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Everything posted by Crypto

  1. I think if the wrong members hear such questions being asked rather than stirring the pot it would be like taping on a hornets nest, with you subsequently being labeled apostates to those particular individuals. Or this could not happen at all. I'm quite curious really. Both for the responses and reactions. Keep the forum informed on what happens. There are a few flaws with your survey, such as sample selection and results could be skewed by differences in each population. Still anecdotally interesting.
  2. Well the scientific stance is "environment", but I've always seen environment as being affected by and chosen by the individual. To me it is a direct nod to choice, what do you think falls under environment? Everything that they couldn't pin on genes lol Wikipedia is a convenient summary view, I could pull more rigorous sources but they tend to be even less readable. IDK how all of you feel about wikipedia as a valid source, but i've written a report of it's reliability so feel free to open a debate about it
  3. For a time the church early in our history tried to live by the law of consecration, however it seems like we were not quite ready for it. Much like God allowed divorce under the law of Moses not because it was okay, but because of the hardness of the hearts of the people. The nitty gritty of how it is to be implemented was not given (as far as my knowledge), there are some guidelines though, so there will be differing opinions on how to implement. We are still to strive to live by it, which can be seen through service, fast offerings, and other charitable works. This was a talk recently given in our general conference about poverty: It reflects the guidance we have been given today. Latter day saints is fine :-) [to me lds/mormons is more of a nickname,from my view at least, some people prefer nicknames]
  4. This delves into Nature versus Nurture. Genes do not absolutely determine all traits and characteristics in the human body. There are environmental factors that affect gene expression (read more about RNA). Current scientific percentage of the division of where someones personality traits are derived from are as follows So to summarize Thus even with certain genes for traits your choices in lifestyle: family life, location, food, weather, stress, experience.....etc will all affect how the genes you carry will affect physical and mental development. In religious terms this means the spirit will be able to adapt to it's own circumstances I suppose.
  5. 2ndRateMind, I think you would be highly interested in the Law of Consecration: (take a look at the linked page!) Section 105 of the Doctrine and Covenants First thing is first, All man kind (Or concentrated pockets of people) learning then living all basic principles, say things like the 10 Commandments. Then working their way up. We all are still working on that :'( This line of thinking goes along with a strong belief that God intends all people have agency to choose good or to choose evil.
  6. Wealth is neither moral nor amoral. Sometimes money in the hands of the productive individual can do more good for the needy in the long term than someone in need. It is a delicate balance. I don't support some of these ideas because I don't think it is the best or most effective way to solve such problems. Even if we only took enough money from everyone to provide a basic living for everyone I suspect it wouldn't work very well. You might be interested in taking a look at the Copenhagen Consensus. Queue opinion below: What is done with the wealth makes the difference (and the personal attitude towards wealth makes the difference). A wealthy individual who uses money to expand a business to create the things others want/need is doing good. This is good for jobs, and for what they produce. Large amounts of this money (When looking at the figures) is donated by companies and individuals to help the poor, the needy. This is also good. This is a faithful and fruitful servant who has increased his talents. Are there some under this system who are greedy, abuse power, use their wealth to exercise dominion? Unfortunately yes. When good is done, We shouldn't be quick to judgement. The crux of the issue isn't why money should be redistributed. I think many will agree that an equitable society would be the ideal we strive towards. The issue is human nature. The theory you proclaim seems very similar to Communism. All people living in Common would be awesome, no poor, no starving etc... except no current society today has successfully implemented such a society. They all suffer from inefficiencies, corruption, lack of wealth, crime, (some moral decline) etc. As Just_A_Guy has said, and I paraphrase: "How can this successfully be implemented without completely falling apart and the cure being worse than the disease?"(The answer is Christ like love, charity among all mankind, not an economic program) Is it fair for someone to create something, say a piece of art for their home and then have that piece of art taken from them since they can always make another one? Is it fair for a child to starve because of want? NO!
  7. Having friends of the opposite gender is great, however being alone with them can very easily lead to situations that aren't quite the best. Also it depends on who the adult is, and where you would be hanging out, is it in a populated public place? You mom is just looking out for you, even if it may seem frustrating and unfair at times. :-)
  8. The best teachers guide students to where they can improve, but it takes the hard work of the student to actually learn. If you plan to continue improving on guitar, like many other disciplines there will come a time when others will have less to teach you. It is possible you have already reached what he knows. It could also be that you have simply surpassed the level he normally teaches at and simply needs to spend some time to have better material for you. Learn to learn for yourself, at the same time it is always helpful to get feed back from those you know, who are experienced. A new teacher could be what you need, it is why a kindergarten teacher doesn't teach rocket science at a graduate college. Maybe you would like to stay in touch with your past teacher, so maybe you could find a compromise. Spend some time with a new teacher who can teach you some more advanced things, and some time, but less than before, with your original teacher. Ultimately your teacher will be able to help guide you on this decision if you ask about it. He can probably guide you far better than us internet people who don't know you. Ask him about your current ability and how much farther he thinks he can help guide you. You can always ask if it would be helpful to take a college class, or attend a music workshop. (Just my own suggestion, Learn to play in a different style, sometimes you will find surprising improvements because of the difference)
  9. Melatonin tablets .03-3mg, 30 minutes before desired sleep time, when needed. You can buy this at stores like RiteAid. This in conjunction with a stable sleep schedule throughout the week. (split commercial pills which are generally 5mg-10mg) It's non-prescription. Stay away from bright lights 30 minutes before sleep, light can interfere with Melatonin which signals your body that it is time to sleep. It's naturally produced in your body, and has few side effects compared to prescription sleep medication and is more effective than many home remedies. It has some potential to interact with certain medications: Consult a doctor if you have any of these problems: (are a child)High blood pressureDiabetesDepressionSeizure disorders Might be worth talking to a doctor about.
  10. Crypto

    IB versus AP?

    Since AP is all about passing the A.P. Exams, theoretically you can do both.
  11. Crypto

    IB versus AP?

    Oh A.P. tests are done internationally, so they aren't arbitrary to local curriculum. (Also my H.S. is in a small largely uneducated town, so that is a bad comparison for me) The not liked liberal aspect that another poster mentioned probably revolves around TOK (since service is already mandatory at many high schools). It is similar to a philosophy class that focuses on knowledge, and could lead to cynicism in some people. Sort of a summary "I think therfore I am but I can't be sure on anything else" It covers logical fallacy, emotions as a guide to knowlege, and other such topics. A.P. is useful for progressing through college quickly. Which might be a personal preference. It can be just as rigorous as an IB school, you are only limited by the avalibilty of the school proctoring the tests you select. (EDIT: Whoops tablet left out the n't)
  12. Crypto

    IB versus AP?

    I've done a little bit of both AP and attended a year and half at an IB school abroad. The IB school education was far better than my U.S. highschool. A.P. classes can have just as much rigour. If you choose I.B. he needs to make sure to score well to be considered by U.S. colleges. The same is true for A.P. though.
  13. I think the movie did a great job at what it presented itself as. Meeting mormons. For a further in depth look at doctrine , to start I recommend finding a local lds chapel or contacting the missionaries
  14. I would not consider someone for marriage that used serving a mission as a marriage acceptability filter. There is more to righteousness than if someone serves a mission or not. Are they the type of person striving to progress and improve upon themselves, their faith, and live closer to the commandments of God? A mission is only one act of many, Certainly a good one, if other actions line up. If I felt prompted to go on a mission, and marry later (as it sounds you are), I would follow that prompting. I would not ask him to wait, but to stay in contact, people change, they grow apart or grow together. You have prayed for him, which is wonderful. Have you tried fasting and praying that you may be guided and comforted in making the best decisions for your life? Seek to follow the spirit. :-)
  15. Working on the robot maid part. No promises though. That washing machine dryer combo makes too much sense...It should already be on the market, any entrepreneurs here, that can make it happen?
  16. Every generation seems to extol the "evils" of the younger generation. And almost every single time they are right about some of the feared effects of [insert subject here]. Music, technology, culture etc... However they often overlook the positive aspects, and miss out on unforeseen consequences (both positive and negative.) Positive aspects of technology, some food for thought : One example: Technology while potentially causing lower attention spans, can also potentially cause them to be more self motivated. The key thing is to use moderation in all things, allow them access and use to technology and balance it out with other good activities too!
  17. I have trouble listening or watching lectures without an activity too! It is very common among people who are kinesthetic learners to seemingly "multitask", which unfortunately for Kinesthetic learners is very distracting to other types of learners. You might be one. (Or you could just be distracted )
  18. It is a pleasure to have you on the forums. It can be fun to look at spray paint art some times. When you get your web page up let us know :)
  19. I have to confess I have trouble opening up (confessing) both online and in real life XD Makes me uncomfortable, but I guess that's part of life For my confession I watch my little p o n y and enjoy it, but the only reason I tell people (if I do. except this time...maybe...) is to see their reactions, which I find amusing. I've gotten mostly support from people IRL, and online is mixed. It can also be amusing in video games, as player names...on occasion when doing fairly well people get really upset. Which is amusing. It's sorta trolling, but it's the type of trolling that people have to want to make themselves upset about it. There seems to be a stigma about this, which I worry about.
  20. As stated the comparison is not directly equivalent. It is of a principal behind a story not necessarily a perfect syllogism between scripture and event. I accept scripture to provide light that can help guide me and others in many situations both spiritual and temporal. As such I used it to illustrate the idea. The rule would be about beards and the correct behavior would be about How people react toward the rule. And lastly is how someone reacts towards the rule being humble or not. (does their opinion change their humility/pride alignment) In scripture the rule would be about not breaking the Sabbath The correct behavior would be about following the rule (Are there exceptions? and the implied affirmative) And lastly would healing/pulling an ox out of a pit on the Sabbath cause someone to not be humble. Disagreement with a rule, or policy doesn't automatically make someone prideful. (Thinking that your way is the right way and there can be no other way is certainly prideful. Disobeying the rule because you think you know better is prideful.) In this case: The rules were not for the sake of rules and an appearance of piety. The rules didn't make the Sabbath holy. It was remembrance and dedication towards god that did. The rules about beards, as implied originally served a purpose of professionalism (looking clean, not aligning with various movements) The rules were not for the sake of seeing if you will follow the rules. (The outward appearance of shaving doesn't make one honorable) The rules are not the foundation of what makes correct behavior. I see enough similarity. I agree with you that those who go to BYU would be expected to follow the universities honor code. I'm not going to debate more about beards, it's kinda pointless, especially since i'm not involved with BYU. I for one would continue to shave even if I was compelled with such a rule
  21. The really good thing about ebola is that it isn't highly infectious! The bad thing is how likely it is to cause death.
  22. If you want to enable paranoid mode: Don't inhale droplets of a cough. This is not considered air born, as it would be contained to a few feet (ebola is not mainly found to attack the lungs of humans so transmission is less likely than what has been seen in a few animal studies.) Wash your hands, and theoretically cook potentially infected meat products well, use good kitchen hygiene. Be clean don't come into contact with spit, blood, and other bodily excretions.
  23. Despite what many people think, I don't think following the Status Quo rules can be equated with humility (though it could be), And not all rules should be followed. Just as a quick example did Jesus refuse to heal people on the Sabbath? What about an Ox in a mire? Luke 14:5 "And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day?" This isn't directly equivalent, but the principal is the same. Rules do not correct behavior make. It's still fine for BYU to choose to have this policy, it's the university's choice. Disagreement with the policy doesn't make people bad, just as it doesn't make people good to agree with it.
  24. I'm not big on superficial standards that have no meaning, to me at least. If that's the image the college wants to project I empathize with the students, but ultimately it is up to the college. I didn't know about the negative bias against shorts! I LOVE shorts. Yeah, other, closer, decent, colleges have better rankings for my major, so arbitrary "standards" don't help it look like an attractive choice. Still a potential place to go to for education, just not #1.