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Everything posted by havejoy

  1. The silly part of my personality likes this. They don't have any dogs anymore though so it wouldn't work anyway.
  2. I'm not in fear, just concerned. I'm the meetinghouse librarian right now so it would be a hardship on a lot of people if I weren't there to have the library open before Sacrament and before Primary. Also, the next closest ward is about an hour away. This is Texas, y'all. If things get weird next week it may help the Bishop get this guy into a mental health facility. I don't know. I just think Church is a bad place for a confrontation.
  3. Unless something really unusual is happening with little notice I say any meeting that takes longer than an hour is not being facilitated correctly.
  4. These people aren't evil, just sad. I've asked a friend to sit with me next Sunday during Sacrament and to take my grandchildren to Primary immediately after the closing prayer. I've asked another friend to have her husband, a gentle giant of a man, to be aware that I may need help if they confront me again. He'll try to make sure they go to class so they won't follow me to the library. That's all I can think of to do so nobody gets upset at church.
  5. Thanks everyone. Bini, you're right about how they got all these dogs. They are all from an original black mouth cur and more recently black mouth and chihuahua mixed. They don't try to sell the dogs but have resisted my efforts to get them spayed and neutered, even when I offered to pay for it.
  6. They don't have much income to pay tithing on. When I was RS president we helped her get on disability and forced him to file for medicare. They will not be getting the dogs back under any circumstances. The police will just arrest them if they show up. One of the problems we have is that they live in a community that is outside any city limits. It's full of folks who don't do well in society, trash in every yard, broken down cars everywhere, houses in various stages of falling down, etc. This community had it's own mayor, police force, fire dept. and everything until about a18 months ago when the feds came in and busted the entire city council, mayor and 3 person police force for running a drug ring. They haven't been replaced. That's the big reason they were willing for me to go and ask for the dogs. Nobody has jurisdiction except the state and it's apparently a big pain to get them involved. What a mess.
  7. Both of them are in their early 60's but from what I've heard from their children they've always been this way. I'm not angry at them in any way as I know they aren't entirely responsible for their actions. I call the Temple every Tuesday morning with a few names and have kept their names on the prayer roll for as long as I've known them. I know things are in the works to take care of everything in the next few months. Our Bishop is retired and is trying hard to get them taken care of. I just wonder what to do at church next time they confront me. I don't want them to scare the kids again or cause a scene.
  8. I did. I had to take a woman home during the second hour so I call ed the police on my way back to the church. They are doing extra drive by's of the rescue facility. Not suprisingly, they already knew of these people.
  9. The Bishop is working on this. He told me he's sad because she'll be going into a hospice facility next week and he wants to get the man in a psychiatric facility but they can't be together because they have such different needs. It may take a while to get everything done to get the man taken care of though.
  10. There were 4 police and a photographer that came who were called by the animal control officer. I asked the animal control officer to write them a letter and she said she mailed it out Monday afternoon but this man said he hasn't gotten it yet because the enemy keeps stealing his mail. Do I just push past them and walk away? They scare me enough that I don't want them behind me.
  11. We have a couple in our ward who are unable to take care of themselves. The church and the members do a lot for them. At this point, she is on O2 full time and he doesn't seem to be in very good health either. They are both delusional, him more so than her. He believes he works for the CIA and the DEA. He believes he's been in the Army in special services even though there is no record of him having ever registered for the Armed Forces in any capacity. She seems to have a better grasp of reality but backs him up a lot. The problem is that they have had a lot of dogs, up to 48 at one time when I was there. The dogs are always in bad shape physically. They don't have money to buy food so the dogs starve a lot. Two weeks ago they had 14 dogs and the man called me to come get 8 of them because he said the Bishop wouldn't get them any more food until he got rid of some of his dogs. These dogs were completely hairless and covered in scabs from sarcoptic mange. They were also nearly starved to death, in fact 6 of those eight have died in spite of food and medical care...it was just too late due to secondary infections. The police were going to arrest them for animal cruelty but I explained their mental problems and was given a chance to go to them and ask them to give up the other 6 dogs which she did. He wasn't home at the time. Two weeks later, today, they cornered me at the end of Sacrament and demanded I get their dogs back. They made a bunch of threats and scared my grandchildren until some other members came over and distracted them long enough for me to get away. The woman had a seizure at the end of church and an ambulance had to be called but it gave me a chance to get to my car before they could corner me again. All this to ask how should I handle it if/when it happens again next week? Today I just kept saying I understood they were upset and I was sorry.
  12. South Texas and it's chilly for us here. In the 40's this morning. We've had more hours below freezing this year than we've had in a really long time.
  13. I don't know what the average is but my DIL got baptized within 2 months of the first lesson. It took me 3 years.
  14. I'm married to a man who cannot multitask. It's just the way his brain is wired. What he can do though is almost everything, only one thing at a time, but do it really well. I call him a jack-of-all-trades and master-of-many.
  15. Oh believe me, it is. When I first moved to Texas I flew in late one night. The next morning I got up and decided to go out and see this little town. With all the cowboy hats and western wear I thought there was going to be a parade. I have been known to wait in line at a bank, in the business drive thru, behind a horse!
  16. We do the same here. I loved being a YW counselor except I like to go to bed a lot earlier than I could get home from our stake dances. Our stake building is about an hour away too.
  17. First, give her the info about the womens shelter now. Second, be careful but encourage her to get help. Third, NOBODY in their right mind abuses someone they claim to love. That's why you need to be careful.
  18. Thanks. I would not have thought of that. Here in Texas we don't really believe the rest of the world exists.
  19. What proportion of Members get as far as the Temple? I think the answer is 100% of the ones who really want to.
  20. Life is a gift from Our Father. Please be careful. You are in my prayers.
  21. I owe Morningstar an apology. I'z sowwy.
  22. She's a character all right. She has pulled her little bed over until it's partially under my chair and now is chewing on my ankle instead of the 3 different kinds of chew toys that are right next to her. I wish I had the same affect on men.
  23. I believed everything you've said until this. Lips as big as Angelina has are not naturally occuring.
  24. Here's the pic yellowstone thru jan 2010 265.jpg