Would you kill if God commanded you to?

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But that wasn't the question. The OP didn't ask if you would kill someone if you believed you had been commanded by God. The OP asked if you would kill someone if you actually were commanded by God.

For me, determining the validity of the command is part of the question -- as I think it should be for any moral person.

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For me, determining the validity of the command is part of the question -- as I think it should be for any moral person.

If you knew God commanded it, then there is no need to "determine the validity". You already know its validity.

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Have you ever heard the phrase "the devil will tell a thousand truths to convince you of one big lie"? Same idea here. Let's say the messenger comes along and convinces you they are from God by refusing to shake your hand. Then they tell you to kill your child. And you say you will do it... it would be worth telling the "truth" equivalent of a "white lie" to them to get you to do that. You don't seem to understand that refusing to shake your hand is deceit in this context.

This test was put forth as a divine, unfalliable test. There are some rules that even servents of Satan would have to adhere to, as all are ultimately still subject to Heavenly Father's rule.

But do you not also believe that the prophet is still a man and therefore fallible and vulnerable to things like mental illness? Do you believe it is possible for the prophet to be wrong while claiming to speak in an official capacity?

"The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray."

President Wilford Woodruff (considered scripture as it is canonized at the end of the D&C)

I'm not saying that the prophets are infalliable. But if they were to say that it was not only a commandment from them, but from God, I would trust them. That does not imply blind trust and faith, as I have already prayed, fasted, and meditated on whether or not the Church of Jesus Christ was restored, and if it is this church, and whether a true prophet of God leads it.


As for the main question?

The simple answer: Yes

The not so simple answer: I would struggle internally, and take no pleasure in doing so. I would hope that it was one of those tests God gives us that we do not have to go through with. Captain Moroni had the kingsmen executed, as they would always be subversive to the government and the freedoms of the people if they continued to exist.

It is better that one man should die than an entire nation dwindle in unbelief. For the physical body may be destroyed, but as we all know/believe it shall be restored. However, in unbelief the soul is destroyed, something that can only be restored through sincere repentance and forgiveness.

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If you knew God commanded it, then there is no need to "determine the validity". You already know its validity.

My concern is how one "knows" that God commanded it -- and if you read the thread you'll find that many posters focused on this particular aspect.

For me, epistemology cannot be divorced from this question. In my original answer, I acknowledged that I have done something I thought I would never do. I also have no doubt that this action was something I was supposed to do and needed to do. However, if someone had asked me at the time if I was absolutely sure it was the right thing to do, I would have said I was not absolutely sure but was acting on faith. In retrospect I'm very glad I did, but it was still an action of faith and not of knowledge.

There are many people who have killed and "knew" that they were following God's commands. I believe that virtually all of them have been wholly wrong in their interpretation.

I feel very solid in my stance that killing someone is a serious enough action and being commanded by God to do so is a rare enough occurrence that I would always question whether such a command was really God's will.

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If there is truly a God, which I believe there is, and he is perfect in love and charity then he does not command people to kill for the following reason:

The Crusades were perpetuated after Jerusalem fell to the Seljuk Turks and the Byzantine Emperor and Patriarch of Jerusalem appealed to the pope for support. Many of the Italian States, more than a few European ones (France in particular) saw oppurtunities to carve up Anatolia and the Holy Land

The inquisition was a method through which many riches of Jewish bankers/traders as well as numerous other rich humanists were confiscated.

The Holocaust was Hitler's way of finding a scapegoat for the loss of WWI and the Treaty of Versaille. It was done in the name of German racial superiority, not in religion. Many Catholics, Protestants, and other Christian sects were persecuted for their opposition to the state.

I don't really have time to answer the other two, but the common thread in them is:

Does any really seem like the inspiration of God? Or of man?

Would God rather see one man die, or a whole people, his children, have their progression impeded?

Would Captain Moroni rather execute the kingsmen for treason, or see them cast down liberty, and deny all the right to believe for themselves? That includes the right to believe in someone or something other than God or his son.

I myself would not kill even if I believed God was talking to me. I would have to know he was talking to me, to have an undeniable witness. As did Nephi. I can bet you that most Jihadists, or other Religious terrorists cannot make that claim.

Edited by YoungMormonRoyalist
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God asking us to kill someone happens once in a millenia, maybe. David, Nephi, (was Teancum ordered to kill?) etc. I doubt any of us are piped into the Spirit enough to get that call. Many have been ordered to kill during combat, they are not held accountable for that as they are following orders. I had a veru interesting talk with a young man recently who attends BYU-I. He said he wanted to become a weapons engineer. I asked if that would bother him knowing the weapons he designed would kill people. He didn't even blink, "Nope" was his answer.

We can also defend our lives and morality if need be. I doubt any of us would have an issue with that. Some might. And that has happened scripturally where people have refused to fight and have laid down their lives.

Fortunately there are people who are willing to do what needs to be done to help keep us safe. (See Teancum above, even the fictional Bond...)

Speaking of Bond (see above), it was Ian Fleming in 1955 who gave us this (Through M): These politicans can't see it (in regards to the nuclear age), the most dangerous saboteur in history, the little man with the heavy brief case. (See Moonraker) This answers the question about people having the power to destroy a city, region, even a country.

But to answer the question: Could I kill someone if God asked? I guess I wouldn't know until it came to that. I hope it never does.


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COULD I kill if God commanded it? The answer is logically yes, because the Lord has promised that He will not give any commandment unless He also provides a way for us to fulfill it.

WOULD I? If I knew without doubt that it was a commandment of God (and that would take a significant manifestation), I hope that I would have the strength and obedience to do so. I cannot say without doubt that I would, because I have not yet been tested in that way.

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I think about this commandment with regards to Abraham and Isaac. What a test! What a heart wrenching test!! I am always touched and inspired when I read and understand the symbolism between this and the sacrifice of the Father of us all. And I am also inspired by the ram in the thicket and the reward for Abraham's faith. And then I start to remember that Abraham's father was given almost the same test and I am even more amazed.

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COULD I kill if God commanded it? The answer is logically yes, because the Lord has promised that He will not give any commandment unless He also provides a way for us to fulfill it.

WOULD I? If I knew without doubt that it was a commandment of God (and that would take a significant manifestation), I hope that I would have the strength and obedience to do so. I cannot say without doubt that I would, because I have not yet been tested in that way.

Summed it up for me nicely. Thanks. Gave my fingers a rest.

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Every Christian American serviceman has already answered yes to that question. They have agreed to serve in their country's armed forces, and potentially, to kill people. They would do so because they believe our country is a moral positive in the world, because they would obey lawful orders, and perhaps, because they believe God literally uses the American military for his purposes.

So, if God commanded me to kill, and I knew it was him, without the shadow of doubt, then, by faith, I would. By that, I mean that I don't see this desire or ability within myself, but if it was God, He would give the strength and resolve.

Having said that...while God used Moses greatly...my reading of his story is that he killed the Egyptian slavemaster, who was beating and Israelite, was done in a fit of anger, not under the direction of God.

Ergo...while I answer yes...the spiritual bar over which such a command would have to rise would be high indeed.

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Every Christian American serviceman has already answered yes to that question. They have agreed to serve in their country's armed forces, and potentially, to kill people. They would do so because they believe our country is a moral positive in the world, because they would obey lawful orders, and perhaps, because they believe God literally uses the American military for his purposes.

So, if God commanded me to kill, and I knew it was him, without the shadow of doubt, then, by faith, I would. By that, I mean that I don't see this desire or ability within myself, but if it was God, He would give the strength and resolve.

Having said that...while God used Moses greatly...my reading of his story is that he killed the Egyptian slavemaster, who was beating and Israelite, was done in a fit of anger, not under the direction of God.

Ergo...while I answer yes...the spiritual bar over which such a command would have to rise would be high indeed.

Well said. This is prettymuch how I feel about it.

Edit: 100th post!

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