Rob Osborn

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Posts posted by Rob Osborn

  1. Satan cannot counterfeit a feeling of peace, his influence, no matter what will always feel empty. One does however need to recognize what the peace does feel like that only the Spirit of God can give. If one is working hard, doing all he can do to keep the commandments he will be able to feel the spirit continually.

  2. With my young men I teach the "manly men" mentality where one works hard, learns to take some things in pain, and come out in the end a little bit stronger. No room for little micro-aggression nonsense! I worry that boys are slowly forgetting how to be men and become forged in the furnace of affliction. Gender guidance now has come into play whereas before one just did what his physical gender expected him to do naturally.

  3. I think of the mind as merely a processor. Some are blessed with more efficient or faster procesdors than others. Problem solving is done by the spirit mind but because the physical mind is the processor it may not compute correctly. This is why handicapped people struggle- the processor doesnt compute correctly what an otherwise intelligent spirit is capable of. We see this same effect when alcohol or drug use mess with the processor. Given the right drug, a genius wouldnt even know how to tie their shoe!

  4. Each of us has the light of Christ which as I understand is what quickeneth our understandings. The gift of the Holy Ghost as I understand it gives one power and authority to access and teach the words of Christ. As the scriptures say, when one receives the gift of the HG then can he speak with the tongue of angels. Intuition is a spiritual awareness or our "spiritual eyes" that fan be focused greater through practice, faith, and obedience.

  5. The big problem is that now no one can question a girl who wants to join. They may not even be what can be defined as trasgender, they can be completely female in every respect but if they choose to identify at that moment, for whatever reason, as a boy, no one can question it and they cannot be denied membership. This is a cultural pressure issue the BSA should have never caved into. I know the church, in their chartered organizations will not allow transgendered children in their own chartered groups so it will be intetesting to see how the church handles this latest issue.

  6. 1 hour ago, Mike said:

    We say truth is paramount. Isn't it true that nearly all people of all walks of life demonstrate this same bad habit you describe? We see it on internet forums, between political parties, between religions. Heck, we see it in High Priests groups, and at Thanksgiving dinner. hahaha. :) 

    Yes, we all do it. But one would think that as one scales the upper echelon of large public speaking and printed/published material that ends up as learning and teaching standards we would see less of this and not more of it.

  7. 25 minutes ago, unixknight said:

    For what it's worth, I agree with you there.  I've seen quotes by scientists who acknowledge that in a way it's almost like a game... find an explanation for things that are other than God.  Now, to be fair, that's a reasonable starting point when you're trying to figure out natural phenomena as opposed to the supernatural abilities God possesses... but I think it's been taken to an extreme.

    A scientist will often tell you that science is about finding the truth.  The problem is that it's ill equipped for doing that in certain areas.

    Truth is paramount. It saddens me tremendously that all sides cant be open to each others ideas in a true fact finding mission. I mean if we are truly in search of the truth we should be completely honest about recognizing that all sides can add valuable insights and truth. Even at the highest levels, science in its secular dogmatic approach will sit there and endlessly debate semantics. I am sure that literally millions of man hours by good minds have been utterly wasted in trying to properly define or defend words like "theory", "scientific" and "hypothesis" by both sides. Its ridiculous! I learned what those words were in junior high in basic science class. 

  8. 1 hour ago, unixknight said:

    I think the disconnect between the two sides of the argument rests on how, exactly, the process of determining an ID works.

    Most of the literature I've read on ID relies on pointing to observed phenomena, such as speciation and the presence of life, and finding ways in which known scientific principles cannot explain them.  For example, the random chance of spontaneous biogenesis is so statistically unlikely as to be impossible, even in the known size and age of the Universe.  The reaction then is to say that it MUST have been an Intelligent Designer because it cannot be explained any other way.

    The problem is that it doesn't conclusively prove ID because without knowing the actual process, it's impossible to conclusively demonstrate that whatever the process was, it MUST be ID.  The true smoking gun for Intelligent Design must be something that we either know came about by an Intelligence or we must be able to conclusively show that we known enough about natural phenomena to properly rule them out leaving inly ID as a possible explanation.

    A fictional example of this appears in the novel Contact.  (No, not the movie, the novel.) 


    The scientists who ride the space capsule and meet the aliens who built it are told that the alien civilization had calculated pi out to so many digits that they did eventually find a pattern of digits whose characteristics conclusively prove that an Intelligent Designer must have created the Universe and placed those values in pi as a sort of signature, so that only a race sufficiently advanced in mathematics and computational ability could find it.  This is the sort of smoking gun ID proponents want, and Evolution proponents deny exists.

    For me personally, I'm skeptical of Evolution Theory not because of my religion or any literal interpretation of Genesis.  My skepticism comes from dogmatic behavior in part of the scientific community where Evolution Theory is concerned, and problems with the theory itself that I do not feel are being addressed.  (Like with the example I showed earlier with my friend, and with the peer-review process.) 

    Personally for me all things denote there is a God. I even see the very laws in nature as evidence of God. But, all that rests on my observations coupled with faith. Mainstream science will never accept ID theory because it may posit that God exists. I am more convinced that an underlying theme of science is in trying to debunk God. I think thats what the battle is really about.

  9. 6 hours ago, MormonGator said:

    I think it's important to keep an open mind. If you (not you as in @Anddenex, universal usage of the word you) are convinced that society is getting worse, more immoral and basically crumbling than you (again, universal usage) will be quick to see in statistics what you want to find. Of course I'm the same way. Because I do not think society is falling apart in it's morals, I'll see it differently. 

    Im really curious as to why you dont see societies morals crumbling? Where do you live?

    I live in Idaho and even here in mormon suburbia the divorve rate is a lot higher than in years past, pornography viewing is a big problem, child welfare issues eith neglect or abuse is rampant. Our ward doesnt even come close in fast offerings each month to cover all the myriads of problems that are the result of broken homes, single parents, etc. On top of all this I see more LGBT issues in my community now than ever before. I cant help but to think theres a relationship between the two.

  10. 10 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

    Divorce rates dropping.

    Birth rates for unmarried women are declining for the first time in decades,.

    Child abuse is declining too.

    I get it, we all want to wail and scream that life is so bad and no one has morals anymore but the facts don't back it up. 

    I strongly beg to differ

  11. 4 hours ago, LiterateParakeet said:

    This is illogical.  Are you saying that mental illness = selfish, immoral, and petty? And that mental illness is a choice? Or do you have other issues with their parenting unrelated to being transgender?

    @lostinwater, I really don't know.  I think the others have given plausible explanations.  If I were you, I would just love and support my friend the best I can.  You don't need to understand for that.  

    Well, they were both devout conservative LDS with callings. Now they are liberal left atheists and anarchists. Its either an illness or sometjing. Just tring to be nice I guess.