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  1. I'm sorry that you feel you have to keep your situation under wraps. We have several recovering addicts in our ward who have even done jail time, but are very open and currently hold callings. One is endowed. Granted it took her 7 years to get to that point. I just want to offer you encouragement. The Savior, the leadership of The Church and most of your brothers and sisters are in your corner. Most of us have been addicted to something whether it is a substance, a passion, a relationship or an activity such as reading, exercise, television, social media. Many just don't realize it or classify addictions in terms of severity or the impact on their life in general. As the Savior said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I don't have to ask where thine accusers are for we are all human and make mistakes. You are not alone and you and the Savior can do this. Sending love, prayers and hugs.
  2. It's Lynn again. May I suggest that you invite your family to study the "Come Follow Me" curriculum. Since we are studying the New Testament it would be common ground if your wife has a Christian background and it would invite the spirit into your home. You didn't state the ages of your children, but I'm sure members in your area would be willing to have you over to see how they approach it with their family.
  3. May I suggest you be very prayerful about beginning to attend church. You cannot lead some one where you will not go. It would be advisable that you tell your spouse that you would like to return and make it clear that you would welcome them should they ever want to attend with you, but that it has to be their decision. If you spouse asks you how church was when you return home, share something you learned. If a member asks how your family is doing, express their genuine interest to you family. If you and your wife enjoy playing games, going out to dinner or attending sporting events or movies, ask her if you can invite friends from church to join you so she can get to know others with common interests. Then she may feel comfortable attending ward social activities. Your wife may have questions, that she doesn't want to ask you because she doesn't want to get your hopes up. Providing opportunities for her to make friends within your ward, will give her opportunities to get answers without being concerned about raising your expectations. Ask your wife if you can occasionally invite the missionaries over or dinner. Make it clear that they routinely share a scriptural message with their hosts and that she is not being singled out. When I was 19 and going through a divorce,(Yes, you read that correctly.) a friend of mine from high school who had recently joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invited me over for dinner and a singles family home evening group. I needed the fellowship and willingly attended. I am pretty outspoken and asked numerous questions. When the missionaries suggested that it would be easier to answer my questions if I listened to the missionary discussions, I felt a bit wary. Then I decided that I would listen, read and pray so I could genuinely tell my friend she had been deceived and bring her back to the Lutheran Church we both attended all our lives. What I wasn't bargaining for was the answers I received. I was baptized 3 weeks later. That was 46 years ago. My spouse and 3 of our 4 children share my faith, but none of our extended family have embraced the Gospel. We do our best to stay connected to them all and lead by example the best we can. I have several friends who have married those who are not member's of The Church who have eventually embraced the gospel. For some it took a few years, for others 20-30 years. What is important is that you treat your spouse respectfully and show them love unfeigned for being the person who originally attracted you to them. Love and prayers, Lynn
  4. I agree, it's never too late to return, but don't put it off. The Gospel is a way of life that positively impacts the quality of your life and every major decision you make. The only things we take with us when we die are our relationships and our knowledge. The earlier you return, the more time you have to learn and grow. Alma 34:32 For behold, this alife is the time for men to bprepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of cthis life is the day for men to perform their dlabors.
  5. Welcome!!! I was in much the same boat as you at the age of 19. I had married at 17 and just separated from my husband. I too had been suicidal. Heavenly Father reconnected me with a friend from High School that I knew had joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She invited me to dinner and a singles Family Home Evening Group at her home. I asked questions but only to find fault. I was a devout Lutheran. When the Elders said that it would be easier to answer my questions if I took the missionary lessons, I felt trapped, but then decided I would. I felt that I could look my dear friend in the eye and tell her that I had listened, read, pondered and prayed and that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had been deceived. I wanted to save her soul and bring her back to the Lutheran Church. Three weeks later, I was baptized. Fifteen months after that I was on a mission. Forty Five years later, I have a husband of forty-four years, four grown children and five grandchildren who bring me joy beyond measure. My greatest advice is to remain true to your baptismal covenants, doubt your doubts and not your fears and prayerfully seek a testimony of the divine origin of any calling extended to you so that you might know it came from Heavenly Father and then serve with all your might. I send you my love,
  6. I am a  member but have not participated or responded to other's posts because I can't figure out how to.  I recieve postings from others but once I log in I don't know how to go to their specific posting in response.  Help!

    1. NeuroTypical


      At the bottom of each post, there's a "Quote" button.  Click it if you want to quote the post and reply to it.  
      At the bottom of each (open) thread, there's a "reply to this topic" box, with a space to write your reply. 

      Hope this helps!

  7. I finally took the time to try to respond to someone on this. It's not as clear cut as FB. Hope I'm posting in the right spot. Welcome Jackie. I am a grandmother, but I have many single friends and friends who are childless young couples. I can speak from experience that if someone without children wants to attend a play group to socialize with the moms, it won't be an issue. Most wards periodically have social events for the women where you might have a better chance to get to know individuals. If all else fails, invite someone over for dinner or a game night. People are busy and waiting for an invite may or not pan out. I joined The Church when I was only 19. I was newly divorced. I ran into a friend from high school who used to belong to the same Lutheran Church that I did. My motivation to listen to the missionary lessons was to read, study and pray so I could look her in the eye and tell her she was being deceived. I wasn't surprised to get answers to my prayers, just that the Spirit spoke to my heart that The Church was true. I was baptized 3 weeks later and haven't regretted it in the 43 years since then. The bottom line is that The Church is true, but the members are human. Don't get me wrong. They are great for the most part. It's just that your testimony needs to be of the doctrines not the people. We all know we are imperfect. The Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints. Best wishes to you.
  8. Forty two years ago, I ran into a friend from high school in a public restroom. We hadn't seen each other in two years. We renewed our friendship. My friend invited me to her apartment for dinner and a singles family home evening group which the full time missionaries also attended. I thought of myself as "the devil's advocate" rather than as curious andI asked many questions. One of the missionaries said that it would be a lot easier to answer my questions if I just took the Missionary lessons. My first thought was, "What have I gotten myself into now?" I then decided that I couldn't condemn something I knew nothing about. I decided to take the lessons, read the assigned scriptures and pray as instructed so I could look my friend in the eye and tell her that I had learned for myself that she was being deceived. I received answers that I was not anticipating and three weeks later I was baptized. I have since served a full time mission in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania Mission, Married my sweetheart in the Salt Lake Temple, raised four wonderful children (three of whom are curently married) and become a Grandma. I have also had many trials, served in many callings and had my testimony challenged and reaffirmed time after time. My testimony of the divine origin of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains strong. I have joy in my life and hope for my future. I do not fear what life or death have to hold. I love my Savior and I'm eternally grateful for the inspired church leaders he has called upon to guide me through this wonderful journey.