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  1. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to bytebear in Pornography, Infidelity, and the Law of Chasity   
    This is the big lie.
  2. Like
    LoudLizard got a reaction from Anddenex in Disappointing developments   
    One parent, who did not want to be named, said ...
    let's shut the whole programm down because one parent wants promiscuous kids.
     Teaching kids to say 'not yet' is healthy.  
    Kids doing it anyway is not new.  
    Shame and guilt are natural responses to sin.
  3. Like
    LoudLizard got a reaction from Sunday21 in Hello Mormonhub   
    I am enjoying this forum.  It is diverse and quit well mannered.  I am a member of the LDS faith.  Served a full time mission.  Married with three kids.(teenagers)
    I love God and need him every hour indeed. I love the Savior Jesus Christ.  I hope to learn more about Him, y'all, and myself on this forum.
    Thank you!
  4. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to Backroads in Next time you think your marriage is bad...   
  5. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to my two cents in Tucson Temple Cultural Celebration   
    The new Tucson temple will be dedicated tomorrow and the local members invite the community and put on an event to celebrate. The Church started this tradition several years ago but this is the first time I've heard of it being broadcast.
  6. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to anatess2 in Oxford Stabby-Stabby Girl Spared Jail   
    Because they do'n't know the immense power of the fountain pen!  And the bread knife for that matter.  
  7. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to zil in Oxford Stabby-Stabby Girl Spared Jail   
    How can that possibly be?  They took away everyone's guns, and once you've done that, everyone suddenly turns all peaceful and passive-like.
  8. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to mordorbund in Oxford Stabby-Stabby Girl Spared Jail   
    Are we to assume from this that the UK has an assault culture? Or is this viewed as an aberration that deserves lots of outrage?
  9. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to JohnsonJones in Oxford Stabby-Stabby Girl Spared Jail   
    She stabbed him with a BREAD KNIFE.  A BREAD KNIFE.  Seriously...A BREAD KNIFE?  The boyfriend was, well, things I shouldn't say anyways.  If I were her Boyfriend, I'd have admitted to just about anything in regards to it, but saying that he was stabbed by his crazy drugged out girlfriend with a BREAD KNIFE.  It was a stab wound too...not sawing it back and forth...back and forth...in order to cut anything...but a STABBING...with a BREAD KNIFE.  I can't even cut the Italian bread all the way through easily with the bread knives supplied at Italian restuarants(though admittedly, the Italian bread seems to bend down right at the base of the crust so you have an excessively hard time cutting it at that point).
    He's never going to live that down.  He should have just said he suffered an accident and had a piece of metal stab into his leg or something (so not the whole truth, but enough to get the doctors to help him).
    But, since she's now charged...I think the bigger question wasn't about medical school, but the accusations many are making that it is due to her class/wealth and privilege more than anything else.  It may well be.
    It doesn't sound like she is in the specialty phase yet, still in medical school itself.  I'd say if she completes it, the best she may have would be a general practitioner.  Despite the skill she's shown with blunt toothed instruments...it sounds like the cut itself was rather sloppy and ragged, so not exactly what they would be looking for.  Plus her choice of surgical tools for the unexpected operation was probably a poor choice on her part.  It's questionable whether she is even going to be allowed to continue medical school at this point (they say it's under consideration but they have rules for occasions like this).  I don't think she's going to be accepted into being a surgeon, or anything beyond general practitioner even if she DOES get to continue in medical schooling.
    That said, I probably wouldn't want her as a heart surgeon either.  Off or on drugs, she doesn't seem to be the type to be able to keep a steady enough attitude to guarantee an ideal where she won't have a rise of emotion and do something stupid while I'm under the knife.  I'd hate to be sitting there without a heart and all...(or worse, with a bread knife sticking out like a monument in the middle of it).
    PS: Sorry for the slight humor...it may be a tad off...but...a BREAD KNIFE...I mean, really...it was a BREAD KNIFE!
  10. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to NeuroTypical in That Amelia Earhart   
    StarTrek:Voyager found Earhart and Doonan in suspended animation in the Delta quadrant.  They had been kidnapped by aliens.  The bones in the NatGeo link obviously belong to someone else. 
  11. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to Vort in North Korean Nukes?   
    The metal t-shirts and jean shorts are a frightening possibility. The long hair will never happen unless I'm in a coma, because I can't stand it when my hair gets long. And tattoos are another complete non-starter, despite the fact that I have more surface area now than ever before.
  12. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to Jojo Bags in North Korean Nukes?   
    My fear would be the Nork's chemical weapons.  They have enough to wipe out a large chunk of the population of Seoul.
  13. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to JohnsonJones in North Korean Nukes?   
    We have so many allies in the region, I don't think us using nukes on N. Korea would be an answer.  That radiation fallback would come onto S. Korea, Japan, and possibly as far as the Philippines.  However, I think N. Korea has a bad record.  They have done some aggressive acts in the past and nothing says that once they have nukes they will be completely peaceful either.   Eventually, they'll probably attack an army site or a ship or something else out there with a nuke without any provocation from anyone like they have in the past with more conventional weapons.  A nuke does a LOT more damage than a conventional weapon.
    In the past, I'd say N. Korea was an annoyance backed up by China.  However, now, they are becoming what I consider a rabid dog.  The ONLY reason I think we have not taken them out before is China...so I say, we strong arm China.  For ever nuke on an ICBM they fly, we fly one towards china.  When China complains, point out that with their reasoning on N. Korea, if we go to war there, China will almost assuredly jump in to the fray...so we might as well attack China forthwith if N. Korea is going to attack us (or our allies). 
    I am HEAVILY against war, and do not think we should take an absolute aggressive action at this time, instead relying on diplomacy.  That said, I think the only way to get N. Korea to act sensibly in any manner is to get China to take our concerns seriously...and that hasn't worked without a significant show of force for some time with them.  Instead, we've seen a regional grab by them to expand their borders and threats to Taiwan as we've sat back instead of flexing our muscles.
    Flexing is not attacking, I'm solidly against war or attacking, but sometimes you have to show people a reason not to stir (or wake) the sleeping giant.
  14. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to Vort in North Korean Nukes?   
    For the record, there is zero solid evidence that NK possesses fusion (hydrogen) bomb technology. They certainly do possess fission (uranium) bomb technology, and have so demonstrated. That in itself is worrisome. But for now, the Pyongyang line that they have hydrogen bomb technology is just propaganda.
  15. Haha
    LoudLizard reacted to anatess2 in The Nashville Statement   
    You're good, man! 
  16. Thanks
    LoudLizard reacted to Ironhold in As seen online...   
    Yes folks, this is a radio station. And they're talking about the temple open house. 
    A radio station.
    A rock station. 
    I noticed it earlier this evening when I went to pull up their live stream ("The House of Hair with Dee Snider" isn't carried locally.) 
    So yeah... a rock station is talking about the open house. 
  17. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to anatess2 in The Nashville Statement   
    When you are naked and nobody saw it...
    It's actually not against the law of chastity to go naked when taking a bath. 
    So, the question is... did anybody see it? 
  18. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to askandanswer in Disappointing developments   
    This comes from the online edition of the main daily newspaper in Australia's second most populous State. Typically, Year 8 students would be 14, which is 2 years under the age of consent here. I'm surprised and disappointed to see parents complaining about receiving an email from their kids school promoting sexual abstinence.
    A state high school in Victoria has set a controversial goal to "delay sexual activity in school-aged youth".
    Parents of year 8 students at Officer Secondary College were shocked to receive an email on Tuesday promoting abstinence as part of the school's Respectful Relationships curriculum, a state government initiative aimed at stamping out domestic violence.
    Officer Secondary College parents received an email promoting abstinence as part of the school's Respectful Relationship curriculum.
    "Our shared goal is to delay sexual activity in school-aged youth," it read.
    One parent, who did not want to be named, said the school was sending students a "damaging, archaic" message by telling them to abstain from sexual activity until they graduated.
    "It sets up a culture of shame around sexual desire and feeling, and a culture of secrecy when students are in relationships," they said.
    Another parent said that while they didn't want their children having sex early, it was inappropriate for the school to promote abstinence. This created shame, and stopped children from getting help, they said.
  19. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to Mike in Disappointing developments   
    I want to know more from people with views that promoting abstinence creates a culture of shame. 
  20. Thanks
    LoudLizard reacted to anatess2 in The Nashville Statement   
    How many times did the LGBTQ complain that they should be able to do what they want because it's nobody else's business?
    Anyway, If you're doing a double-take on a person that is of the same gender as you, you have a lot of work still to do.
    And it's never any good for other people to suspect/judge/talk about other people's weaknesses unless the person approached them for help or if the person is under their stewardship.
    In any case, if a person abandons their covenants, there's nothing much you can do about it except protect yourself and all who are under your stewardship the best way you can.  And that includes being clear and standing strong on the teachings of chastity in our obedience to love others as we love ourselves.
  21. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to anatess2 in The Nashville Statement   
    Yes, I understand it as a civil rights issue in the secular world.
    I don't understand it as an issue for a faithful LDS.  If you're LDS, there's no reason to announce you're gay.  Civil Rights then doesn't apply because... well, you should not be living a homosexual lifestyle.
  22. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to MrShorty in The Nashville Statement   
    Dr. Juli Slattery responds to the Nashville statement here. Her belief and theology is definitely on the conservative side of this issue, and yet her response is more concerned with the "unity of faith" issue that I mentioned.
    Many of her observations resonated with me. As I noted, we as Mormons know what it is to be called "non-Christian" or "not real Christians" or "so-called Christians". I also see within our community a tendency to say "you can't be a good Mormon if you don't believe X about homosexuality (or creation or what have you)."
    I don't understand all of the theology around LGBT issues. This idea that we might be "artificially" (in quotes because I don't know what lines in the sand are lines God is drawing in the sand and which lines are being drawn by fallen humans) splitting our communities rather than letting the wheat and tares grow together until the final judgement. I guess as I see responses to this statement, I find myself more concerned with division and schism than whether or not the theology is technically correct.
    But then, maybe I am just an apostate "Mormon in name only" and "so-called Christian" who should walk out the door, too.
  23. Thanks
    LoudLizard reacted to Traveler in The Nashville Statement   
    It is my impression that G-d does not reveal stuff to us (by commandment or advice or information or whatever) just to get his way.  I am convinced that his warnings are for our benefits and not so much that we can avoid his punishments.  I believe he loves us and therefore his intent is for our benefit.   Thus, I believe his warning concerning same sex marriage (sex) is not so much so we can avoid his punishment as it is to avoid the damage such things do to our eternal soul
    The Traveler
  24. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to zil in The Nashville Statement   
    That! ^^
    I agree with some others who have said that sometimes it can be hard to distill things down to the doctrine.  We talk so much about application, policy, and principles (which aren't doctrine).  I think Elder Bednar has a book devoted to helping one figure this out.  If I'm right, it's on my list of 12 billion books I still need to read.  If I'm wrong, I'll have to go figure out what book it was and add it to my list.
  25. Like
    LoudLizard reacted to mordorbund in The Nashville Statement   
    For what it's worth, this proclamation was presented back in 1995.