It's a boy!


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This is a-train reporting in. Last night, as we went out to eat, the wife made it known that the time had come. We drove to the hospital and arrived there around 9:00 p.m. The picture above was taken shortly after our arrival. She was really upbeat and showed little signs of travail. By midnight she was enduring heavy contractions. By 3:00 a.m. she had advanced far enough that epidural anesthesia was administered by her caretakers. This allowed both of us to get some rest and prepare for an early morning birth.

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After a few hours, the nurses checking the wife decided that progress was such that we should begin the birth process. At 8:05 a.m. 06 September, 2008 the wife gave birth to the newest addition to the family. This little fella pictured above gave but a small cry and then breathed normally and quietly. Having a tiny bit of blonde peach fuzz on the top of his head and large hands, he opened his eyes and blinked and squinted. He immediately took to sucking the finger of the nurse as he was examined.

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On the scale, he weighed in at 8 pounds and 8 ounces or 3.85 kilos. His length was 21 inches or 53 cm. We see a little glimpse of his sister's face on his. The wife thinks he looks like me. One thing is for sure: he has no problem eating. He immediately took to feeding and as of 9:45 a.m., he is still eating. He is healthy and happy, with all his vitals and organs and so on looking proper and well. We are delighted and excited, and she is happy and well also. She is glad to have had such an easy process this time in comparison to her previous birth.

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After some bundling, our little man is in his mother's arms.


Edited by a-train
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The wife thinks he looks like me.... Having a tiny bit of blonde peach fuzz on the top of his head ...

Well, you'll look like him if you get to 90.

Kid should have waited 3 minutes and then he would have born at 8:08 and weighed the same, 8lbs 8oz. (My mom told me that I weighed 8lbs 10oz and was born at 10:08. Allows me to celebrate my birth-minute.)

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