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    Traveler got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in SJWism is destroying Disney!   
    @The Folk Prophet is on to something but I think has taken a bit of a tangent - but not so far to say he is off base.
    For anyone that reads the works of Joseph Googles (Hitler's propaganda minister and considered one of the great brain washing genius of our time).   Wrote in essence that the best and most effective way to change a person's mind and convince them that they have always believed something is through entertainment.  Controlling entertainment will lead to control of the minds of the next generation.  He also said that anything a person will laugh at they will eventually embrace for themselves. 
    In short we will become what we are entertained by.  One character that concerns me is what we consider the hero.  This is someone that is violent but just against "bad" guys.  The question that we must be concerned about - especially in the current political climate - who or what is a bad guy.  More and more it is becoming anyone in or supportive of the other political party.  Many translate this into anyone that disagrees with their opinion. 
    The Traveler
  2. Haha
    Traveler reacted to zil in Priesthood blessings   
    My memory isn't that great, but I'm pretty sure men aren't promised they can become priestesses...
  3. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Chilean in Priesthood blessings   
    A righteous sister can give a blessing just not by the power of the priesthood.  There was a time when it was believed that sisters could not open or close sacrament meeting with prayer because they do not hold the priesthood.  That has been corrected - women can pronounce opening and closing prayers - including a blessing - to bring the spirit of G-d upon the gathering and to give comfort for those in attendance or for some reason not able to attend.
    The Traveler
  4. Thanks
    Traveler got a reaction from Barrett Maximus in Priesthood blessings   
    This last Sunday in Elder's Quorum the instructor asked of the active members (I assume active means current temple recommend, full tithe payer and such) what they expect from their personal ministers.  I responded that as a missionary I was instructed by my mission president that every home we were welcomed to (and every time we were welcomed) that we should give a priesthood blessing upon the home and its inhabitants.  I also stated that I have always believed (because of my mission experiences) that any time I am in any home as an official priesthood representative I should give a priesthood blessing.
    I also shared a personal experience about priesthood blessings.  For many years in my work I traveled.  Often after long hours of stressful work (work when traveling is always more stressful - at least for me) I would return to my hotel tired but needing to unwind.  Mindless TV seemed the best way to unwind.  However, it seemed that often when I turned on the TV that it would display the worse part of a hard core pron program.  This caused me more stress plus added guilt.  The frequency was to much for chance.   I mentioned this problem to several friends (including my wife).  One friend and stalwart priesthood holder and also fellow Engineer that traveled often with me from time to time mentioned they he also used to have this problem.  He explained to me his belief that unclean spirits are much like a disease - that someone afflicted can leave behind uncleanness that can infect those that occupy the place after the affected person has left.  Thus, someone infected by porn will spread that influence even when they are not present.
    To be honest this sounded a little hokey but my friend suggested that whenever I arrive at a hotel room or other place to stay - that I should pronounce a priesthood blessing to disinfect and cleanse the place for my stay.   I thought I should try this.  My heart and mind has been changed because having done this - I have never had the problem repeated.  I am convinced that there are blessings withheld (not given) to many good people that are in need but are not blessed only because a priesthood blessing is not sought.
    The Traveler
  5. Like
    Traveler reacted to Chilean in Priesthood blessings   
    Nah, I don't want it, I don't need to hold it to be benefited from it.  People need to understand that the priesthood is not for personal benefit, there is no way you can get blessings to yourself if you have it. For example my husband is the only priesthood holder in our home (my son is almost 9 and wont receive it until 3 more years), if my husband was to get sick, he cant lay on his hand on his head and pronounce a blessing to himself, he would have to seek for another priesthood holder to give him a blessing.
    So, the wonderful thing is that the priesthood has been restored and there are many worthy priesthood holders. Sister don't need to get it. I consider myself to be somewhat feminist, and I think sisters don't need it. Some might think they need it to feel equal to men, but I don't.
    I do believe in the future, when being exalted we the sisters might receive the priesthood, but it might not even be in the way we use it now. I don't know.
    I do have to confess that about a month ago, one of our sons was sick, my husband had already left for work, and I was to stay with the little one home, and for a second I thought: "I wish I could give him a blessing". and then I thought about a story I heard once when sister missionaries gave a blessing to someone and in the prayer said something about the priesthood that their mission president had, instead of by the power and authority I posses.  Any way, I didn't give him a blessing, but it crossed my mind the fact that if I could by making reference I guess of the priesthood my husband does have.
    In the temple sisters have some of the priesthood I guess... right?
  6. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from anatess2 in Living in the world, but not of the world.   
    I am one to criticize a lot about religion - but there is one thing about devout people be they Catholic, Evangelical, Baptist, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and even Latter-day Saints; despite all the human faults, I have yet to meet anyone devout in any religion that is not better for it.  I know many do not live up to their religious beliefs - in fact few brag about how good they do the things they should - but for myself the biggest disappointment are those that I am sure are as flawed as I am but see it necessary to critic anyone as flawed as themselves.
    I am counting on the possibility that anyone that wants into the Celestial Kingdom (despite any flaw) will be welcomed and applauded by everyone else there.   I am thinking the the only flawed people that will not make the Celestial Kingdom are those with the flaw that think they are so much better that they should not have to put up with those that are flawed.  I think there is a place prepared for them that if I could describe - looks a lot like Hell to me.
    The Traveler
  7. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Lindy in Changes Are Coming! (or, Putting Up with All Those Weak, Lame-O Saints That Hold Us Back)   
    there is a story that took place in a Mormon home prior to the block - of a man returning from early morning priesthood to get the family for Sunday school.  He pulled up in the family car and honked the horn.  But no one came - so he honked some more.  After the third round of honking the wife came out by herself - mostly ready but not quite.  She told her husband that it was her turn to sit in the car and honk the horn while he when back in the house and tried to get the kids from fighting with each other and finish getting ready for Sunday school. 
    The Traveler
  8. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from zil in Why Is There an Upset about Polytheism?   
    @MaryJehanne  @Larry Cotrell and others that believe in monotheism.  I am a polytheist because the scriptures reference G-d in plural not singular.  The Hebrew word for one being is "Yahed".  But the term always use to designate "one" G-d in scripture is "Ehad" - I would point out that there is not a single exception.  This is the same term is used to refer to a man and woman being "one" flesh.  But there are two beings in a marriage - this is because when referencing persons the term is plural and means many united by a single covenant.    The problem is that despite claims - few if any traditional Christians understand covenant or why those in a covenant are referenced as one - or one by covenant.
    If anyone can provide a scripture that states unequivocally that there is only one single g-d being regardless of any covenant - I would be very interested if it was demonstrated that the reference to one is yahed and not ehad in covenant.  Otherwise - I hope you understand that prophesy of Isaiah has been fulfilled which is a time of Apostasy during which (among other things) ordinances are changed, the everlasting covenant broken (meaning oneness with G-d) and the law transgressed.
    BTW I can give many examples in scripture that those that are "one" with G-d will be like G-d.  For example - Jesus was accused of making men into G-ds - he referenced that this was a doctrine established in scripture - he did not deny to any degree that it was a false doctrine (man becoming g-d).
    The Traveler
  9. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from askandanswer in Stirring the pot at church   
    There are indication in scripture that Jonah was dead but brought back to life in dramatic fashion.  But there is a much bigger problem - Jonah was swallowed in the Mediterranean.  In order to swim from there to the destination the creature would have to swim around Africa into the Persian Gulf and a distance up a river.   There is not even a modern high speed water vehicle that can make that distance in the designated amount of time.  Obviously there is more to this story (there has to be) than what we are given in any literal interpretation of scripture.  There are details left out or should we say "Unanswered" or unanswerable.   Some think that miracles must be explainable.  I am of a different mind - I believe all miracles have intent that is not harmed by our understanding the truth of them.
    The Traveler
  10. Okay
    Traveler got a reaction from john4truth in Changes Are Coming! (or, Putting Up with All Those Weak, Lame-O Saints That Hold Us Back)   
    there is a story that took place in a Mormon home prior to the block - of a man returning from early morning priesthood to get the family for Sunday school.  He pulled up in the family car and honked the horn.  But no one came - so he honked some more.  After the third round of honking the wife came out by herself - mostly ready but not quite.  She told her husband that it was her turn to sit in the car and honk the horn while he when back in the house and tried to get the kids from fighting with each other and finish getting ready for Sunday school. 
    The Traveler
  11. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from askandanswer in Changes Are Coming! (or, Putting Up with All Those Weak, Lame-O Saints That Hold Us Back)   
    there is a story that took place in a Mormon home prior to the block - of a man returning from early morning priesthood to get the family for Sunday school.  He pulled up in the family car and honked the horn.  But no one came - so he honked some more.  After the third round of honking the wife came out by herself - mostly ready but not quite.  She told her husband that it was her turn to sit in the car and honk the horn while he when back in the house and tried to get the kids from fighting with each other and finish getting ready for Sunday school. 
    The Traveler
  12. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from carlimac in Changes Are Coming! (or, Putting Up with All Those Weak, Lame-O Saints That Hold Us Back)   
    there is a story that took place in a Mormon home prior to the block - of a man returning from early morning priesthood to get the family for Sunday school.  He pulled up in the family car and honked the horn.  But no one came - so he honked some more.  After the third round of honking the wife came out by herself - mostly ready but not quite.  She told her husband that it was her turn to sit in the car and honk the horn while he when back in the house and tried to get the kids from fighting with each other and finish getting ready for Sunday school. 
    The Traveler
  13. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Grunt in Changes Are Coming! (or, Putting Up with All Those Weak, Lame-O Saints That Hold Us Back)   
    We are called Latter-day Saints.  It is my general understanding that the "end of times" is not going to be a lot of fun - especially for Saints.  One thing I have learned in sports - if you are going to be any good then you are going to have to train.  And the kind training needed to be successful in a challenge that anyone will care about or remember will not be suitable to most.  I am thinking that those looking for convenience  are not paying much attention to what we have been told will happen, especially to Saints, in the last days.
    I had a great great grand mother walk across the plains bear foot when she was 8 years old - then when she finally got her first pair of shoes donated them so some other little girl would not have to walk so far bear foot.  And our generation complains about 3 hours of meetings on Sunday.  I know something are harder for some than others but I have to believe what ever difficulties anyone is facing life - 3 hours of Church on Sunday is not really something to lose sleep at night over.
    The Traveler
  14. Haha
    Traveler reacted to Vort in Changes Are Coming! (or, Putting Up with All Those Weak, Lame-O Saints That Hold Us Back)   
    I was trying to use NT's wormhole device.
  15. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to Vort in Just for fun   
    Black holes are plenty weird and counterintuitive. It seems they really do exist; the mathematics is sound, and astrophysicists have found plenty of confirmation of the predictions about what would happen if black holes existed. But even if their existence appears to have been confirmed, how they operate is the subject of much research (and, I expect, not a few PhD dissertations).
    One idea is the source/sink idea. Consider a spring of water that produces a little rivulet, traveling down the hillside until it dives into a small crevice and disappears. The spring is the source of the stream and the crevice is the sink. What if you have a source but no sink? Then you get a pond (or lake, or ocean). What if you have a sink but no source? Well...nothing. Every little stream that might arise just dies in the crevice.
    In this model, black holes are the sink. Matter disappears into them, never again to be part of our larger universe (except for the matter's mass, which continues to exist in the black hole). Is that matter really lost forever? Maybe not. What if the black hole somehow connects (in some conduit or such that isn't part of our normal universe -- the fabled "wormhole") to a source that spews the matter or energy back out?
    Voilà! A "white hole". Kind of a dumb name for it, since it's rather the opposite of a hole, but you have to tolerate astrophysicists' geeky senses of symmetry and humor.
    I have zero authority on such matters, and probably less than zero credibility in any opinion I might forward. But FWIW (which, as I said, is a non-positive sum), I'm not much sold on white holes. I think the idea of "black hole evaporation" makes more sense and strikes me as more elegant. (Physicists use the term "elegant" to mean, "I can't really articulate why anyone should believe this idea, but it strikes me as clever, so I like it." I'm not a physicist, but I borrow the usage.)
    "Evaporation" is supposed to be a process whereby a black hole slowly loses its mass to the surrounding universe. It's heavily dependent on quantum physics, and goes something like this:
    Look at the "empty space" around you. Not the air, but the actual "empty space" -- the vacuum of non-existence. Look closely. No, closer than that. Look reeeeeeeally close. What do you see? Why, you see existence/antiexistence virtual pairs of particles floating around! That's right! There in the nothingness, you see a potentially existent particle, closely coupled with a virtual particle that is anti-existent. Not non-existent, but ANTI-existent.
    You know, it's like the old joke: An experimental physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician see two people go into a house. A short time later, they see three people leave. The physicist says, "Oops. Experimental error." The biologist says, "Look! Evidence of reproduction!" The mathematician says, "If one more person enters the house, it will be empty."
    Like that.
    So...a black hole has a two-dimensional surface surrounding it, called an "event horizon". It's not a physical surface, like ground or something. It's the point (or collection of points) where the escape velocity from the black hole's gravity equals the speed of light. Anything, even light, that crosses this surface is irretrievably lost and becomes part of the black hole, because it becomes physically and mathematically impossible for that particle (mass or photon) to escape. It would require more than infinite energy.
    But look reeeeeeeeally closely at the event horizon. Go ahead, look. Closer. No, closer than that. Look hard. What do you see?
    Why, you see those existent/antiexistent quantum particle pairs floating around! Right there around the event horizon! And those virtual pairs keep breaking apart, popping into existence (or antiexistence) for a treMEEEEEENdously short time (called the Planck Time, if you really want to know). If nothing happens to them during that time, they pop back out of existence (or antiexistence), and it's like they never existed. Because they didn't. They're VIRTUAL particles.
    ...what happens if, when the virtual existent/antiexistent particles break apart and pop into existence, they do so right at the event horizon? And, we're just supposing now, let's say that the existent particle materializes outside the event horizon with sufficient energy to escape the black hole's gravity, while the antiexistent particle materializes inside the event horizon? Well, you see, now the new, actually existing particle goes flying off, having successfully "escaped" the black hole, while the antiexistent particle becomes part of the black hole, lessening its mass by exactly the amount of the particle now flying happily away.
    Voilà! Black hole evaporation! Convincing, huh?
    What I write above doesn't really say anything about Traveler's OP, of course. That OP is more of a philosophical musing about how the physicality of the universe around us might correspond with the details of how God works. Always a fun topic for speculation, but also always one that we can never stake out for colonization, because our ignorance is so vast that we know perfectly well our models don't cover actual reality. So we talk about hyperdimensional space and God being "outside the universe" and other such things, and they're fun mental games, but when we want real, solid, reliable truth, we go to General Conference and read our scriptures.
  16. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from zil in Marrying a Non Member   
    There are reasons (liability) to have titles and deeds listed separate or in an LLC under different individual legal control.  In fact, to do so requires greater trust than joint and equal portions.  For example, in many states the liability in a auto accident is limited if the owner of the vehicle is not driving it at the time of the accident - So if a couple own two cars it is best that the car most often driven by the wife be titled in the name of the husband - and vise versa.  There are similar games one ought to play if they own a business to protect their private home.  Not so much from business liability but personal liability because of net worth.  Our private home is titled to a family trust.
    I am a great believer in what ever a couple can make work for them is what they should continue to do.  Just because others are doing something is a very poor excuse for anybody to do anything.  My wife and I have several personal and business accounts at several different banks and savings and loans.  But I have a strong dislike (hatred) of money and I just do not deal with it.  My wife spends and controls all the money (including what is in my accounts) - she loves to watch over such things and she is very good at it.  I have my own checking accounts (that include credit cards) but I do not use them except in extreme emergencies.  I certainly to not keep track of money where ever it is nor do I ever spend money or ever want to - I hate shopping.  My wife handles the money and I have no interest (pun not intended) in what is done with any of it - with the one exception of tithing - and the only time I review that is at tithing settlement.  
    The Traveler
  17. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Blackmarch in Cut not Thy Hair and no Bullet or Blade can harm Thee   
    Morgan Reese was the only partner that rode as an equal with Porter.  Morgan was my great grandfather.  The covenant Porter made involved a lot more than long hair - I would be very careful in pretending you have and live by the same covenant.  And Porter did cut his hair and it was for a woman - but that is another story.   Something very few know - when Joseph was a young boy (before the 1st vision) Porter was his best friend (though a couple of years younger).  Porter was also present at the organization of the church but never held a leadership calling.  It is likely that outside of his family Joseph first told Porter of his first vision.  I believe Porter was much more spiritual than many give credit and he was unwavering in his support of what-ever any latter-day prophet asked - he did without question.  If you want to be like Porter - it will require a lot more than pride in your long hair.
    The Traveler 
  18. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from zil in Just for fun   
    Do not feel bad Carl Sagan theorized worm holes to be bidirectional.   However, mathematically, dimensional intersections can create a bidirectional portal through boundary point and all points of lower dimension are boundary points to a higher dimension.   Black Holes are harder to explain because theoretically you have deal with infinity and many physics do not believe infinity can actually exist. 
    In essence I believe a Black Hole creates a magnetic and gravitational vortex of great force - think of a little hole at the bottom of a dam - all the water is going to be coming out the little hole and there is no room or place for anything to go the other direction.
    R is the ideal gas (particle) constant but the equation is not typically used to establish energy and volumes for gas.  G is the universal  gravity constant and C is the speed of light.  M is mass - you know the e=MC(squared).  When mass and gravity  (infinite by definition) capture light - speed of light becomes zero which stops time then the ideal gas constant becomes infinite and the volume of the particles goes to zero - which is singularity in a Black Hole. 
    The Traveler
  19. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from zil in Just for fun   
    Actually I wondered if anyone would notice some doctrinal or spiritual parallels.  Especially the possibility that repentance, Sabbath day of rest and other possibly cyclic concepts are eternal concepts of renewal and perfection.  A symbolic fractal if you will that gives us insight into things eternal, holy and pure.  But if pens are your thing - I can get that point as well.
    The Traveler
  20. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from NeuroTypical in "Pets are like family members" times 1000   
    What I was trying to tell you is that preparations for dinner begins with roosters when they are chicks.  And in case you did not know - chickens are great for keeping insects out of your garden so you do not have to use pesticides.  This does not work very well if you have the animal in the house day and/or night.  Also, are you not aware that keeping chickens in the house is great for breeding a new, more resistant bird flue virus that your kids will likely bring home a starter strain from school?   You really should keep your friend outside.
    The Traveler
  21. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from NeuroTypical in "Pets are like family members" times 1000   
    You were raising a rooster for the table - don't you know about capons?  I always wondered why the word for a female dog (son of) is used as a derogatory term since dogs are noble and care for their young - just call them a capon - it is much more demeaning - even worse than just plain old "chicken".    BTW - those that have never raised their own meat do not know the flavor difference.  It is like a farm salmon opposed to wild salmon.  Who knows what is in the meat from the store.
    The Traveler
    The Traveler
  22. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from NeuroTypical in "Pets are like family members" times 1000   
    Like @classyladyI grew up with rabbits and chickens that was our primary source of meat.  I did have a dog as a boy that I was very close to - even in a spiritual sense.  When I returned from my mission she was sick and suffering from old age.  She was my dog and so I felt obligated to put her down.  It was emotional - she trusted me and was calm - I made it as painless as possible.  Fast forward - we had two dogs while raising our kids.  Of course old age began to claim and take its course.  I checked with the vet and they said the dog should be put down - I told them I would take care of it.  I was then informed that Utah has a law forbidding pet owners from putting down their pets.  At least this is the case for dogs.  It just did not seem right to leave this task to someone un-invested and unconnected.  It is a stupid law that should be changed.
    The Traveler
  23. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from Blackmarch in Z   
    These are not zombies - they are just some of my in-laws.  Big Whoop. 
    The Traveler
  24. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from anatess2 in "Pets are like family members" times 1000   
    You were raising a rooster for the table - don't you know about capons?  I always wondered why the word for a female dog (son of) is used as a derogatory term since dogs are noble and care for their young - just call them a capon - it is much more demeaning - even worse than just plain old "chicken".    BTW - those that have never raised their own meat do not know the flavor difference.  It is like a farm salmon opposed to wild salmon.  Who knows what is in the meat from the store.
    The Traveler
    The Traveler
  25. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in "Pets are like family members" times 1000   
    I agree!!!