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Everything posted by Crypto

  1. Do what you feel is right. I would feel a bit awkward leaving soon after being hired if I didn't tell them, especially if I would like to be rehired after a mission. Seems courteous to the business. It will greatly diminish the likelihood of being hired...experience speaking...
  2. I agree, you are correct. Per the definition provided of Agency, yes children can and do have agency, just not before the age of accountability [8]. (More nuance can be added to my prior statement.)
  3. I like what you say. There is value in the child's impressions, don't dismiss them as not. Just a few points i'd like to mention: * We are all given agency * We each have stewardship over ourselves, otherwise personal revelation wouldn't exist and we would be reliant solely on our leaders. * Others have stewardship over us [to lead and guide us] *Jesus was 12 when he taught in the temple (Luke 2:39-52) *Joseph Smith was about 14 when he saw the first vision. *The first chapter of Jeremiah talks about "But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak." *There are more examples in both the bible and book of Mormon.
  4. I'm shocked that people think giving someone of the opposite gender a compliment on appearance is inappropriate. There is a HUGE difference between harassment and a well meaning compliment. (Even if it makes you uncomfortable) And if it's true all those compliments i've gotten from the Sisters about how my occasional haircuts makes me look more like a man {after cutting my longer hair I sometimes style} That I DON'T appreciate, Are harassment. I don't appreciate such compliments, but they were well meaning enough. I don't think most modern feminists of the various types remotely resemble the original feminist movement. Sooo if the term is hijacked is based on the original movement, I'd be careful subscribing to it still. I'm all for gender equality, with the realization that each gender has differences. That type of feminist policy makes the most sense to me, so yay.
  5. I've noticed some posts and disagreement, earlier in the thread. There was an event where a woman anoints Jesus's feet, which is criticized instead of giving it to the poor. I think that good acts should not be solely condemned just because something else that is good was done instead. (Just another thought to add) Matthew 26:6-13 Mark 14:3-9 Luke 7:36-50 John 12:1-8
  6. Definitely spend time and pray about it, bring it to the lord. Something that you may consider is that in a public school setting you learn how to interact with other people, often in an environment (Much like the world at large) that has a pecking order. They learn to get along with people you may not get along with so well, and how to make friends (Important skills), read social cues, Learn generational unique lingo, and to guard their trust so as to not get hurt. The disadvantage is that it can be uncomfortable to some, or they could become the bully themselves, or resign who they are to some idea "nerd", "dumb", "athletic", "un-athletic", "funny", "trouble maker", etc... It's a great learning opportunity for skills that might not be developed as well in other settings. The major advantage to homeschooling, if the parents are able to provide proper guidance in learning is that generally a better education can be provided (Statistically higher scoring). (I have seen many homeschooling parents who do less than a stellar job though, so it's important to know your own limits in what you can provide educationally)
  7. I personally think that pursuing after wealth with the intent of using it for others is a good thing. The rub is making sure that it isn't just about personal gain for the sake of gain,wealth,status,power,etc, and using the good things you could, can do with it as an excuse. Also i'm not sure wealth is always a conscious decision, some people actually want to become [insert profession] for reasons other than the money that profession produces. Maybe they thought it was Fun, or the enjoyed the relations they build with others, Maybe it was low stress and enjoyable, or maybe it was about the money.
  8. He may or may not tell the truth especially if he is addicted. JAG pretty much covered it.
  9. Money in and of itself is neutral. It's when, where, how, and why that can make it good or bad, righteous or unrighteous.
  10. I wonder what the rules regarding the iPads will be. Will the missionaries be allowed to install other apps that may help them in their work? I could see it being extremely helpful for foreign language speaking missionaries to get software/audio to help them better their language skills. It would probably be heavily restricted I'm guessing.
  11. It is never too late to repent. Start my expressing what you have said here in prayer. Sometimes that hardest part of repentance is forgiving yourself, just because you can be forgiven doesn't mean you will forget. Use those memories to build a brighter better future by learning from your mistakes, striving to repeat them no more, and helping others not to make the same mistakes. Every step forward counts, even if you occasionally stumble or take a step back. Pray, it is probably the most important thing that you can do, even if all you can do is hope to believe "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. 24And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9 23-24
  12. I'm guessing that might change if it is bought by the missionaries themselves rather than as a local supply.
  13. Any chance that they could use another preferred platform 8...linux.... Probably not..
  14. I've seen this exact thing too... When I was awarded eagle there were more people from outside the church (non-family scouters) driving hours to attend than people from the ward...including the scouts that were there because they were in the troop.
  15. She will have the opportunity for ordinances required to enter the celestial kingdom. I believe I've read somewhere that spirits already have the appearance of adults before birth, so yes the age would be different.
  16. ...I is INTP type... LiterateParakeet it is important to remember that any survey of the personality types based on internet forum posts will likely not be representative of the entire lds community, Only a subset who visit the forum. First it is an isolated group of only internet users, and those who are interested in posting on an online lds fourm. Then you have selection bias of who choose to post. (in addition to other potential issues) It would be very fascinating to see what the church as a whole would reveal with a better polling method. I found an interesting article I came across that is related to this.
  17. True conversion unto Christ is shown through the works you do, something very much taught by the apostles. Grace is still received free without coin, by those who place faith in him and believe. John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments." Still at the basics :)
  18. Girls can participate in Boy Scouts through the venturing program (Start a girl only crew?). So if it was only about a worldly stand point, lacking a spiritual aspect, or inflexibility of the organization they would be able to participate with a program already ok'ed for the young men. I haven't seen much desire to participate in any of the various scouting programs from the young women in my ward, while I was a youth. I think that may have some part to do with it. The young womens program is also a very good program (can be with good leaders, like any other program). There are also political stances taken, and policies that I don't think the church would be quite comfortable with.
  19. All youth leaders that are registered scouters are and will have had a background check, preformed by the B.S.A. as part of the registration process. This is explicitly stated in the application, and is done for youth protection purposes. This actually includes many of the men and women youth leaders in a ward. (i'm guessing less women choose to register with BSA, mainly for Cub Scouts if they do) So to an extent background checks are already preformed, though by a third party. It is probably more important that ward/youth leaders follow youth protection guidelines than background checks, Which the church manuals basically set out equivalent guidelines.
  20. Temple marriages are not recognized by the state in Denmark. Couples who get a temple marriage also have to get a civil marriage to be recognized by the state. Since a temple marriage isn't recognized by Denmark, it is irrelevant to try and pressure the church to preform a temple marriage for a gay couple. (I used the word "state" with the same meaning as nation)