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    askandanswer got a reaction from bytebear in Heavenly Mother & Mother Mary   
    No, I don't think you can. That privilege has been permanently claimed by @my two cents One cent, sure, go ahead, three cents is even better, but not two cents.
  2. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Midwest LDS in How many Gods DO we believe in?   
    It can be difficult to categorize us, especially in scholarly circles (as a historian it's funny to get several of us in a room and have all of us disagree about even the most established facts?) but the heart of the question I feel like is wondering who we worship. In that case I think it gets a lot simpler. All other exalted beings are irrelevant to that question, because we only worship God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I think the OP was most concerned about that and that answer can be definitely nailed down.
  3. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from mordorbund in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    Haven't shot a gun since I was a teen ager. but for a wimply old Florida gator, a gun wouldn't be needed. Probably a firm blow to the back of the head with a piece of wet lettuce would suffice.
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    askandanswer got a reaction from lostinwater in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    I'm not going to wait for any divine command to go gator shooting. Sadly my weapon doesn't have the range to reach Florida. 
  5. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from lostinwater in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    Haven't shot a gun since I was a teen ager. but for a wimply old Florida gator, a gun wouldn't be needed. Probably a firm blow to the back of the head with a piece of wet lettuce would suffice.
  6. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from lostinwater in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    the wet lettuce, when properly used, works just as well on younger gators
  7. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from lostinwater in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    Years or months?
  8. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Vort in How many Gods DO we believe in?   
    1 Cortinthians 8: 5  For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)
    6  But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
    Doctrine and Covenants 136:37  Abraham received concubines, and they bore him children; and it was accounted unto him for righteousness, because they were given unto him, and he abode in my law; as Isaac also and Jacob did none other things than that which they were commanded; and because they did none other things than that which they were commanded, they have entered into their exaltation, according to the promises, and sit upon thrones, and are not angels but are gods. (gods - small g)
  9. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from mirkwood in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    Haven't shot a gun since I was a teen ager. but for a wimply old Florida gator, a gun wouldn't be needed. Probably a firm blow to the back of the head with a piece of wet lettuce would suffice.
  10. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from mirkwood in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    I'm not going to wait for any divine command to go gator shooting. Sadly my weapon doesn't have the range to reach Florida. 
  11. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from my two cents in Joys of scripture study   
    I've read these two verses, dozens, possibly hundreds of times but its only just now that I've noticed that Joseph Smith and Mormon were the same age when they first saw Jesus. It always gives me a bit of a buzz when I suddenly gain a new understanding or find a new connection between different verses of scripture. It's happened many times, but it still surprises me, in a nice kind of way, how we can suddenly gain new insights from stuff we've read or heard many times before.
    (Book of Mormon | Mormon 1:15)
    15  And I, being fifteen years of age and being somewhat of a sober mind, therefore I was visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus.
    (Pearl of Great Price | JS-History 1:7)
    7  I was at this time in my fifteenth year.  My father's family was proselyted to the Presbyterian faith, and four of them joined that church, namely, my mother, Lucy; my brothers Hyrum and Samuel Harrison; and my sister Sophronia.
    Does anyone else have an experience about the joys of scripture study they'd like to share?
  12. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to NeuroTypical in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
  13. Like
    askandanswer reacted to zil in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    It seems to me this is the primary dividing line in the thread.  There are some who take the OP and ask, how could I ever be sure that it was really God asking me to do this thing?  They answer that from their experience in life thus far, they personally could not be sure, and therefore would not do it.
    On the other side of the aisle are those who start from the assumption, "If I were sure God was asking me to do this, would I?"  For these people, it's not a question of "how can I be sure it was God?" - these people are assuming we've established certainty.  Therefore the question is whether they could obey God in some extreme.
    This is why I said the real test isn't whether you will kill once you are certain God is telling you to do so.  No, the real test is if you will do [X] once you are certain God is telling you to, where [X] is something you don't want to do - like accept a call to be the bishop, or do your visiting teaching, or go on a mission, or pay tithing, or whatever.  The principle is the same, no matter what [X] is, and [X] will be very different from person to person.  The older I get, the more certain I am that all of us have an [X] that it will nearly destroy us to do, and that at some point, in this life or the next, we will be called on to do [X].
  14. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    For me to do it, it would have to be something like this:
    An angel (not an apostle or a prophet) shows up and asks me to kill someone
    We then start a negotiation session about the details of the task, eg, who, how, when, where, and how much flexibility there was in each of these. I wouldn't ask why as I don't think I would need to know that in order to do what was being asked. I would ask if there was anybody else who could do the task, and if there was any compelling reason why I was the person who had been asked to do it and if I had the option of delegating the job.
    We come to an agreement as to the details of the task - what must be done, what must not be done, and the other stuff about who, when, where and how. 
    I ask the angel to put the agreement in writing, with five original copies, one for me, one for the angel, one for the Prophet, one for the police, and one for my family
    I carefully consider the agreement to make sure it accurately reflects what we have discussed and agreed to
    Next, I carefully consider if I will follow the agreement, and if so, then I sign it.
    Finally, I start doing my research and preparation, trying to find a way to do what had been asked in a way that is most likely to be successful, while avoiding being apprehended and arrested.
    If it was anything less than this, I'd be inclined to hesitate and think it over pretty carefully.
  15. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Girlfriend/ Possibly Fiancé Soon[F23] Admitted To Me[M24] That She Has Had A Problem With Pornography   
    This question was asked to, and answered by, Elders Ballard and Oaks in the recent Face to Face with Young Single Adults. You can view it here.
    Sorry, I've just re-read the OP a little more carefully. The question that the apostles were asked was not how long someone with a pornography problem would have to wait before they could be married in the temple. It was more along the lines of what should I do, or how can help the person I am dating if they are viewing pornography. Even so, I still think the broadcast is worth watching
  16. Like
    askandanswer reacted to zil in Helaman Chapter 7 - October 11, 2017   
    Sorry to hear that.  Hope you're feeling all better soon!
    Thanks for the explanation.
  17. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from zil in Helaman Chapter 7 - October 11, 2017   
    I should be studying it daily but I've been pretty unwell for almost a week. I'm beginning to feel better now so my study has resumed. When I'm not looking at Helaman 7 I'm trying to mix the counsel of President Nelson given in the April 2017 General Conference to read through all the entries about Jesus Christ in the topical guide and the counsel given by President Monson, also in April 2017 to study the Book of Mormon each day. I'm mixing them by only reading the entries in the topical guide about Jesus Christ that refer to scriptures in the Book or Mormon. I do the topical guide reading when I'm feeling lazy and tired and the Helaman 7 study when I can think straight. 
  18. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from lostinwater in Would You? Abraham/Isaac, Nephi/Laban, Saul/Amelikites   
    For me to do it, it would have to be something like this:
    An angel (not an apostle or a prophet) shows up and asks me to kill someone
    We then start a negotiation session about the details of the task, eg, who, how, when, where, and how much flexibility there was in each of these. I wouldn't ask why as I don't think I would need to know that in order to do what was being asked. I would ask if there was anybody else who could do the task, and if there was any compelling reason why I was the person who had been asked to do it and if I had the option of delegating the job.
    We come to an agreement as to the details of the task - what must be done, what must not be done, and the other stuff about who, when, where and how. 
    I ask the angel to put the agreement in writing, with five original copies, one for me, one for the angel, one for the Prophet, one for the police, and one for my family
    I carefully consider the agreement to make sure it accurately reflects what we have discussed and agreed to
    Next, I carefully consider if I will follow the agreement, and if so, then I sign it.
    Finally, I start doing my research and preparation, trying to find a way to do what had been asked in a way that is most likely to be successful, while avoiding being apprehended and arrested.
    If it was anything less than this, I'd be inclined to hesitate and think it over pretty carefully.
  19. Like
    askandanswer reacted to anatess2 in Heavenly Mother & Mother Mary   
    The Genealogy in Luke is Mary's.  The Genealogy in Matthew is Joseph's.  Note that Matthew is a Jew and would therefore have expertise in the manner of genealogy which is evident in the manner by which he wrote the account, yet he has several non-traditional insertions/ommissions in his account.  This may be because Matthew was not trying to prove Jesus is of the house of David through Joseph (because Jesus would not be his bloodline) but rather as the fulfillment of other prophesy.  Luke, on the other hand, is a Gentile, yet his genealogy is written in the traditional Jewish custom.  This is the genealogy that shows Jesus as having the bloodline of the House of David.
  20. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Blossom76 in Heavenly Mother & Mother Mary   
    But Heavenly Mother is God the Fathers wife right? And I guess our spiritual mother like he is our spiritual father.  I wish there was more information about her, I really like the idea of her, it's a beautiful concept.
  21. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Jane_Doe in Heavenly Mother & Mother Mary   
    (Adding my voice to the choir)
    First of all Heavenly Mother is NOT the virgin Mary.  They are completely separate people.
    Heavenly Mother: it is known that She exists, but that's about it (remember, LDS believe that God has many more wonderful things to reveal to us).  Here's official essay summing up the little that is known  
    The Virgin Mary: was a human woman, highly favored of the Lord, but not divine or perfect like Christ.  LDS don't believe in The Original Sin, so Mary's immaculate conception isn't really applicable at all.  She was a virgin when she conceived Christ through the Holy Spirit, as described in Luke.  She later married Joseph and the two of them had children together.  When Christ died He asked John to look after her.  LDS do not believe in the ascension of Mary nor praying to her for intercession (or anyone else for intercession).  She's talked about in the Bible obviously, but also in the Book of Mormon like: 
    Mary was a virgin, most beautiful and fair above all other virgins, 1 Ne. 11:13–20.
    Christ’s mother was to be called Mary, Mosiah 3:8.
    Mary would be a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, Alma 7:10.
    More verses:
  22. Like
    askandanswer reacted to zil in Heavenly Mother & Mother Mary   
    The first entry here summarizes what we know of Mary, referencing scriptures.
    And this is an essay about our Heavenly Mother, also with references.
  23. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Jane_Doe in Getting lost in the right path...   
    "If you will really try and will not rationalize or rebel—repenting often and pleading for grace—you positively are going to be “good enough.” "   --- By Elder J. Devn Cornish Of the Seventy, General Conference October 2016
  24. Like
    askandanswer reacted to zil in Getting lost in the right path...   
    Welcome, @Noel T. Batac!
    This example highlights the fact that "membership" is not "the right path".  It is a tool provided to help one find and follow the right path, but it, in and of itself, does not represent the right path - that path is found and followed in one's heart and mind.  The Lord has given us many tools to help in that process (including teachers and leaders), but the tools aren't the path.
  25. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Grunt in .   
    Ahhh.  That's understandable, then.  
    Sorry for the sidetrack.  Thank you for setting me straight yet again.