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    David13 got a reaction from Sunday21 in General Conference   
    Sunday21, you ought to know as well as I that those were Chia plants.. Who wouln't know that.
    I was blessed.  I didn't have to say anything.  A friend just said I willl talk to a 70 I know and see if I can get you more tickets and upgraded tickets, which I did get.  Front and center for three sessions.
    I met with the Elder from the 70 yesterday am.
    And it turned out that my ticket for Sunday morning was actually quite good, terrace 12, the ticket from my Stake Pres.
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    David13 got a reaction from Sunday21 in General Conference   
    I was there right in the first front center section.. From the right rear 2 or 3 times some female called out loud "object" once each to the first two or three sustainings.
    At first President Uchtdorf seemed annoyed or like he didn't know how to respond.  After they got into the lesser, or later callings, the objections either ceased, or they threw the malcontent out.
    He only came up with "noted" on the second or third shout out.
    What he did, which was good, was say "show by the usual signal or something" the raising of hands.. Then on the second or third, he said "Any objection BY THE SAME SIGN".
    So then maybe the Miss (or Mrs) "I get to run the church" either shut up or raised her hand.  I couldn't see and didn't look.
    Then later, as they did in previous years, he said "Pres Monson told me to say see your stake pres."
    I didn't hear a "no" but maybe that came from somewhere else.
  3. Like
    David13 reacted to Just_A_Guy in General Conference   
    I remember when the oppositionists started their online movement last year--they were so sure (based on experiences in the 1970s) that a "no" vote was an automatic ticket to a personal meeting with a member of the First Presidency.  I love, on many levels, the Church's response of referring the oppositionists back to their stake presidents.  Reinforces the role of a stake's Presiding High Priest (I think we often don't appreciate just how much priesthood authority our SP's wield), denies the oppositionists the access to power (and the PR value of being able to say they met with an apostle) that they crave, and compels them to "put up or shut up" by bringing their concerns to precisely the local leaders who many of these malcontents make it a point to avoid.
  4. Like
    David13 reacted to Vort in Conference isn't even over and I'm gonna cause problems already   
    I am confident that God is less concerned with their hairdos or "excitement" quotient than he is with their hearts and their gifts.
    It is not a competition, dahlia. Holding a general leadership position in the Church doesn't mean you win, and not holding such a position doesn't mean you lose.
    I don't know if it's a requirement, but I suspect it is not. Sheri Dew, who was a counselor to the General Relief Society president around the year 2000, is a never-married businesswoman. In general, those called to such positions are married women. I believe that all men called to general leadership positions are called while currently married.
    I don't know that you would have to apologize, nor do I see any reason the Church or its leaders would apologize for calling women to leadership positions even though they are white-skinned and blond-haired.
    As the Church's demographics continue to widen, I expect we will just naturally see a wider demographic in leadership. That is currently happening, and has been for some time. We even have first-generation members (i.e. converts) in general leadership positions, demonstrating that a long, or even short, Church ancestry is not a requirement for such a calling. But we should be careful not to offer our hopes as expectation or instruction on how the Church should be run. I have never been, and almost certainly will never be, a man of great authority in the Church. That is not my calling. But I sustain my leaders and try to build the kingdom as I can. I assume that God will not judge me less worthy because of the fact that I was never called to a general leadership position.
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    David13 reacted to anatess2 in Conference isn't even over and I'm gonna cause problems already   
    Who God calls, God qualifies.
    God, of course, doesn't ask for work history or color of hair or even ask women to submit their resume to be called.  So, really... it's either one have faith in Divine Callings or one doesn't.
    For what does it matter if the women are poster children for diversity if it is not God's will but that the Apostles simply wanted poster children for diversity?  That is surely not how the Lord organizes His Church.
  6. Like
    David13 reacted to NeedleinA in Conference isn't even over and I'm gonna cause problems already   
    Not women in the latter days, but still a demonstration of called vs. already qualified in Church History...

  7. Like
    David13 got a reaction from Jane_Doe in General Conference   
    I'm here and was watching live front and center yesterday.  I met with one of the 70 and got some reserved tickets.. Nice.
    I'm about to go over for the Music and Spoken Word then the a.m. session.   Again for the afternoon session I have a reserved seat which means I can go in 5 minutes before and still have the seat.. 
    Could everyone hear what went on with the sustaining yesterday?  Or did they cut that out?
    I really liked Elder Uckdorf's message.. 
    President Monson had quite a short talk.. 
  8. Like
    David13 reacted to Bad Karma in Fiance cheated   
    Sounds like a wonderful relationship built on so much trust already! Given what has already transpired, what could possibly go wrong? 
    Is this The Bishop's Gong Show? Inquiring minds, and all....
  9. Like
    David13 reacted to believingisachoice in Fiance cheated   
    I was thinking to myself why any woman would try to work our a relationship with an ex fiancee who cheated? Must live in Utah were the gender ratio is 1:3. Honey, read the writing on the wall. If you end up with this guy, any and all really stupid infidelity decisions he may make shouldn't be a surprise.
  10. Like
    David13 reacted in Fiance cheated   
    I walked away 1 week before the wedding. I had to sit down and return presents that we've received all the way from the Philippines. I already had the dress that the to-be-in-laws bought and paid for and my mother melted her collection of antique coins to make our chain (Catholic tradition) that she's been collecting since she got married to my dad for the sole purpose of having "something old" to give to the first daughter that gets married. Most of the money spent on church décor, reception, etc. was non-refundable and several of the guests already bought their plane tickets (some from the Philippines) and couldn't return it.
    Yes, it was one of the lowest points in my life and it took me a long time to recover. We're still good friends until today but he's in the Philippines and the last time we saw each other was at my dad's funeral 2 years ago. Every time I think about that time of my life I am glad I had the guts to walk away, especially when I think of my husband and my kids now.
  11. Like
    David13 reacted in Fiance cheated   
    Working with Bishop and Stake President to make the thing work... when you're not even married yet and could simply just walk away?
    I don't know what the full story is, but one thing I'm sure of... you're in for a rough rest-of-your-life. Be prepared.
  12. Like
    David13 reacted to priesthoodpower in Fiance cheated   
    simply put, she got disrespected by her boyfriend. If someone did that to me I would be gone.
  13. Like
    David13 reacted to NeuroTypical in Fiance cheated   
    Mormongator's thing to consider is fine.  Here's how you go about considering it:
    Basically, if you marry him, and he cheats on you after you're married, you are giving up your right to be shocked or wounded or hurt or destroyed or sad or depressed or injured, and you have no cause to complain.  Because that's who you chose to marry - you knew who he was by his behavior before you married him.
    Here's some witty one liners that might help:
    * Go into marriage with your eyes wide open, and then remain in your marriage with your eyes half closed.  
    * If you pick him, you give up the right to gripe should he do it again.
    * He did this once, that's on him.  Marry him and he does it again, that's on you.
  14. Like
    David13 reacted to mdfxdb in Fiance cheated   
    I don't think she will have to worry about any regrets on this one.  He's a cheater.  I don't look back at my life and my relationships, and wish I was still friends with the guy who stole from me, or a girl who broke my heart......
    He is human, let him live with his mistake.  You don't have to.  
  15. Like
    David13 reacted to Jojo Bags in Every Republican Presidential Candidate is Hitler   
    I decided to go ahead and give you a few of Hillary's platform statements next to the Communist Party, USA's platform.  I think you'll see a few similarities.
    Hillary's Position
    CPUSA Position
    We need comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship.
    …The Communist Party USA is committed to supporting, joining and helping to build the growing movement to defend immigrants from attack and to roll back far-right anti-immigrant measures....
    Politicians have no business interfering with women's personal health decisions. I will oppose efforts to roll back women's access to reproductive health care
    ...We don’t cede an inch on the principle that women must have this basic right.  Rather, we should argue for including abortion rights in a broader continuum...
    "In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program. The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns. Then, they basically clamped down, going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach, but they believe, and I think the evidence supports them, that by offering to buyback those guns, they were able to curtail the supply....”
    (What Hillary failed to mention is that the Australian “buy back program” was mandatory)
    “...The ability to live free from the fear or threat of gun violence is a fundamental democratic right — one that far supercedes any so-called personal gun rights allegedly contained in the Second Amendment.”
    “I want to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share, which they have not been doing.”
    “I’ll cut taxes for the middle class, raise the minimum wage, and ensure the wealthiest pay their fair share.”
    The only economically viable approach is to tax those who have the money the wealthy and the big corporations.

    We need a tax system that works for the people of our state, not one designed to give tax breaks to the wealthy
    As a result of the decades-long efforts of the rich to avoid paying their fair share for social programs, and to place the entire burden of taxes on the shoulders of low and middle-income people, workers have developed a deep cynicism about the tax system. We know that we bear a disproportionate share of the costs of government that working families are over-taxed.
    “...I have a plan to make college affordable. Debt free tuition if you go to a great public college or university....”
    “All education will be tuition-free.”
  16. Like
    David13 reacted to Jojo Bags in Every Republican Presidential Candidate is Hitler   
    You've got to be kidding me.  You obviously are not familiar with the planks of the Communist Party, USA, or the Democratic Socialists of America .  Everything Hillary says is right out of their playbooks - everything.  I'm not going to bother listing them because my fingers would get tired.  Just do a little search of both.  The only difference between Hillary and Sanders is that he has come right out and said he is a socialist.  I can respect that.  Hillary is just a closet socialist snake in the grass, and that is insulting snakes. 
    It's almost like a bidding war between Hillary and Sanders as to how far they will go to fleece Americans. 
    Bernie: I'll tax the rich at 65%.
    Hillary:  I'll call your 65% and raise you 5%.
    Bernie:  I'll call your 5%  and raise you 25%.
    Hillary:  I'll sell all the assets of the rich (except the elite, of course) and give it to the poor, oppressed minorities and undocumented voters.
    Bernie:  I'll give underprivileged Americans free college tuition.
    Hillary:  I'll give all undocumented voters and underprivileged Americans free college tuition.
    Bernie:  I'll make college professors go easy on the grades for anyone going to college.
    Hillary:  I'll make the colleges give away the diplomas.
    She is using Obama's tactics of bait and switch, promise then lie her face off, talk out of both sides of her face, or flat out bare face lie.  What kills me is that people are so gullible to believe anything she says.  I could probably sell some Arizona beach front property to your average Clinton supporter.  If she said the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check it myself.
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    David13 reacted to Jojo Bags in Every Republican Presidential Candidate is Hitler   
    More reasons to vote for Trump
    Sanders is a socialist bent on destroying America
    Clinton is a socialist bent on destroying America
    Cruz is for Monsanto and GMO foods.  His wife is on the executive committee for the Council on Foreign Relations and an executive for Goldman Sachs.
    Actually, I still don't know who I'm voting for, but anyone who votes for either of the Democrat candidates is voting for socialism and socialism has been identified as the end times secret combination that will destroy the freedom of all men.  According to Elder H. Verlan Andersen, socialism is the foundation of the church of the Devil.  The writings of Pres. Benson backs this up.  Socialism has been condemned as early as John Taylor. 
    if you don't want to vote for Don, fine, but if you vote for either Democrat, you are voting for oppression, government domination, and slavery.  You will be held personally accountable for whom you vote for.
  19. Like
    David13 reacted to Jojo Bags in Every Republican Presidential Candidate is Hitler   
    Reasons to support Trump.
    Obama is against Trump
    The Media is against Trump
    The establishment Democrats are against Trump
    The establishment Republicans are against Trump
    The Pope is against Trump
    The UN is against Trump
    The EU is against Trump
    China is against Trump
    Mexico is against Trump
    Soros is against Trump
    Black Lives Matter is against Trump
    MoveOn.Org is against Trump
    Koch Bro's are against Trump
    Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump
    Trump is honest and tells it like it is.

    Bonus points

    Cher says she will leave the country
    Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country
    Whoopi says she will leave the country
    Rosie says she will leave the country
    Al Sharpton says he will leave the country
    Gov. Brown says California will build a wall
    What I find pathetic is that people say Trump is a warmonger.  I've got some news for those people: war is inevitable.  It cannot be stopped.  All one needs to do is look at the many prophecies and compare them to what is happening today, and you'll see the same thing: war is inevitable.  The prophecies of the next American civil war are gruesome and it is right around the corner and our Constitution is hanging by a thread.
    When it comes right down to it, it doesn't matter who is elected.  War is still inevitable.
  20. Like
    David13 got a reaction from Blackmarch in Are You A Religious Extremist?   
    So, in other words, any person of religion is an "extremist". 
    What group is this?  The National Atheist Alliance?
    Why didn't they just label anyone with any religion as a terrorist?  Tho' I will say there is something a bit high on that first one, use religion to justify violence.
    That would describe any Moose Limb.
    (I do consider myself a redneck/American or redneck/Mormon or redneck at anything I do.  Redneck/Motorcycle Rider.)
  21. Like
    David13 reacted to prisonchaplain in Are You A Religious Extremist?   
    To the original question:  Yes!
    And...in relation to the topic of religion and the "extremism" label, I quote the Honorable Senator Barry Goldwater:  Extremism, in the defense of liberty, is no vice.
  22. Like
    David13 got a reaction from Bad Karma in Are You A Religious Extremist?   
    So, in other words, any person of religion is an "extremist". 
    What group is this?  The National Atheist Alliance?
    Why didn't they just label anyone with any religion as a terrorist?  Tho' I will say there is something a bit high on that first one, use religion to justify violence.
    That would describe any Moose Limb.
    (I do consider myself a redneck/American or redneck/Mormon or redneck at anything I do.  Redneck/Motorcycle Rider.)
  23. Like
    David13 reacted to LeSellers in What to do about your death?   
    There are several reasons that funerals and graves, the associated "stuff" of death, cost so much—two are the most important: monopoly and regulation.
    In most USmerican jurisdictions, one must be embalmed, you cannot buy a casket from anyone but a mortician, and, even if you're cremated, you must first be "looked after" at a mortuary. This is a fraction of the list of things the law requires.
    It takes years of schooling (not necessarily "education") to become a legal mortician, which keeps (as was the intent) the numbers of morticians low so they can charge even more: professional birth control.
    The government, at the behest of the mortuary industry, forces us to line its pockets. Were it the only example of such coercion and fraud, we'd be happy, but the same thing applies to hundreds of other occupations, from barber to veterinarian and more besides.
    When the question is "why does it cost so much?", the answer is usually "government interference".
  24. Like
    David13 got a reaction from LeSellers in "Unsafe in any quantity"   
    There's just no end to the stupidity, is there?
    Gun violence?  There is no such thing.  No gun ever killed anyone.  It was a person who picked up the gun, loaded it, and cocked it, and pulled the trigger. 
    But no one can take responsibility for anything today, it's a new rule.  Somebody else is always to blame.  "The NRA killed them".
    Or better yet, something else.  An inanimate object is responsible.
    If I get drunk and run over some people with my car, it's not my fault.  It's the cars fault.  It was "Car Violence".
  25. Like
    David13 got a reaction from zil in What to do about your death?   
    It ain't gonna be moths what's gonna make him itch in that box.