New "Convert"


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Hey everyone,

I was just rebaptized into the church a couple weeks ago. I left it 4 years ago and became a member of the Community of Christ (RLDS). However, the direction they are taking is not the same direction I want to be going. After restlessness, heartache, and, finally, prayer... I realized that I needed to go back to where I was before. At home in the LDS Church.

I'm so excited to be back and to have my real priesthood restored as well as all my other blessings. I'm able to wear my garments again and to have a temple recommend. This is a joyous time for me and for my family.

It has been a hard journey but I'm glad to be back on track and looking forward to the journey ahead.


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I left the LDS church about 4 years ago. My church history, doctrine, and practice research was consuming quite a bit of my time. I was researching female ordination to the priesthood prior to Joseph Smith's death, the vicious lie that JS had been reprimanded for ordaining blacks to the priesthood, concepts of God the Mother, etc. Amidst all this, I started to feel that the LDS Church had lost its identity after the death of the Prophet. Priesthood authority had been consolidated to male authoritarianism and blacks, who had rightfully been ordained, had their priesthood suspended. The latter was an even bigger issue especially where Official Declaration II is concerned. It was inconsistent.

I did research on Brigham Young's "Adam-God" false doctrine. The concepts behind it were wrong and incongruent with what we know from the temple. Elder McConkie labeled it as one of the Seven Deadly Heresies.

I started to write and teach historical lessons on church history without the whitewash. I started to portray history as it actually happened and not just all the 'faith promoting' information that we are taught in church or institute classes. No offense to the brethren, but Church History in the Fullness of Times is a horrible textbook.

Finally, something that I wrote came to the attention of my bishop and stake president. In a controversial interview with the SP, I was asked to stop teaching (in his mind advocating) and writing about the fullness of church history. He was kind enough to remind me that Elder Packer had labeled people like me were threats to the church (see Elder Packer's 3 Great Threats to the Church). We so-called 'intellectuals and scholars' are considered threatening because we choose to acknowledge the good and the bad of our latter-day saint heritage.

With this request, I was upset. Not necessarily offended. I chose not to be offended (reference Elder Bednar's "Be Not Offended") since no one can offend me. I simple left the office and withing two days, I had my resignation of membership submitted to Member Records in Salt Lake. The kindly honored my request after the 2nd try. It came down to having to get a lawyer involved. I wasn't about to allow myself to be excommunicated.

Eventually, I came in contact with the Community of Christ (RLDS). They offered fellowship and purpose. The serenity of being in the Community of Christ lasted 3 years. I recognized that they were no longer a restoration church but were more of a cross between Unitarian Universalism and Protestantism. IMO, not a very good mix. They left so many aspects to faith undefined. It was chaos with a smile painted on its face. Not a good story for me.

Looking back at where I was before joining the Community of Christ, there was so much pride involved in my learning and willingness to share. Not such a good mix either. I realized that I needed to lay down my pride (and still do my Restoration Studies), give up my membership in the Community of Christ, and start focusing more on what mattered to me. Christ and His Atonement. When doing my scripture study one night, I received an impression to 'Go Home'. And so I did. It took 8 months to get me from that rock bottom to where I am today. It took 4 years to realize that I was where I belonged but I had lost focus of who I'm supposed to be.


PS- Hey Mods, if this post would be better put in another area...Please move it. I just wanted to respond to the requests from others.

Edited by Anthesian
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Anthesian - That is a compelling story. I am grateful that you sought the Spirit and it led you back into the fold. Some never do. I pray that you will continue to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost and fight the prideful spirit that robbed you of your testimony. Knowledge and wisdom can become gods unto themselves. It is a trap with a steal door.

Reading your post I was reminded of Oliver Cowdery as he left the church and sought to return later. I sincerely hope you can regain your strength in the Lord and seek to do his work after all you have been thru.

Welcome back

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Dear Dwayne,

Fabulous life story!!! I've only been a member for a little over 3 years. I have such a strong testimony and life stories like your's just reminds me to stay strong and not let pride take me away from what I know to be true and lose all the wonderful blessings. Thanks for sharing and being willing to put away your pride and 'come back home.'

I agree with Islander about knowledge and wisdom becoming gods unto themselves. That's what nearly kept me from seeing and accepting the truth. I'm grateful for Heavenly Father's patience with me!

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Joyous day!!! Welcome back. I'm not saying the Lord caused this to happen, but maybe you needed to learn something and now you can be stronger than ever. Sometimes we don't know how good something is until we lose it. The journey we make in life matters and what we learn along the way helps us to grow, but I guess it's where we end up that matters most. Hold onto the Iron Rod and protect yourself with the armor of God. I need to do the same.

Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

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