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Everything posted by Carborendum

  1. You had asked about Neutrinos to Neutrons, not protons. EDIT: Oops. I guess you asked for both. Well, the answer would be different for each wouldn't it? This doesn't say how many there are. Neither link did.
  2. From your links, it appears we're both right and both wrong. It is not exactly a "reaction". It is a process. And it appears that neutrinos are involved in the process. To answer your question, I had believed that the number of neutrinos:neutrons was roughly 1:1 or possibly 10:1. Do you know of a source that gives a more specific number?
  3. I don't know about the CO statute itself. But my understanding is that most of the states that passed such a law, stipulated that it only takes effect if a certain threshold of states agreed to it as well. And we haven't reached that threshold yet. Again, it appears to be grandstanding for now. But those laws have little hope of being repealed any time soon. Maybe that was kinda your point. But there is a certain line that is threatened to be crossed here that hasn't happened before. Removing a name from the PRESIDENTIAL ballot based on accusation alone without conviction? How dare the people choose a candidate that they disagree with?
  4. I happened to mention to a young co-worker that I'd been married for X years. She was impressed and asked me what our secret was. I gave her a cutesy answer and was about done. Since then I realized that there really isn't a secret. It is just the same age-old wisdom that everyone tells you, but fewer and fewer actually do anymore. In the same way, the family was going over the Come Follow Me lesson for the week. The subject came up "how do we use the BoM to increase our faith in Christ?" Well, do what it says. Moroni's promise. Simple. Read, study, ponder, pray, live. There is no secret. There is no magic wand. There are plenty of excuses. But no alternatives. Simply do what Moroni says. Nothing else will work. How do we gain eternal life? "What does it say in the Law?... this do, and thou shalt live." ******************** * I almost didn't want to post this. But I had to, to pre-empt any naysayers. Man has been able to alter the nucleus of other elements in laboratories to make gold. However, the process takes so much energy that it is cost prohibitive to do so. It may be an interesting mental exercise to consider the original intent of this thread, if that fact has any useful metaphorical meaning. So far as I'm aware, it has been through (effectively) fission methods. While fusion is theoretically possible (as proven by the reactions in stars) we have not had a successful instance of gold formed by laboratory fusion (that I'm aware of). Primarily, they have done the calcs, considered the resources involved, and figured "why bother?"
  5. I just found it kinda funny that Colorado & Maine removed Trump from the primary ballots (and, by extension, the final ballots). It probably wouldn't have much of an effect because those states would likely go to Biden anyway. So, just what are they thinking? I just heard now that DeSantis wants to retaliate by threatening to remove Biden from the ballot in Florida. Again, why? There's no way Florida is going to Biden. So, what is this about. Yes, yes, political grandstanding, blah blah. But it just got me to thinking... what if every state pre-emptively decided to take candidates off the ballot? These states would clearly delineate the lines of national divorce. And we've discussed this in previous threads. At this point, is it likely? Probably not. But at some point it will be. And I wouldn't be surprised if I witnessed it in my lifetime.
  6. No, he's talking about neutrinos. But he has a few things mixed up about it. Correct. He got it backwards. He stated that neutrinos were required as among of the reactants. Instead, they are (currently theorized to be) among the products of the reaction. However, what happens is that Uranium can decay into lead. The Lead continues to get bombarded by neutrons. This can go down several paths of decay and loss of neutrons to turn into gold. This process is a TINY percentage of the Uranium decay. However, Uranium mining tends to produce gold as a by-product. Can you imagine that gold is a "by-product"? Amazing world we live in. @Traveler, I'm not going to claim expertise on neutrinos. I just happen to know more than the average person. So, if you can point to a study which shows that neutrinos are among the reactants to a fusion reaction, then I'll accept that correction. But as far as I know, it is one of the products, not a reactant. They're beginning to wonder about that regarding fusion in stars. We'll see where the science takes us on that.
  7. Most of the time, the phrase "They had it coming" tends to mean a negative thing. But sometimes it can mean a positive thing. I'd like to make a comment about the reality panning out today vs when I was a child. As a kid, when we saw the natural consequences of someone's actions, it was obvious "they had it coming." This meant that if a someone was always choosing to do stupid things and he got hurt, people could see that a mile away. (e.g. you do drugs, you'll get health issues and a lot of other bad stuff.) And if a lot of people warned him that it was just asking for trouble, he didn't listen. He'd insist that it didn't affect him the way it did others. On the good side, if a person was very capable and worked really hard and was very sociable as well, they would get promotions and succeed in their chosen profession. It was said of a reward well earned. And everything good or bad meant that these were fairly obvious, natural consequences of their actions. Today we see a completely different values system and that system chooses different things to reward that are not "natural" consequences. But they are what people force onto a situation with the woke mind virus. Instead of someone being capable, hard working, and having good social skills, being promoted, we find a man can be promoted or paid more based on intersectionality that has nothing to do with the work involved. Did the average IQ, black, trans-man, without a degree "deserve" the position of the hospital administrator because of intersectionality? Obviously not. But that is precisely what people are saying now. And it isn't just employment. It is in every facet of life now. A woman targets a rich man for ME TOO fraud/shake down. When the woman is asked if she felt that she did anything wrong, "No, he's rich. He shouldn't have that much money." So, again, just by being rich, "He had it coming." Trans-activists shoot up Christian Schools full of children. And we ought to be more sympathetic to the mass murderer because "They (Christians) had it coming." "Israel's response to Hamas is illegal and immoral." This is just veiled language for: "Israel had it coming, so Hamas should clearly be forgiven for performing the third largest act of terrorism in history, and staging their base of operations in the middle of hospitals and schools and high civilian population areas." Do people even understand cause and effect anymore?
  8. Is that pizza with bananas??? That's what I'd call heresy.
  9. Nice trip down memory lane. I'll correct/clarify something that Le said: The word bara can be used for both man and God as the actor just as Le said. HOWEVER, it is a verb. And verbs have conjugations. (Grammatically, Hebrew is weird and it isn't correct to call it a conjugation. But it is the closest thing we have in English to compare it to.) That particular conjugation found in Genesis is only used to denote God as the actor. Wherever man is the actor, a different conjugation is used.
  10. I got my wife a Fude Nib pen with a purple finish wrapped by a golden dragon. Japanese nib, made in China. She wouldn't take it up to Colorado with us for vacation because of elevation difference. But when we got back, she found that it came with a pumpy thingy (I forget the name -- converter? siphon?). So, she couldn't fit the ink cartridge into it -- non-compatible size. Now I've got to get her some ink for the pump. Oh, the drama!
  11. That isn't too far from the truth. As a kid, I simply liked the way a BiC performed beyond other ball-points. But then I learned about felt, porous, roller ball... BiC fell out of favor at that point.
  12. Since I brought up the fact that Joseph was a carpenter, I know someone is going to raise a point of order. The Greek word (Tekton) means "craftsman." This could be a stone mason, a carpenter, or a number of other professions. This has caused many to believe that Joseph was actually a stone mason. Possible. But by no means obvious. And it would have been historically less likely. If you go to Greece today and say that Carborendum is a tekton, people would normally default to think "stone mason." Absent any adjectives, modifiers, or context, that is the default meaning of such "craftsmen." If you did the same thing in 1 AD, the default meaning of tekton would be "carpenter." We find an analog in the English word "artist." If we say Carborendum is an artist, without modifiers or context, people would default to "painter" or possibly "sculptor." But there are many other types of artists. In the record industry, contracts are drafted to call the singer or musician "the artist." Hence "The Artist formerly known as Prince." And it would not be wrong to call a photographer an artist or any other number of professions. So, could he have been a stone mason? Yes, it is possible. But given the state of the Greek language of 1 AD, and that there was no context or modifier to specify, the word most likely would have referred to a carpenter. And this, BTW, is why I give less credence to Apocryphal scriptures which refer to Joseph as a stone mason (viz. The Gospel of Mary).
  13. No contradiction here. There are a couple of popular interpretations here. OPTION 1: The events of Luke 2 occurred earlier than the events of Matthew 2. This is largely based on the fact that Herod asked when the star appeared and that he had all the children under 2 years killed. (Note: the usage of "young child" is really a red herring. The Greek word "paidion" can be used for both infant or older pre-pubescent child.) Herod must have heard that the star first appeared at the time of the birth. But the (likely Chaldean) wise men would have travelled hundreds of miles from their home country to Jerusalem. A minimum of about three months would have passed. But possibly over a year given certain conditions. Such an interval could easily have given Joseph enough time to make the trip between Bethlehem and Nazareth a number of times. OPTION 2: Matthew was writing to the Jews, using Jewish literary techniques and Jewish understanding of prophecies. So, he wrote those parts that would be most appealing to Jews who were looking for the Messiah. He didn't need to describe ALL the details. He only wrote what was required for the message he was trying to get across to the Jews. People may take sides and choose one or the other. But the fact is that they can both be true. Consider the following narrative: As a successful carpenter, Joseph needed to be near the source quite often. So, his primary residence was in Nazareth. As a successful carpenter, Joseph needed to build clients and business in Jerusalem. So, he visited Bethlehem quite often. Notice Luke 2:4 states that he went to Bethlehem "Because he was of the house and lineage of David." This lineage had nothing to do with the census as some point to. But because that is where Joseph made his money (sold his goods) that is where he would have been taxed. He didn't necessarily do much within Jerusalem proper. But a suburb of Jerusalem which was common to his family line was a probable choice for him to meet with people to sell his products and services to. The events of Luke 2 happened just as described. The family went back to Nazareth as indicated in Luke. A few trips back and forth for the family equaled one very long trip for the wise men. The wise men happened to find them during one of the family visits to Bethlehem. At that LATER time, Joseph was prepared to go back to Nazareth as he had before. But this particular night, he went to Egypt because of the danger to the child. Fantasy? Contradiction? Most of the time we see a supposed contradiction, it is because we have incomplete information. The way that the Gospels seem to fill in the blanks is that the same story is told from different perspectives (reference frames) and for different purposes. When we consider that these are not contradictory, but rather different pieces of the puzzle, we realize that the real image is discovered as we see with BOTH eyes to observe the richness of a 3D world. But if you want to call it "Fantasy" over a supposed contradiction, I guess that is your right to declare that even though Joseph Smith never saw any such contradiction as he went through is translation. And it is your right to insist that the Gospel of Mary is bona fide, revelatory scripture even though even though we've been cautioned about apocryphal scripture. And you have the right to declare it was from the perspective of the Mother of Jesus, even though most people can't agree which Mary wrote it.
  14. I think you may have gotten an incorrect impression about what the purported prophecy meant. The only point of concern with regard to the same theory that was offered several years ago was the idea that Trump would be removed from office prematurely. The "wiggle room" here is that Trump wasn't "removed" from office via death, impeachment, etc. The election was stolen. On the question of it being "stolen" is unprovable. But there is significant evidence that gives a lot of doubt about Biden's legitimacy. We can believe that the matter was settled because Biden won and Trump left peacefully. Or we can look to see what happens with Biden for the next year or next five years and then make a judgment. That's when things get really obvious in Ezra's Prophecy. I'll reiterate: I don't know if this passage of the Apocrypha is legit or not. So, no skin off my nose if it doesn't pan out. But if it does, that will certainly be rather interesting.
  15. Yes, you're probably right. But it does explain a lot of it. A 3x factor is probably a local phenomenon. The national average has been just under 2.0 Overall inflation alone (which is 100% the government's fault) will explain about a 1.5 to 1.6 factor over the course of 15 years. Building code requirements effect the land prices. A recent subdivision I designed ended up creating a cost of about $50k per lot above and beyond the price of the land originally due to development costs as mandated by the County. There was, of course a bit more cost due to the profit to the developer. But I'm not privy to that amount. Houses are required to have more construction requirements every three years. Most people aren't aware of the differences. But they incrementally cause more and more cost each year. When new homes cost more, existing homes will see their appraisals rise as well. Property taxes won't explain home prices. But it impacts the monthly payment (which usually escrows the property tax). The original point was about affordability, and the escrow amount is included in that. Insurance rates (also escrowed into the overall monthly payment) have gone up mainly due to government influences. And this gets a lot more convoluted when you consider broad based insurance companies (i.e. companies that do more than one type of insurance). Not everything, I understand. But the market forces are something that the average person is well aware of. And that may be the difference between the 2.0 average and the 3.0 that you cited. Some places like CA are seeing their home prices plummet, while places like Texas and Florida are seeing things skyrocket. I, myself, saw the price go up over 40% in two years. Multiply that with the 2.0 average, and yes, it has tripled. But most of that was in the past 5 years. We're at a peak right now. The next year or two will see home prices plummet.
  16. Unfortunately, it is not about availability. It is about government intervention. Lumber can be grown at a very fast rate. With more supply, lower costs. But government is preventing private forests through environmental and tax intervention. Property taxes are just plain too high. Cities and counties have overly restrictive building codes. And the enforcement by untrained bureaucrats causes compliance costs to go through the roof. Minimum wage causes all the little expenses to go up. And they add up pretty fast. Put it all together, and there is no way to build a cheap home.
  17. Regarding Moroni 10:31-32 Compare: Notice this is repeated twice in the Book of Mormon. Then a third time with an alteration. I believe it was a dispensational change just as the baptism prayer was changed after the resurrection. To be more clear, here is my personal interpretation/modification.
  18. It must be one very long meeting if they sing either A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief or The Star Spangled Banner.
  19. I can't help but notice that you're rejecting scriptures that we call canonical, calling it "fantasy." Then you choose to cite (and preach) apocryphal works as if they are canonical.
  20. No, no, no. The books. I agree with @The Folk Prophet, the Amazon series is just plain garbage.