I would like to thank - -


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I have been ignoring a prompting to thank members of this forum for being here – for taking the time to post responses, start threads, even to write blogs. To share their humor, loves, hurts, pains, angers, angst, fears, joys with us.

I procrastinated because I wasn’t sure if I should do this personally via their profiles or send them a personal message.

I have decided to start this thread so that I can publicly send a Thank You to forum members.

To start off, here are but a few - -

To TomK - Thank you for joining this forum. Thank you for your heartfelt, sincere and spiritual posts. You always make me think, sometimes you touch my heart and I cry. It is a good cry - it is one of the ways I know that the Holy Ghost is testifying to me of the truths I read and hear. I can sense the spiritualness of your posts too. Thank You.

To Elphaba – Thank you for being you. Because of you, I strive to be more accurate in what I say and do. I always read what you have to say - from beginning to end. With you I can be me, and not have to watch my P's & Q's, I have never met a more loving, giving, generous Atheist before.

Thank you.

To Pam - At first I did not like you one little bit. I did not like you one large bit either. Then all of a sudden, I found I had done a complete turn about regarding you. Startled me it did! Then you sent me a PM saying the same thing. THAT is when I knew that Father had softened my heart. Pammy, thank you for your friendship, for your comments, outpouring of love and compassion on this forum. It would be so nice to live much closer to you. You are someone I would like to go to lunch with, go shopping with, or go to the Temple with. Thank You.

To Tough Grits - I have known you from a previous forum and I was so happy when you made the move to lds.net. For someone who is so young (I am old enough to be your Mother you know) you have such a beautiful grasp of the gospel and of life in general. Thank You for sharing your love of the Lord and His Gospel with us. Thank you for your down to earth humor and common sense. I would love to live nearer to you too - just so I could meet your ‘Heathen’ children and watch you mow your lawn and talk with you 'nose to nose'. When I hear talks of today’s Valiant Warriors, I think of you. You are a Valiant Warrior - Thank You.

To True Grits - Thank You Madd Dawg- 1st for joining this forum, 2nd for being you, 3rd for sharing your stories and thoughts with all of us. Thank you for your gentleness, your calm head and clear thoughts. You are generous and giving and I eagerly read your posts. To me, you also are a Valiant Warrior - Oh, when is your friend from FL going to be visiting you again, I loved your stories about her visits. Thank You.

To Ghost Rider - Thank You for your humor. I have never laughed as much as I do when I read your posts. You are a kick! I know you can be serious too – and I enjoy your posts then too. Thank you for your wholesomeness and down home goodness. Thank You

With Love in Christ


Please feel free to publicly thank someone, or several someone’s.

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Thank you Iggy for such kind words. We are going to do lunch one of these days. Just get yourself back up to the Oregon Central Coast and when I go to Oregon for one of my family reunions we shall meet up. Love ya girlfriend.

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Thank you Iggy, for your kind words. I was very glad to see you here; like an old friend in a room of strangers. :)

Oh, when is your friend from FL going to be visiting you again, I loved your stories about her visits.

Yes, I miss the "Blog" feature of the other site. CeeCee came for three days in July. Heidi, her Great Dane, died (old age). But she brought Lexie, her Border Collie, three skunks, 2 rabbits, and a turtle...:lol: :lol:.

I am going to Naples the first week of December to see her and my other friends. I am very much looking forward to that.

Thank you, Iggy, for being the warm, loving person you are.

~Love, Daune~

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I love threads like this.......

I would like to thank:

MorningStar: For her amazing stories that make me laugh. For her ability to cut to the chase and simply state truth on any given subject and for her uncanny ability to make me smile while she is doing it.

Listener: For listening to the things people don't say and for his gentle and powerful presence here on the board.

Digital Shadow: For his clarity and balanced perspectives and his amazing way of keeping his cool as he discusses opposing views. He has my respect and I feel lucky and blessed because of my interactions with him. He has stretched my own views and given me respect as I try to explain things they way I see them. I appreciate that and am better for all of it.

Rameumptom: I have a special little place for Ram. He is wise and kind and playful. He has made me think and made me laugh and I appreciate his abilities to share that spectrum of his person with us.

And.....he changed his avatar, just cause I wanted him too. So......he gets extra points. :)

Heather: For her long hours and dedication to this site and in addressing with care all the issues that must fill her mailbox. What would we do without her administrative efforts and her testimony too?

Dr. T : You get my jokes. :) And I thank you for the loads of fun we have had on "questions only". What fun!!

Candyprpl: You are a dear soul. You were kind to me and extended your friendship to me. I love your humility and sensitivity and perspectives. So glad to have met you.

Margin of Error: Not even sure where to start....... Thank you for letting me tease you mercilessly and for all the banter. You are a wonderful person. So glad to know you. What would this site be without you?

Moksha: For letting me be a potato.

Ceeboo: For coming back :) even though I say all the wrong things at all the wrong times. I was sure the whole site would come after me with pitchforks when you left! Can't help myself -- I just think you are too cool for words. I mean, that fight challenge post to BenRaines? Posting Hall of Fame!!! Beautiful!

HiJolley: I so appreciate your posts! You are clear and knowledgeable and compassionate and balanced. Thank you for sharing your view of things.

LoudmouthMormon: You are a blessing because you see thru all the fray to the heart of the matter and you are not afraid to speak the truth. I have appreciated this talent on more than one occasion.

And to the rest of LDS.net and for this great place to come and rub shoulders and find support and companionship and belly laughs!!!!! Thanks for being here.....and for coming to post a little of what makes you YOU!

PS Checkerboy?.....could you please cut thru all this sap and goo with some sarcasm please? I may have just put myself into sugar shock! :D:D:D

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I love you guys!!!!! :roseovation:

Group hug!!! :bighug:

And Miss 1/2, I'm glad our avatars met. They make a nice couple.... in a strange, sort of way....

Too many people I've enjoyed while being here.

Elphaba and I started rough, but I've come to know her and respect her much.

True and Tough Grits are a wonderful mom and daughter tag team.

The moderators for allowing me to stay for as long as they have.

Lilered for his youthful appearance, but pirate soul.

Many others who have taught me lots of good things.

And the girl in the third row, fifth from the aisle for not booing or sneering during my political speech as I ran for president of the Happy Pirate's Association....

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I LOVE YOU TOOO!!!!!!! (excuse me for shouting...LOL LOL)

I am so glad that I came here and found you!

I really like many of the new people that I have met on this forum, but it also feels great to have people on here that I have known for years from the other forum.

I miss Justice, and I wish he would post more, but it is good to have you and TomK here. I am glad that my mom tags along with me to these forums too. It is so funny and interesting to read her posts and juxtapose it with the woman that I have known all my life...^_^

You are awesome, and I am glad that we "met".

Lots of Gritty Love,


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To Pushka: Thank you for sharing your journey to find the Gospel with us. For your questions that you pose to us members. For you sincerity and honesty. Pushka, I have never met another woman who is as sincere as you are. I love you for this. You are a role model for me. I too wish I could go to England to spend some time with you.

To rameumptom: I too used to ignore your long winded posts- then I started skimming through them, then I started reading them from start to finish. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and posting your references. :) I have learned much from you.

To Palerider: Oh, boy - sigh - I really disliked you. You with all the lololol and !!!!!!!!. It drove me nuts. Which isn't that far of a trip. But I have discovered that you are a man of few words. When you do speak you do so with wisdom and a true love of the Gospel. Thank you for being you Pale.

To Strawberry: I have traveled a long road with you from the time I first met you on the forums. (can't go by the date on my profile - long, long story & not going to go there :cool:). I want to thank you for your honesty in your posts, in you opening up your heart and telling us about your fears, hurts and also your joys. I want to Thank You for what I have learned from you. I have learned compassion, patience, humility and the love of Christ. There were times I wish I could have taken on some of your pains and hurts to help ease them from you. I prayed for you, as that was the only way I knew how to do that. I rejoiced during your happy times. I am so thankful that you and Elphaba are buddies. It is great! Thank you for coming into my life, via the forum. You have enriched it so much for me.

To Morning Star: I too love your stories. You have such an insight, and a beautiful way of relating that to others. Thank you for not only your stories, but also showing us the compassion you have for your family, and friends. You are such a wonderful Daughter of God.

To HoosierGuy: Oh my, I don't know how to explain all of how I feel. You have brought such joy into my life. To travel with you through YOUR journey of finding and embracing the Gospel has been quite the experience. I certainly hope you have copied and pasted ALL of your threads & posts and put them into a Journal. I was a convert at 14 - but then left the church for nearly 30 years. The questions you have asked have educated me, and also strengthened my testimony. Thank you.

To Ben Raines: Thank you for your love of the Gospel, and the respect you have of the Holy Priesthood. Through your posts, your spirituality shines forth. Thank you for your no-nonsense approach to life, and for not being afraid to stand for something.

With love in Christ
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I am really happy and glad to be here with all of you.....I really think you guys are awesome....yes..pammie to.......I do joke around to much and sometimes find myself in trouble because of that...its been like that all my life....my wife always sets me straight..:D

Iggy....I will be truthfull here......I had a hard time liking you and anything you posted.....I have even talked about it with a few people here.....I will say that over the past couple of months that has changed...probally because of what I thought was you and I jabbing at each other...having said that....stay the way you are and I will keep jabbing you back......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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I am really happy and glad to be here with all of you.....I really think you guys are awesome....yes..pammie to.......I do joke around to much and sometimes find myself in trouble because of that...its been like that all my life....my wife always sets me straight..:D

Iggy....I will be truthfull here......I had a hard time liking you and anything you posted.....I have even talked about it with a few people here.....I will say that over the past couple of months that has changed...probally because of what I thought was you and I jabbing at each other...having said that....stay the way you are and I will keep jabbing you back......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Okay:oneeye:, as long as you DON'T "Float like a butterfly and Sting like a bee" :boxing:

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To Elphie: for sharing the love of history and being true to what you value

To Tom: for making me think more deeply...

To Ram: for saying things like they are and : ) for changing your avatar

To Miss Halfway: Cause your quiet grace in all situations is a healing balm.

To Listener: for caring deeply about others.

To Pam: for having a sense of humour ...you're right about stew : )

To Margin of Error: for keeping it real

To Moshka: you have a big heart

To HiJolly: for sincerity

To Pale: a lot of wisdom in very few words

To Hoosier Guy: for continuing to ask

To Nappaljarri: for being a friend

To Traveller and Fiannan and Vort: for getting into discussions on stuff with a heathen, we don't talk the same language ...but that's okay...

To Ceboo: for making me laugh....and for being friendly

To PC: for cueing me in and explaining stuff

To D.S: for giving perspective to things

To Kona: I don't get everything either...

To Hemi: for being giving

To Gwen: for your kindness to others

To Nate: for speaking Oz

To Mailis and Checkers: for being a welcoming committee (I haven't forgotten)

To Pink Cow: cause I love your posts. Don't ever change.

To OtterPop: you tell it like it is

To Iggy: for starting this thread.

I don’t know if there’s enough room and I’ve probably left heaps of people out.

Edited by WANDERER
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So many of you have touched my heart in so many ways!! I don't want to leave anyone out so I won't post my thanks to each of you personally.:)

Many of you had made me think and really ponder my beliefs -- that is a very good thing -- even negative replies have been welcome and have strengthened my testimony.:hmmm: Thank-

Many have stood up for me when I've posted something that was not understood the way I intended.:confused::cheerleader: Thank-you.

Many have shown their strong faith and have put huge smiles on my face and cheered me up.:sparklygrin: Thank-you.

Many have just plain made me laugh out loud, and that is always good!:roflmbo: Thank-you.

It's been a real pleasure being a part of these forums. Most of the time I sit back and listen -- but know that I'm here and loving it!:twothumbsup:

You all are great people, with a lot to offer!!:bighug:

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This is starting to sound like the Academy Awards... Can't you hear the theme music starting to play once you hit the middle of each post signaling the time to start wrapping it up? I wonder who is hosting this year, who's the best/worst dressed, who had wardrobe malfunctions, who showed up with who, who had awkward moments on the red carpet when they were asked to spill secrets about a certain mod they know.... :D

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This is starting to sound like the Academy Awards... Can't you hear the theme music starting to play once you hit the middle of each post signaling the time to start wrapping it up? I wonder who is hosting this year, who's the best/worst dressed, who had wardrobe malfunctions, who showed up with who, who had awkward moments on the red carpet when they were asked to spill secrets about a certain mod they know.... :D


You're so right!! It's the First Annual LDS.net Awards -- LIVE!

Hosted by Heather and Palerider LOL!

coming up the red carpet right now is Misshalfway! The flashes from the camaras are blinding!!! I wonder who her designer is -- who did her hair -- FABULOUS!

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Well, Iggy, look what you started!

I have to apologize in advance, because I just cannot write two sentences about the following people. In fact, I envy you guys that you could. And I am also very moved by those who have written about me. It made me very very happy. :D

I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to give my thanks, and decided I would do so sequentially, so I don’t miss anyone. So, those who are not at the top of my list need not worry that means anything. It just means you came around after you got to know me better. :P

And, as usual, I’ve written a book. So if you want to FF, that’s fine with me.

Pushka: My sweet Pushka, you were my very first friend on the site. Through my difficult start on the board, you were very brave and believed in me. There is not room to explain all of the things you’ve done to support me, but I remember them all.

Also, Pushka, I am so happy for you that you decided to re-join the Church. I have ached for you in your struggles, and felt very helpless. However, from you posts, I sense you are more peaceful, and have found a “family” in your ward. You know that I will always support you, with love, in any decisions you make. And I know you will do the same. Pushka, you are such a kind, gentle person, which was just what I needed. I thank you for a year-and-a-half-long friendship that meant so much to me from the very beginning.


Yediyd: Yed doesn’t come around any longer, and it is a huge loss to the board. Yed and I became great friends, even though she thought I was going to hell. She worried about me a lot, though we could laugh about it as well. Yed’s childhood had been horrific, yet she was strong enough to understand her limitations because of her childhood. It amazed me how she was able to STOP, and THINK about those decisions, which included being a mother to two children she deeply loves. She also did not tolerate whining very often, as she believed the Church gave the guidance people needed to be strong enough to handle anything. I think she was talking about me. :P

Yed was also one of the funniest people on the board, with her two-sentence zingers. I know I am not the only person who misses her, and I thank her for letting me into her life, even though I am going to hell. Man I miss that woman!


Iggy! What a start we had! I really want to tell this story! I mentioned above that we had been banned. This happened about a month after I joined the board. I was told it was because I had two screen names, and guess whose screen name they thought was me? Let me introduce you to “Mrs. S.“ Iggy, take a bow.

You did not like me at all when I joined the board! And straight shooter that you are, you let me know it! I don’t recall the subject of the thread, and honestly don’t remember anything else you wrote, but I distinctly recall you telling me I was arrogant. Me? Arrogant? Bah!

But I have to tell this story quickly, so people will better understand why I love you so. As I said, the mods thought I was "Emma," my screen name at the time, and "Mrs. S," which was Iggy's screen name at the time.

We both knew we were two separate people, of course, but weren’t sure how to prove it. Finally, we realized we were going to have to--gasp--talk to each other on the phone to sort everything out, and I won’t say I was petrified, but the truth is you intimidated the heck out of me, and I am not easily intimidated.

But once we were on the phone, any concerns for my safety completely disappeared, and you had me from “hello.“ Within minutes of talking, I knew that you were going to be a good friend of mine, and I think you did as well.

Since then you have been my “knightess in shining armor.” More than once you have told me things I have valued about myself, but no one else seemed to. And yes, we laugh our pants off, don’t we? Your laughter buoys me, and I thank you for not calling me arrogant when we finally met on the phone.

And by the way, the mods who were involved in the banning incident owe you an apology. You had done nothing wrong except have the screen name “Mrs. S.” And though you were allowed back on the board, it wasn’t made clear to everyone that banning you had been a mistake. But selfishly, I have to admit I was glad it happened; otherwise, I think we would have never discovered each other. And we are hot!


SusieSA: One day I messaged you, and you messaged back, and soon we were talking almost daily in chat. You were very sweet to me, and let me into your life, which actually surprised, but delighted me. I loved how you gushed over the “little man,” and I felt very special when you said I could be his “honorary grandmother,” which just cracked me up. You are, without a doubt, the best mother I have ever seen

Then there came a day when I was hurting really bad, and you saw it, and you were there for me. I hope you remember this, as it meant the world to me. I know I don’t always show you how much I care about you, and I regret this, as it’s sometimes difficult for me. But my feelings for you are heartfelt, and I thank you for letting me into your life, and for being there in the worst moment I’ve had on the board. You will always be my Susie Patootie, even though you’re not the youngster I thought you were.


Snow. I bet no one thought you’d be on my list, but the truth is I loved sparring with you! And you can correct me if I’m wrong, but while you could be wicked with your insults, I always felt it was a game that you hoped I’d catch onto. You were soooo over the top in response to my posts that I knew you were toying with me.

It was like we were fencing, parrying back and forth, and we both scored points. And after some time, there was a day when hurt feelings were healed, and it was a tender moment for me. So thank you for making me think on my toes, and for making me laugh when you’d be hammering me, but suddenly tell me to go to bed! And I thank you especially for loving Paul Potts as much as I did!


Vanilla. You just came from out of the blue, sent me a message, and then every time you’d come online you’d message me to come into chat. I can’t tell you how flattered I was. You made me feel special, especially when you would tell me things like how excited you were to go to the temple with your family. I also enjoyed talking about movies, and have almost made it through your list of favorites. I think I lost you at “Once” ;), but that’s okay. I still get very excited when you come into chat, and I thank you for letting me share in your ups and downs.


Hanne: You were also one of my first friends on the site, and I loved talking to you. You were so funny when I’d say something that you interpreted to mean something very different. It made the whole chat room laugh, and eventually you would be laughing as well. I’ll never forget meeting you in person, and seeing you were exactly the gorgeous woman I thought you were, inside and out. Thank you for your quirkiness, which always delighted me.


Moksha: I’ve told you a few times how, for the past five years, I had seen your posts on other sites, and how they just slayed me, as you are so clever! I don’t think you’ve written one post that didn’t amuse me.

Additionally, the e-mails you send me just crack me up. You are a man of few words, but I do feel special when you send me an e-mail that says "Hi." I’m laughing right now thinking about it. So I thank you for wanting to be my friend, as I don’t think that is easy for you to do. And by the way, you will ALWAYS be in trouble!


Prison Chaplain: You have been a gentle and kind person to me, so much so that I have shared things with you that only a few people know about me. I trust you implicitly, and trust is not something I have a whole lot of. I specifically remember one post you wrote to me where you said you ached for me because I did not have a spiritual connection with God. I was very moved that you would feel this way, and I thank you for caring enough for me that you did ache.


Acez: I learned a very hard, but priceless lesson from you, and I promise you I will never forget it. And because of what you taught me, if I ever find myself in the situation again, I will make different choices. I thank you for this.


Beccalisimo! Do you remember that night we first “met”? We talked all night long, and you were absolutely hilarious. You make me laugh and laugh and laugh. And I was so happy you decided to be my friend, as you usually sat in the background in chat, or at least you did when I was there. But once we were friends, you always pounced me with that hug, and I loved it. And who else but you would come up with PHABBYPANTS! :animatedlol:

So be forewarned: When you come out in April, I am going to throw myself on top of you and hug you like you’ve never been hugged before. You are a darling, and I thank you for all of the fun you bring into my life.


Gwen: You know, everyone thinks you are so sweet and innocent. Ha! You are one hilarious vixen, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoy talking to you, even when you’re complaining my ear off! There is something about you that I can’t quite grasp, but when I see you pop up in a private message in chat, my heart does a loop-de-loop as I am so happy.

And how SPECIAL did I feel when you sent me my “Florida Party.” Oh my gosh, I’m gonna pee my pants I’m laughing so hard. Thank you for being the clever, wise, and profound woman who delights me so much.


a-train: You would have no way of knowing this, but you mean the world to me. If you were here, you’d see the tears streaming down my face. You are so gifted with words, and one day I had the immense pleasure of a message from you that honestly changed me. In fact, I had to read it a few times to make sure what I was seeing was real. Then I would just sit with it, and let it sink in, because, a, NO ONE had ever said to me what you did. Please take me seriously when I say this. I have tried to write you back a number of times to tell you the profound experience I had reading it, but I can’t find the words. And I am good with words, but when I think of your message, they fail me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Siouxz: My dear Anne, with an "e." You, my love, are a healer, and you have healed parts of me that I truly thought were dead forever. You took me under your wing, and held me there until I felt safe, and I hadn’t felt safe from years. You glow with life and love, and are pure joy.

And you're funnier than a honking pig! I will NEVER forget the birthday party you threw for me. NEVER! It seriously was one of the best birthdays I have ever had. In fact, when you were inviting people to my “party,“ I could not imagine how you could pull it off online. Little did I know that you were so clever! My favorite part was the YouTubes you chose to play, with all of us watching it at the same time. At least I think you were. :animatedlol: I know I was, and it was a pitiful sight. I was in bed, rocking out to “Burn baby Burn, Disco Inferno," and loving it.

Oh wait, that’s not my favorite part. My favorite part was my TIARA!!!!

I also will never forget the first time I met you in person, how you took my hand and held it. (Okay, now I’m blubbering.) Again, I felt so safe with you, and I knew, for a few moments, that I was going to be all right. And because of you, those moments grow. You are my kindred spirit, and I thank you so much for accepting me for who I am, warts and all. Love, your Diana.


Ghostrider: Ex, my son. It was your first day in chat, and you absolutely charmed me with your cowboy poetry. I loved it! And then, when you talked with me for, gosh, three hours? I loved that as well, and soon I came to adore you. And when you decided to join the Church, I wished so much we lived close to each other, because I would have loved to have been there with you. The bottom line: You are just so freaking nice!, and I thank you for listening to an old lady and liking her as well. Oh, I also thank you for ALWAYS writing “MOM!!!!!!!“ when I come into chat. It is so cute!


Checker: I always liked you, even when you couldn’t stand me. I really enjoyed your personality, and when we were in chat, I would try so hard to make you like me, but it just wasn’t happening! And I really don’t know what happened, but one day you came around and discovered what an amazing person I am (:rolleyes:), and from then on, you have made me feel so happy, because you LIKE ME. YOU REALLY LIKE ME!

What I love about you is your creativity. Having been in the business, I can spot someone who understands design, and you do. I also am so amazed that you are an actor, and that you put yourself out there. I’d be scared spitless!

What I love about you the most is your honesty. You have helped me understand how incredibly hard it is to have an addiction that almost ruined your life. Maybe you think it did as it played a large part in the loss of your marriage. And I have always felt your grief over that, and wished it would go away, and you could be at peace.

Finally Checker, you are freaking adorable! YOU NEED TO MOVE! You need to find a ward with “wimmen” in it, because you would be pounced on in a second. I’ll have to tell you the truth--when I knew I was going to meet you, I didn’t expect you to be so cute! I think you’d even said some things in chat where you didn’t feel that attractive. WRONG! Just get out of Idaho, and I promise you, you’re going to find her.


Honor: You just stole my heart when I met you, and I can’t wait to know you better. There was just something about you, and I can’t put my finger on it yet. It’s my intuition that’s telling me we could be great friends. And we have talked enough that I know you would like that as well. So thank you, in advance, for letting us be friends, because I know it will be, as Siouxz always says, “Greatness”!


Pale: Who’dathunkit? Out of everyone here, you disliked me the most. And you REALLY disliked me, and the feeling was mutual! Recently I went back and read some of our first posts, and I just cringed at some of the things we said to each other. If someone had told me we would become such good friends, my jaw would have dropped and I’d be speechless. And I’m NEVER speechless. Luckily, for me, you punched a hole in your wall, and from then on we slowly got to know each other, and today, I count you as a dear friend.

Unfortunately, Strawberry insists your hers, and she won’t share. But she does, especially when we’re having a threesome in Messenger! Thank you for being a kind and forgiving man, and for your friendship. (I still shake my head over us being friends! :animatedlol:)


And finally, my Strawberry. My dearest friend who has brought such joy to my life. I’ll never forget the day you sent me a message because you liked a post I had written. I was shocked, and yet, very happy! I felt so proud that STRAWBERRY had written to ME. I just could not figure out What the Heck Happened, because you were another person who didn‘t really like me. In fact, you were afraid of me because “Elphaba“ was a witch! You wuss!

But from that day on, for months, we talked to each other every night. In fact, I would get a thrill when you’d show up in Messenger and type “Suga“ to see if I was there. And it amazed me how quickly, in fact, overnight, we were not only friends, but really close friends. And then even more amazing to me, we grew to love each other. I felt like I was the luckiest person on the board.

So, the day finally came when I met you in person last November. We talked for, I think, a couple of hours in your car. And THEN! You started doing donuts in the parking lot!!!! I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then laughed some more. Okay, maybe not donuts, but you kept making these freaky turns, and I swear there were a few times when we were only on two wheels!

This was also when your father, your hero, was dying, and I ached for you in your grief. Yet, I was so moved by how much you loved him, and how you did whatever it took to be with him at the end. I wanted so badly to take away your pain, but we both knew I couldn’t. But I also knew I did help you a little, and I was so glad you let me. It took me out of my own pity party, and it made me feel human again.

You are so gut-busting funny. How many times have we been on line, laughing so hard we can barely type? Even your husband wanted to know what was so funny, and you know, I don’t think we could have explained it. It was You and Me, and WE are funny! After all, who but you could get away with pulling my hair, or calling me Cinderella? And if you EVER tell anyone about the other night, you’re dead meat.

Strawberry, I love you with all of my heart and would do anything for you. So I thank you for loving me MORE, and no matter what, I will always love you MOREST!


Well, that’s it for now. I’m sure I’ll think of more, and hopefully no one will be angry at me for writing a book. I am not as concise as you all have been. But I feel so good that I’ve been able to express how grateful I am to these people, and THANK YOU Iggy for starting this thread.

Love to all,


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For Pam, for always keeping me up to date on what's going on and always being able to count on her. I don't know where I would be or where LDS.net would be without her love and dedication. I'm so grateful for all the countless hours she puts in so I can continue to work on other websites and projects. Pam you are a life savor!

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