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Posts posted by warnerfranklin

  1. I'm currently in the military.  I don't think everyone should be required to serve.  The job is difficult enough without having to deal with people who don't want to be there.  

    Should there be some kind of service for people to become full citizens and have the right to vote - well that is debatable.  Robert Heinlein made such an argument in his book Starship Troopers.  The argument he made did have many valid points, but the society in that book was semi-fascist, so different set of circumstances.

    The military is a good place for young people looking for some life experience, marketable skills, and a chance to belong to something bigger than themselves.

  2. http://www.slate.com/articles/life/faithbased/2007/12/southern_baptists_vs_the_mormons.html

    30 minutes ago, Chilean said:

    That is so interesting! I live in GA, and there are many many Southern Baptists and First Baptist churches here.

    Do you happen to have a source for your claim about "every LDS member who joins their church 26 Southern Baptist become Latter Day Saints."  I'd liked to read more about it.



     I couldn’t find the article I quoted, apologies. But I found a related one. Hope that helps!

  3. 1 hour ago, Vort said:

    I do not condemn him for this choice; that is not my place. But I recognize the choice as being wrong, and in that sense, I don't respect it at all.


    “God’s word doesn’t change, but our ability to understand it does.”

    ”Line upon line. Precept upon precept.”

    “....If you believe not these words, believe in Christ...” 2 Nephi 33:10

    From the time I first heard of the Church until I became a member was 36 years. I am thankful that Saints I came into contact with had the wisdom to understand that I was operating with incomplete information and helped me become the best Christian I could be with the information I had. 

    That this man is going as far as he can is to be commended. That he is trying to create peace between us and those who are often hostile towards our faith is to be applauded.  

  4. “You can tell a tree by the fruit it bears.”  Matthew 17:7

    ”...If you believe not these words, believe in Christ...” 2 Nephi 33:10

    He recognizes our faith for what it is because he has honestly studied it.   He is helping people believe in Christ. Both are to be commended. 

    There is a reason why the Southern Baptist Convention has instructed their pastors to tell their congregations to not open their doors to our missionaries. It’s becauze their own studies have shown that for every LDS member who joins their church 26 Southen Baptist become Latter Day Saints.

  5. I think CS Lewis explained this conundrum of people choosing Hell when he wrote in his book The Great Divorce:

    ”In the end there will only be two types of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and to those whom God says, ‘Thy will be done.’ All who are in Hell have chosen it and without that same self choice there would be no Hell.”  

    It is pride. The setting up of self as God. Pride is why Satan and his followers threw away glory because he wanted to be first. 

    Sadly, many would prefer to, “reign in Hell” than to serve and be joyful in heaven.

  6. I don’t worry so much about whether or not this or that is a sin. Most of those items are self evident. But when it comes to more mundane actions like watching this TV program or having that conversation I like to ask myself, “Does this draw me and others closer to or further from Christ?”

    A camping trip with family - most likely closer. 

    That R-rated movie - most likely further

    when I keep the above in mind I find that I am more patient, much less likely to come across as being judgmental, and generally more likely to stay on the right path with my walk with Christ. 

  7. I would point out to her the examples and mercies that Christ shows women in the gospel. 

    I would point out the commandments that Paul gives to husbands and young men on how they are to treat women. 

    The above is important to point out because it explains why during the 1st century AD that women were the majority of converts in the early Christian Church. In Christianity they found a belief system that actually treated them as a beloved child of God who was to be honored and valued.  When one contrasts Christianity with the pagan faiths of the time, faiths that promoted the infanticide of baby girls, the selling of young women into temple prostitution, etc. there really isn’t any comparison  

    If that isn’t sufficient then move along as you are dealing with someone who probably more interested in using scripture to back up their political view than she is in finding Christ. 

  8. I have seen what you mean when people try to walk the fence. I call them “fire insurance Christians”.

    The question we should ask ourselves isn’t “Is this a sin?” It should be, “Does this bring me and others closer to Christ?” And then act accordingly. 

    Elder Holland once said, “You can everything you want in this life or you can have something better.”  Sadly, many choose the former. 

  9. A good lesson!  Might I recommend the following:

    God shows His love for us in this: that while we were yet sinners Christ died fo us. Romans 5:8

    ”Being a Christian means forgiving the inexcusable in others because God forgave the inexcusable in you,”  CS Lewis , Mere Christianity 

    I think the above two demonstrate that it is helpful that we remember what we too were once covered in warts, but our father saw us not as we were but as who we can be  

    President Eyring tells a wonderful story about how, when he was a Bishop, that he had to counsel one of his ward members who had just been busted for drunk driving.  As he tells the story he relates that he was going to tear into this guy, but before the meeting started the spirit allowed him to see this person as our Father saw him.  The experience changed the whole tenor of the meeting.




  10. On 4/16/2012 at 2:50 PM, lizzy16 said:

    Do you think children partaking of the sacrament is kind of a mockery? They don't have anything to repent of, nor do they understand.

    “People tend to become that which they imitate.” CS Lewis

    Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6

    It is not mockery, it’s our being obedient to the Lord. 

  11. Of course, if they are guilty of wrong doing we report that to the appropriate authority. 

    However, many do not support someone due to reasons like, “we (meaning themselves) don’t do it that way.” Or worse, see someone struggling and are quick to judge and slow to offer to help (if they ever do). 

  12. On 6/19/2018 at 12:06 AM, prisonchaplain said:

    LDS emphasis the importance of good works more than most Protestant churches. How does the Holy Spirit help one accomplish all that fruitful labor?


    “One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.”  President Hinckley

    During times I am struggling with something I find that doing acts of service make that struggle not so difficult. It gives me the strength to keep fighting.  I believe this is because when we turn our attention away from ourselves to others in service of Him we are opening ourselves to His grace and power in a way that we never could if we just remain focused on ourselves  


  13. I don't know the answer to who "they" are, however, might I recommend the following books that can testify to the veracity of the books of the New Testament that we do have.

    Evidence that Demands a Verdict Volumes I and II -  by Josh McDowell

    The Case for Christ - by Lee Strobel.

    The above three books are great works on Christian Apologetics (although Josh McDowell's book does contain an anti-Mormon blurb).


  14. And this is why I don’t bother to talk politics....

    lowest unemployment in years....

    bringing peace to korea....

    making fair trade deals for our nation....

    destroyed isis....

    withdrew from tpp, Iran deal, and Paris climate accord....

    stockmarkef up 40%....

    2m less people on food stamps....

    4% growth....

    and somehow people say he hasn’t achieved anything....

    okay.... if you say so....😐

    and he doesn’t “hangout with Putin and Kim”.  It’s called diplomacy.  And seriously if you are shocked by that were you equally shocked when President Obama’s heaped praise on people like Castro or Chavez or Mugabe or any of the other dictators you care to name?  Or his apology tours where he blamed our country for all the ills of the world?  If not, then please....

    My biggest problem with politics is the intellectual dishonesty that goes on on both sides of the aisle. 

    That, and arguments of this sort do not draw anyone closer to Christ. 

  15. This is one of those doctrinal issues that I have had to just ignore. I have also had the logical connumdrum you mentioned a god who created a man who became a god, etc.  

    From my background as an evangelical this doctrine, which I don’t know if I agree with, seems implausible, and since it doesn’t affect me directly, I ignore it.  

    What does affect me is the doctrine of eternal progression. I think it is a comfort to know that when we step beyond the veil that we don’t stay in the state we were when we left this life.  

    “We shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.” 1John 3:2

    “Is it not written that you are gods.” John 10:34

    “Let us make man in our image.”  Genesis 1:26

    Does this mean we will one day be gods or that we will be so far beyond our present state that in comparison we will be godlike?  I tend to think it is the latter. 

    But whatever the future holds for us we are reminded by Christ to place our focus on today Matthew 6:34 where we can do what we can to make ourselves more Christlike in this present state of existence. 

  16. I don’t know whether or not the entire earth was covered, but consider the following:

    1) Most ancient cultures have a universal flood myth

    2) There are many archeological sites (settlements) that have been found that are now under dozens to hundreds of feet under water. 

    3) Geological evidence points to a meteor or comet strike to the northern ice cap about 10000-12000 BC that resulted in a mass melt off by of the northern ice cap that resulted in sea levels rising 100-200 feet in a matter of weeks.

    4) Given most of humanity has always lived near the sea shore one can imagine what kind of devastation this sudden rise in sea levels would cause and why it would be part of collective consciousness. 

  17. Check out CS Lewis’ book Mere Christianity. He goes a great deal in explaining this. 

    The cliff notes are God sent visions to men alluding to the coming of his Son. These show up in various myths found around the world, the difference being Christ isn’t a “god of nature” he is the God of all Creation.  

    CS Lewis make the point (far better than I) that these myths reinforces the divinity of Christ instead of detracting from it. Sort of along the same lines that various flood myths reinforce the story on Noah.  


  18. Please understand that I am not trying to be insensitive, but. given the above, why would you move your wedding day back?

    Paul tells us that if it is best for you to be married, then by all means, do so.  See I Corinthians 7:7-9.  

    Had the two of you planned on getting married already?  Had a date been set?  Are both of you committed to living Godly lives?  Then by all means, get married so you can be intimate with one another in the proper place and time.

    Until then, both of you should make it a priority not to be alone together so as to avoid further temptation.




  19. Don’t wait for a calling. Go talk to the bishop and tell him you want to serve. When I did that I was given one in a couple of weeks. 

    Or, if you see a need, fill it. Our EQ had a lack of teachers so I spoke with the President and told him I would like to teach at least once a month. I soon found myself on the schedule  😀

    Is there a fundraiser or church activity then volunteer. My daughter isn’t big on church, but when there is a YW fundraiser she is always there helping. 

    Offer to drive the missionaries around or be the third party sit-in.  

    Volunteer for community service projects. 

    One of the things I love about our church is that opportunities to serve abound and most of which don’t require a calling. All we have to do is step in and fill the need.