Poll: Evolution


What are your thoughts on evolution?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your thoughts on evolution?

    • I believe that all the diverse species we see today are related and a product of evolution.
    • I believe that evolution allows for species to evolve new traits, but new species cannot emerge.
    • I believe that genetic mutations can cause minor cosmetic changes, but not new and useful traits.
    • I believe that evolution is the tool by which God guided the creation of all species.
    • I believe that evolution is pure scientific dogma and each species was created directly by God.
    • My view is not represented here and I will post it below.

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^HiJolly beat me to it.

Theory does not mean the same thing in science as it does in normal conversations.

Evolution, in some forms, is scientific fact. This is not up for dispute no matter how many times one argues the semantics of the word "theory".

How far the hand of evolution has reached however, can (and should) be disputed. Nobody knows for sure how far it has gone at this point.

I voted for tool of the Lord. To me, his usage of evolution only further proves the immense artistry heavenly father put into creating this world.

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no offense intended but:

I think its totally silly to think that god waited around on evolution. If we terraformed mars today we would bypass that entire process. We would start by separating the land and waters, then we would seed algae and so on following the Genesis model. God ORGANIZED the earth, and that is beyond our technological abilities, but evolution is not. We "play god" with dna and gene splicing, so how does God "play god"?

I can bake a basic sponge and make a basic quilt in less than 2 hours and they are good the cake tastes fine and the quilt looks good - but they are not the best I can do and are far from the best end product. Its something we learn frequently during our time on Earth that patience is a virtue and just because you can do something fast does not make it the best way to achieve something. I believe this is a lesson the Lord teaches us again, and again,

It also seems very compartmentalized and arrogant to think of the many things the Savior has done and then to put His creation into the box of evolution.

Not even scientists state the Earth its geology and all its people came about just through evolution.

Do I believe in Evolution, sure, in micro-evolution. Macro? I don't know, as there is not near enough evidence to take an account of, and it doesn't match with "spheres". Not that it matters. Evolution could be true, and it still does not mean life evolved from a common ancestor on this earth.

I also believe in worlds without end. If you owned (and were capable of managing) worlds without end, would you wait till evolution produced a body in your express image to place your spirit children in?

If evolution produced the most stable and beautiful product. I do not believe in quick fix parenting and some of my methods take longer but imo have much better results in the long run. And to a point we have observed evolution occuring in God's creation both spiritually and physically


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I want to vote twice!! (because *I'm* special!)

FIRST: I believe that all the diverse species we see today are related and a product of evolution


Yup - I do!

SECOND: I believe that evolution is the tool by which God guided the creation of all species.



...and I totally despise ID theory. Not because I don't think God is involved in evolution, but because ID tries to sneak out from the Religion 'sandbox' and into the Science 'sandbox' without getting caught. Bad boy!!

God's influence, power, spirit, etc. is completely in and through all (ALL) creation. SATURATES it all. We just don't have the scientific tools to detect it, and I rather doubt that we ever will. Maybe someday.


I believe evolution goes far beyond the creation of life - I believe that even death is a type of evolution, as is growing and ageing. I also believe that being born again begins a type of spiritual evolution.

The Traveler

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I go for "life from life"

origins debate is useless, there is no origin.

Immortal intelligences, life has always been and always will be.

COSMIC ANCESTRY: The modern version of panspermia. by Brig Klyce

Physical evolution does not interest me so much… spiritual evolution does.

Intelligence are eternal therefor the origin of the (any) species should not be debated?

Can you say: non-sequitar?

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. Macro? I don't know, as there is not near enough evidence to take an account of, and it doesn't match with "spheres".

If that is so, why do you think that the vast scientific consensus believes that there is enough evidence?

Are you more informed?

Are they lying?

Are you delusional?

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Ceeboo.......I couldn't agree more. I find comments on this thread and the thread about possession to be condescending and rude. Elitist comments and references to one's educational backround or lack off are uncalled for.......but what do I know....just some ramblings from an opinionated Mormon from the deep south where people tend to be a bit more polite and bring manners into conversations....unless we're talking college football....then the gloves come off.:D Edited by bytor2112
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Ceeboo.......I couldn't agree more. I find comments on this thread and the thread about possession to be condescending and rude. Elitist comments and references to one's educational backround or lack off are uncalled for.......but what do I know....just some ramblings from an opinionated Mormon from the deep south where people tend to be a bit more polite and bring manners into conversations....unless we're talking college fotball....then the gloves come off.:D

Mr. bytor ( Notice the respect offered :lol:)

Yes indeed Sir, it truly is opportunity to share completly over shadowed and lost for all.

At any rate I do appreciate you FINALLY coming around and starting to agree with my northern Catholic thoughts :)



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Ok, I think that God certainly could have and probably did use evolution, but why limit him to that?

We can see evidences of evolution, in lots of areas. Animal breeders can select for characteristics that they prefer and come up with a different style of animal or "improve" a breed to be what they want it to be. It's an excruciatingly slow process, but it works. Even for animal breeders, they can speed up the process a lot by finding what they want someplace else and importing it.

Yeah, I think God used evolution as a tool. But not exclusively, and not all here, or even all someplace else. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden. They came from somewhere. I would guess that God brought enough variety of animals, plants, etc. here from someplace else so that they could develop into the varieties that He hoped to have on this Earth.

I rather like the concept of evolution. Who hasn't felt an idea evolve into something better than it started out to be? As individuals, aren't we evolving into who we are meant to be? Evolution is a process of growth and change for the better. Isn't that what God is all about? But I don't think that we understand all that there is to understand.

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Hey Snow

May I suggest you start offering a small degree of respect to others here :)

God bless,


You can suggest it. I won't pay much attention to it.

Besides, I just reread my posts and there is nothing wrong with them. It's not a matter of respect. The posts are neither respectful nor disrespectful. They are just blunt. You seem to want something warm and fuzzy which is different than respect.

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my viewpoint is Evolution happens thats a fact and I firmly believe it is capable of all Darwin and others since have supposed - however I don't believe it is how our particular group of humans and organisms on our planet now came into being.


This is what I believe. At least for Adam and Eve- I believe they were probably born of parents on another planet and then placed on this one.

I believe all the animals and fossils and whatnot we find on this planet also probably came from other planets.

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Ceeboo.......I couldn't agree more. I find comments on this thread and the thread about possession to be condescending and rude. Elitist comments and references to one's educational backround or lack off are uncalled for.......but what do I know....just some ramblings from an opinionated Mormon from the deep south where people tend to be a bit more polite and bring manners into conversations....unless we're talking college football....then the gloves come off.:D

Well let's be fair, some kinds of people believe that magical invisible creatures enter into your body and take control of you, and some don't. Likewise, some kinds believe in evolution...

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no offense intended but:

I think its totally silly to think that god waited around on evolution. If we terraformed mars today we would bypass that entire process. We would start by separating the land and waters, then we would seed algae and so on following the Genesis model. God ORGANIZED the earth, and that is beyond our technological abilities, but evolution is not. We "play god" with dna and gene splicing, so how does God "play god"?

It also seems very compartmentalized and arrogant to think of the many things the Savior has done and then to put His creation into the box of evolution.

Do I believe in Evolution, sure, in micro-evolution. Macro? I don't know, as there is not near enough evidence to take an account of, and it doesn't match with "spheres". Not that it matters. Evolution could be true, and it still does not mean life evolved from a common ancestor on this earth.

I also believe in worlds without end. If you owned (and were capable of managing) worlds without end, would you wait till evolution produced a body in your express image to place your spirit children in?

I think the scriptures make it clear that God's ways and his time are not ours. I can't begin to comprehend the process by which it takes to make an earth, let alone to form human flesh and all the rest of life on this planet. Watching the movie "Planet Earth" is enough to move me to a place of awe and wonder. I think if all of us could see from God's view we would realize how limited and even puny our human thought processes and field of reference really is.

I am reminded of some reflections from the prophet Moses (in the Pearl) after he had been shown some of the vast creations of God.

The scripture says..." And it came to pass that it was for the space of many hours before Moses did again receive his natural strength like unto man; and he said unto himself: Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed."

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You can suggest it. I won't pay much attention to it.

Besides, I just reread my posts and there is nothing wrong with them. It's not a matter of respect. The posts are neither respectful nor disrespectful. They are just blunt. You seem to want something warm and fuzzy which is different than respect.

Hello and good morning Snow :)

I am encouraged to see that our friendship is starting to move in a mutually rewarding direction.:)

I am humbled and honored by your presence here and do appreciate the manner you choose to engage and educate many of us.:) I have been truly touched by the last several contributions you have shared on this board, thanks for that:)

I look forward to your future lessons, as well as the precious communication skills you are willing to display for my benefit.

Peace and God bless,


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I don't know that this furthers the conversation at all, but when I was in college (Anthropology 101), my professor showed us a letter sent from "The Church" back in the 70's stating that "The Church" has no formal stand on evolution...

That being said, I can't see how evolution, to some extent, can be denied by anyone. The modern housefly has evolved into a being tolerant of most all pesticides applied at normal rate... Examples abound...

Edited by Prodigal_Son
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If that is so, why do you think that the vast scientific consensus believes that there is enough evidence?

Are you more informed?

Are they lying?

Are you delusional?

LOL, @ vast scientific consensus.

is this then the new standard of truth? so I guess Al Gore is right?

Science, in its pure sense, is strictly the search for truth.

Religion, in its pure sense, is strictly the search for truth.

So, the more truth we know, the closer these two will be.

Science, in its corrupt form, is a form of religion.

Religion, in a corrupt form, claims to be science.

Science and religion can both be corrupt and misleading, taking people away from truth instead of towards it.

I would say while science has brought us much truth, it now worships the god of money, and its political agenda, its priests wear black robes, and yes, they lie.

Are you more informed?

Are they lying?

Are you delusional?

these are not my only options. but..

informed with what? truth? lies? relativism? but for the most part the answer is YES.

do men lie for gain? who is in charge of the money? this of course does not mean everyone is a liar, but science has a tendency to produce the results favorable to the desires of the source of funding. those sources also tend to publish the MOST favorable results and to sweep under the table the undesired results. Truth is now sacrificed on the altar of funding. is that a lie? a flaxen cord?

does trusting in God make me delusional? if so then yes, I am.

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Well let's be fair, some kinds of people believe that magical invisible creatures enter into your body and take control of you, and some don't. Likewise, some kinds believe in evolution...

I rather enjoy reading opinions that differ from my own and while I may not believe that a child can be "possessed", I do believe that we battle against unseen evils..... and organic evolution doesn't square with Holy writ.......but I am open to the idea that it occurred on some sphere before the creation and the fall...pre-edenic.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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I want to vote twice!! (because *I'm* special!)

FIRST: I believe that all the diverse species we see today are related and a product of evolution


Yup - I do!

SECOND: I believe that evolution is the tool by which God guided the creation of all species.



...and I totally despise ID theory. Not because I don't think God is involved in evolution, but because ID tries to sneak out from the Religion 'sandbox' and into the Science 'sandbox' without getting caught. Bad boy!!

God's influence, power, spirit, etc. is completely in and through all (ALL) creation. SATURATES it all. We just don't have the scientific tools to detect it, and I rather doubt that we ever will. Maybe someday.



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Did man evolve to look the way he does today? or has he always looked the same, from the beginning of his existence on this gods earth, remember this little quote, "man was created in gods image".

Can one believe in the evolution of man, and still believe in heavenly father?

We are created in God's image In the Old Testament God said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness" (Genesis 1:26)

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