happy to speak to them. By habit I sat alone at all the lunches but they found me and sat with me and I was actually in a good mood to see them and we talked. So maybe my idea of what the Book of Mormon is, is different then yours. But it has made me a better person, in many ways, I like to think. I had a lively discussion about same sex marriage with a Mormon on youtube, where as before I would have dismissed him as a bigot and that would be that. It started friendly and ended friendly. I don't feel that rage in the pit of my stomach anymore, I don't feel as unfriendly towards other people like I used to. This past month I have done a lot of thinking and reading, and I have come to the ultimate conclusion that is has helped me in my life and I donno if that is a testimony or anything but it is positive-I would think.
  20. Not sure if this is proper to have here, but it will be moved if it is not. I was watching Ancient Aliens today (infact, they did an episode on Joseph Smith and having a theory that Moroni was an alien or something, but it wasn't that one) and I do believe the version of history that is given, is not the one that happened. Any stuff that doesn't go along with the stuff in books is swept under the rug, like this; I heard about that on a comedy website (of all places), and as you can assume, no one really has any clue why a really old slab containing the ten commandments is just in North America. But this lead me to a thought, if mainstream archeology actually found something that could proof the Book of Mormon (or give it anything), would they tell the church? I don't think so, for the same reason they'd never (at least not right now) admit the ancient alien thing and the now alien thing I am sure is there. That's just some of my thoughts on it, what do you folks think?
  21. I can't believe I was missed! Yeah... I was... not well mentally. It was pretty evident at times I had a... I donno I'd just snap. I was in my own little world, I'd go on about things and it didn't do well for anyone. I needed to step back, (move across the province) and really get my life under control, as it was unhappy. But I'm all better now, finally gotten things under control, so felt I ought to come back and contribute a little again. I went to one of the meetinghouses here and its too big, and still with this 9:30 am stuff! lol I'd go every Sunday if it was, like at 11:30 lol
  22. experienced when, when did everyone experience a conversion to God?
  23. Actions speak louder then words, if you are happy and it shows that can often do more for people then words ever could. I myself generally like Mormons, and they actually got me to be social far quicker then I had felt I should have. (And I, myself, would have welcomed anything besides the terrible adolesance/young adult life I had... I mean it's still pretty lousy, what is a "normal" young man's adult life? Mine certainly wasn't it and I had no outside sources "effecting things" would have prevented all that rejection too)
  24. I can be very civil and kind, I just usually find it very draining and seldom enjoy it.