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Everything posted by LDSGator

  1. That’s a really great idea. It shows how much the church values families.
  2. Poor little girl. Losing a pet at any age is heartbreaking (I lost my mastiff this year) but at that age it’s particularly hard.
  3. Thanks. I don’t think I ever noticed who was sitting up front.
  4. You aren’t alone my friend. A lot of us struggle with things like this.
  5. Do local wards/stakes get to decide who sits up front?
  6. What do you expect from a country founded by koala bears? 😉
  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I’m so thankful for everyone here!
  8. If republicans keep harping on this, they will lose in 2024. It appeals to the hardcore base and absolutely no one else. I want to vote for anyone but Biden but beating this dead horse makes me cringe.
  9. That’s awesome!! Lol Happy Thanksgiving to you (and everybody else!) bro.
  10. I totally agree with you that the attitude does drive people away, but don’t worry about it. That way of thinking about beards is still out there but it’s getting smaller and smaller.
  11. Almost all of us were wrong in 2016, so don’t worry about it. I thought Trump would get crushed.
  12. That, and the president is a democrat who supports Israel. I’m not a democrat and I also support Israel.
  13. Politics really does make strange bedfellows. I remember reading that a gay rights pro 2A group filed an Amicus brief on behalf of the NRA during a court case. Generally speaking, I also think the most bitter fights are between those who generally agree on the issues. Shapiro and Owens agree 85% of the time but that 15% can lead to really nasty disputes. I’m on team Shaprio. Israel has every right to punch back, and I’m fairly confident the IDF is trying their best to limit the deaths of innocent civilians.
  14. Speaking of Israel, if you want to see a nasty little civil war Google “Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens”
  15. It’s not a a new issue. Dickens is one of the greatest novelists of all time but had a “highly questionable character.” I’m sure people struggled with the same things back in his time
  16. I’d laugh, but I spent three hours recently trying to set up aunts new TV. So mea culpa!
  17. I was blessed enough to watch the virtual broadcasts on Zoom during Covid. Very cool!