Nephilim Bene Ha Elohim Sons Of God


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I want a discussion on "sons of god" marrying the daughters of men. According to LDS view sons of God is the sons of seth marrying the daughters of Cain. But i believe the sons of God to be fallen angels marrying women on earth and these women gave birth to giants wich we could find in both before and after the flood.

Genesis 6:4 (Original KJV):There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, andthey bare children to them, the same became mighty men whichwere of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:12 (Original KJV):And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Genesis 3:15 (Original KJV):And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and betweenthy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shaltbruise his heel. also see Isaiah 7:14Deuteronomy 3:11 states that the bed of Og, king of Bashan, was 9 cubits by 4 cubits (approximately 14 ft long by 6 ft wide).

"The wicked emperor Hadrian, who conquered Jerusalem, boasted, 'I have conquered Jerusalem with great power.' Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai said to him, 'Do not boast. Had it not been the will of Heaven, you would not have conquered it.' Rabbi Johanan then took Hadrian into a cave and showed him the bodies of Amorites who were buried there. One of them measured eighteen cubits [approximately 30 feet] in height. He said, 'When we were deserving, such men were defeated by us, but now, because of our sins, you have defeated us'" (quoted in Judaism, edited by Arthur Hertzberg, p.155-156, George Braziller, New York: 1962).

Numbers 13: 32-33 Original KJV: 32 And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell [Tartarus], and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 2 Peter 2:4-5

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 6,7

Quotes from Josephus concerning Giants

"For many angels (11- This notion, that the fallen angels were, in some sense, the fathers of the old giants, was the constant opinion of antiquity.) of God accompanied with

women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength;

for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants."

"These kings had laid waste all Syria, and overthrown the offspring of the giants. And when they were come over against Sodom. . ."

"They told them also, that they found at Hebron the posterity of the giants. Accordingly these spies, who had seen the land of Canaan,

when they perceived that all these difficulties were greater there than they had met with since they came out of Egypt, they were aftrighted

at them themselves, and endeavored to affright the multitude also."

"For which reason they removed their camp to Hebron; and when they had taken it, they slew all the inhabitants. There were till then left the

race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and

terrible to the hearing. The bones of these men are still shown to this very day, unlike to any credible relations of other men. Now they

gave this city to the Levites as an extraordinary reward. . "

"A little afterward the king made war against the Philistines; and when he had joined battle with them, and put them to flight, he was left

alone, as he was in pursuit of them; and when he was quite tired down, he was seen by one of the enemy, his name was Achmon, the

son of Araph, he was one of the sons of the giants. He had a spear, the handle of which weighed three hundred shekels, and a breastplate

of chain-work, and a sword. He turned back, and ran violently to slay [David] their enemy's king, for he was quite tired out with labor; but

Abishai, Joab's brother, appeared on the sudden, and protected the king with his shield, as he lay down, and slew the enemy. Now the

multitude were very uneasy at these dangers of the king, and that he was very near to be slain; and the rulers made him swear that he

would no more go out with them to battle, lest he should come to some great misfortune by his courage and boldness, and thereby

deprive the people of the benefits they now enjoyed by his means, and of those that they might hereafter enjoy by his living a long time among them. "

"When the king heard that the Philistines were gathered together at the city Gazara, he sent an army against them, when Sibbechai the

Hittite, one of David's most courageous men, behaved himself so as to deserve great commendation, for he slew many of those that

bragged they were the posterity of the giants, and vaunted themselves highly on that account, and thereby was the occasion of victory to the Hebrews."

"They had a man who was six cubits tall, and had on each of his feet and hands one more toe and finger than men naturally have. Now the person

who was sent against them by David out of his army was Jonathan, the son of Shimea, who fought this man in a single combat, and slew him; and

as he was the person who gave the turn to the battle, he gained the greatest reputation for courage therein. This man also vaunted himself to be

of the sons of the giants. But after this fight the Philistines made war no more against the Israelites."

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I was not aware that there was an official LDS view on this issue, but I agree with it. Another possible suggestion--the "sons of God," were mighty men, perhaps princes or kings.

Reason why the "sons of God" were probably not fallen angels:

1. Why would God allow this horrific form of sexual molestation to be foisted upon our daughters, when agency is such a vital part of the plan of salvation?

2. The Nephilim (or 'giants') already walked the earth when the intercourse took place--so there is no necessary connection. In other words, the Nephilim were not the offspring of these ungodly unions, because they were already on the earth!

3. What's the lesson, if the "sons of God" were fallen angels? Don't get romantically involved with demons? Hardly makes sense. However, if they were godly men vs. the ungodly daughters, the the warning against interfaith marriage is a common theme in Scripture.

4. Keep in mind that Jesus told the Sadducees that angels neither give nor are given in marriage.

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You must first prove that angels are of a different species than man. Truthwalker is correct in his understanding of the LDS view. President Joseph Fielding Smith made plain in Answers to Gospel Questions that the marriages and births spoken of there in Genesis 6 were not engaged by differing species yielding mutants. They were indeed relationships of interfaith. They were the case of priesthood bearing covenant holding humans neglecting to bring up their children in the covenant.

Edited by a-train
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You must first prove that angels are of a different species than man. Truthwalker is correct in his understanding of the LDS view. President Joseph Fielding Smith made plain in Answers to Gospel Questions that the marriages and births spoken of there in Genesis 6 were not engaged by differing species yielding mutants. They were indeed relationships of interfaith. They were the case of priesthood bearing covenant holding humans neglecting to bring up their children in the covenant.

welcome back train.....have not seen you around in awhile....or you have been here and I am not very observant...
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Farms before Adam by Hugh Nibley

"So we might well ask: What about those people who lived before Cain and Abel? What about those who disappeared from sight? What about those who were not even warned of the Flood? What about those many, many who visited the earth as resurrected beings? What about the Watchers? What about the sons of God who should not marry the daughters of men, and vice versa? And what about the giants they begot when they did marry? What about the comings and goings of Enoch's day between the worlds? What about his own status as "a wild man, . . . a strange thing in the land"? (Moses 6:38.) Who were his people, living in a distant land of righteousness, who never appear on the scene? What about the Three Nephites, whose condition so puzzles Moroni, until he is told that they are neither mortal nor immortal? (Mormon 8:10–11.) What about the creatures we do not see around us? What about the Cainites? What about the nations among whom Noah will have surviving progeny?"

What if these fallen angels did have a body of flesh and bone, that they were from another rebellion against God. First Lucifer and 1/3 and then "The Watchers".

These angels could have lived on another planet and received their eternal physical body. That angels dont marry in heaven doesnt mean that their are not capable of physical procreation. The fact speak for itself. Jude and Peter support the idea of fallen angels mating with women on earth. So do also Josephus. Do you all claim that they are lying? Also other early christian fathers supported the idea. Google it.

It is clear from the septuagint bible wich Jesus read also support the nephilim theory. These nephilim could be these angels giving birth to giants. Mythology often speaks the truth. And all over the world we see the same message. A deluge destroying the old world, a global flood. And also beings from the sky, from heaven mating with women on earth producing giants, titans.

Even pearl of the great price support giants. They are mentioned twice.

Other sources is the testament of the twelve patriarchs, the book of Henoch, The book of jubilees, the book of jasher, and Gilgamesh. Google it.

I believe this issue is the great final deception wich even the church have been deceived on. These angels will come back. And produce hybrids between animals and humans again. Today scientists can make human embryos to glow by adding a gene from an animal. they can also make mice to glow like a neon sign. Among other things. Adding this with these UFO in the sky, their antichristian message can we conclude that these beings are the nephilim. I believe mormons need to be more careful and humble and listen to other ideas and not think themselves of being the only one enlightened. Because if you do, you will miss the mark completely. History have shown that. Google nephilim the watchers giants if you want to study the subject.

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And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

All flesh. animals and humans. Why did God destroy good sethite women with good cainite men? The ungodly were sons of seth marrying the daughters of cain. And what about all animals, why destroy them? Can not God kill humans in a more balansed and surgical way? like he killed 100 000 assyrians? or when he killed all the first born sons of Egypthians. So why then kill good people with bad and innocent animals with guilty humans?

Doesnt make sense. But it does make sense if all flesh, humans and animals were genetically corrupted by these angels.

And if the author did meant sons of God and daughters of men to be sons of seth and daugthers of cain, why didnt he just say so? lack of words or inspiration? maybe he just forgot the name of seth that week when he wrote it?

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I have never heard of any of this, but this is really intriguing me now.

truthwalker, you're theory is plausible, but completely a theory. It is possible though, in that what we have is a history of this world only. Brigham Young once said that Adam and Eve came from another world, so the same could be said for "The Watchers," but, that would seem to be a outright rebellion against God, but the watchers are said to have been subordinate to four archangels.

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I have been a member all my life and i came back from a mission 4 years ago. Before that i laughed at people talking about UFO and similar. I thought that God have made this planet a sheltered one from invading ET forces. They shall not disturb our test on earth.

But i remember as a boy i asked someone in the church what 1 mos 6:4 meant and he just shook his head and didnt reply. I soon forgot that verse until i came back from my mission. I prayed for guidance as i always have. And i stumbled upon a new world. Gradually i learned more and more. I first read the book of Henoch, the version brought back to england in the 1700. I got intrigued and so far i have 14 books on the matter from different authors. I also stumbled upon Hollow Earth theory and have read all that is written about that subject. I believe the earth to be hollow to. And that the king David of Israel, the last king david is on the throne in the inner world. The garden of eden is also in the inner world. A clue was when i read an apocryphal work the apocalypse of adam and eve and they went to the Cave of tresaures, wandered in it or a similar cave (cant remember) for days with nearly no light. When they finally came out. Probably in the independence the light was different from the light in the garden of eden. They had traveled from the inner world through earths crust and they saw the sun wich was a different light from the sun in the inner world. How could an author 3000 years ago come up with a story like that?

Anyway. I realised that there are hundreds and thousands of cases where UFO have been seen, where people have been abducted and where these entities have done experiments creating hybrids. Like they did in the book of jasher. How can an author claim the watchers mixed different animals together when he has not seen it. It is hard to imagine a farmer who knows that cows can only mingle with bulls, foxes with foxes and so on write about hybrids being created. If these interminglings didnt occur, how could he have come up with the idea that they did occur?

I am very glad that i have had the courage to "read outside the box".

In my youth i have read nearly all literature from LDS. Today i have read as much as that from other churches. Still i believe the church to be true but these horrific scenes are hidden from Gods people from reasons i dont know. For example Joseph Fielding smith believed that Adam and Eve were born from the wife of God in a human way. And that they grew up in the garden and eden as siblings. But he said that LDS people are not ready for this. Dont caste pearls to swines he said. not that he mean that latter days saints are swines but he used that scripture. It is very little we know of the days before Noah.

We have structures in the world, the sphinx, the pyramid of Gizeh. They are masterpieces not built by humans. They could have been built by an angelic civilisation 12500 before christ and there could have been a flood of Lucifer as Finis Dake wrote.

If Luficer were in heaven. Why did he want to ascend "above the clouds"??

as far as i know Kolob is a chrystal ball of fire. No water there. How could there then be clouds? Obviously satan was the ruler of mars, venus, tellus. and other planets. He rebelled, joined with other forces on other galaxies and he went to kolob to destroy God. apokryphal sources have said that he nearly made it wasnt it for Christ who fought on Elohims side. We as mormons know that God once have been a man. and that he can cease to be God if he abandon the laws of universe. Maybe also he can loose power by weapons, technological and spiritual force??

Maybe Joseph Smith only knew what he was supposed to know at that age in the 1800. Today. We once again have rediscovered the technology the ancients possessed and when God and Jesus arrives they will not take away technology, they will expand it. For an example they have books in heaven. Who made those books?

They have garments, shoes, angels do eat.

Well.. anyway, i could write a book about this.

Maybe it is the way that these things are concealed? these things are secret. I believe so but i feel obligated to try to reveal some of the secrets of heaven. Those secrets are that on earth as it is in heaven. There will be no surprise when we arrive to the gates of heaven. The first heaven wich is the sky, the second heaven wich is the space, the third heaven wich is the planet of God himself. Be not afraid of thinking free. Maybe you will find the answers, i have. by the mercy of God.

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Just keep in mind the things you find out on your own may not be in line with our church's doctrine (or entirely accurate either). We all have our theories and speculation. Please be sure not to "mingle" the two. And per the rules, you should be able to verify the references/sources of your posts, unless, of course, they are anti sources. Thanks.

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... i remember as a boy i asked someone in the church what 1 mos 6:4 meant and he just shook his head and didnt reply.

Can we try that reference again? 1st Mosiah 6:4? or 1 moses? or...

I also stumbled upon Hollow Earth theory and have read all that is written about that subject. I believe the earth to be hollow to.

Oh, dear.

And that the king David of Israel, the last king david is on the throne in the inner world.

Oh, dear!

The garden of eden is also in the inner world. A clue was when i read an apocryphal work the apocalypse of adam and eve and they went to the Cave of tresaures, wandered in it or a similar cave (cant remember) for days with nearly no light. When they finally came out. Probably in the independence the light was different from the light in the garden of eden. They had traveled from the inner world through earths crust and they saw the sun wich was a different light from the sun in the inner world. How could an author 3000 years ago come up with a story like that?

Oh, d-d-d-dear!!

Anyway. I realised that there are hundreds and thousands of cases where UFO have been seen, where people have been abducted and where these entities have done experiments creating hybrids. Like they did in the book of jasher. How can an author claim the watchers mixed different animals together when he has not seen it. It is hard to imagine a farmer who knows that cows can only mingle with bulls, foxes with foxes and so on write about hybrids being created. If these interminglings didnt occur, how could he have come up with the idea that they did occur?


I am very glad that i have had the courage to "read outside the box".

Me, too --- I mean, for me.

In my youth i have read nearly all literature from LDS.

Really. (cough) I'm supposing that you've only impressed yourself, here. So you've read Ehat? I'm sorry, but I gotta stop my commentary before I say something I regret.

There will be no surprise when we arrive to the gates of heaven. The first heaven wich is the sky, the second heaven wich is the space, the third heaven wich is the planet of God himself. Be not afraid of thinking free. Maybe you will find the answers, i have. by the mercy of God.

You have been, in a large measure, deceived. My guess is that you have been told this many times, and have somehow not understood or not listened.

The mysteries can ONLY be taught by God's messengers who are members of the Church of the Firstborn. For 99% (Ok, I'm guessing) of the LDS church membership, the ONLY one doing the teaching is the Holy Ghost. There's a very good reason for that.

You are taking ancient mythology, legend and cosmology, which were never intended to be understood as literal, as literal. Big no-no. Your description of the 3 heavens is proof of this. Have you seen the graphic depiction of this?

a-train nailed it. We are in the family of angels, and as such are a sort of 'fallen' angel, in our mortal sojourn. Since the LDS are practically the only Christian faith that believes that men, angels and gods are all family, then any commentary on these verses from that viewpoint/religious background will be nothing be problematic.


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The sons of God married the daughters of men and produced a race of filthy, despicable giants whom we today know as "professional wrestlers".

The daughters of God married the sons of men and produced a race of corrupt beings that have since divided into three major groups, which groups account for most of the misery in this world: Hollywood film producers, politicians, and televangelists.

Remember, the word "politics" is derived from "poli-", meaning "many", and "tics", meaning "blood-sucking parasites".

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The sons of God married the daughters of men and produced a race of filthy, despicable giants whom we today know as "professional wrestlers".

The daughters of God married the sons of men and produced a race of corrupt beings that have since divided into three major groups, which groups account for most of the misery in this world: Hollywood film producers, politicians, and televangelists.

Remember, the word "politics" is derived from "poli-", meaning "many", and "tics", meaning "blood-sucking parasites".

C'mon, Vort, this is a serious topic! Get outta here with your nonsense! ^_^


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We are free to believe what we want to believe. its not nice to mock my personal opinions and experiences. i feel the word apostacy soon will be on someones lips here. Why discuss things when you dont tolerate other peoples opinions no matter how absurd they seem. For example i posted an article here that God has a spaceship. Its not absurd since we have several quotes in the bible where God says he has thousands of chariots. There are also at least 10 % of the population in the mormon church who believes in the hollow earth theory. For other christians we are heretics when we claim God once was a man as we are today. Apostacy someone?

Whenever i post something hear out of the ordinary what you in general read hear or hear on a sunday meeting everyone cries out apostacy. Crucifixion. If we are not allowed to express other opinions than church official doctrine, why do we need to discuss then? Why dont we stop thinking at all and leave that to the general authorities? Because always when i think and say something you all say to me to be quiet. What point is it then? why dont we just post opinions from the apostles here all the time and trying to find a quote who answers their own preachings?

I say it again, when you all say amen to the same message but in different forms you all say no thanks to enlightment. Who do you think you are? a prophet? then prophecy. Jesus Christ is the messiah. How can i not know that if not by the gift of the spirit of prophecy? and if light are inside me, how can then darkness come out as you claim?

Boohh to you all.. You will see the sky full of horror one day.

I know God, fire in your heart to your doom will follow my words.

I am so tired of these humans, this planet. It will burn and the ashes will show the truth that you all are part of trying to hide.. End End. God will do whatever he want to do. But i have warned you. As in the days of noa so will it be before the son of man come. He is cracy, he is cracy said his brothers about Christ. You are all crazy, deceived in truth mingled with lies. No wonder the bible warned us about the deception about the last days. It was not an easy deception, that is clear. You are all deceived. Amen

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We are free to believe what we want to believe. its not nice to mock my personal opinions and experiences. i feel the word apostacy soon will be on someones lips here. Why discuss things when you dont tolerate other peoples opinions no matter how absurd they seem. For example i posted an article here that God has a spaceship. Its not absurd since we have several quotes in the bible where God says he has thousands of chariots. There are also at least 10 % of the population in the mormon church who believes in the hollow earth theory. For other christians we are heretics when we claim God once was a man as we are today. Apostacy someone?

Whenever i post something hear out of the ordinary what you in general read hear or hear on a sunday meeting everyone cries out apostacy. Crucifixion. If we are not allowed to express other opinions than church official doctrine, why do we need to discuss then? Why dont we stop thinking at all and leave that to the general authorities? Because always when i think and say something you all say to me to be quiet. What point is it then? why dont we just post opinions from the apostles here all the time and trying to find a quote who answers their own preachings?

I say it again, when you all say amen to the same message but in different forms you all say no thanks to enlightment. Who do you think you are? a prophet? then prophecy. Jesus Christ is the messiah. How can i not know that if not by the gift of the spirit of prophecy? and if light are inside me, how can then darkness come out as you claim?

Boohh to you all.. You will see the sky full of horror one day.

I know God, fire in your heart to your doom will follow my words.

I am so tired of these humans, this planet. It will burn and the ashes will show the truth that you all are part of trying to hide.. End End. God will do whatever he want to do. But i have warned you. As in the days of noa so will it be before the son of man come. He is cracy, he is cracy said his brothers about Christ. You are all crazy, deceived in truth mingled with lies. No wonder the bible warned us about the deception about the last days. It was not an easy deception, that is clear. You are all deceived. Amen


Hey, tw,

It's not like I haven't heard a lot of what you are talking about. I myself used to think that the Hollow Earth theory made total sense. I loved the movie "Chariot of the Gods". And I haven't limited myself to the words of the apostles, etc. since I was a missionary. That's not the problem.

I am somewhat of a mystical Mormon, and some of the things I believe to be true are really "out there". But it is not my place to teach the mysteries (or stupid misconceptions) to ANYONE. If you have these things revealed to you, great! But don't think it is possible to teach it to anyone.

For example, I wrote to Elphaba once explaining to her how the afterlife was not going to be sufficient proof to her that the LDS Church is true. She pretty well blew me off. I couldn't prove anything to her-- but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

So too, you can tell us your opinion, but you can't TEACH it and expect anyone to accept it on your word. If it is true, it will come to those who seek truth, but not through you. You can't really blame people for being skeptical. It's the second-best defense to being deceived.

The best is the spirit of God indwelling.


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I love to delve into such intriguing topics as this and to read up differing opinions and gather 'evidence' from different sources. In the end though all we really have are speculative theories, some of which sound more plausible than others.

I believe that angels and mankind are one and the same species, this is LDS doctrine, so if we are talking of the sons of God being angels then it isn't interbreeding and creating hybrid species at all.

I personally think the giants are separate species and nothing at all to do with the marriage of these sons of God and daughters of men.

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"I know God, fire in your heart to your doom will follow my words."

Woah. Christ leads with love and teaches through the Holy Ghost...Not by threats made by someone that does not have the necessary priesthood authority. (e.i., the first presidency)

I like your post HiJolly.

Personal revelation is personal revelation. God wants us to find truth for ourselves, not for everyone else.

The knowledge we have been given is a teeny tiny piece of the puzzle of the history of the world and the true plan of God. I do not believe that it is the purpose of this life to find anything and everything about this world. After the Lord comes again, I think more and more pieces of this puzzle will be put into place...and I look forward to that day.

Working so hard to find ideas and theories through man's writings, can be a big distraction from what we are truly here to do in this life...

The scriptures have one very clear message regarding the purpose of this life: repent and come unto Christ. I am focusing my life on these two things...this other stuff, even though it can be interesting, doesn't really matter for my salvation.

Edited by funkymonkey
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17 And the Lord said unto Noah: My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for he shall know that all flesh shall die; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years; and if men do not repent, I will send in the floods upon them.

18 And in those days there were giants on the earth, and they sought Noah to take away his life; but the Lord was with Noah, and the power of the Lord was upon him.

19 And the Lord ordained Noah after his own order, and commanded him that he should go forth and declare his Gospel unto the children of men, even as it was given unto Enoch.

20 And it came to pass that Noah called upon the children of men that they should repent; but they hearkened not unto his words;

21 And also, after that they had heard him, they came up before him, saying: Behold, we are the sons of God; have we not taken unto ourselves the daughters of men? And are we not eating and drinking, and marrying and giving in marriage? And our wives bear unto us children, and the same are mighty men, which are like unto men of old, men of great renown. And they hearkened not unto the words of Noah.

22 And God saw that the wickedness of men had become great in the earth; and every man was lifted up in the imagination of the thoughts of his heart, being only evil continually.

This is the same as genesis 6:4, but the inspired version from the book of Moses.

It is apparant from this, that the passage in question (verse 21) is actually the "Nephilim" trying to mock Noah. "We are what you call wicked, but aren't we happy, eating, drinking, marrying and giving ourselves in marriage (which angels can't do) and even though we have all of this, we have married outside of the covenant with the daughters of men."

No evidence from the prophet joseph that angels were having giant babies with mortals.


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Moses 8:17-22

Why then use the word "Giants" when they are not giants but ordinary humans?

I have read the responses here and i can understand their logic. And i surrender. I have studied this for a while and i believe it. Others are free to believe or disbelieve. But if i am right.. we are all in for big trouble. those who live will see.

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