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Everything posted by pwrfrk

  1. At least the money you make while working during chrch is legal, thus moral. There are times I don't go to church because of the physical pain I endure. Sometimes the pain meds don't do their job. Or I may be ill. Should I come to Sacrament if I have pnuemonia? The flu? Absolutely not. If I have family in from out of state, would God be offended that I spent the day with them, instead of church? I don't think so. does my scheduling affect others?
  2. However, to entertain the thought, speeding isn't an issue because in speeding it affects no one. Until you wreck.
  3. Would you believe me if I told you that even as a kid I rarely sped?
  4. No. And I'll tell you why. In all three cases we have the same basic issues- committing crime to make money. You get into the intimate details of the crimes, labeling them based on severity. Now let's look at it this way, instead- The farmer needs the money for...his meth addiction. If you did your home teaching/ministry work, you just might find he also beats his wife and children. The vet, an opioid addict. So he's robbing banks to feed his addiction. The two kids, the young man is 16, she is 18. The young man is doing everything he can for his girlfriend because he loves her. So he's dealing drugs so they can afford Firazyr. She has heriditary angioedema. And by far the biggest reason your answers couldn't help is that they are absolute. And the part about paying tithing, this has nothing to do with standing in the church. Income derived from an illegal sources is not titheable, because in accepting the tithing is that acceptance is giving permission to commit the crime.
  5. Precisely. To help Carborendum and others, it's not a matter of "I had to skip out on paying tithing because of...(insert reason)" or "I didn't go to church because of...(insert reason)". While those could be ethics issues, in the extreme, they affect no one, thus in my opinion, that's something between you and Heavenly Father. Let me give an old, old example. Many years ago, and we're talking back in the 80's & 90's, I was young and in good shape, and having been raised on a small "hobby" farm in a farming community, I knew how to pick, drive tractor, lots of stuff (really don't want to go into all the details IOW). But once I turned 18, the farmers preferred hiring illegal aliens. And we went to the same ward. I asked the Bishop about it and he said "they have to do what they do because it's hard work and they have to make a living." Ok, so we're talking about putting aside the morals and ethics of being Mormon, so one can make a buck or two. The work performed isn't the issue. Whether or not I could get a job is not the issue. What is the issue is, in that case, hiring illegal aliens so one (the farmer) would have more money coming in, but excusing it saying it's so he can make a living. Okay. Now let us turn this around. Now you have a disabled vet fresh from the sandbox. He needs money. So he robs a bank. It's now ok, because the farmer hired illegal aliens so he could make a living. But wait! Now we have this young coule, in their late teens, dropped out of high school because of drugs. Can't find work, so...they start dealing drugs to their friends. But that's ok, because the farmer and the vet had to break the law as well so they could make a living. In all three cases they ignored gospel. They put the church aside for their own immoral and unethical reasons. Is that acceptable, since it's to make a living? Would it be more acceptable if they paid not on taxes on their income, but tithing and fast offerings? I say that in all three cases it's not acceptable or excusable. Both immoral (against the unwritten standards) and unethical (against the written standards and laws). Am I the only one? Strangely, it's starting to feel that way.
  6. In such a case it would be acceptable as you're only talking about scheduling, not the dismissal of the morality and ethics of being a Mormon.
  7. (cough cough) We're in Utah. (cough cough HAAAAAAACK cough) and we're Mormon. IOW likely chance.
  8. It is the God-assigned duty of the grandparents to spoil the crap out of their grandkids. Then let the parents clean up the mess. Unless the parents cannot raise their kids themselves, for legally identifiable reasons, then raising the kids is the responsibility of the parents.
  9. I cannot agree or disagree with anything said so far. I would do things a lot differently. Namely, the bishop. IF this did happen, the Bishop is obligated to report it. That is the way it is in every single state in the US., inclusing the territories. Why hasn't he reported it yet? It is possible this could be made up. Is that stupid? Well, yes it is, but then kids are kids and kids have/can/always will manage to do stupid crap every chance they get. And THAT is why I think the Bishop may not have reported it. It's possible he may not believe your kid, and you need to find out. Other than that you and your family are in my prayers. I pray that the truth, whatever it is, comes out, and it is handled the best interests of your family.
  10. Because of some of the stuff I did and do online, I was adivsed this- It does not hurt to try to get permission to use anything you get from the internet. Keep a list of everything you acquired and who you contacted. Keep copies of every e-mail or letter. You want to document the living hell out of everything. That way IF something happens, you are, hopefully, covered. When displaying anything, give proper credit to the owner, stating the item's use is not for profit.
  11. I dunno, if you're strange, maybe a little on the weird side.
  12. Yep. You are on the extreme end of extremism. I will make it a point to notify the FBI immediately! lol! Seriously, who cares? Is it extremism? Who cares? Does your friend approve of it? Who cares? Me, personally, I don't watch TV. Why would I want to invite, into my home, the same kind of human trash I see on TV? If I want a clean home, keep the garbage out.
  13. I think that depends on how much you critique pubications....
  14. Nope. They knew Mirk was going there so they "flipped the switch" for a bit just to get him excited. I wonder if it worked....
  15. I had a Pizza Hut pizza Monday night. It reminds me why I prefer Dominoes.
  16. I don't see this as much of a WoW issue as others here. I figure that if you want to drink it, I'm not stopping you. Have at it. Why ask if it's exempted from the WoW? It is, if anything bragging about breaking the rules and expecting to get away with it by asking people to judge before there has been an allegation.
  17. Estradling(sp?) and Emmanuel(sp?), you two serve this thread poorly. It's not here for an argument, but polite discussion. If you can't do that then bow out. Why and why not?
  18. Let me ask you this, RH- you vow to not allow this to happen again. How does he feel about it? Honestly, it's between you two. If he is fine with it and accepting of what happened and being able to put that behind himself, then what does it matter what anyone else thinks?
  19. Really? Cool. I trust the church, and since they are only handling the money and managing it for God, who I am to argue?
  20. Now you done it. Now I'm hungry. Feeeeeed meeeeeee! lol!
  21. Some people are just so nosy, you wonder how they can manage to live. Some of the things they ask or talk about, I dunno. It can be frustrating, but all you can do is not answer.
  22. Reflecting on this, what is the likelihood of the FLDS, Strangites and RLDS returning to the Church?
  23. BTDT. Let it out. Let all of the pain out. Yes, if that means cry, then cry your heart out. You have a lot of pain, and you must do whatever it takes to heal yourself. Then let it go. As much as you loved her, she's gone and there is nothing you can do. Just let it go. I'm not saying to drop pursuing a formal grievance. If that is what you wish to do, do it. But let it go or it will eat at you and destroy you. You're in my prayers.