Positive Thoughts about the Opposite Sex?


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Recently, I have found a certain topic to be on my heart. That is, the enmity which is sometimes allowed to grow between the sexes. This is true of both male and female. So, without magnifying that part overmuch, I'll make my point of posting. Last night, while thus pondering, I decided to start a post focused on what those of the opposite gender have done for us that is positive. Explaining certain traits that you believe ennoble a man or woman is perfectly acceptable, but let's try to stay away from generalizing. Anyhow, please post away!


My post:

The woman who has made the greatest impact in my life is my Grandmother, and thanks to her I have a good respect for women. She is honest, faithful and fiercely loyal.

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Elder Holland expressed it so well:

[Women have] "...such a lovely voice which by divine nature is so angelic, so close to the veil, so instinctively gentle and inherently kind..."

I feel the truth of these words in my heart. I love these words. I cherish them. I have had the fortune to have women in my life who possess and are characterized by these attributes!

Women are natural nurturers. And I think men must need it. I know I do. It's amazing to watch my children respond to my wife in the way that they do! The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. :)

They have the unique calling of bringing children to earth. Eve is the "Mother of all living"

Women are pleasing to the eye. When I think of all the beautiful things God has put on earth, women are at the top of that list. Often times I need to take care not to objectify women. Our society does that a lot. Women are not objects to be lusted after. They are to be respected, treated with love and kindness, and supported, just as they support us.

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Well, as far as physical attractiveness goes, i think facial hair is hot! My hubby has a fabulous short-cropped full beard. He is also a really great kisser!

He is a wonderful father, and his kids absolutely adore him. So does his wife! I tell him everything. He is my best friend. I rarely hear him complain. He is so much smarter than i am, and he has a great sense of humor and keeps me laughing, especially through the hard times. He is so positive.

Here are two great Ensign articles by James E. Faust for women and men to consider:

LDS.org - Ensign Article - The Father Who Cares

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Fathers, Mothers, Marriage

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Ya, it's a called a pregnancy glow. ;)

But really, my hubby is great. His dedication to his family is amazing. He's busting his butt to improve our quality of life, and our kids adore him.

My dad was/is another great man in my life. Even though he was only home 3 days a week for most of my childhood, during those three days it was all about us kids. Even though we missed him when he was gone, I never felt "starved" for attention from my dad, because he gave us so much of his attention when he was there.

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Stuff I love about men.

- When they were baseball caps backwards

- Big strong hugs the way no one else can

- The way they touch the small of your back when you go into a theater or restaurant

- Kindness and strength all wrapped up in one

- Men's cologne

- The way they play and rough house and spoil kids

- They way they protect and defend their little sisters

- The way they listen and support and help solve problems

- They way they make us girls feel important and loved and protected. There ain't nothing better!


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My H kills spiders. It may seem small but its important to me. He even caught a mouse in my mom's house with his hands. He used a paper towel, but he actually grabbed it. No trap just pure man! There's nothing hotter than a real man.

I could also go on and on about my Grandpa, but it would be really long and it would have me bawling like mad. He was my main man until he passed away. The year after that I met my H, so luckily I wasnt without a good man for long.

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here are some things i like about women...........from DrT...they're soft................long hair, uh, or short (i just like it....lol)...............the way they smile at you when you've just done something nice..uh, or stupid....................i was raised in a feminine household...and learned how to communicate with them (it was a survival technique)......................... and they have always been my best friends.............sometimes a guy just cant share himself on that level with another guy...that is to say, an emotional level, a womans level........it's just different..............i feel that i have a good balance between my masculine and feminine sides.............and i owe a lot of that to women........and therapy..........lol

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I can't speak of all females in general, so I'll speak of my girlfriend, a member from a branch in my stake.

I love the way she smiles, a special kindess, goodness, righteousness.

I love her chastity, I'm not sorry to say that a truly chaste woman is at least.....eternally more beatiful than a woman of the promiscuous persuasion. To be frank I find a certain sensuality to a girl who says "Heck no, I'm waiting for the temple mister."

I love her amazing singing ability

I love our mutual ability to be completely open to each other about everything, our sins, temptations, problems as well as our greatest deeds, our love of the gospel, and our wonder of God's Plan (A long amount of time is spent on the phone with her)

I love her laugh

I love how she continually preassures me to go onto a mission even after I've told her almost every day that it's decided.....I'm going where the Lord will have me go.

I love when she gets angry at me, because, let's face it, her angry face is cute.

And the list could go on and on...

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In the words of the classy Michael Buble (Dubbed the 'New Frank Sinatra', he covers a lot of the singers songs):

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times

It's you, it's you, You make me sing.

You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,

And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.

Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,

And you know that's what our love can do.

YouTube - Michael Bublé - Everything

Watch and enjoy!

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Guest GhostRider

Lets see...where to start!

Stuff I love about that certain lady...

Eyes I get lost in

Her soft voice that brings peace to my heart to the depths of my soul

Her infectious giggle

Her inner beuaty and her outter beuaty ;)

Her special smile

Her shoulder when I need it. Cause hey...Us guys need it sometimes too.

Her understanding of me as a person. And all my little quirks

Her being by my side with my dreams. No matter what they might be.

Her encouraging words that still my fears, uncertainties and self doubt.

Things I''ve learned from the opposite sex....

They are so much easier to talk to if you have a problem..Dont have to pretend to be all macho.

Alot of times (ok..90% of the time!) I think that they give better advice to us males.

To stop and THINK before we do something really dumb.

Thats its ok to show a tear in public. Its not good to shut off your emotions when your hurting.

That yes...yo can have female friends that love you....just as a brother or a sister. But it is a love and a bond that is there.

OES....Thanks so much for the great thread! I have enjoyed all the posts here!

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Years ago, I always wonder how it would be in the eternities together but after many years growing in marriage maturity, I already witnessed what is needed to answer that question.

There was a time, a prayer was granted, which was allowable by our FATHER to see her, bathed in eternal glory that made my soul tremble. It was short but a few seconds was all I needed....:)

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Years ago, I always wonder how it would be in the eternities together but after many years growing in marriage maturity, I already witnessed what is needed to answer that question.

There was a time, a prayer was granted, which was allowable by our FATHER to see her, bathed in eternal glory that made my soul tremble. It was short but a few seconds was all I needed....:)

Are you saying you saw the Heavenly Mother?

BTW Hemi. Is that you in your picture, and if so, who are you hugging so sweetly?


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Guest GhostRider

Thanks all...would like to add a few things learned...after a bit of sleep and pondering

That little things count the most. ie not a dozen roses but some picked on the side of the road.

A gentle touch alot of times mean more than any words.

Hemi...that would have left me in Awe... you have been truley blessed Hemi...truley blessed

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Years ago, I always wonder how it would be in the eternities together but after many years growing in marriage maturity, I already witnessed what is needed to answer that question.

There was a time, a prayer was granted, which was allowable by our FATHER to see her, bathed in eternal glory that made my soul tremble. It was short but a few seconds was all I needed....:)

Wow! The sealer who sealed my husband and i said, "Right now you have fallen in love with the flesh, but our looks are not who we are. Our size or shape doesn't matter. If you knew who Connie really was you would fall down at her feet with your tears, and she would do the same for you." This is at least how my mother remembers it and wrote down after the fact. What a great blessing for you to actually be able to see that!

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